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01x13 - Truck Rangers

Posted: 09/29/22 19:06
by bunniefuu
♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

- [whistles]
- Arr!




- [laughs] Right?
- Yes.


Hang on.



♪ Truck Rangers

Hi, I'm Blaze,
and that's my best friend A.J.

Check it out.

We're Truck Rangers.

When you're a Truck Ranger,
you get to wear special hats

and do cool stuff in the woods,
like row boats...


And roast marshmallows.

Now, that's
s'more like it.


We even get to sleep
in tents.


I'll help you.

[engine revving]

Thank you,
Ranger Blaze.

[trumpet fanfare]

[gasps] Look.

Gather round,
Truck Rangers.

That's our friend Gabby.

She's the Truck Rangers
troop leader.

Okay, Truck Rangers,
I hope you're ready,

because I have a big surprise.

What is it, Gabby?

Today's the day you get to earn

Super Ranger badges.

[all gasping]

Ohh. Cool.

I want one of those.

Zeg too!

How do we get them,Gabby?

Well, this first one
is a super frog-finding badge.

To earn it,
you've got to search a deep,

dark cave and find
a croaking cave frog.


This is a super
mountain climbing badge,

and you can only get
it by climbing

the tallest mountain
in the forest.


And finally, the most
special badge of them all:

the super bravery badge.


How do we earn that one?

I can only give this badge
to a Ranger

who does something really,
really brave.

Which badge are you
gonna try for?

- You like that one?
- I kind of like that one.

I want to try and get me
that mountain climbing badge.

Ooh, and I want
the frog-finding badge.

So, Blaze, which badge
are you gonna try and get?

Hmm, I don't know.

They're all so cool.

Maybe I can earn
all of them.


That's gonna be tough,

but if anyone can do it,
you can.

Aw, thanks, Gabby.


Hey, there,
Ranger Crusher.

You seem happy
about something.

Oh, I am,
Ranger Pickle.

I just thought of a plan to get
all those Super Ranger badges.

Is your plan to work hard
and earn them?


I'm gonna get those badges
by cheating.




Truck Rangers,

go out there
and earn those badges!

[all cheering]

We'd better hurry
if we want to earn

all three Super Ranger badges.

Hey, I know.

Let's use blazing speed.

To give me blazing speed,
say, "Let's blaze!"

Let's blaze!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

♪ Come on, let's go

♪ We're ready to roll

♪ Full speed ahead

♪ Ready, get set

♪ Go!

♪ Time for adventure

♪ Let's go

♪ Faster and faster

♪ Let's go

♪ Pedal to the metal

♪ Let's go

♪ We can be the hero

♪ Let's go

♪ Come on, let's go

[tires squealing]

All right, time to earn
some Super Ranger badges.

This first badge
is a super frog-finding badge,

but to earn it,

we have to spot
a croaking cave frog,

the hardest frog to find
in the whole world.

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

Hang on, Blaze.

I hear something.

[leaves rustling]

Ribbit, ribbit.

Where are you?

That's not a croaking cave frog.


It's our friend Stripes.

Oh, hi, guys.

I've been looking all over
for that croaking cave frog,

but I can't find him anywhere.

Hey, don't worry.

We'll help you look.

Yeah, we can find him together.

All right!

Gribbit, gribbit.

I hear his croaking.

Me too.

Gribbit, gribbit.

If only we could figure out
where the sound is coming from.

I think I know a way.

Switching to Visor-View.

show us sound waves.

Gribbit, gribbit.

See those wavy lines?

Those are sound waves.

Gribbit, gribbit.

Yeah, whenever something
makes a sound,

it sends out an invisible wave,

and when that wave
touches your ear...

- Gribbit, gribbit.
- You hear the sound.

Gribbit, gribbit.

Whoa, I can see the frog's
croaking sound.

Gribbit, gribbit.

And it's coming
from that cave!

Gribbit, gribbit.

The croaking cave frog
must be inside.

Come on.

Gribbit, gribbit.

[engines revving]

Hmm, I wonder
which way we go now.

We have to keep following
the frog's sound waves.

When you hear his croaking,
look for a sound wave.

Gribbit, gribbit.

Which tunnel did the sound wave
come from?

That blue tunnel.

The croaking cave frog
is this way.

Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Yeah!

Check it out,
more tunnels.

Help us figure out
which way to go.

Look for the sound wave.

Gribbit, gribbit.

Which tunnel did the sound wave
come from?

The green tunnel.

Whoa! Whoo-hoo!



more tunnels.

Watch for the frog's sound wave.

Gribbit, gribbit.

Which tunnel did the sound wave
come from?

The purple tunnel,

This way.

[trucks vrooming]

Hey, look,
a pond with lily pads.

Wait a second.

This must be the
croaking cave frog's home.

Where's the croaking cave frog?


Yeah, there he is!

Gribbit, gribbit.

We found him!

Gribbit, gribbit.



Gribbit, gribbit.

Hey, guys,
I think the croaking cave frog

wants us to play with him.

little froggy.

Lead the way.


[upbeat music]

♪ There's an invisible wave

♪ Sound waves

♪ When something makes a sound

♪ But when that wave
touches your ear ♪

♪ Sound waves

♪ Well, that's when
you hear the sound ♪

♪ Sound waves

♪ A soft sound has an amplitude
that's small ♪


♪ A loud sound has
has an amplitude that's tall ♪

[snoring and sputtering]

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ There's an invisible wave

♪ Sound waves

♪ When something makes a sound

♪ But when that wave
touches your ear ♪

♪ Sound waves

♪ Well, that's when
you hear the sound ♪

♪ Sound waves



[trumpet fanfare]

it's troop leader Gabby.

Truck Rangers.

♪ Truck Rangers

[croaking musically]


For finding
the croaking cave frog,

you've earned three
super frog-finding badges,

one for Blaze...

All right.

One for Stripes...


And one for you,

Thanks, Gabby.


So long,
croaking cave frog.

We've got to go so we can earn
more Ranger badges.


- Good-bye.
- See you, croaking cave frog.

Gribbit, gribbit.

Okay, Crusher,

time to earn
a super frog-finding badge.

What do you say?

Nah, too much work.

I've got a better idea.

Let's get the badge
by cheating.

[Crusher laughs]

I'm gonna catch
the croaking cave frog

with this animal grabber.

♪ I'm gonna catch
a little frog ♪

♪ You can't hide from me,
me, me ♪

It worked.

Huh, that sure is
a strange frog.

I mean, it's got a black tail
and a white stripe and...


It smells kind of funny.


That doesn't sound like a frog.

That sounds like...

a stinky skunk!

Phew, phew, phew,
phew, phew, phew, phew, phew.



[engines revving]

we've got one badge,

but I want to earn all three.

Hey, A.J., what's next?

Next is a
super mountain climbing badge.

To earn it,
we've got to climb

the tallest mountain
in the forest.

Help me look for
the tallest mountain.

Which mountain is the tallest?

Yeah, that's the mountain
we've got to climb.

give me some speed.

Ya-hoo! Yeah.

Hey, that's our friend Starla.

She's trying to get the super
mountain climbing badge too.


Great climbing,

Yeah, you go, cowgirl!

Thanks, fellers.

I'm almost at the top.


Bust my bumpers.

This rock sure is small!

Uh-oh, Starla's in trouble.

She slipped off
because that rock was too small.

We've got to get up there
and save her,

but we need to be careful

and only climb on rocks
that are big enough.

Switching to Visor-View.

That rock is 8 meters long.

And I'm 4 meters.

Will I fit on that rock?

8 meters is bigger than 4.

Hang on, A.J.


All right!
Plenty of room.


I'm not sure how much longer
I can hang on.

let's look for another rock

that's bigger than 4 meters
so I can climb higher.

That rock up there is 2 meters,
and I'm 4 meters.

Will I fit on that rock?

No, it's too small.

Try another rock,

This rock is 6 meters.

Will I fit on this rock?



- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

Hurry, y'all.

I'm slippin'.

we have to get higher.

That rock up there is 3 meters,
and Blaze is 4.

Will Blaze fit?

it's not long enough.

let's measure somewhere else.

This rock is 5 meters.

Will I fit on this rock?


give me some speed.


Yippee ka--whoa!


You saved me.

Now it's my turn to help you.

grab on to my lasso.

Whoo! Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Blaze, A.J.,
check us out.

We're on top of the mountain.

All right.

Good work,
Truck Rangers.

[trumpet fanfare]


It's trooper leader Gabby.

Truck Rangers.

♪ Truck Rangers

That was very impressive

And since you all made it
to the top of this mountain,

you've earned
super mountain climbing badges.


We did it!

All right.

So now that we've climbed
this mountain,

how are we supposed to
get down?

That's easy.

Just do what I do.

[upbeat twangy music]

This a-way,
Truck Rangers.


Here we go.



Okay, Ranger Crusher,
you ready to start climbing?

Nah, I know a much
easier way to earn

a super mountain
climbing badge.


With this machine,

I can launch myself
right to the top.

But, Crusher,
isn't that cheating?

You bet it is.


Yes, I'm almost there.

Nothing can stop me
from getting to the top now.

I just...



Something up here really stinks.


The stinky skunk!

Phew, phew, phew,
phew, phew, phew, phew, phew.




Well, that was fast.


Oh, it's not fair, Pickle.

I keep cheating and cheating,

but it hasn't gotten me
my Super Ranger badges.



[engines revving]

Oh, cheer up,

There's got to be some badge
you could earn.


Well, there is one badge
I was hoping to get,

the super bravery badge.

The super bravery badge?

But, Crusher, that's
the hardest badge to earn.


I'm not gonna earn it.

I'm gonna steal it
with this...

My robo bear!

this can't be good.

Oh, don't worry, Pickle.

The robo bear
will do anything I say

as long as I say it
with music.

Hey, robo bear,
listen to this.

♪ Robo bear, robo bear,
one, two, three ♪

♪ Steal that badge,
and give it to me ♪

A bear! Ahh! A bear!

Let's get out of here.


Crusher made a robo bear to
steal the super bravery badge.

♪ The robo bear does
whatever I say ♪

♪ When I make music,
the bear will obey ♪

To stop the bear,

we need to make music
that's louder than Crusher's.

That will make the bear
listen to us instead.

[light guitar music]

Uh-oh, this electric guitar
is not as loud

as Crusher's accordion.

I know something that can make
our guitar louder:

an amplifier.

Amplifiers take sounds
and make them super loud.

[loud guitar music]

Come on.
Let's build one.

we need a patch cord.

It carries music from the guitar
to the amplifier.

To make the patch cord,
say, "Patch cord."

Patch cord!


Now we need speakers.

Speakers blast out sound waves

so that you can hear
the music.

To build the speakers,
say, "Speakers."


we need a volume knob.

When you turn the volume knob,

it makes the sound waves
get bigger

and the music louder.

To make the volume knob,
say, "Volume knob."

Volume knob!

That's it.

I'm an amplifier
Monster Machine!

Time to rock.

[upbeat rock music]

♪ Stop, bear, stop,
listen to my song ♪

♪ Put the badge back
where it belongs ♪

Oh, wow!

Look at that,

Blaze's music is even louder
than yours.


Well, let's see him
play louder than this.

♪ Don't listen, bear

♪ My music's louder

♪ No way, Crusher

♪ I got amplified power

Come on.

We've got to help Blaze
make the loudest music yet.

The amplifier volume
is at 4,

but we can make it
go up to 11

and get super loud.

Count to 11 with me.

Start at 4.

4, 5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10, 11.

[wailing guitar music]



[cheers and laughter]

Yeah, we rocked!





You did it,

Blaze stopped bear.

You were so brave.

Thanks, everyone.

I'm just glad
the super bravery badge

is back where it belongs.

the super bravery badge

belongs somewhere else now.


Ranger Blaze,
you were super brave

standing up to
that robo bear.

And for that,
you deserve this.

[all gasping]

You did it,

You earned
the super bravery badge.

I got all three badges.

[all cheering]

Truck Rangers,
it's time to celebrate.

[upbeat rock music]

Oh, yeah, Blaze.

Dude, you rock!


Hey, Crusher, heh,
aren't you gonna dance?

Oh, I don't feel like dancing.

I'm too tired.

I'm just gonna lay down here
and take a rest.

Uh, Crusher, heh,
um, small problem.

I think someone else
is already napping there.

Pshh, oh, yeah?


The stinky skunk!


Phew, phew, phew,
phew, phew, phew, phew, phew.


♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines