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02x09 - Sneezing Cold

Posted: 09/29/22 19:12
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go, let's blaze ♪

[engine revving]

- Yeah! - [laughing]

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah, all right!

[tires squealing]

- Hey, I'm Blaze.

- I'm A.J. - And I'm Gabby.

all: Whoa, whoa!

[both laugh]

- This forest is one of our favorite places to go driving.

- Get ready.

Here comes a jump!

- Hey, Blaze, see if you can do a flip.

- Oh, yeah!

Do you want to see me do a flip?

All right!

Hang on!

[engine revving]

[horn honks rhythmically] Wahoo!

- Whoo! - Yeah!

- Nice one, Blaze.

- A perfect landing.

- Yeah, that was aw--aw-- [engine revving]


- Whoa, you okay, Blaze?

- Oh, sure. It was only a sneeze.

Just one little--

[engine revs] [sneezes]

Gaskets. I keep sneezing.

[engine revs] [sneezes]

- Here, Blaze, let me take a look.

Stick out your tongue and say, "Ah."

- Ah.

Ah-ah-ah-- [engine revs]


- Just as I thought.

Blaze, you've got the sneezles.

both: The sneezles?

- What's that, Gabby?

- It's a cold that Monster Machines get.

It makes them sneeze like crazy.

[engine revs] - [sneezes]

- But don't worry, Blaze.

I've got just the thing to fix you.

Medicine oil.

One sip of medicine oil and your sneezles will be gone.

- [slurps]

[lilting music]

Hey, look, I'm not sneezing any more.

[laughs] You did it, Gabby.


Your medicine oil cured my sneezles.

- [laughs] - Yep, he looks better to me.

[communicator ringing]

Hang on, guys. Someone's calling us.

[communicator beeps]

- Blaze, A.J., Gabby!

- Hey, it's Pickle.

- What's going on, Pickle?

- Something very strange is happening.

Everyone is sneezing.

- [sneezes]

- Wa-wah--



[quirky upbeat music]

- [sneezes]


- Yee--


- [giggles]

Check it out, Pickle.

Everyone's sneezing except for me.

[grumbles] - Except for who?

- I said,

"Ha, ha.

Everyone's sneezing except for me--

[engine revs] Ah-ah-ah--


- Gesundheit.

[communicator beeps]

- Oh, no.

All those Monster Machines have the sneezles.

Just like you did, Blaze.

- Hey, Gabby, can your medicine oil

get rid of their sneezles too?

- You bet it can.

- Well, come on, then.

Let's bring the medicine oil to our friends.

[upbeat music]

- We'd better hurry.

We're a long way from the Monster Dome.

- A.J., give me some speed.

[engine revs] [tires squeal]

- ♪ Come on let's hit the road ♪

♪ Get ready, here we go ♪

- ♪ Here we go - One, two, three...

both: ♪ Let's blaze ♪

♪ Let's blaze ♪

- ♪ Come on and follow me

- Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Gi-gi-give me some speed

- Yeah! - One, two, three...

both: ♪ Let's blaze ♪

♪ Let's blaze ♪

- ♪ One, two, three, and four

♪ Kick the pedal to the floor

♪ Seven, eight both: ♪ Let's blaze ♪

[upbeat rock music]

- Looks like to get to our friends,

we're gonna have to climb up this waterfall.

- But Blaze, we can't climb up water.

[wind whistling]

- Hmm.

Or maybe we can.

Let's check my thermometer.

See this red line?

When it goes down, that means it's getting colder.

Right now, the red line is at .

But look, it's getting colder.

The red line is going down

to ten, five...

[gasps] It stopped at this number.

What number is this?

Zero, yeah.

It's zero degrees Celsius.

- Brr, zero degrees Celsius.


Hey, that's the temperature that water freezes

and changes into ice.

[ice crackling]

both: Whoa.

- Look, the waterfall is freezing.

- And now that the water's changed to ice,

we can climb up the falls.

- Ready? Launch!

- All right, let's climb.

[all grunting]

[all laughing]

- Whoa.

[ice crackling]


That icicle above A.J. is cracking.

[ice cracking]

Watch out, A.J.!

- Whoa.

Thanks for warning me.

- Let's keep climbing, but be careful, everyone.

Help us watch for more falling icicles.

[ice cracking] - Uh-oh.

Sounds like another icicle is about to break.

- Is the icicle gonna fall

on Gabby, me, or A.J.?

Gabby, yeah.

Watch out, Gabby!

- [grunts]

Missed me.

- Way to go, Gabby.

- Keep on the lookout for more falling ice.

- I hear another icicle breaking.

[ice cracking]

Is the icicle going to hit Gabby, Blaze, or me?


Look out, Blaze!

- Whoa! Ha!

Missed again!

- All right!

Hey, look!

We're almost at the top.

[ice cracking] - Hubcaps.

Sounds like another icicle is about to fall.

- Is it going to fall on me, Blaze, or A.J.?



- Whoa!

[grunts] Thanks, guys.

[engine revving]

- Whoo! - [laughs]

- Yeah! - All right!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- We made it to the top!

- Great climbing, everyone.

- Hey, check it out.

There's ice all over this mountaintop.

- You know what that means.

- Getting down from here is gonna be a fun ride.

[tires squealing] - Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Water turns to ice when it starts to freeze ♪

♪ 'Cause zero degrees Celsius means ♪

all: ♪ It's freezing, freezing ♪

- ♪ When it's zero degrees, water's gonna freeze ♪

all: ♪ Freezing, freezing, whoa ♪

- ♪ It's getting c-c-cold ♪

all: ♪ Zero, oh, oh, oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

- ♪ It's getting c-c-cold ♪

all: ♪ Freezing, freezing

- ♪ At zero

♪ It's getting c-c-cold ♪

[all laughing]

- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo!

- Oh, yeah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hee!

- [sneezing]

- [sneezes]

- Oh, bless you.

- [sneezes]

- Gesundheit.

- [sneezes]

- [sneezes]

- Oh, boy.

Don't worry, everyone.

Blaze and A.J. and Gabby are bringing medicine oil

so that you can all stop sneezing.

- [humming]

Whatever I make is gonna taste so good.

- Uh, Crusher?

What are you doing?

- Oh, just making some delicious food.


- Huh.

So you're not worried what will happen

if you sneeze again?

- Sneeze?

Pfft. No way!

I'm not gonna sneeze anymore--ah--ah--ah--

- Yeah, I'm just gonna stand over here for a minute.

- [sneezes]


Ugh, yuck!

[upbeat music]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - Whoa!

- [laughing] - Whoo-hoo!

- That's weird.

It feels like the whole mountain is shaking.


- Gaskets!

It's an avalanche!

[all screaming]

- Over there, Blaze.

Head for the cave!

- Whew, that was close.

- [sneezes]

- Hey, it sounds like someone sneezing.

- Well, it's not any of us.

- [sneezes]


- Who is sneezing?

Yeah, it's a penguin!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

[all laughing]

Ah--ah-- [sneezes]

- Aw, poor guy.

You've got the sneezles too.

- Uh-huh.

- Well, don't worry.

We have medicine oil that'll fix you right up.

- Ooh!


- There.

How do you feel?

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- [laughs]

He's all better!

The medicine oil worked again.

- [chattering]

- Hey, look.

The penguin found a way out of this cave.

There's a tunnel.

- Good going, Penguin.

We can follow that tunnel to the bottom of the mountain.

- [chatters]

- Aw, of course I'll ride with you, Penguin.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- [laughs]

Okay, you two.

Follow me!

- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo!

- Whoo! - [laughs]

[all laughing]

- Uh-oh. Look out, everyone.

Big icicles up ahead.

- We'd better do something fast.

- The only way to get past the icicles

is to go over them.

Quick, let's tell Blaze and the penguin

to jump over the icicles.

Say "over."


- Whoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah!

- Nice jumping. - Whoo!

- Oh, man, more icicles up ahead,

and these icicles are hanging down from the ceiling.

- We've got to tell Blaze and the penguin

to slide under the icicles.

Say "under."


- Whoo-hoo! - Oh, yeah!

- [laughs]

- [chattering] - Whoo!

[laughing and cheering]

- [gasps] More giant icicles.

How should we get past them?

Go over or under?



- Whoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- Here come some more icicles.

How should we get past them?

Go over or under?


- Whoo-hoo! - All right!

- Last ones.

Should we go over or under?



- Whoo-hoo!

[all laughing]

We made it!

- What did you think, Penguin?

Did you have a good ride?

- Uh-huh!


[all laughing]

- Take care, penguin.

I've got to hurry so we can

bring this medicine oil to our friends.

- Bye-bye!

- So long! - Bye, penguin!

- Bye-bye!

- [sneezes]

- [sneezes]

- [sneezes]

- [sneezes]

- Tissues!

I've got tissues!

- [sneezes]

- Here's a tissue for you.

- [sneezes]

[playful music]

- And a tissue for you.

- [sneezes]

- Uh, maybe you should take two.

- [humming]

Watering the flowers.

Yes, I am.

- Uh, Crusher?

Should you be watering flowers when you have the sneezles?

- Pfft, sneezles schmeezles.

I don't have to worry about that,

because I'm not gonna sneeze ever aga--


- Oh, boy.

- [sneezes]



- Tissue?

[engine revving]

- Go Blaze! - Yeah!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Yeah! - Whoo!

- Whoo!

♪ ♪

- Just a little farther,

and we'll be at the Monster Dome.

- Then we can give our friends the medicine oil.

- Yep, nothing can stop us now.

[bighorns bleating]

Except maybe those bighorns.

[bighorns bleating]

- Whoa!

[bighorns bleating]

[thud] - Oh!

[thud] Whoa!


- Man, those bighorns sure love to bump.

[thud] - [bleating]

- Tell me about it.

[bighorns bleating]

- There's got to be some way to stop them.

- What we need is some ice.

Ice is super slippery, and if we put ice on the ground,

the bighorns will slip and slide on it

when they try to chase us.

So let's build an ice machine.

Then we can make tons of slippery ice!

- Come on.

Let's build it before the bighorns catch up.

First, we need the ice mold.

That's where water goes to freeze into ice cubes.

To make the ice mold, say, "ice mold."

all: Ice mold!

- Now we need the cooling unit.

It makes the water get colder until it freezes.

To make the cooling unit, say, "cooling unit."

all: Cooling unit!

- And last, we need the ejector blades.

They sh**t out the ice when it's frozen.

To make them, say, "Ejector blades."

all: Ejector blades!

- All right!

I'm an ice making Monster Machine!

[engine revving]

[bighorns bleating]

- Here come the bighorns.

- Launch the ice!

- It worked!

- They're sliding all over the place.

- All right, bighorns.

Time to give you the slip.

[bighorns bleating]

♪ ♪

- Way to go, Blaze.

There's only one bighorn left!

- [bleating]

- And he's the biggest bighorn of them all.

- [bleats]

- No problem.

I can handle this.

♪ ♪

- Oh, no, Blaze.

Your ice machine is out of ice.

- [cackling]

- Quick, I need your help to make more ice.

Adding water!

Right now, the water in my ice maker

is ten degrees, but we have to make it colder

so it freezes into ice.

Count down to zero with me.

Start at ten.

all: Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five, four,

three, two, one, zero!

- Yeah, the water is frozen!

- It turned into ice.

- [bleating] - Have a nice slip!

- [groans]

- Whoo-hoo! - We did it!

- Those bighorns won't be bumping us anymore.

[bighorns bleating]

[joyful music]

- [laughs]

Looks like they found something they like

even better than bumping.

Ice skating!

[all laughing]

- Guys, check it out. - [gasps]

It's the Monster Dome where our friends are.

- Hey, I've got an idea how we can get

the medicine oil there super fast.

[upbeat music]

Let's slide!

- Whoa! - Awesome!

♪ ♪

- Deploying speed boosters.

To make me slide down the ice super fast,

say, "Let's blaze!"

all: Let's blaze!

♪ ♪

- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Oh, that was cool!

- Cool like ice!

♪ ♪

[horn honks rhythmically]

- They're back!

[all sneezing]

- Gaskets!

You guys have the sneezles bad.

- Here.

You Monster Machines need this.

Medicine oil!

- [sniffling]



- [slurps]


- [slurps]


- [slurps] Whoo-wee!

I'm not sneezing anymore!

- Zeg not sneezing either!

- The medicine oil worked!

We're all better.

- Yeah! - Yeehaw!

- Just look at Crusher go!

Such poise, such grace!

- Crusher!

Blaze is back with the medicine oil.

- Can't talk now, Pickle.

I'm too busy practicing my gymnastics.


- Gymnastics?

But Crusher, aren't you worried

you could sneeze and fall?

- Oh, Pickle, you worry too much.

I'm all done sneez--ah--ah--

- I don't see how this ends well.

- Ah--ah-- [sneezes]




You know, I think I'll try some of that medicine oil now.

- Here you go, Crusher.

- [slurps]

Hey, I feel better.

I'm not sneezing!

I'm not sneezing anymore!

Yeah, yeah!

I'm definitely not sneezing--



- [slurps] Mm, not bad!


- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time ♪

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines