01x02 - Breezy Rider/Swamp Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nature Cat". Aired: November 25, 2015 –; present.*
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Centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors when his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures.
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01x02 - Breezy Rider/Swamp Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves
for the day,

I don't just sit inside
watching the world go by.

(Door closing)

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer

♪ Oh, go go go ♪


♪ Go go go ♪


♪ We're climbing
up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging
through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now
with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat,
Nature Cat ♪

♪ So, what are we
waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited
to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store
with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go ♪


♪ Go go go ♪


♪ He's our favourite
nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get-- ♪

♪ Swinging through
the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping
in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now
with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat
Nature Cat ♪


Come on, you guys!
Hurry up!

I can't wait to see
the marsh!

Ha ha!

Me either, Daisy!

Follow me!


Nature Cat, wait!

You don't even know
where the marsh is!

Of course I do, Squeeks!

This way!

Onward and yonward!

Nature Cat!

You're going
the wrong way!

The wrong what-- whoa!!!

(Camera phone clicking)


Whoa! -D!

It looks like he's really
coming at me!



Nature Cat!

(All shouting)

Ha ha!

I give you... the marsh!



Oh, look!

A bald eagle!

A frog!

Oh, and there's a heron!

Okay, my cousin Marvin said
he'd meet us right here!


Man, oh, man!

Marvin is one lucky mouse
to live here.

It's really interesting!

But he said there's
big trouble brewing here

and he needs our help!

Trouble, huh?


I'll tell you what
the trouble is.

This mud-stuff stinks!


I am sorry,
but that is just not right.


Hey, Squeeks!


Hey, what's up, cuz?

I'm so glad you made it!

Marvin, I want you
to meet my friends.

This is Hal.


This is Daisy.


And this is the one, the only,
the Nature Cat!

At your disposal.

Ooh, nice boaty thing!

Thanks, Hal!

Made it myself!

Hop on!

Water, why'd it have
to be water?

Seriously, Nature Cat?
Come on.

I gotcha, Hal.
Don't worry, I gotcha.

Oh, thanks!

So, Marv, what's going down?

It's the marsh!

Stinky, right?

Because of the muddy stuff.

I know, that is a big problem!

That's muck, Nature Cat.

It's supposed to smell
that way.


It's just mud and the stuff
that's left after plants die.

It all sinks to the bottom
and rots.

Uh, okay.

But it's filled with
teeny-tiny critters

that help with the rot
and keep the water clean.

Teeny-tiny critters!

Hi, little guys in there!

It's me, Hal!

"Hi, Hal!
Nice to meet you!"

Did you see this?!

"Hi, Nature Cat!
Hello. Welcome."

No thank you, Hal.
I'm good.

The muck's healthy for now,

but not for long!

The marsh is in danger.


What's wrong?

The water's been rising
like crazy the past few days.

It's getting too high and
starting to flood the marsh!

That's terrible, Marvin!

Tell me about it.

That's where I stored my seeds,
next to my home.


So your food and your home
are all underwater?

'Fraid so!

I'm so sorry, Marvin.

Guys, we need to figure out
how to stop the flooding!

And save the marsh!

And save the muck!

Don't worry,
my little muck buddies!

I won't let anything happen
to you!

"Yay! Thank you!"

"Oh, Hal, you rock!"

"You're the greatest, Hal!"

did you smell this?


Oh, delightful!

with a light hint of rot.

See, the water comes
into the marsh

from that stream over there.

So, where does
the water go out?

Well, the water usually spreads
out across the marsh

and then it flows into a stream
way over there.

Okay, so, water is supposed to
keep flowing in from the stream,

and then out through the stream.


And that water flow is what
keeps the marsh healthy

and all the animals
and plants happy.

Wait, it doesn't look like
this water is flowing anywhere!

We're not moving!

I didn't realize that.

What could cause the water
not to flow out?

Allow me!

Hmm, curious.

Something's in the way.

We need to get a closer look
at the stream!



Onward and yonward!

(Grunting, groaning)

Uh, Nature Cat?


Oh, uh, sorry.

Here you go!

Oh, so that's how
you do it!

Wait, let me get this straight.

So you're telling me cousin
Harold, Buster, Mary and Zazu

all left the marsh?

Yep, just yesterday.

Flood pushed them out.

Other animals, too.

Well, that's just not fair!

We have to do something so
they can all come back home!

A tire?


Yeah, been seeing more garbage
around here.



I hear something, listen!



Someone! Anyone!


Oh, hey, look!

Uh, a little help?

How'd you get stuck in there,
ya little lizard guy?

Seemed like a warm place
to hang out in the morning sun,

but in retrospect probably not
the best of ideas.

Fear not, lizard, I'll save you!


Whoa, thanks!

I didn't catch your name,
kind sir?

Why, I'm Nature Cat!

While you're in a
saving-the-day mode,

can you help my friend
over there?

Get this thing off me, man!

But of course!


Man, oh, man!

This could cause some
serious damage around here!

You're telling me.

Me too, man.

Oh wow!

Will you look at all that trash?

Well, I'll be.

That's why the marsh
is flooding!


The fresh water is coming in
from the stream,

but it's blocked from going out
by the trash!

Oh, this is so gross!

All this trash is really bad
for the marsh!

Don't forget the muck!

"Hal! Hal! Hal! Hal!"

Hear ye, hear ye!

Never again shall a lizard
get stuck in a bottle,

or piles of garbage
block up the marsh.

We must clean up this place now!

And save the marsh!

And save the muck!


It's go time!

No more littering in the marsh!


We're letting everyone know.

(Spring bouncing)


(Bicycle bell ringing)


Good day, garbage man, sir.


The water!

It flows!

(All cheering)

We did it!

(Nature Cat sighing happily)

Now this is what I call
a healthy marsh!

It's really beautiful!

Yup! It sure is!

Never looked better.

Hey, Marvin!

Hey, Squeeks!


Oh, Harold!



Welcome home!

It's great to be home!


There is so much life here!


I love this marsh!

I love muck!



Wait, wait!
Hal, Hal, no heel!


Oh, sorry, Nature Cat!

It's all right, Hal.

Muck is a-okay with me.

"You're not so bad yourself,
Nature Cat!"


Thanks again for saving
the marsh!

Anytime, cousin Marvin, anytime.






And this is what Nature Art Day
is all about!

Creative, powerful, personal.



Whoops, sorry!

(Hawaiian luau music playing)

Whoa-ho-ho, Squeeks!

Who knew grass could look
so artistic!

Love the outfit!

Well, I'm glad you like it,

'cause I made you one!

I was hoping!

♪ Aloha-oh ♪

♪ Aloha-ay ♪

♪ Here's a little hula dance
for Nature Art Day ♪


What about you, Daisy?

What about you?

Yeah, where's your nature art?

Actually, nothing's hit me yet.

but I'm hoping inspiration
will strike at any moment!


Maybe I can use this!

You want inspiration,
my friends?

Just you wait until I unveil
my latest nature masterpiece!


We rolling?



And now I, Nature Cat,
proudly present to you,

made entirely out of acorns!

No small feat, I might add.

Let's see it already!

I give you...



Oh, yeah!

Where's your head?

Naturally, it's right here
on my neck, Hal.


Not this head, Nature Cat.

That one!

Yipes, my head!

My head was right here!

And now, it's gone!

Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
Where'd it go?

My masterpiece is ruined!

Don't worry, Nature Cat!

We'll find your head!

Let's investigate!

(Camera flashing)

So, what did this acorn head
in question look like, hmm?

My head.

Okay, all right.

And this acorn head is made
from... what now?


Uh-huh, okay.

Let me just fill this little
shading part in here.

A happy little tree--
Got it!

Uh, this really isn't
even close, Hal.

Found it!




Animal tracks!

Looks like the acorn head
was taken!

And apparently, whoever took it
left these tracks!


Someone walked in here
and made those footprints

and took off with your head,
Nature Cat!

The acorn head thief!

I should've known it!

Good work, team!

Everyone, quickly!

Follow these footprints to find
the culprit who stole my head!

Onward and yonward!

I'm coming for you, acorn thief!

Me too!

Me too!

Me too too, also!


Okay, what just happened?

Ugh, you guys,
we followed our own footprints.

Wait, so, I took the acorn head?

Oh, no!

Bad Hal!

Very bad Hal!

No, Hal,
you definitely did not.

You're a very, very good Hal!

Wait a minute.

This is my footprint,
my shoe.

This is mine!

I'd know those cute toesies

I see them every day!

Here's mine,
little, little paw prints!

Yep, these are my long tracks!

But, uh, whose tracks are those?

These don't look like
our footprints!

They're smaller
than Daisy and Hal's,

but they're bigger than mine!

So whoever made these tracks

took your acorn head,
Nature Cat!


These are the tracks,
I can smell it!


Everyone, follow these and bring
me the head of Nature Cat!


Allow me to rephrase.

Bring me the acorn head
of Nature Cat!


Onward and yonward!

Wait! Listen!

What's that noise?


Aha! There he is!

The culprit who stole
my head!

Give it back, sir!

Or face the consequences!

Aw, c'mon, mom.

Just five more minutes.

Don't you give me
"five more minutes", buster!

Wake up!

Nature Cat, shush!

This raccoon didn't take
your acorn head.

He had to have, Squeeks.

The animal tracks led
right to him!

Yeah, but look at his feet.

They're bigger than the tracks
we're following.

I'll see about that!

Uh-huh, about two inches.

Hmm, and this is only one inch.

It's not the right size.

Hmm, interesting.

It's also not the right shape.


You're right!

I hereby proclaim that this
raccoon is not the thief!

Okay, you can go and have
your five minutes now,

but honey, ya gotta clean
your room today.


Thanks, momma!

Onward and yonward!


Nuh-uh, way too skinny!


(Woodpecker pecking)

Nope, too pointy!

(Woodpecker pecking)


Eh, different shape!

Excuse me, young squirrel.

Just a moment of your time?

Uh, sure,
what can I do for you?

Do those footprints
belong to you?

What footprints?

The ones on the ground
in front of you.

Hmm, I don't see any footprints.

Hmm, suspicious.

You don't see those footprints

that look exactly the same size
and shape as your feet?

Um... uh-uh.


You don't see those footprints
right there

that lead to the spot you're
resting in this very second?

Ohh, those footprints?

Why didn't you say so?

Nope, those aren't mine.

Bye bye!

Oh, okay!

Sorry for inconveniencing you.

What a sweet guy.

Okay, let's keep looking.

Nature Cat!

Wait a minute!

I think that squirrel
is our culprit!

Yeah, well,
it certainly looks that way.

Follow that swindling,
scoundreling squirrel!


Ha ha!


(Blowing whistle)

Go, team, go!

Go, squirrels, go!
Woo! Yay!

It's the football game
of the year, folks!

Team Nature Cat and Team
Squirrel going head to head

for Nature Cat's acorn head!

Omaha! Omaha!

Green !

Hut, hut, hike!

And here's the snap!

The Squirrel QB goes back
for the pass,

looking, looking, looking.

Whoa! Hal, Daisy and Squeeks
bring the pass rush, big time!

And here's the pass.

The squirrel is open!
He's wide open!

Looks like a for-sure
squirrel touchdown!

Oh, my!

Did you see that?

An amazing interception
by Nature Cat!

He's got the acorn head
and look at him go!

(Whistle blowing)


Touchdown, Nature Cat!

Oh, my!

Ooh, yay!

What a game, Nature Cat!

How does it feel to get
your head back?

Well, feels great, Phil.

Ya know, you always want
to come away with the W,

but hats off to the squirrels.

They really gave us a run
for the acorns.

And speaking of acorns...

How does it feel to lose
those delicious acorns

after such a hard-fought
battle today?

It's gonna be a long winter now
without any acorns, Phil.

A long, cold, hungry winter.

Love, love your nature art,

Why, thank you!

I finally got struck
by inspiration!


It's footprint-a-riffic!


did I just make that up?

I don't--
Is that a word?

Gather round, one and all!

We rolling?

And now I, Nature Cat,
proudly present to you--

made entirely out of acorns--

I give you, me!



And I would like to donate my
acorn statue to the squirrels,

to help them get through the
long, cold and hungry winter!


Hooray for Nature Cat!

Yes, I do love Nature Art Day!

(Squirrels cheering)

Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy and
Hal are cartoon characters,

and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal
friends safe,

check with a grown-up before
you bring a pet

on your next nature adventure.

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