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01x13 - Doing The Right Thing/The Dog Who Cried Woof!

Posted: 10/01/22 17:42
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,
my big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪





Mr. Kibble always
has the best toys.



Whoa, I guess he didn'’t
see this toy he dropped.



, , ...

, , , Here I come!



Hee hee. She'’ll
never find me here.

Sticky goo,
I see you.

Gosh, cleo.

That'’s the fifth time
you'’ve found me so fast.

As I always say,
it'’s a gift.

Hi, t-bone.

Hey, guys.

Cleo: where'’d you get
the great toy?

I, uh, found it.
On the street.

I wonder whom
it belongs to.

It belongs
to t-bone now.

You know the rule,
finders keepers,
losers weepers.

Yeah, that'’s fair.

Well, it doesn'’t
seem fair

If you'’re
the one who lost it.


So, you guys want
to play with it?

Cleo: yeah.




Whoo! This is fun.


Great toy, t.

You know,

This toy looks
a lot like the ones

Mr. Kibble sells
in his shop.

No, it doesn'’t.

Yes, it does.

Uh, i--i'’ve got
to go home, guys.

I--i think it'’s
getting dark out.

No, it isn'’t.

Yes, it is.

What'’s wrong, t-bone?

N-nothing. I just
gotta go home now. Bye.


Ok. Bye, t.
See you tomorrow.

Cleo: don'’t forget
to bring your new toy.


Becky, give your brother
his ball back.

You know it doesn'’t
belong to you.



I sure hope someone
finds my bike

And returns it, dad.


Sheriff lewis:
hey, t-bone. Suppertime.

It'’s your favorite.
Beef bit stew.

Yeah. You'’re the best dog
in the world. Enjoy, buddy.








who are you?

I'’m you.
In your dream.

You'’re me?
How could you be me
when I'’m me?

I'’m that part of you
that helps you decide

What'’s the right thing
to do,

But you haven'’t been
listening to me lately.

Oh, yeah.
My stomach hurts.

Come on. I want
to show you something.

Whoa. Where are we?

We'’re in the past,

Back when you were
just a puppy. Look.

hey, buddy.


Hey, that'’s me again.

Yep, as a pup
a couple of years back.

Cute little guy,
aren'’t you?

And you loved playing
with that toy.

Oh, yeah.
The wiggly rope.

Oh, I loved
the wiggly rope.

Sheriff lewis and I

Played with that rope
together all the time.

Come on, t-bone.
Time for lunch.


It was the best toy
in the whole wide world.

what happened to it?

I remember.

Hi. That'’s my toy.

Do you want to play
with it with me?

Sorry, pup.
It'’s our toy now.

You know the rule.
Finders keepers,
losers weepers.


Remember how
it made you feel?

Yes, I remember.

[Whimpers, gasps]

That was my favorite toy,

And it felt awful when
I didn'’t have it anymore.


I don'’t think mr. Kibble

Will feel so bad about
the hedgehog toy, though.

After all, he has
lots of other toys.

He probably
won'’t even miss it.





So, you don'’t think
mr. Kibble

Will feel bad
about his toy, huh?

Uh, no.

Why don'’t we go
to his shop

And see
for ourselves?


We'’re almost there.


I know I ordered
a hedgehog toy.

Where could it be?


I'’m sorry, harriet.

I know you really
wanted that toy,

But I just
can'’t find it.

I must have lost it
or something.


Ok, ok.
I'’ll look some more.

Harriet really wanted
the hedgehog toy today,

But now mr. Kibble
can'’t find it.

Because I found it.




I know, I know.

I guess mr. Kibble
really will miss
his hedgehog toy.


Aah! Oh.

I was just dreaming,

But now I know
the right thing to do.


First thing
in the morning,

I'’m taking you home
to mr. Kibble.

Now come on,
let'’s go to sleep.


Oh, hello.

I'’ve decided to give
the toy back to mr. Kibble.

I know. I just wanted
to tell you

How proud I am of you
for making
that decision.

It'’s the right thing
to do.

Yep, it is.
Now let'’s get
some sleep.



Hiya, clifford.
Hey, cleo.

Grab your new toy
and let'’s go play.

No, I can'’t.

I'’ve got
to give it back
to mr. Kibble.

It belongs to him.

It belongs
to mr. Kibble?

That'’s right.
I knew it was his,

But I really
wanted it.

So, you just took it?

Yeah, but
that isn'’t right,

So I'’m gonna
give it back to him.

Want to go with me?

Sure. We'’ll go
with you, t-bone.

Yeah. Sure we will.

Ok, then.
Let'’s go.


Well, good morning,

what have we here?

Is that one
of my hedgehog toys?

such a good boy.

Thank you, t-bone.

for returning it.

You did
the right thing.
Good boy.


Emily: clifford!

It'’s storytime.

You want to hear
a speckle story,
don'’t you?

Ruff ruff!

I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Today'’s story is "speckle
and the spiffy yard."

"One sunny afternoon,

"Speckle'’s friends
asked him to play ball.

"Speckle said
he'’d love to,

"But first, he had
to clean the yard.

"It looked like
a lot of work.

"Speckle laughed.
He didn'’t think
it was work at all.

"Then he strapped
two brushes

"To the bottom
of his feet

"And skated
his front walk clean.

"It looked like
so much fun,

"Everyone wanted to try.

"So darnell and luna
skipped across the yard,

Using their jump ropes
to make leaves scatter
into a pile."

"Ravi skateboarded
along the fence
with a paintbrush."

"Speckle pushed reba
on a swing,

"And she wiped
the windows clean.

"Speckle and his friends
made the work so much fun,

"Before they knew it,
the job was done.

The end."

That was a great story.
Isn'’t reading fun?



Samuel: a long time ago,

Nobody was safe
from the ghost

Of old whiffy
the skunk ghost.

Wherever this old
ghostly skunk went,

A nasty stink
was sure to follow him.

And as the years passed,

The ghost of old whiffy
began to grow

Till the eerie apparition
was feet tall.


Whiffy could knock you out

With one lift
of his giant tail,

Releasing a yucky stink
like you'’ve never
smelled before.

[Both laugh]

Both: w-w-whiffy?


it'’s just clifford.

looks like the dogs

Want to hear
this story, too.

Go ahead, dad.
Finish the story.

So, people say
that feet high

And full of
the stinkiest stink
you can imagine,

The old skunk ghost

To astound the people
of birdwell island

Until one day,
he just disappeared.


Some people think
he went off to live

In the woods
of birdwell park.

Wow. Do you think
it'’s true?

Do you think
in the woods?

no. It'’s just a fun,
make-believe story.

It'’s fun
to hear stories,

when you know
they'’re not true.

But storytime
is over now.

Come on, charley.
Let'’s walk
emily elizabeth home.

Come on, guys.
Let'’s play
in the woods.

Uh, I don'’t
think so, cleo.

You never know what
might be in those woods.

What do you mean?

Oh, you mean whiffy
the skunk ghost.

Aha. Yeah.
That'’s what we mean.

Come on. You know
there'’s no such thing
as ghosts. Let'’s go!

I guess she'’s right.

Uh, yeah.

Cleo: come on!


Let'’s play tag.

Not it.

Not it.

Ok, I'’m it.
You'’d better run.

Ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!


Clifford, stop!


Behind you! It'’s--it'’s
whiffy the skunk ghost!


Ruff ruff ruff!
Yikes! It must be whiffy!


Come on, cleo.
Let'’s get
outta here!



Where'’s cleo?

I don'’t know.

M-maybe whiffy got her.

We gotta go back
and find her.

Yikes! Oh, no,
it'’s whiffy!




Did I scare you guys?


We thought
you were a ghost.

You did?
Ha ha. That'’s funny.

No, it'’s not funny.

Aw, come on.
It was just
a little trick

I was playing on you.

It'’s not nice to play
tricks like that, cleo.

Sorry, but you guys know
that whiffy'’s not real.

Y-yeah, we know.
But still.

Come on.
Let'’s go swimming.

Swimming? Ok.
Come on, clifford.

Ok. Swimming'’s
a lot more fun

Than playing tricks
any day.

Ho, ho, ho! This is great,
clifford. Do some more.

Hey, where'’s cleo?
She was just here.

Cleo, where are you?

Cleo: clifford,
t-bone, help!

the skunk ghost
has got me!

Both: whiffy
the skunk ghost?

We'’re coming, cleo.

We'’re coming.


You tricked us again?

We were really worried
about you, cleo.

That wasn'’t nice.

It was just a joke.

Aw, don'’t be mad.

I was just
having fun.

I don'’t like
that kind of fun.

I'’m sorry.
I won'’t do it again.

Let'’s just play, ok?

Ok, cleo,
but no more tricks.

no more tricks.

Ok, ok.
No more tricks.

, , . Ready or not,
here I come.

I'’m gonna find you guys.

Aha. I see you, t-bone.

Aw, you found me.

Yeah. Now to find cleo.

Cleo: clifford!
T-bone! Help!

did you hear that, t-bone?

Think she'’s trying
to trick us again?

Over here!
Behind the bush! Quick!

Let me see.


She is trying
to trick us, t-bone,

And after she
promised to stop.

What should we do?

Cleo: clifford,

The stinky
skunk'’s got me!

Let'’s just start
to leave.

When she figures out
she can'’t trick us

She'’ll follow us
and say she'’s sorry.

Great idea, clifford.

can'’t take it.

Ooh, help me!
Whiffy'’s whiffing me
with his stinky stink!


Hey, where
are those guys?

They should be
trying to save me.

Clifford? T-bone?

Oh-oh. They must
have figured out

I was trying
to trick them again.

I'’d better go find them.
Ow! Hey!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Clifford! T-bone!
I really need you guys!

Guys, I'’m not kidding.

That should be enough.

There you go, guys.

[Telephone rings]

No, mrs. Diller.

I haven'’t seen cleo
at all today.

Clifford and t-bone
are here, but cleo
isn'’t with them.

Sounds like cleo
hasn'’t gone home yet.

That'’s weird.
You think she'’s
still in the woods?

I don'’t know.
We'’d better
go look for her.


I don'’t blame them
for not coming.

I'’ve been a big stinker.

If I ever get out
of these woods,

I'’ll never play tricks
on them again.

clifford? T-bone?


Whiffy the skunk ghost!
What do I do?



Ah, man. P.u.!

That is definitely
not a ghost skunk.

That is
the real thing.


Cleo, where are you?

I'’m over here!


P.u. What is that smell?

Ooh! That must be
whiffy the skunk ghost.

And I bet you
he'’s got cleo.

Let'’s go.

[Both inhale]

Am I ever glad
to see you guys.

[Exhales] oh.

Are you ok, cleo?

Ooh, my bow
got stuck in a bush,

And then
this real live skunk

Came and sprayed me
with his stink.

[Exhales] that'’s
an awful smell, cleo.

Heh heh heh.
I know.

Real skunks
can really
stink you up.

Let me un-stick
your bow, cleo,

Then you can go home
and get a bath.


Thanks, big guy.

We'’re sorry
we left, cleo.

We thought you were
trying to trick us again.

Heh. I was.
I'’m really sorry

I played those tricks
on you today.

I promise
I'’ll never do it again.

Ok. Come on, cleo.
Let'’s go home.

Mrs. Diller will
be happy to see you.

But I bet she won'’t
be happy to smell you.

Poor cleo.

Mr. Kibble'’s already
given her baths.

Yeah. I don'’t think

She'’ll be playing
any more tricks
on us, t-bone.

No, I don'’t think so.

[Bell rings]

Don'’t worry, guys.

I'’ve learned my lesson...

The stinky way.

Clifford and I know

That it'’s important
to try new things.

That'’s how you learn.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is "believe in yourself."

Hiya, t-bone.

Wanna play ball
with clifford and me?

Sure. I get
better at this game
every time we play.

Ok, then, let'’s play.


Can I try that again?

I know I can
do it this time.

Ok, here it comes.

I did it! Ha ha,
I hit it!

I remember
the first time
we played,

You couldn'’t
hit the ball at all.

I knew that if I just
kept working at it

And doing my best,
I'’d get better.

So, let'’s keep playing.

Believing in yourself
helps you to try your best

And to keep on trying.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is "believe in yourself."