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03x04 - Light Riders

Posted: 10/01/22 18:35
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let'’s blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we'’re gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah,
let'’s blaze ♪

[exciting music]


- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[engines revving]

[tires screeching]

- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Go, Blaze!

- It'’s your time to shine,


- Oh, what a race!

It may be dark out here,
but these racers

are really
lighting up the track!

- Nice one, Blaze!
- Whoo-wee!

- Oh, hey, there.
A.J. and I are in the middle

of a special night race.

- With those bright lights,
we can race

even though it'’s dark out.

[tires screech]

- Yee-haw!

- [laughing]

- Racing at night
sure was a bright idea.

[laughs] Get it?
A brightidea.

- [laughs]
Come on, guys.

One more lap to go.

- Rawr!
See you at the finish line!

[engines revving]


[suspicious music]


- Ha ha ha hoo!

Lights! Lights!
Lights for me!

♪ I take every light I see

Ha ha hoo hoo!


Those are the biggest lights
I'’ve ever seen!

Wait a sec.
I got an idea.

I should take those lights
for me!

Hoo hoo!

- Yee-haw!

- Whoop-ee!

[exciting music]


[overlapping murmuring]

- The lights are out.
- It'’s so dark.

- Hey!
Joe, is that you?

- I don'’t know, Gus.
I-I can'’t see!


- Whoo-hoo!

[bulbs clinking]

- What in tarnation?
I can'’t see.

- Me, neither.

- It too dark.


[overlapping exclaims]

- Oh, my!

For some strange reason

the whole racetrack
has gone totally dark.

Now none of the racers
can see where they'’re going!

- Are you guys okay?

- Whoa, whoa, I think so.

- How did it get so dark
all of a sudden?

- Someone must'’ve taken
all the lights.

- Whoo-hee!

- Hey, look over there.

- Whoo-hoo!

- It'’s a bouncing kangaroo.

- ♪ Lights from here,
lights from there ♪

♪ I'’ll take lights
from everywhere ♪

- Gaskets!

That kangaroo'’s stealing
all the lights!

- [laughs]

- She'’s a light thief.

- [laughing]

- Come on, fellas,

we can'’t let that light thief
get away with all our lights.

- We'’ve got to stop her.

[engines revving]

- That not work.
- It'’s too dark.

- We can'’t catch
the light thief

if we can'’t see
where we'’re going.

- Hmm. To catch someone
when it'’s dark out

we'’d need to have lights.

- I think I'’ve got
just the thing.

[rock music]

[electricity whirring]

These are your brand-new
Speed Lights.

- Ooh!
- Wow!

- Hey!

- With those lights,

you can see in the dark.

- Yeah-ah!

I'’m a Light Rider!

- All right!

- Now let'’s go catch that thief

and bring back all the lights.

[exciting rock music]

- ♪ Another day,
another adventure ♪

♪ We can do it
if we do it together ♪

♪ Rev it up,
let'’s hit the road ♪

♪ One, two, three,
let'’s go ♪

♪ Blazing, amazing

♪ No one can stop us now,
we can'’t stop ♪

♪ We'’re blazing and racing,
yeah ♪

♪ Save the day,
we'’re showing out ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ We'’ve got velocity ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ Speed is what we need

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ Come on, everyone,
let'’s blaze ♪

[quirky music]

- ♪ Lights, lights,
lights galore ♪

♪ I think it'’s time
to take some more ♪

♪ Ooh, like this one

♪ And that one

♪ Ooh and that one

Ha ha!




- Quick, the light thief
went into that tunnel.

- [clucking]

- Blaze,
did you hear something?

- Yeah, it kinda sounds like...

- [clucking]
both: A chicken?

- Uh-oh, those are
night chickens.

[all clucking]

- Hey!

- Whoa, let'’s get out of here!

- Hey!
[all clucking]

- Whoa, let'’s get out of here!

[all clucking]

- Whew.
- What do we do, Blaze?

Those night chickens
would really like to peck us,

and this tunnel
is full of them.

- Hmm. Night chickens only
like to come out when it'’s dark.

So let'’s use our Speed Lights

to make the tunnel
really bright.

That'’ll make
the night chickens go away.

- Yeah.
Light is energy you can see.

So if we send more energy
from our battery

into our lights,

they'’ll shine bright enough to
chase away the night chickens.

- Come on, let'’s try it.

Tell me when you see
a night chicken,

and I'’ll make my Speed Lights
shine really bright.

When you see a chicken
coming say, "Chicken."

both: Chicken!

- [squawks]

- Yeah!

- It worked.

When we made our Speed Lights
really bright,

that night chicken ran away.

- Let'’s keep going.

But be on the lookout
for more night chickens.

If you see a chicken coming
say, "Chicken."

both: Chicken!

- [squawks]

- Whoo-hoo!
- Awesome!

Now keep looking.

There are still
more night chickens

hiding out there in the dark.

- When you see a chicken coming
say, "Chicken."

- [clucks]

both: Chicken!

- [squawks]
- Yes!

If you see another one
say, "Chicken."

- [clucking]

both: Chicken!

- [squawks]

- Just one more.

When you see the last chicken
say, "Chicken."

- [clucks]

both: Chicken!

- [squawks]

- Whoo-hoo!

- Look, there'’s the way out.

[exciting music]

- Yeah-ah!

We made it past
the night chickens!

- Way to use those
Speed Lights, Blaze.

- Now come on, we'’ve got
to catch that light thief

before she takes every light
in Axle City.

[rock music]

- ♪ Gonna shine a light,
it'’s a type of energy ♪

♪ Make it shine bright

♪ With luminosity

♪ We'’re blazing
through the night ♪

♪ Moving at
the speed of light ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Shine a light

♪ Light is energy
that you can see ♪

♪ Light the night

♪ To make it brighter,
just increase the energy ♪

♪ Light is energy,
energy that you can see ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ We'’re gonna shine a light ♪

♪ Use a light,
they illuminate the dark ♪

♪ Light the night

♪ Like the sun
or a little tiny spark ♪

♪ Light is energy,
energy that you can see ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ We'’re gonna shine a light ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ Doo-bee-doo

♪ La, la, la, la

Ohh, look!

A penny!

And a flower.

- Ahh!

- And a Crusher.

Hey, Crusher.

Check out my flashlight.

I'’m using it to find stuff
in the dark.

Wanna try?
- Ha!

I don'’t need a flashlight
to find stuff in the dark!

See, I just found
a yummy sandwich.


Mm! Mm!

This is some sandwich.

And best of all,

I found it without
your flashlight.

- Ooh!
Let me see!

Wow, your sandwich looks
just like a shoe.

- Pfft, that'’s because--

It is a shoe!

[spitting, groaning]

[upbeat music]

- Whoo-hoo!




- Ah, whoa-oh-oh!


Thank you, Blaze.

- Whee-hee-hee-hee!

- Look, there goes
the light thief.

- Ooh-ooh! Ha ha!

- Come on, A.J.,
give me some speed.

- Whoo-hoo!

Those ones up there
are nice and bright.

I'’ll need a boost
to get those lights.



- Blaze, look out!

- Yeah!

- Whoo!

- Hubcaps, we'’re trapped!

- Oh, no, we'’ve got
to find a way out of here.

- What we need is
something super strong

that can cut through
these metal pipes.

Something like...

a laser!

- Yeah!

A laser can make
a special light that'’s so strong

it can cut through
almost anything.

- Come on, help turn me
into a Monster Machine laser.

First, we need a flashtube.

It'’s the part that
makes light for our laser.

To make the flashtube,
say, "Flashtube."


[electricity crackling]


Now we need a crystal rod.

It turns the normal light
into special laser light.

To make the crystal rod,
say, "Crystal rod."

Crystal rod!

[electricity crackling]

And last,
we need the mirrors.

They bounce the laser light
back and forth

until it gets
super powerful.

To make the mirrors,
say, "Mirrors."


Check me out!

I'’m a laser-blasting
Monster Machine!

[rock music]

- Whoa, we'’re cutting
through metal with light,

laser light.

- Yeah-ah!
- We'’re free!

Watch out, Blaze.

That crane just dropped
four pipes.

- Help me use my laser
to cut through all four.

Count to four with me.






- All right!

Look out!

Another crane,

and it just threw five pipes.

- Help me cut through them
with my laser.

Count to five.






- Yeah-ah!
- Whoo!

- Way to use that laser.

Only one crane left.

Uh-oh, but it'’s throwing
seven pipes.

- Count to seven with me.









- We made it.

- Now nothing can stop us
from catching that--

- Whoo-hoo!

both: Light thief.

- There she goes!

- Hang on, A.J.!

Time to catch that light thief
once and for all.

- Crusher! Crusher!

I found more stuff
with my flashlight.


A tree!

And-and a mailbox!


And another tree!


- Yeah?

Well, I don'’t need
a flashlight

to find stuff in the dark.



I found a big bowl
of spaghetti.



This spaghetti
sure is stringy.

- Ohh! I wanna see!

- Wait, this isn'’t spaghetti.

It'’s...a mop!



[cheerful music]

- [laughing]

A carnival!

Rides and games.

A Ferris wheel!

So many lights for me to steal!

Whoo, like this one!

Whoo and all of these.
Ha ha!

[upbeat rock music]

- Ah-ha, whoo-hoo!

- Look, there she is.

- All right, light thief.

Give us back those lights.

- Uh-oh, I can'’t give
the lights back.

Gotta bounce!

- Follow that kangaroo!

- Give us back those lights.

- Uh-oh, I can'’t give
the lights back.

Gotta bounce!

- Follow that kangaroo!

[rock music]

- Lug nuts!

I can'’t see
where the light thief went.

- This carnival is so big.

How are we gonna find her?

- I reckon we can help!

- It'’s our friends!

- And they all have
Speed Lights.

- Yee-haw!
- That'’s right!

- Gabby make us shiny!

- Now we can help you
catch the light thief together.

- Okay, guys,
let'’s all increase our energy

to make our Speed Lights
super bright.

That'’ll light up
the whole carnival.

- Then we can see where
that light thief is hiding.

- Let'’s do it!
- Yeah!

- Increase energy!

- It'’s working!

- We'’re lighting up
the carnival.

- Now let'’s look for
the light thief.

Where'’s the light thief

By those balloons!

- Ahh!
They see me!

- After that kangaroo!

[exciting music]

- Where'’d the light thief go?

- Zeg not see kangaroo.

- Let'’s make our lights
super bright again

so we can find
the light thief.

- Increase energy!

- Where'’s the light thief

In that popcorn!

- Ehh!
They found me again!

- She went that way!

- Come on, guys!

[rock music]

- This way, g*ng!

We'’re so close.

- I reckon that light thief
is hiding here somewhere.

- Increase energy.

- Where'’s the light thief

By those stuffed animals!

- Ahh!

- Rawr! The light thief
is getting away!

- Not this time.

- Whoa!
- We caught the light thief!

[all cheering]
- All right!

- [straining]

- Okay, light thief,

time to give back
all those lights.

- No, I--I can'’t
give the lights back.

I need them!

- But why?

Why do you need
so many lights?

- Without the lights,

it'’s dark.

Well, I'’m--I'’m...

afraid of the dark!


- Ohh, you'’re afraid
of the dark.

- No wonder she took
all those lights.

- [sobbing]

- Hey, don'’t worry.

It'’s okay to be afraid
of the dark.

- Yeah, everyone'’s
afraid sometimes.

- But you don'’t have to have
all these lights

to make you feel better.

- Sometimes just a little bit
of light is all you need.

- Whoa, look at that.

A tiny light just for me.

- So how do you feel now?

- Ah, I don'’t feel
afraid anymore!


♪ I'’m not afraid
'’cause now I see ♪

♪ A little light
is enough for me ♪

Ha ha!

[all cheering]

Thank you, Monster Machines.

I'’m really sorry
I took all the lights.

And I promise,
I'’ll never do it again.

- Yay!
- Good for you!

- Now come on, y'’all,

let'’s put these lights
back where they belong.

- Oh, man!

Bringing all those lights back
is gonna be a big job.

- Don'’t worry, guys.

A.J. and I could put these
lights back super fast

with blazing speed.

To give us blazing speed,
say, "Let'’s blaze!"

both: Let'’s blaze!

♪ Shine a light

♪ Light is energy
that you can see ♪

♪ Light the night

♪ To make it brighter,
just increase the energy ♪

♪ Light is energy,
energy that you can see ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ We'’re gonna shine a light ♪

♪ Use a light,
they illuminate the dark ♪

♪ Light the night

♪ Like the sun
or a little tiny spark ♪

♪ Light is energy,
energy that you can see ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ We'’re gonna shine a light ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Way to go, Blaze!

- Now all the lights
are back where they belong.

- Hang on, Blaze.

There'’s still one more light
left in the bag.

- Whoo-hoo!
I'’ll get it.


Ha ha, ooh!

- All right!

- Come on, everybody!

Let'’s go finish our race.

- Whoo-hoo!

[rock music]

- Hey, wait,
I'’ve got an idea.

Now that we all have
speed lights,

wouldn'’t it be more fun
to race in the dark?

All right!
- Let'’s do it!

- Ooh!
- Light riders,

on your marks, get set,


- Whoa-oh-oh!

[all cheering]

- Yee-haw!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoo-hoo, yeah!

[all cheering]

- ♪ It'’s Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It'’s Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we'’re ready to go
with Blaze ♪

♪ You'’ll be amazed ♪

♪ It'’s Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It'’s time ♪

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'’ll be catching some air
with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It'’s Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines