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03x10 - Knighty Knights

Posted: 10/01/22 18:38
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go Blaze

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah,
let's blaze ♪


- Animal Island, are you ready?

[cheers and applause]

Then let's play everyone's
favorite game...

Jungle ball!

[cheers and applause]


Let's meet the players
on our first team.

It's Claude the Bear...

- Whoo-hoo!

- Nelson the Rhino...

- Oh, yeah!

- Bam the Gorilla.

- Yeah, hoo-hoo!

- And Bob, the elephant!

- [chuckles]
Let's play some jungle ball!

[upbeat music]

- And now, let's meet the team
they'll be playing.

It's Starla, Darington...
- Yeah!

- And Blaze!
- Oh, yeah!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo, yeah!

- Jungle ball!

- Hello!
- Howdy, y'all!

- We can't wait to play
some jungle ball.

- Yeah, whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- All right, over here!

- Hey, Blaze, it looks like
their team has four players,

and your team only has three.

- We need one more player.

- But where are we gonna
find someone now?

- [laughing]
Whoo, hah, got it!

- Wow, check out that toucan.

- She looks like a great
jungle ball player.

- Hey there, my name's Blaze,
and these are my friends.

- Howdy.
- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too.

My name is Tooks, hah!

- Whoo-whee, you're amazing
with that ball.

- Thanks, I've been
practicing a lot.

- Hey, Tooks, would you
like to play with us

on our jungle ball team?

- Whoa, you want me to play
on your team?

- That's right.
- You betcha.

- Well, sure,
I'll be on your team.

- All right!

- Yeehaw!

- Welcome to the team, Tooks.

- Now let's go play
some jungle ball!

- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!

- Let's do it!

[cheers and applause]

[epic music]

[whistle tweets]

- Bam's got the ball.

She passes to Nelson, but ooh!

Now Tooks has it!
- Whoo!

- Tooks passes to Blaze.

- [grunts]
- Over to Starla...

- [grunts]
- Whoo-hoo!

- Back to Tooks!

Look at that toucan go!

- Go, Tooks!

- Tou-can do it!

Get it?
Tou-can do it?

- [laughs]
'Cause she's a toucan.


- Over here!


- Ooh, the ball is loose.

- I got it!

- Come to papa!

- Ooh, mine!

all: [grunting]

- Oh!
- Oh, no!

- It's flying away!

- But without that ball,
we can't play jungle ball.

both: Aww.

- Wait a minute, look!

It's Tooks!
- Whoo-hoo!

- She's gonna try
to catch the ball.

- Oh, yeah.

[upbeat music]

I got it!


Oh, no, falling rocks!

Ah, ah!


Whew, that was close.

Well, I better get back
so we can finish the game.

- [grunts]
Hey, my tail feathers

are stuck under this rock.

I can't fly!

all: [gasp]

- Oh, no!
- Tooks is trapped!

- What are we gonna do, y'all?

- We need to help her.

- That's right.
Tooks is our friend.

And if she's in trouble,
then we've got to rescue her.

- Yeah!
- Yeehaw!

- Let's do it.

- Follow me, team.
Let's go save Tooks!

[engines revving]

- Yeah!

- ♪ Wild wheels!

- ♪ Here we go

- ♪ Animals, mountains to
the ocean floor ♪

♪ Hibernate, migrate
all over the world ♪

♪ A big stampede, soaring,
swimming, hear them roar ♪

- ♪ Roar!
- ♪ Reptile, mammals

♪ Insects and birds

♪ Wild wheels,
Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Animals, oh, yeah!

♪ Wild wheels,
Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Wild wheels,
I'm talking wild wheels ♪

♪ Wild wheels

[tires screeching]

- Whoo-whee!

This cave sure does have
a lot of holes in it.

- And there's something
in this one.

Something red and hot!

Ooh, really hot!

- Darington, watch out!



- Well, bust my bumpers.

This cave is sh**ting out
super hot lava!

- Oh, no, how are we
gonna get past lava?

- Hey, I know an animal
that could help us.

An elephant.

both: An elephant?

- Yeah!

Elephants' trunks have
thousands of muscles in them.

Those muscles let elephants
suck up lots of water

and blast it out
like a fire hose.

If we had an elephant,
it could use its trunk

to blast that lava
with cold water and cool it down

to solid rock.

- [trumpets]

- That's a great idea!

But where are we gonna
find an elephant?

- Hey, Blaze,
you're great at building things.

What if you made some parts
to turn me into an elephant?

- Yeah, we could do that.
Come on!

- [laughs]

- To build an elephant,
the first parts we need

are the big, floppy ears.

To make the ears, say "ears."


- Whoo-whee!
Would you look at that?

- Now the most important part,
the elephant trunk

for blasting out water.

To make the trunk, say "trunk."


- Check me out!

I'm an Elephant Monster Machine!


- Whoa!
- All right!

- Oh, yeah!

- Hang on, y'all, I got this!

[tires screech]


[rock music]

- Incredible!

- This way, fellers.
That lava can't stop us now.

[tires screeching]

- Careful, Starla, when one of
these holes starts glowing,

that means it's about to
sh**t out lava.

- Come on, let's look for it.

Which hole is glowing?

That one, right!


Gotcha, lava!

- All right!
- [laughs]

Nice one, Elephant Starla.

- [trumpets]

- Watch out, more lava holes!

- Hmm, which hole
is about to sh**t lava?

That one!



- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

Look, there's the end
of the cave!

- Oh, man, but we still have to
get past these last lava holes.

- Which hole is about to
sh**t out lava?

That one!


- Yahoo!
- Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeehaw!


- Boy, am I glad
we got past that lava.

- Me too.

Nothing's gonna stop us from
getting to our friend, Tooks.

Come on!
- Let's do it.

All right.
- Whoo-hoo, yeah!

- Wow, can you believe it?

We're in a jungle ball stadium.

- Eh, so what?
- And it's full of animals!

- Meh.
- And they also have snacks.

- Snacks?
Whoo-hoo, I love snacks!

Come on, Pickle, let's get some.

- What'll you have?

- Bamboo, please.

- Bamboo?

- Yeah, panda bears love bamboo.

They've got baked bamboo

and boiled bamboo

and bamboo on a stick.

- Yuck, that's disgusting.
I would never eat bamboo.

Ooh, but I will eat
that hamburger.




- It's a bamboo burger!

- [spitting and exclaiming]

- [chomp]

- Whoo-hoo!
- Whee!

- Yahoo!
- Yeah!

- Yeehaw!


- Listen, we're getting a call.

- [grunts]
- It's Tooks!

- Hey, team, I'm trying to get
my tail feathers out

from under this rock, but, ugh,
it's too heavy.

- Don't worry, Tooks.
We're on our way to help.

- Thanks, guys.
I'll see you soon.


- Poor Tooks.

- We've got to hurry
and save her.

- Come on, this way.

[wind gusting]



all: Whoa!

- Oh, no, the bridge is gone!

- Oh, no, the bridge is gone!

- And the only way to make
the bridge come back

is to pull that lever.

- But who could get
all the way over there?

- Hey, I know who could do it.

A flying squirrel!

- Yeah!

Flying squirrels have special
flaps called patagia.

The patagia lets them catch
the wind like a parachute

and glide through the air.

- Ooh, ooh, I could do it!

I could be a flying squirrel!

- Yeah!

Let's turn Darington into a
Flying Squirrel Monster Machine!


- Yeah!

- To make Darington
a flying squirrel, first,

we need to build a long tail.

That'll help him steer
through the air.

To make the long tail,
say "long tail."

Long tail!

- Whoa!

- Now he just needs the flaps
to glide through the air,

the patagia.

To make the patagia,
say "patagia."


- Whoo-hoo, look at me!

I'm a Flying Squirrel
Monster Machine!

- All right!
- Looking good, partner!

- Now stand back, everyone.

I'm gonna glide to that lever.

[engine revving]



Nothing can stop
flying squirrel Darington.

[thunder rumbles]

Except maybe those storm clouds.


To get through this storm,
I've got to fly

through those spaces
between the clouds,

but I can only fit through
the biggest space.

Help me look.

Which space between the clouds
is the biggest?

That one, yeah!


I made it!

[thunder rumbles]

Whoa, more storm clouds ahead.

Remember, I've got to find
the space that's big enough

for me to glide through.

Which space is the biggest?

That one, right!

I'm going in!


I'm almost there.

I've just gotta get past
these last storm clouds.

Which space is the biggest?

That one!
Here I go!




- The bridge is coming back!


- Yeah!
- He did it!

All right!
- Way to go, Darington!

- Thanks, guys.

Being a flying squirrel
was one wild glide.


- Guys, look,
that's the mountain

where Tooks is trapped.

- Come on, y'all,
we're almost there.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- All right!

- Whoo-hoo!

Give me a rhino.

Give me a zebra.

Lion, what do you get?



- [groans]

- Snacks, snacks here!

- Ooh, snacks!

- Snacks!

Here, enjoy some
delicious grass.

- Eww, grass?

- Well, yeah, Crusher.

Zebras love to eat grass, see?

They've got green grass,
and brown grass,

and greenish-brown grass.

- Blech, I would never,
ever eat grass.

Ooh, but I would eat
that ice cream sundae!



- It's a grass cream sundae!

- Grass cream sundae?

Eww, yuck!

[exclaiming and spitting]

Oh, no!

- Huh, you can really
taste the grass.

- [grunts]


- That sounds like Tooks.

- We've got to get
to the top of that mountain

and save her.

- Come on, y'all!

[flowers gurgling and giggling]

- Huh, that's strange.

I've never seen flowers
that look like that.

- Or move like that.

[flowers giggling and gurgling]

- Or blow bubbles like that!

Whoa, whoa!

- Ee, ahh!
- Whoa!

all: Whoa!

- [grunting]

Oh, man, those bubble flowers
make super strong bubbles.

- [grunts]
We're trapped!

- [grunts]

- If only there were some way
we could pop this bubble.

- Hey, I know an animal
that could pop it.

A rhinoceros!

- Yeah!

Rhinos have sharp horns that
they use to protect themselves.

They're made of keratin,
which makes them really strong.

With horns like that,
Blaze could pop this bubble,

no problem.

- Come on, help turn me into
a Rhinoceros Monster Machine!


The first thing a rhino needs
is a big, powerful body.

To make the rhino body,
say "rhino body."

Rhino body!

Now all we need are
the rhino's keratin horns.

To make the keratin horns,
say "keratin horns."

Keratin horns!

All right!

I'm a Rhinoceros
Monster Machine!

- All right!

Let's do this.

- Rhino charge!



- Whoo-hoo-hoo, yeah!
- Yahoo!


- Yeah!
- You did it!

- Nice work, Rhino Blaze!

- Now follow me, everyone.

Time to show these bubble
flowers what a rhino can do.

[tires screeching]

- Watch out, Blaze, the flowers
are blowing more bubbles.

[flowers gurgling]

- How many bubbles
did they blow?

Three, yeah!

Help me pop all three bubbles
with my rhino horn.

Count to three with me.

both: One...



- Whoo-hoo!
- All right!

[flowers gurgling]

- Nice popping, partner.

[flowers gurgling and giggling]

- Whoa, but be careful, Blaze.

More bubble flowers
are straight ahead.

- How many bubbles
are there this time?


Let's pop 'em!

Count to four with me.





- Yeah!

[flowers gurgling]

- We're almost to the top
of the mountain!

- We just gotta get by
the last of them bubble flowers.

- How many bubbles
did they blow?


Count to six with me.

both: One...






- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- We made it past

all the bubble flowers!

- Guys, over here!

- Look, there's Tooks!

- You made it!

- Tooks, watch out!
More rocks are about to fall!

- Oh, no!

- Tooks is in big trouble!
- We've gotta get over there

and save her super fast.


To give me blazing speed,
say "let's blaze."

both: Let's blaze!

[rock music]



- Rhino charge!


Oh, yeah!

- Whoo-hoo!
- All right!

- [laughs]

- You saved me!

- We sure are glad
to have you back, Tooks.

- Oh, thanks, Blaze.

You Monster Machines
are the best friends

a toucan could ever ask for.

- Hey, y'all, now that we've
got our whole team back,

what do you say we go play
some jungle ball?

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Let's do it!

- Come on!

- Well, sorry to say,
but it looks like

there won't be anymore
jungle ball today.

[musical car horn honking]
Wait a second, what is that?

Blaze and his friends
have rescued Tooks!

I can't believe it!

- All right!
- Whoo-hoo!

- You're back!

- I'm so happy Tooks is back!

- Tou-can say that again!


- [laughs]
Thanks, everyone!

Now come on, let's play ball!

- Nelson has the ball.

- Oh, oh, I'm open!

- He passes to Bam--oh!
- What?

- But now Blaze has it!
- [grunts]

- Blaze passes to Starla.
- Yeehaw!

- She passes to Darington.
- Hey!

- Up to Tooks!
- [grunts]

- Now back to Blaze.

He's almost at the goal...

but to score, he'll have to get
the ball past Bob the elephant.

- No way!

- You ready, Tooks?
- Oh, yeah!

I got this!

- [grunts]
- Goal!

[cheers and applause]

- Whoo-hoo!
- We did it!

- You did it, Tooks.

- What a goal!
- Nice sh**ting, partner.

- Thanks, you guys!

- Hey, who's ready
to play again?

- I am!
- [laughs]

- You know I am.
- Oh, yeah!

- Whoo-whee!

- Snacks!
Get your elephant snacks!

- Look, Crusher,
they've got snacks.

For elephants!

- Leaves, fresh off the tree.
- Leaves?

- Well, sure.
Elephants love leaves.

- Yuck, I would never,
ever, ever eat leaves.

Ooh, but I would eat
that macaroni and cheese.



This has very
interesting flavor.

- That's because it's
macaroni and leaves.

- [exclaiming and spitting]


[exclaiming and spitting]

- Mm, leafy-licious!

- ♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines