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03x18 - Race for the Golden Treasure

Posted: 10/01/22 18:42
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah,
let's blaze ♪

[upbeat music]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Whoo-hoo!
- All right!

- Nice moves, Blaze!

- Hey, look over there!

It's an old ramp.

- Come on, Blaze,
let's jump it.

- Yeah!

- Hang on tight.

Here we...




Well, that was unexpected.

- The ramp broke before
we could even jump.

- Don't worry, I can put
the ramp back together.

I just need fasteners!

Fasteners hold things together.

Staples are fasteners
that hold papers together.

Buttons are fasteners
that hold clothes together.

And to hold these metal
ramp pieces together,

We can use bolts.

- Come on, let's give it a try.





- All right!

- Great job, Gabby.

- Go ahead, give it a try.

- Let's do it.

[tires squealing]

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

All right!
- That ramp was incredible.

- Nice jump, guys,

[engine humming]

- What was that?

- Electric charge!

- Hubcaps, it's a truck
with electric tires!

- Awesome!

- Hey, who fixed this old ramp?
- I did.

My name's Gabby, and these
are my friends, Blaze and A.J.

- Nice to meet you.

They call me Watts.

[electric crackling]

- Whoa!
- Cool!

- Watts, I love
your electric tires.

They're incredible!

- Thanks, Gabby!

Hey, I really wanna try
the new ramp.

You wanna come with me?

You can be my driver.

- Drive?
But I've never been

anyone's driver before.

- And I've never had
someone drive me.

So what do you say?

- Yeah, let's go for it!

[tires squeal]

[electric crackling]

Ready, Watts?

- Ready!

[engine revs]

both: Electric charge!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Whoa!
- Wow!

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoa, that was awesome,
you two.

- Come on, let's keep going.

Try and keep up!

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go,
we're on our way ♪

♪ Ready, set

all: ♪ Let's blaze!

- ♪ Through the turns
and the straightaways ♪

♪ Hit the jump

all: ♪ Let's blaze!

- ♪ We're on our way

♪ Ready for action,
whatever it takes ♪

♪ Come save the day

♪ We can go faster
and blaze a new trail ♪

♪ No time to waste
- ♪ Come on, come on

- ♪ Accelerate
- ♪ Come on, come on

- ♪ We're on our way


- Nice driving, Gabby!


- Uh-oh, falling rocks!

Watts, look out!



[tires squeal]

both: Whoa!


- Watts, your tire!

It's coming loose!

[tires squealing]

both: Whoa!


- Oh, no!

My tire!

- Are you all right, Watts?

- [grunts]
I'll be okay--

just as soon as I can
get that tire back.

Whoa, whoa!


- Hang on, Watts.

You can't drive like that.

- Yeah, not with
one of your tires missing.

- But then what'll I do?

- Let me help you, Watts.

With Blaze and A.J.,
I'll find your tire.

I promise.

- Really?
You'd do that for me?

- You bet I will.

And, when we get it back,

I'll fix you again,
good as new.

- Thanks, Gabby.

- Come on, g*ng, we've got
a tire to find.

- All right!
- Yeah!

- Good luck, friends!

[grunting happily]

[electric crackling]

- [gasps]

[electric crackling]

Do you guys hear that?

- [gasps]
It sounds like Watts' tire.

Let's look for it.

Where do you see her tire?

[electric crackling]

Yeah, there it is!

- It's heading for that bridge!

[electric crackling]


Blaze, watch out!

all: Whoa!

- Whew, that was close.

- We've got to find
another way across

so catch Watts' tire.

- Hey, look!

There are some pieces of wood.

- Hey, Gabby, do you think
you can use these

to fix the bridge?
- You bet I can!

All I need is something that
can hold the pieces together.

I need a fastener!

Let's check my toolbox
for a fastener that's

strong enough
to hold wood together.

I've got a button,

a paper clip, and a nail.

Which one's strong enough

to hold pieces of wood

The nail, yeah!

Come on, let's get building!



- My hammer hits
the sharp point of the nail

through both pieces of wood

so it can hold them


- Yeah!
- Nice building, Gabby!

- Huh, I don't have
any more nails.

Let's see what other fasteners
we can use.

A clamp, a zipper,
and a rubber band.

Which one's strong enough

to hold pieces of wood

The clamp!

- Here you go.


- When I turn this handle,
the clamp squeezes

the wood pieces together
so they don't fall apart.

- All right!
- We're almost there!

- Here, Gabby.
- Thanks.

Just a few more fasteners,
and the bridge will be fixed.

I have a hair clip, a screw,
and a clothespin.

Which fastener is strong enough

to hold the wood together?

The screw, right!

[tires squeal]


Screws have special grooves
that grip the wood.

So when I push the screw
through both pieces,

it holds them together
really strongly.


- Yeah!

- The bridge is fixed!

- Now let's hurry--
we've gotta get that tire back

for our friend Watts.

- A.J., give me some speed.

[engine humming]

- ♪ Nails, screws,
zippers, and staples ♪

- ♪ They're fasteners

♪ Holding things together

- ♪ Stitches, rivets,
buttons, and cables ♪

- ♪ They're fasteners,
holding things together ♪

- ♪ Thread and pins, yeah,
rope and strings, yeah ♪

♪ Nuts and bolts
and metal rings ♪

- ♪ Fasteners are tools
that hold things together ♪

- ♪ Clamp it, tie it,
snap it, clamp it ♪

- ♪ Fasteners are tools
that hold things together ♪

- ♪ Staples it, nail it,
zip it, pin it ♪

- ♪ Fasteners
- ♪ Snaps can snap things

- ♪ Fasteners
- ♪ Rubber bands wrap things

- ♪ Fasteners

- [babbling]

Meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, mo-mew!

- [groans]

Hey, what are all these trucks
standing around for?

- Look, Crusher!

It's a tire machine!

[boinging and thudding]

- Ooh!

- Oh, wow!

He got shiny new tires!

- Huh, I kind of want
shiny new tires.

And I want them right now.

[engine revving]

My turn, coming through!
- Oh!

- Whoa!
- Excuse me, sorry, sorry,

I'm with him.

- Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo, okay.

I'm ready for my new tires!

- This signs says

to get shiny new tires,
push the yellow button.

- Pfft, I don't need some sign
to tell me what to do.

To get new tires, I'm gonna
push this blue button.

Hoo-hoo-hoo, oh, yeah!
Here they come!



Wait a second.

These aren't shiny new tires.

These are popping
popcorn tires?


Oof, whoa!

[tires squealing]


- Hey, we're getting a call.

It's Watts!

- Hey, Gabby, any luck
finding my tire?

- Not yet, Watts,
but we're still looking.

- That's great!

You'll know
you're getting close

when you hear this sound.

[electric crackling]

- Let's listen for Watts' tire.

[electric crackling]

- [gasps]
I hear it!

- There it is,
rolling into that river!


- Oh, no, Watts' tire
is getting away!

How are we gonna follow it?

- Hey, look!
There's a boat!

- That could take us
down the river!

- Yeah!

- Hang on, everybody!

[engine revs]

- Yeah!


[electric crackling]

- Look, the tire
just went through that hole

between the rocks!

- Gaskets, that hole
doesn't look very big.

- We better measure to see
if our boat will fit.

- Switching to Visor-View.


The hole between the rocks

is five meters wide.

- Let's measure to see
how wide our boat is.

Count with us.

all: One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven, eight!

- Our boat is
eight meters wide,

and the hole is five.

Will our boat fit?

No, it's too big.

- We've gotta make
our boat smaller, but how?

- I know what to do.

This boat is held together
with fasteners.

So if I take
some fasteners away,

the boat gets smaller.

- Yeah!
- Way to go, Gabby!

- Now our boat
is six meters wide,

and the hole is five.

Will our boat fit?

Not yet.

We need our boat
to be even smaller.

- Hurry, we're almost
at the rocks!

- Now our boat is
four meters wide,

and the hole is five.

Will our boat fit?

Yeah, it's just small enough!

- Hang on!

[engine revs]

- Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah!
- We made it!

[electric crackling]

- And there's Watts' tire.

- Come on, that tire's not
getting away from us this time.

[engine revs]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

[engine revs]


[boinging and thudding]

- Ooh, I love my new tires!

[engine revs]

- Me, me, me, my turn!

I'm gonna get new tires!

I'm gonna get new tires!
- Okay, Crusher.

- I'm gonna get new tires!
- Now, remember,

to get new tires,
all you have to do

is press the yellow button.

- What's that, Pickle?

I wasn't listening.

Did you say press
this purple button?


[boinging and thudding]


These don't look like
shiny new tires.

These look like...

Dancing ballet tires?



[engine revs]

- Be on the lookout.

Watts' tire has
got to be close.

Where do you see Watts' tire?

[electric crackling]

Yeah, there it is!

Hurry, Blaze, it rolled
into that cave!

- You got it!

[bleating and snoring]

- Huh, do you guys hear that?

- It sounds like snoring.


It's sleeping bighorns.

We better be quiet.

We do not want to wake up
a sleeping bighorn.


[electric crackling]

Look, there goes Watts' tire!
- [bleats]

- Uh-oh, but that bighorn
is blocking the tunnel.

- To get to the tire,
we've gotta find

some way to get past him.

- Hmm, what we need is
a machine that's strong enough

to lift a bighorn
without waking him up.

We need a grapple truck.

- Yeah, let's build
the parts to turn me

into a grapple truck.

First, we need the boom.

That's the part that lifts
the grapple claw.

To make the boom, say "boom."


Now we need
the hydraulic stabilizers.

They keep the truck balanced.

To make the hydraulic

say "hydraulic stabilizers."

Hydraulic stabilizers!

And, most important,
we need the grapple claw

to pick up heavy things.

To make the grapple claw,
say "grapple claw."

Grapple claw!

I'm a grapple truck
Monster Machine!

- Wah-hoo!
- Yeah!

- All right,
it's grappling time.


Now, to pick up that bighorn,
we have to get

our grapple claw
right over him.

To get out claw over
the bighorn, should be move

our claw this way
and follow the red arrow

or this was and follow
the blue arrow?

- [snoring]

- The blue arrow, yes!

Grapple claw, grab!

- [snoring]

- All right!

- We moved the bighorn
without waking him up!

- Come on, let's keep going!

- Careful!

Another sleeping bighorn
is blocking the way.

- Help me move him.

To pick up this bighorn,
should we follow

the blue arrow,
the green arrow,

or the red arrow?

- [snoring]

- The green arrow, right!

Grapple claw, grab!

- [snoring]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Look, there's Watts' tire.

- Lug nuts, but that bighorn
went sleep right on top of it.

- We'll have to be
super careful to get the tire

without waking up this bighorn.

To pick up this last bighorn,

which arrow should we follow?

- [snoring]

- The red arrow, yeah!

Grapple claw, grab!

- [snoring]

- And now we can finally
get Watts' tire.

- Yes!
- We got the tire!

- All we have to do now is
get it back to Watts.

And nothing could possibly--

[alarm clock rings]


- It's the bighorns'
alarm clock!


- They're waking up!


- Let's get out of here!

[engines revving]



- To get out of this cave,

we're gonna need
to go super fast.

Time for blazing speed!

- To give us blazing speed,
say "Let's blaze."

all: Let's blaze!


- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- [grunts]

Whoa, whoa!

[musical car horn honking]

- Wait a second.

That sounds like...

- Whoo-hoo!
- My friends!

- All right!
- Yeah!

- You did it!
You got my tire back!

- That's right, Watts.

Now let's get it
back on you where it belongs.

Fasteners, please.


[electric crackling]

- Oh, yeah!



- Whoo-hoo!
- All right!

- Go, Watts!

- Phew, feels good
to be driving again.

Thanks, you guys.
- You're welcome, Watts.

- We're just happy to see
that you're all better.

- But there's one thing
I'm still missing.

- There is?

- Yeah, my driver!

Hop in, Gabby!

- All right!

[electric crackling]

Everybody ready?

all: Ready!

Electric charge!

[tires squealing]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Hoo-hoo, this is it, Pickle.

I'm finally gonna get
shiny new tires!

- Just remember, Crusher,

to get new tires,
all you have to do

is press the yellow button.

- Pfft, yellow button, easy.

I'll just press it.

And all these other buttons.


Can't wait for my shiny new...

Bouncing beach ball tires?


Ahh, ahh!


- ♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines