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01x16 - It Happened One Nightmare/Staying Within The Lines

Posted: 10/01/22 19:05
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪



Are you ready to go
to Dragon Land?

Wow, that is so cool.

Thanks, Emmy.
Almost done.

All ready.

Ready for what?

Ready for this.

What are you doing?

I'’m trying to knock down
those bottles.


I'’m getting ready for the
carnival in Dragon Land.

I'’m gonna win a prize.

Come on,
we better get going.

We don'’t wanna miss
any of the fun.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart




Toasted marshmallows.

Get your toasted
marshmallows here.

Toasted marshmallows.

I'’ll have some, please.

Me too.

Ah, here you go, kids.

Wait a minute.
These aren'’t toasted.

Oh, oops.
I almost forgot.



Ah, there.
That'’s better.

marshmallows here.

Mm, gooey.

Let'’s go play some games.


Step right up, niños.

Toss a ring onto
the unicorn'’s horn

and win a big prize.




Oh, I missed.

Hi, Cassie.Hi, Quetzal.

Hello, niños.

Cool, a unicorn
ring toss.

I wanna try.




Yay, I did it!

We have a winner.
Here you are, Emmy.


Look what I won,

Isn'’t it neat?


Huh? Oh.
Hi, Emmy.

Hi, Max.

Hi, Cassie.

Have you noticed how strange
Cassie is acting today?

she looks sleepy.



Zak. Wheezie.

Did someone say "fun"?

Fun happens to be
our middle name.

No, it'’s not.
It'’s Flame O'’Flubber.

Or was it Flub O'’Bleaver?

[YAWNS]Yeah, whatever.

Hey, look, Zak.

The carnival'’s started already.

Now that'’s what I call fun.

Sure, sis.


You go play some
of those games.

I'’m just gonna go home and...


...take a little nap.

Great idea.

You just take
a little nap while I...


Wait a minute, Zak.
How can we do that?


Zak, wake up!

What'’s going on here?

Why is everyone
so tired?

You'’ve been yawning
all afternoon.

Yeah, this is supposed
to be a carnival.

Ord invited us
to his cave last night

for a sleepover.

But we didn'’t get any sleep.

[YAWNS]Why not?

It'’s all my fault.

I couldn'’t sleep all night.

I guess I kept
everyone else up too.


That'’s what he did, all right.

But why couldn'’t you sleep?

Because I'’m afraid to.

I had a really scary dream.

I'’m afraid it will come back
if I go to sleep.

Oh, gee.That'’s awful.


And now I'’m really,
really tired.

We'’re all really tired now.

Not me.
I'’m wide awake.

I slept all night long.Ugh.

Hm. You could sleep
through anything.


You all look so tired.

It'’s hard to have any fun when
all you want to do is sleep.

Any ideas?

Maybe we can all
take a nap?

And then we'’ll feel better
and ready to have fun.

Love it.

Oh, oh.
That'’s a great idea.



Sí,you can lie down
under those shady trees

and take
a nice siesta.

I suppose.



Come on, Ord.

You need to get
some sleep too.

But I don'’t
wanna go to sleep.



...might have
my bad dream again.

Don'’t worry, Ord.We'’ll be right here to help you.

Oh, okay.


I really wanna sleep.

I really need to sleep.



...I'’m scared.









What is that dinging?


Oh, no.[DING]

It'’s Ord again.

[DING]I'’m sorry.

I'’m scared I'’ll have
my bad dream again and--



What am I gonna do?

Maybe we can help
Ord fall asleep.


Well, when Max and I
have a bad dream,

our mom and dad told us
to have happy thoughts.

Yeah, that makes
my bad dreams go away.

I'’ll try anything.

What makes you
really happy, Ord?

Um, let'’s see, happy thoughts,
happy thoughts. I know.

Thinking about
dragonberry cookies

and dragonberry muffins
makes me very happy.


So think about dragonberry
cookies and muffins.

And maybe that'’ll help.

Okay. I'’ll try.

Are you asleep?

Are you asleep?

Are you asleep!


Not now.

I'’m never going
to be able to sleep.

Never again.

Sure you will, Ord.Don'’t give up.

Whenever I have
a bad dream,

I snuggle up in the same bed
with my brothers and sisters.

All of them?

Uh-huh. And then it'’s not so
scary to go back to sleep.


I don'’t have
brothers and sisters.

You can snuggle off
with us, Ord.

Oh, cozy.

Come on. We can all sleep
in Quetzal'’s hammock.

It'’ll be fun.


Remember to think
happy thoughts.


Good night.



Now what happened, Ord?

I started to have
my bad dream again.

What'’s the dream

No, don'’t tell us.

I don'’t wanna hear it, because
then I'’ll have the bad dream.

Blah, blah, one, two, three.
Blah, blah, blah.

It'’s okay, Ord.
I wanna hear about your dream.

Me too.

Sure we do.

Well, okay.

But it'’s really,
really scary.

In my dream I'’m picking
flowers in the meadow,

and suddenly there'’s this big,
hairy monster.

And he'’s very tall,

and he has these great,
big horns on his head.

And-- And he'’s chasing me and
trying to poke me on the tail.

So I hide under
my blanket.

But then the monster sees me!

[GASPS]And he yells at me,

"Oogla, boogla, boogla."

And then he flies right at me.
And then, whoa!

I wake up.

I heard it.

Monsters are cool.

Hey, why don'’t we act out
Ord'’s bad dream?

Then maybe
it won'’t seem so scary.

Great idea.

Love it. Zak and I
will play the monster.

Wait, well...

I wanna be the monster.

Me too.

Here'’s what we'’ll do.


Almost ready, Ord.

Are you sure

this is a good idea?


Okay, start picking flowers.

All right.



We are the scary monster
of the meadow.

Oogla, boogla, boogla!



Run, Ord, run.


This is the part where
we try to poke his tail.


Oogla, boogla, boogla.


You guys look so silly.


Are you all okay?

Of course.Sure we are.



Yeah, you were all
so funny that

now my dream isn'’t
so scary anymore.

Glad we could help.

I thought we made
a great monster.


Didn'’t you, Ord?



Great job, niños.

You kept trying until

something worked.

Pleasant dreams, everyone.

Ha! Look at them.

They'’re all asleep.

Well, I'’m not tired.
No, sirree.

No, Wheezie.

I'’m not tired.



Look what I drew, Max.

Look what I made.
A racetrack.

"Help. Here comes
the blue car."


The winner!

Red car crosses
the finish line.

Look, someone'’s calling us
from Dragon Land.

Let'’s go.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Max, Emmy, I'’m so glad
you got here.

Hey, where'’s
our hug, Ord?

Not now, Max.
We'’ve got work to do.

Hola, niños.


We all have something
very important to do.

Look over there.

What happened to
all the color?

It got washed away
by a big rainstorm.

Even our school.QUETZAL: Sí.

That'’s why
I brought these.

You'’ll all go to
the Stickleback Mountains.

I'’ll color in
the School in the Sky,

you can help
coloring the rest.

But you can'’t color in
a real mountain.

In Dragon Land
you can.

I love to color.
This is gonna be fun.

Come on, everyone.
Let'’s go.

But be careful, niños.

There'’s a giant sleeping
in the Stickleback Mountains,

and if he'’s awakened,
he can be quite grumpy.


Wow, it looks like
a giant coloring book.

Yeah, before
it'’s been colored.



Zak. Wheezie.

We came as soon as we got
Quetzal'’s message.

What'’s wrong?

There'’s no color.

No color?
Hate it.

It looks so...

Neat and clean.

Love it.

Why mess it up with color?


Come on, Cassie.
We can color in the flowers.

Okay, you do the rosy poos,

I'’ll do the tuba peepers.

Let'’s color in the stream, Ord.You betcha.

Let'’s do the knuckerhole
for you and me, Wheez.

Whoo, I just love coloring.
It'’s so, so colorful.


Knuckerholes are
supposed to be brown.

Uh-uh. They'’re prettier
in rainbow.



You look prettier
in rainbow too, Zaky.

This flower will definitely
look best in red.

little butterfly fairy.

You'’re welcome.


Looking good,
Mr. Fish.

I wonder what a fresh-colored
apple taste like.

Mm. Tastes... red.

Start your engines.

And they'’re off!



Max. The water'’s
getting away.

Wheezie, did you leave
the water running again?

Uh-uh. Nope.In that case,


Head for the hills!

Max painted over the edge of
the stream with blue paint,

and now the water'’s coming out.What do we do?

Maybe if we dry it down,
we can stop the water.


I'’ll paint the outline
and you color it in.

Nice painting, Emmy.
You too, Cassie.

Sorry about my coloring.

That'’s okay, Max.

None of us have
ever done anything

like this before either.


Let'’s color in
those rocks, Ord.

Uh, I don'’t think
that'’s such a good idea.


Max, wait.

Zak'’s right.

You'’re not very good at
staying in the lines yet.

Maybe you should take
a rest for a while, Max.

But I don'’t
want to rest.

I want to color.

There must be something
Max can color.

How about the sky?
There'’s no lines to worry about.

Love it!

Yeah, and if Max
sits on my back,

I can fly him around and he
can reach every little bit.

Can'’t you, Max?You betcha.


You'’re doing great, Max.It'’s easy.

Wanna see me color
the clouds?



Max started
a rainstorm.

I didn'’t bring my rain boots.


Gonna catch a cold.

We have to stop the rain

before it washes away
our coloring again.

How?I know.

Cassie, grab two jars
of yellow paint.

Up there. Quick.

Hurry. Let'’s color in
the circle.

It'’s great to be yellow again.

That was fun.

What else can I color?

We'’ll think of something, Max.

Wait, I have an idea.

Max can color in
the dirt.

Yeah, it doesn'’t matter
if I do it messy.

It'’s supposed to be messy,
because it'’s dirt.

Come on, Max. Let'’s see who can
color in the dirt the fastest.

Wait for me.




Who'’s tickling my...




What happened to my color?

Did you take it?
Give it back.

We didn'’t do it.

Are you all right, Max?[ALL GASP]

The giant thinks Ord
and I took his color.

They didn'’t take it,
Mr. Giant, sir.

A rainstorm
washed it away.

And we'’re here to
put your color back.

Well, you better
put it back,

and I mean now.

You color him, Wheeze.

I'’m allergic
to smelly feet.

I'’m waiting.


I'’m not a rainbow.

I'’m a giant.

You two.

Finish color me in.

Don'’t shrink now, Cassie.

I need your help.


You be careful now.

Don'’t you mess up
my face, or else.

Oh, no.

What did I do?

Don'’t shrink now, Cassie.



I'’ll color your head,
Mr. Giant.

I'’m a great colorer-inner.Max, wait.

If you color
his face wrong, Max,

the giant might get
really mad.

And he might stomp us,
and squish us,

and turn us
into dragon jam.

What do we do?

Maybe we could draw
a blindfold on the giant

so he can'’t see
Max'’s scribbles.

Or we could run into the nearest
knuckerhole and jump in.

Max, stop.

You'’re making a mess.

I think he looks cool.

Purple hair? The giant'’s
gonna hate it. We'’re doomed.

You gave me hair.

And a beard.

Oh, great.
He didn'’t have any hair.

He hates it.
We'’re double doomed.

I can'’t remember
the last time I had hair.

I have hair.
I have a beard.

Thank you.

Thank you.


I told you he loves hair.

Way to go, Max.Yay.

You'’re the best colorer
in Dragon Land.

Rosy poos are red.

Knuckerholes are...

Red, yellow, green and blue.

I love coloring.Me too.

I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Dragon Land sure looked better
with all its color back.

That I can scribble better
than you, Max.

Oh, yeah? Bet you can'’t.

I'’m the scribbliest scribbler
in the whole wide world.


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪