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02x04 - Fair Weather/Home Sweet Home

Posted: 10/02/22 09:30
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength ♪

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

man: ♪ Teleport
in no time flat? ♪

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day? ♪

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're
a future hero ♪

♪ Come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Mr. Sparks:
At Hero Elementary,

fun was in the air
and the weather was fair--

a perfect day
for the Fun Fair.

[upbeat music]

- Yes!
It's nice and sunny today.

- Ah, esta perfecto!

All right, class,
time to set up.

- Come on, team!
- [laughs] Let's go!

- All right, come on, guys.
- Whoo-hoo!

Fun, Fun, Fun Fair!

- I always love the Fun Fair.

Every year, it's so!

- Just think--
in a little while,

this whole school yard
will be filled

with games
and decorations and booths.

- Oh, and this year,
we get to run the booths!

- That's right.

Have you each decided

what you're going to do
with your booths?

- I'm gonna have
a knock-the-cans booth.


It's gonna be a knockout!



- Well, for my booth,

I shall entertain
the crowd with...


♪ Doo-doo-doo! ♪

Bubble animals!

Cutest animal ever!

- [squeaks sadly]

- U-uh, besides you, Fur Blur.

- [squeaks happily]
- You little cutie-patootie.

- [chuckles]
How about you, AJ?

What's your booth going to be?

- Ask AJ.

- [whooshes]
Uh, he just did ask you.

- I mean it's an Ask AJ booth.

People can ask me questions
about any hero ever.

- How about:

who's the best flier
at Hero Elementary?

- Mr. Flightowski,
the flying teacher.

- [sighs]

Who's the best student flier
that's in your class?

- Oh.
Lucita Sky.

- Whoo-hoo!


[rousing music]

- What's your booth, Lucita?

- Fortune-telling.

I can see into the future.

- Yeah?
What's going to happen?

- Hmm.

I see...

AJ is about to get very happy.

AJ: [gasps]
Oh, yes!


- [giggles]
You can tell the future.

- [giggles]
Not really.

I've just noticed AJ loves
eating veggie chips every day,

so I left some in his booth
where he would find them.

- Mmm.

I like the carrot ones best.

- Nice predicting, Lucita.

- Predicting?
- Sí.

You noticed that
AJ likes veggie chips.

You noticed a pattern.
He eats them every day.

And that helped you know
what would happen, yes?

- Pretty much.
- That's predicting.

And it's a great
Superpower of Science.

- Hey, where'd the sun go?

- Huh?
[wind whooshing]

Behind those dark clouds.

- But it was sunny just
a few minutes ago.

- Well, the weather can change
quickly sometimes.

- Oh.
Uh, now it's getting windy.

- [squeaks nervously]

- [shudders]
And colder.


- Uh-oh.


- Quick, put your things
back in their boxes.

- [whooshes]

- [grunts]

[sighs] I don't like
when my clothes get wet.


- AJ, don't you have a gadget
that can keep us dry?

- Oh, yeah.
I do.

We can use my umbrellarama!

- [whooshes]

Uh, I don't think
one umbrella's

big enough for all of us.

- [chuckles]
Mine is.

[umbrella blips, whirs]


- Yippee!
- Yeah!

- Is it gonna keep raining?

- Let's give it a few minutes
and see if it clears up.

- [groans]

This Fun Fair weather
isn't fair.

Mr. Sparks:
Or fun either.

But before long,
the shower passed,

and things were
looking sunny again.


Hey, the rain stopped.

And the sun's coming out!

- See?

Weather can change quickly

- Looks like
we'll have nice weather

for the Fun fair after all.

- I hope that
passing rain shower

didn't dampen
your spirits.

- No, but it did
dampen my socks.


- Well, people will be
coming soon for the Fun Fair,

and there's still
lots to do to get ready.

- And not a lot of time
before it starts.

- [scoffs]
Not a problem.

We can do this
if we all work together.

- That's the spirit.

Who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[dramatic music]

Sparks' Crew to the Rescue.

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!
- Hooray!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Aha.

[bell dings]

My bad.

- Bubble up!

♪ ♪

Oh, yeah!

[wheel clunks, creaks]

- Hmm.
[backpack whirs]


[wheel whirs]

[toys squeaking]

- [squeaks]

- Huh?

[laughing] Hey, Fur Blur.
- [squeaks happily]

- Mm.

♪ ♪

- [whooshes]


Mr. Sparks: Fantástico!

Nice job, class.

- Everything's perfect
for the Fun Fair.

[wind whooshing]
- Uh-oh.

Well, not everything.

[downcast music]
Lucita: Oh, no.

More dark clouds?
- [whooshes]

- Oh, I hope this doesn't mean
the weather's going to change

- Fear not!

I know who can help us.
- Who?

- Breezy McStorm,
the weather reporter.

I watch her on TV
with my Pop Pop.

We could just ask her to make
the weather nice for us.

- Uh, I don't think weather
reporters make the weather.

- But then
how do they always know

what the weather's gonna be
before it happens?

- Maybe it's a superpower.

- Hmm.
Thought projecting!

There are
weather-related heroes

like Arctic Chill,

Hail Caesar,

and Lightning Rod.

But none of them know
what the weather will be

before it happens.

I don't think
it is a superpower.

- Ah,
but predicting the weather

is something
weather reporters can do.

- So they look
for weather patterns

to figure out
what might be coming?

- Exactamente.

- So maybe we can
predict the weather too.

We just have to use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- Muy bien.

- Okay, let's start
with observation.

What did we notice
before it rained last time?

- Oh, I can show you.
Thought projecting!

Before it rained, it got darker
with lots of gray clouds.

- And it got pretty windy.

AJ: Yes.
[wind whooshing]

Sara: And it got colder.

Lucita: And then it rained.

[rain pattering]

- And my socks got wet.

- Okay, so let's observe
what's happening now.

- Well, I can see
that it's getting darker.

[wind whooshing]

- And I can hear
it's getting windy.

- [groans]
- [shudders]

I feel it's getting colder too.

- There's a pattern.

I don't have to be
a fortune-teller

to predict
it's about to rain again.

- I think that's
a good prediction.

- Raindrops!

- We've got to cover
everything up.

- [whooshes]

- [groans]
[umbrella blips]

[wind whistling]

Oh, no!

[dramatic music]


[wheel whirring]

♪ ♪

[wood creaking]

- Huh? [gasps]
Fur Blur!

♪ ♪


- [squeaks]

- Safe and sound.
- [squeaks]

- Aww, Fur Blur.

[heroic music]

- Bubble up!

♪ ♪

- [squeaking]

- [chuckles]
- [sighs]

Are we gonna have to cancel
the Fun Fair?

- I hope not.

Everyone's looking forward
to it, and so am I.

- I suppose it depends on
if the rain stops or not.

- I wish there was
a way we could tell.

- [gasps]
Wait a minute.

We predicted that the weather
was going to be rainy.

Maybe we can predict
if the rain will stop.

- Maybe.

Give it a try.

Lucita: Hmm.

Well, I notice that the clouds

aren't so dark anymore.

- And it's not raining
as hard anymore.

- Look!
The clouds are moving away!

[wind whooshing]

- So what do you predict?

- Well, I think
it might stop raining.

But I better check to see

if any more clouds
are headed our way.

Be right back!

[hopeful music]

♪ ♪

[device chimes]
Sara: Well, Lucita?

What do you see?

- I see dark clouds moving out

and nothing but blue sky.

I predict no more rain!

We won't have to cancel
the Fun Fair.

- [laughs]
Yeah, bye-bye, rain!

- [laughs] Nice!

- That's a relief.

- Whoa!
Too high!

I predict something else--

a crash landing!


- Oh, no!

- Whoa!

[dramatic music]


- Bubble up!

- Whoa!



Thanks, Benny.

- You're welcome.

- Huh?
- Oh, yeah!


- Ah, sunshine and blue skies.

Nice fair weather.

And just in time
to open the Fun Fair.

Is everyone ready?

- I am.
- Yeah, me too.

Come on, let's go!
- Here we go.

[upbeat music]
- Ready.

- Ready.

- Ready.

Are you ready to tell
the future, Lucita?

- Yup, but I don't need
a crystal ball

now that I know how to predict
what will happen.

- And how do you predict
the Fun Fair will go?

- Based on how much
we like it every year,

I predict this is going to be
a really fun Fun Fair.

[crowd chattering]
woman: This is fabulous.

woman: Sure gets better
every year.

♪ ♪

Mr. Sparks: And it was fun

because the weather was fair.

Next time you go outside,

turn your eyes to the skies,

and maybe you'll be able
to predict the future too.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Mr. Sparks: It was the morning
after a big storm,

and outside Hero Elementary,
it was a big mess,

but my little heroes
had a big plan.

- All right, team.

Does everybody
know the plan?

- Yes, we'll clean
up this mess...

- And get the whole school yard
back in shape.

- That way, everyone can use it
in time for recess.

- Bueno!

And who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[dramatic music]

Sparks' Crew to the Rescue.

♪ ♪

- [whooshes]

[determined music]

♪ ♪

[drone whirring]

- [whooshes]


- Huh?

Wow, the storm was so strong,
it knocked over this tree.

[animal chittering]

Do you hear that, Fur Blur?

What is it?
- [squeaks]

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- [gasps]
A chipmunk.

Aww, it's just
the cutest thing ever!

Isn't he adorable, Fur Blur?

- [squeaks]

- [whooshes]

Hey, what happened
to this tree?

- Look!
A chipmunk.

- Benny, have you made
a new friend?

- Yeah.

Kind of reminds me of you...
- [squeaks]

- My little
cutie-wootie sidekick.

Hey, maybe you can both
be my sidekicks.

[trumpet trills]
- [squeaks unsurely]

- Sidekick number one
is Fur Blur,

and sidekick number two

We need a name for you.
Oh, I know.

Captain Chipmunk.
[dramatic musical sting]

[squirrels chittering]

[birds chirping]

- Hey, check out
those animals.

They're all leaving the tree.

- Sí.
Why do you think that is?

- It looks like
they lived in the tree.

Maybe now they're going off
to find new homes.

- What if this tree was
Captain Chipmunk's home too?

- Then he will need
a new place to live.

- Then we must help him
find a new home.

- Yeah!
But how?

- Maybe we can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science.

- Let's start by predicting

what kind of home
Captain Chipmunk would like.

- Okay, let's think
about what we already know.

He really likes this tree.

- Then I predict he'd like
to live in another tree.

- Makes sense.
- Yeah.

Then let's look
for a tree like this one.

Spread out, team!

- [whooshing]

Hmm, nope.

This one isn't the same kind.


- Hmm.

Eh, too small.

- Hmm.

[hopeful music]

[device blips]

I see the perfect one.

Everybody, follow me.

- [whooshes]

♪ ♪

This tree looks just like
Captain Chipmunk's old one.

- Except, well, it's standing.
- Right.

I predict it will make
a great home.

- How can you test out
your prediction?

- Let's show Captain Chipmunk
this tree

and see if he likes it.

Where is he?

- Oh, h-heading this way!

[playful music]
- [chittering]

♪ ♪

- What do you think
of this tree, Captain Chipmunk?

It's just like your old home.

- Yeah, and this tree
is nice and strong.


- [gasps]
- Oh, no!

- [panicked squeaking]

- Oops.
Sorry, Fur Blur.

- So is this tree
the right home for a chipmunk?

- I think it is.

♪ ♪

- Or not.

- Why didn't Captain Chipmunk
like this tree?

- Maybe he's tired
of living in trees.

Maybe he'd like
a different kind of home.

- Ooh, that gives me an idea.

Be back in a snap.

- I have an idea too.

- [whooshes]

- [squeaks angrily]

- Since Fur Blur is kinda small
like a chipmunk,

I predict Captain Chipmunk

would like to live
where she lives--

in a cage.

- Isn't that Fur Blur's cage?
- Yeah.

I was thinking they could
share it, like roomies.

- [squeaks angrily]

- Watch.
We'll test out my prediction.

Here you go,
Captain Chipmunk.

- [chitters]
- Wanna live here?

♪ ♪

- [chitters]

♪ ♪

- [squeaks angrily]

- Why didn't he like it?

Fur Blur loves this cage.

- Fur Blur is our class pet.
This is her home.

- [squeaks]

- I don't think a cage
is the right home

for a wild animal.

- Oh, I guess you're right.

I'll put this back.


- [panicked squeaking]


- Oh, you okay,

sidekick number one?

- [squeaks happily]

- We have to find
a different kind of home

for Captain Chipmunk.

- [grunting]


I made this
popsicle stick house myself

last summer.

I predict Captain Chipmunk

would like this
for a new home.

- Mm, and why is that?

- Well, we think
he lived in a tree,

and trees are made of wood.

And so are popsicle sticks.

- Interesting thought.
Let's test it out.

- Look, Captain Chipmunk,

your own house.

You just have to go inside.

- [squeaking]

- Hmm.

Captain Chipmunk likes acorns,

so I wonder if...

Hey, Captain Chipmunk.

- [chittering]

♪ ♪

- Careful.
You can't dig in there.

- [squeaks]
[house creaks]

- Oh, no!
- Watch out!

- [squeaks]

- [chitters]

- Oh, Fur Blur!
- [squeaks happily]

- That was a close one.

- I guess a house
made of popsicle sticks

isn't the right home
for a chipmunk either.

[mysterious music]

Mr. Sparks: Our heroes
had to dig deeper

to solve this problem.

- Why does Captain Chipmunk
keep digging?

- Well, he keeps
picking up acorns.

Maybe he's collecting food

and digging a hole
to store them.

- Oh, oh.

Uh, then I predict

that Captain Chipmunk
would like a home

with plenty of space
to store food.

Like this. Bubble up!

It has lots of room
for all his acorns.

- Let's test it out.

Benny: More acorns over here,
Captain Chipmunk.

- [chittering]

- [gasps]

He loves it.
Home, sweet home.

[hawk screeches]
- [squeaking]

- What's the matter, Fur Blur?
[hawk screeches]

[tense music]

- Uh-oh.

Looks like that hawk
sees Captain Chipmunk

right through the bubbles.

[hawk screeches]

- Oh, no!

- It's coming back.
I'll shoo it away!

[dramatic music]

Shoo, shoo!

Get out of here!

[hawk screeches]

[drone blips]

[drone whirring]

- [groans]

- [whooshes]
[hawk screeches]


♪ ♪

[hawk cawing]

[victorious music]


- Nice work, class.

- I guess a see-through
house of bubbles

isn't a safe home for you,
Captain Chipmunk.

Hey, where'd he go now?

- Back to his old tree.

- Oh, Captain,
my Captain!

Why can't we find
the right home for you?

- Don't worry, Benny.
We can do this.

Let's go over what we know.

- Okay.
Thought projecting.

We predicted Captain Chipmunk
would like to live in a tree,

a cage,
a popsicle stick house,

and a bubble house,

but he didn't like
any of them.

- True.
What else do we know?

Lucita: We know
that Captain Chipmunk

lives in the wild.

And he likes to collect food,

so he needs a home
that has room to store it.

- Oh, and don't forget
he needs a home

that helps him hide
from danger.

- [squeaks]

- What is it, Fur Blur?

What's so interesting
about this tree?

- And why does Captain Chipmunk

keep trying
to dig underneath it?

- Hmm, maybe there's
something under there.

- How can we find out?

- [gasps]

I have the perfect gadget.

My Scope-a-tron
can look through anything.

[Scope-a-tron beeps, blips]

Sara: Do you see something
under there?

AJ: No, just a hole
in the ground.

- A hole?
Well, what's under the hole?

AJ: Hmm, it looks like
some underground tunnels.

There are acorns down there!

- Something is storing
food down there,

and it's a safe place
where no one can see.

- [gasps]

That must be
Captain Chipmunk's home!

He didn't live in the tree.

He lived under the tree.

- And the tree fell
on top of his home.

No wonder he keeps trying
to dig under there.

- [chuckles]
We figured it out!

- Fantástico.
- Uh-oh.

One of the tunnels
has caved in,

and look what it's blocking.

[all gasp]
Benny: Baby chipmunks?

That must be
Captain Chipmunk's family.

They're trapped!
Oh, we gotta move this tree.


- I got this.
[neck bones crack]

[determined music]


- [chitters]

- What's happening, AJ?

AJ: He's digging
to get to his babies.

- Go, Captain, go!

Oh, he got through!

Oh, look
at the chipmunk cuties.

The family's together again!

- Nice going!
- Wow, way to dig!

- All right!
- Great job, crew.

You helped Captain Chipmunk
get back into her home.

- Uh, her home?
- Yes.

It's the mother chipmunks
that stay with their babies.

- Oh.
Way to go, Mama!

[chipmunks chittering]

- Oh, I'll miss you,
Captain Chipmunk.

But I guess wild animals aren't
supposed to be sidekicks.

Lucky I still have
sidekick number one,

and she's the greatest sidekick
in the whole world!

- [squeaks happily]

Mr. Sparks:
And so my heroic students

saved the day,

which just goes to show,

whether you're a hero,

a sidekick, or a chipmunk,

everyone needs
a home, sweet home.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

male announcer: Time to learn
how to hero!

Hey, you!

Yes, that means you.

Let's go hero,

using your superpowers
of science.

Today's superpower is...

the power of finding patterns.

[upbeat swing music]

♪ ♪

singers: ♪ When you find
the pattern ♪

♪ When you find
the pattern ♪

♪ When you find the pattern,
you save the day ♪

♪ When you notice
something happened ♪

♪ That happened before ♪

♪ And you notice
that the same thing ♪

♪ Happens once more ♪

♪ What's going on? ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Oh, what's going on?
Whoa ♪

♪ When you notice
something happens every time ♪

♪ There might be a pattern,
a pattern to find ♪

♪ What's going on? ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Oh, what's going on? ♪

♪ Go and gather up
your hero friends ♪

♪ And ask yourselves,
"Does it make sense?" ♪

♪ If it always happens
the very same way ♪

♪ Find the pattern
to save the day ♪

♪ When you notice something
happens again and again ♪

♪ And you know that it'll
happen again and again ♪

♪ What's going on?
Whoa ♪

♪ Oh, what's going on? ♪

♪ Go and gather up
your hero friends ♪

♪ And ask yourselves,
"Does it make sense?" ♪

♪ If it always happens
the very same way ♪

♪ Find the pattern
to save the day ♪

♪ When you find the pattern ♪

♪ When you find the pattern ♪

♪ When you find the pattern ♪

♪ The pattern, the pattern ♪

♪ When you find the pattern ♪

♪ When you find the pattern ♪

♪ When you find the pattern ♪

♪ You save the day ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪