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03x01 - The Butterfly Chasers/Something Shady

Posted: 10/02/22 09:32
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

♪ Teleport in no time flat?

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day?

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're a future
hero, come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Sparks: When hero students
practice their powers,

the sky's the limit!

Lucita Sky practiced all day

to see how long she could fly
in the sky!

- Phew!

- Way to go, Lucita!

- Yeah, you go!

- You can do it!

- How many more minutes
till I b*at my longest time?

- Just a few more.

- But if you're tired,
come down!

You can always try again

- I don't think I can fly
any longer.


AJ: Uh-oh.

Looks like she's coming in
for a crash landing!

[upbeat music]

- I'm on it!

- [screams]


- Gotcha!

- [sighs]

Flying a long time is hard,

but the ground would have
been harder.

Thanks, Sara.

- Mr. Sparks, Mr. Sparks!

- Benny?
What's wrong?

- The monarchs are gone!

both: Huh?

- They're missing
from the school garden.

Come quick!


The monarchs are missing.

- Monarchs?

- The monarch butterflies!

The orange and black ones?

There used to be so many
of them in this garden.


- Thought projecting!

Oh, yes.
I remember.

- [squeaks]


- Look!

One butterfly is still here.

- Where?

Oh, it's Twelve!

Hi, Twelve!

This is my favorite butterfly.

- Favorite?
How can you tell them apart?

Benny: 'Cause Twelve has this.

AJ: What is that?

- Uh, not sure,

but now Twelve is all alone!

Ooh, where did
your little friends go, huh?

- That is
an excellent question.

Any ideas?

- Maybe they were flying around
and got lost?

- Oh, no!



Come back!

I don't want you
to get lost too!

- Where's it going?

- I don't know,

but we've gotta find Twelve.

And all those other
butterflies too.

- Sounds like
an interesting mission!

And who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[heroic music]

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

- I'm ready to fly again!

Let's spread out, team!


- Come on, Fur Blur!

- [squeaks]

Sparks: And so the Sparks'
Crew made like butterflies

and fluttered off,

looking for
the missing monarchs

and the one named Twelve.

- Hmm.


There you are!

[peaceful music]

I see Twelve.

He's just landed near
Founder's Fountain.

- We're on our way!

[upbeat music]

- Why would Twelve go so far
from our school garden?

Over here, everyone!

Over here!

- Where's Twelve?

- Right there,
on that plant!

Oh, thank goodness
we found you, Twelve!

Now, how do we find
the other missing butterflies?

- Well, are there
any superpowers

that could help you?

- Ooh!
Maybe we can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- Let's start
by gathering information.

- Good idea!

I'll keep track
of everything we find out!

- Okay.
I see some information.

Twelve seems to be snacking.

- [squeaks excitedly]

- On this plant!

- [squeaks sadly]

- Snacking.

- Ooh, ooh, I know some
information about that plant.

That's milkweed.

- Milk...weed?

- Yeah!
Monarchs love it!

We had milkweed
in the school garden,

but it kind of dried up.

- Lots of plants dry up
this time of year.

Look at the trees.

Hmm, the leaves are pretty,

but a few of them have already
fallen off and dried up.


- Oh, that's more information!

- Sí.

And don't these changes
happen every fall

when the weather gets cooler?

- Yeah!
It's a pattern.

And after fall comes winter!

- But there are no plants
to feed on in winter!

- And I never see butterflies
in wintertime.

- What do you think happens
to the monarchs?

Where do they go?

- Well, we know they like
to snack on milkweed,

but it's all dried up,

so maybe they go looking
for food!

- Yes!
- [squeaks]

- Twelve!

Where are you going now?

- Follow that butterfly!

[jets whooshing]



- Wait!
Don't go!

- Whew!

How do you fly for so long,


I'm getting tired already!


You're good
at riding the wind.

Maybe I could try that!

Whoa, whoa!

Hey, I'm doing it!

I bet I can fly a long time
like this!


Where are we going anyway?



I see lots of butterflies!

- Really?

- Flying over a field
in City Town Park!

AJ: I see them!

They seem to be landing

somewhere on the other side
of those trees.

- Why?
What's there?

- [gasps]
I'll just teleport over there

and tell you where they end up!



Where did I end up?

[musical beeping]
- What do you see, Sara?

- Some kind of garden.

Only you've gotta see this.

There's butterflies everywhere!

- Oh, boy!


So this is where
all the butterflies have gone.

Hello, all you little beauties!

- No, no, shoo!

Go away!

- [squeaking]

- Oh!


And here's Twelve!

- [gasps]
Hey, little buddy!

- What is this place?

- I think it's a butterfly
way station,

a place where butterflies
can take a break from flying,

rest up, and get some food.

Sara: Everyone,
come look at this!

I found more information.

Benny: [gasps]

Twelve isn't the only monarch
with a tag!

- Hmm, what are the tags for?

- It says here that

a few monarch butterflies
wear tags each year!

- "The tags help people
keep track

of the butterflies'
journey south."

- South?
- Sí.

South, to Mexico!

- It says, "When the weather
gets colder,

the monarchs fly to Mexico,
where it's warm and sunny."

- You mean, these butterflies

are gonna fly all the way
to Mexico?

- That's really far away.

- But they are good fliers.

I saw that myself!

- It's amazing how far
monarch butterflies can fly.

That's why way stations
like this are so helpful.

It gives them a place to eat
and rest and...

[wind whistling]

Even get away
from bad weather!

[suspenseful music]

Lucita: It looks like a storm
is coming!

Benny: Oh, no!

What will happen
to the butterflies?

- Don't worry,
there's plenty of places here

for them to get out
of the rain.

[peaceful music]

- But there's still
lots of monarchs

flying around out there

who haven't found
this way station yet!

- Then we shall help them!

- Okay, team.
Let's go!

[heroic music]

- Ooh, there's
some butterflies!

Bubble up!

Not that way, butterflies!

Come this way!

- Hmm.

Lucita, look behind you!

- Huh?

Come on, this way!


- Yah!
Let's get you someplace dry.


- Ah, very good.

- [squeaks]

- Oh.

It's on me, it's on me,
it's on me!

- It's okay, AJ.

They're totally gentle.

- Phew!
- [giggles]

- Thanks, Sara.

- This way, widdle butterfly.

- I see one under the leaves
on this plant!

Should I leave it there?

- Yes, it will be
out of the rain there.

Now you have to get
out of the rain too!


Now the butterflies
are safe from the storm.

- Uh, wait,
where's Twelve?

- [gasps]

[suspenseful music]

- I'm coming, Twelve!

You widdle cutie!

[heroic music]

Bubble up!

[all cheering]
- Yeah, you go!

- Ha, that's better!

You'll be safe here, Twelve.

[musical chime]

- Muy bien!

Now we can all wait here
together for the storm to pass.

- [gasps]
The sun's coming out now!

- And so are the monarchs!

- Whoa!

Sparks: It's time for them
to continue their journey

to Mexico.

Lucita: Good-bye, monarchs!

- Good-bye, Twelve!

Sad to think we'll never
see monarchs again.

- Ah, but after the winter,
when the weather gets warmer,

monarch butterflies return!

- Really?

Did you hear that?

We'll see butterflies
in our school garden again!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Hooray!

- Have a good trip, monarchs!

Sparks: So remember,
if it's cool outside,

and you see
a monarch butterfly,

it's probably heading
on a long journey

to a warm place,

which is actually pretty cool!

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary! ♪

[upbeat music]

Sparks: It was early morning
at Hero Elementary.

AJ was already up,

but something shady was about
to go down.

- Aha!

This is the perfect spot
for our lunch later today.


Nice and shady, so we won't be
in the sun while we eat.


[jets whoosh]

[suspenseful music]

- [laughs]
I'm flying!

- Whoo-hoo!

Sparks: They say time flies
when you're having fun,

unless you've been waiting
all morning

to go outside for lunch.

- Three, two, one.

[bell rings]


Mr. Sparks, you said we could
eat lunch outside today

and it's exactly : ,


- Yes, of course, AJ.

Okay, everyone!
Bring it in!

Great training today.

Now it's time
for lunch outside!

- Oh, lunch?
I'm hungry!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Aw, can't wait!

- Quick, follow me!

- Have fun!

Let's get back
to the classroom, Fur Blur.

Fur Blur?
Fur Blur?

What--where did she go?

- [squeaks excitedly]

[upbeat music]


- I can't wait till you see
the shady spot I picked out

right under the big tree!



Where's all the shade?


- Hmm, are you sure
we're at the right spot, AJ?

- Ah--uh--yes!

I put the blanket right here
in front of these bushes.

The shade was covering
the whole blanket this morning,

but now the shade's
almost gone!

[breathing deeply]

- It's okay, AJ,
we'll figure this out!

- Yeah, solving problems
is kinda our thing, right?

- Right.

[cracking knuckles]
- After all,

who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[heroic music]

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

- So what could've happened
to the shade?

- [gasps]
Thought projecting!

after I left the blanket,

a sneaky person came
and took the shade!

- Uh, can that really happen?


I don't think you can just
pick shade up and take it away.

[strained grunts]


- Yeah, I guess not.

But how are we going to figure
out what happened to the shade?

- The same way we always
figure things out!

We can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- Let's start
by asking questions,


What do we notice
about this shade?

- Well, it's dark.

- And the tree makes the shade!

- [gasps]

Kinda like the way
I make a shadow!


- So I guess the shade
is really the tree's shadow!

- Hey, yeah!

Shade is a shadow!

- So investigating shadows
might help us figure out

what happened to the shade.

- Good idea!

We should spread out

and see what we can observe
about shadows.

Let's go, team!

[upbeat music]

AJ: Hmm.


- Oh!



- Hmm.


- I notice everything seems

to have a shadow,

and everyone!

- And when we move,
our shadows move too!



- What if we move really fast?

Maybe my shadow can't keep up!







Looks like our shadows
stay with us

no matter how fast we move!

- And if someone
is standing still,

their shadow is standing still

- But the tree didn't move.

It stayed right here.

So what happened to the shade?

- That's the big question.

We have to keep investigating!

- I wish there was a way
we could see

what happened
to the tree's shadow!

- Oh, guess what?

I think there's a way
we can see

what happened
to the tree's shadow!

Look what I noticed
on the school!

- A security camera!

And it's pointing
towards the tree!

- Hmm.
I bet it was recording all day!

- Maybe it can show us
what happened to the shade.

- Let's go inside
and ask Mr. Sparks

if he can get us that video.

- Okay, but while
we're in there,

can we eat our lunch?

[stomach growls]


Uh, I'm getting kinda hungry.

- But we're supposed
to eat outside today.

Ah, this isn't what I planned!

[breathing deeply]

But I'm also going
to figure this out!

Let's go investigate!

- Come on!

- Here's what the security
camera recorded today.


[jets whooshing]

AJ: There I am this morning!

Can you zoom in, Mr. Sparks?

- Of course!

Lucita: Wow!

There was lots of shade there
this morning!

- Just like I told you.

Mr. Sparks, can you
fast-forward to lunchtime?

Sara: Whoa!
The tree's shadow is moving!

All by itself!

- [squeaks confusedly]

- But how?

Benny: Yeah!
The tree is standing still.

So how can its shadow move?

- A very good question!

How do you think
we can find out?

- We keep investigating!

- Muy bien!

Tell me, what else do we know
about shadows?

- Well, I know
I like playing with them

and making shadow puppets!

- Oh!

Wait, what are shadow puppets?

- I'll show you!

AJ, do you have a flashlight?

- No, but I have
my Super Lux Deluxe!

- Isn't that basically a--

- A flashlight?

Yes, but a super bright one!

- Oh, perfect!

We just need to make it
darker in here.

- On it!

- Aim the light at the wall.


Try to guess what this is!


- [gasps]

A bunny!

Lucita: Yup!
Hop hop, hop hop!

- [laughs]
That's so cool, Lucita!

- So how did the bunny
shadow puppet get on the wall?

- Well, Lucita's hands
are blocking the light

and making a shadow!

- Yeah, a super cute shadow!

- You can make all sorts of
shadow puppets with your hands!

- Can we try?

- Sure!

- Okay, see if you can guess
what this is!

AJ: Oh, a--a dragon?

Benny: No, no, a fox?

Sara: Ahem!
Woof, woof!

Woof, woof, woof!

- Oh, a puppy!

- Yes!

- [laughs]
My turn, my turn!

- I guess it's hard to tell

what some shadow puppets
are supposed to be.

Or not!

That looks just like Fur Blur!

- That's because
it is Fur Blur!

- Huh?

[all laughing]

- Oh, Fur Blur.

[boings and squeaks]

- Aww!

She's even making
her own shadow puppets!

So cute!

- This is so much fun!

- [gasps]

Did you see that?

Fur Blur's shadow moved
onto the floor!

- Aha!

- But she's standing still.

Lucita, can you move the light

- Mm-hmm!

- [gasps]
There it goes!

- So when the light moves,
the shadow moves

even if Fur Blur doesn't!

We've got to get back outside!

I've got an idea
for a new investigation!

- I love investigations!

- Okay, we know something
has to be blocking light

to make a shadow, right?

- Right.

- And since the shade
is the tree's own shadow...

[jets whooshing]

It's gotta be the tree
that's blocking light!

- But there aren't
any flashlights out here.

Where's the light coming from?

- Hmm.


It's the Sun!

The Sun is the light!

The Sun's light shines
on the tree,

and the tree blocks the light,

and that makes the shadow
on the ground below!

- Exactamente!

- Okay, but that still
doesn't explain

how the tree's shadow moved.

- The shade was there
this morning,

but it's in a different
place now.

- It's not like the tree
just picked up and moved.

- Hmm.

It didn't have to!

Remember, when the light moves,
the shadow moves.

Let's look at the video again!

Can you zoom all the way out
so we can see the Sun too?

Sparks: Certainly!

Here's what it looked like
this morning.

AJ: Okay, so the Sun
was over there.

Um, now can you fast forward?

Sparks: Sure.

Here's what it looked like
at lunchtime.

all: [gasp]

AJ: The Sun's over there!

The sunlight shines on the
tree from a different place.

That's why the shade moved!

- Fantástico!

I like how you all
figured that out!

- I knew we would.
We're Sparks' Crew!

Solving problems is
kinda our thing!

- It's just too bad we couldn't
have lunch in the shade today.

- That's okay!

Now that we know there's lots
of shade here in the morning,

we can have breakfast outside
tomorrow instead!

- [laughs]
Great idea!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Hooray!
- Oh, yeah!


Sparks: So my students
headed inside,

happy that they solved
the mystery of the shade

beyond a shadow of a doubt.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary! ♪

man: Time to learn
how to hero!

Hey, you.

Yes, that means you!

Let's go hero,

using your Superpowers
of Science!

Today's superpower is...

The power to get information!

[upbeat pop rock music]

man: ♪ When you're a hero ♪

♪ Where-where can you go? ♪

♪ Where can you go
to get the info? ♪

♪ Where can you turn
when you want to learn ♪

♪ More information? ♪

♪ When you want
to know where to look ♪

♪ Heroes check out
all kinds of books ♪

♪ When there's information
you need to find ♪

♪ Heroes check out
pages online ♪

♪ So check it out,
check-check it out ♪

♪ Heroes know where
to go to check things out ♪

♪ When you want
to learn something new ♪

♪ Do heroic research
with your crew ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You've checked books
and the Internet ♪

♪ But there's more
information to get ♪

♪ There's another place
you can go ♪

♪ Heroes check
with someone who knows ♪

♪ There are plenty of ways
to learn something new ♪

♪ Books, online, and someone
who knows more than you do ♪

♪ So check it out,
check-check it out ♪

♪ Heroes know where
to go to check things out ♪

♪ When you want
to learn something new, ♪

♪ Do heroic research
with your crew ♪

♪ ♪

♪ With your crew ♪

[energetic swing music]