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03x04 - Sparks’ Unplugged/Camp Catastrophe

Posted: 10/02/22 09:33
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength ♪

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

♪ Teleport in no time flat? ♪

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day? ♪

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're a future
hero, come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Mr. Sparks:
At Hero Elementary,

every young hero
needs practice finding things,

and finding a hiding hamster
was a snap

thanks to AJ's helpful tools,

or should I say gadgets?

[sneaky music]

- [squeaks]

♪ ♪

[communicator beeps]
- Come in, Crew.

Any sign of Fur Blur?
- Not yet.

My robocar is programmed
to search

till it finds something
small and warm,

and Fur Blur's both
those things.

♪ ♪

[device warbling]

Sara: The sound booster's

picking up some noise
by the trees!

- Aha!

I saw a blur of fur!

[computer beeping]

- The car found something
small and warm.

- Let's move, team!

♪ ♪

- Found her!

- Oh, there's our warm
and fuzzy little cuteness.

- [squeaks]
- Well done, class.

- [squeaks]
- Hey.

It's supposed to bring
Fur Blur right to me.

- [squeaking]

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪


- I guess my robocar
isn't working quite right yet.

- But your other gadgets
were great!

This sound booster really
helped me hear Fur Blur.

- And your zoom-oculars
helped me see her.

[power whirs down]

Oh, but they just turned off,

so I think the batteries
are dead.

[device beeping]

Sara: And these batteries
are super low.

- Then let's bring the gadgets
back to class

and charge them up!

We want them to be ready
next time you need them.

- Yes!

What would we do
without my gadgets?

[playful music]

♪ ♪

[devices beeping]

Everything's charging.

- I'm also going to do an
update on your sleeve screens,

so they'll be off for a while.

[power whirring down]

[alarm beeping]
- [gasps] The Sparkinator!

- Oh, no!
Where did they go?

- That's here,
in the cafeteria.

- Mrs. Mangia's
upset about something.

We'd better check it out.
- I'll grab my gadgets.

They're still charging.

- I'm sure you can manage
without them for a while.

- But what if I need them?

- Then we'll
figure something out.

Right now,
Mrs. Mangia needs us.

- And who's the crew
who knows what to do?

Sparks' Crew to the Rescue!

[exciting music]

- [whistling]

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ugh, my floor.

♪ ♪

- Don't worry, Mrs. Mangia.

Sparks' Crew is here
to save the day!

- So what's the problem?

- The mega muffins
I just baked, they're gone!

I turned my back
for one minute,

and somebody took them.

- Fear not!

We shall find that bandit
of baked goods.

[together] Huh?
- You know,

the one who took the muffins.

- Right.
Maybe we can use our...

Superpowers of Science!

- Let's start by investigating.

We can look around
and see what we notice.

- [sniffing]

[squeaky sneeze]


- Look!

I notice a spilled bag
of flour.

- Oh, so they take my muffins
and they leave a mess!

- There's something else
I notice.

See those lines in the flour?

Something went through there.

- It's a clue,
our first piece of evidence.

- But what would leave
long, skinny tracks like that?

- [gasps]
Maybe a snake!

- A snake?
In my kitchen?

Oh, boy!

- Well, we don't know
it's a snake.

- Oh!
You have to find this snake.

- We need more information.

I'll look up snake tracks
on my--oh.

Yeah, still updating.

- There are other ways
to get information.

I'll just pop to the library
and see what I can find.

Be back in a snap.


[timer dings]
- Oh, ding!

My next batch of muffins
is ready.

[humming operatically]

♪ ♪

- [whooshes]

I found a book that shows
what snake tracks look like.

- Perfect!

Let's compare it
to these tracks.

AJ: Hmm.
They don't look the same.

- Aw, guess it wasn't
a snake after all.

- Oh, thank goodness.

- Then who did
take the muffins?

- We have to look
for more evidence.

[investigative music]

♪ ♪

- [squeaks]
- Aah!


- I wish I had my gadgets.

They could help us look
and listen for more clues.

- Maybe the gadgets
are all done charging by now.

- I'll ask Mr. Sparks.

[communicator beeps]

I can't call him.

- Maybe we can ask
Mr. Sparks in another way,

with a note.

We'll send it by Blur mail.

Fur Blur, take this note
to Mr. Sparks, turbo speed!

- [squeaks]

- [whistling]
- [squeaking]

- Huh?
Oh, ooh!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- [squeaks]

Mr. Sparks: What's this?

"We're on the trail
of a muffin thief.

Please bring the gadgets."

Aw, they're not ready yet.

Fur Blur, will you
take a note back?

- [squeaks]

- [whistling]
- [squeaking]

- Huh?
Ah, aah, aah!

Not again!

Whoa, whoa, ah!

[sonic boom]

- Hey!
We got a note back.

"Sorry, the gadgets
are still charging."

- Now what do we do?

- We keep looking for evidence.

- [whooshes]

I notice something.

In here! Look.

There are more tracks
in the flour now.

Mrs. Mangia: More?

- Whatever left these tracks
before must've come back.

- Oh, no!
My muffins!

They're gone too!

- [gasps]
The muffin thief strikes again!

[dramatic music]

- But look.
More evidence.

The tracks lead that way.

- [gasps]

They lead right into
that hole in the wall.

- That's the air vent.

It goes through
the whole kitchen

and the whole school.

- [sniffing]
Benny: What is it, Fur Blur?

Do you smell a clue?

- [squeaks]

- A muffin!

- Something took my muffins
in there?

- Yes, but what?

- Shh, shh, shh.

I notice something.
Do you hear it?

[device whirring and beeping

- Ugh, I wish I had that
sound booster gadget again.

- Oh, sometimes you can hear
better if you cup your ear.

- Or...

use a real cup!

I saw this
in a hero TV show once.

[device whirring and beeping]

Where have I heard
this sound before?

It sounds like...

Thought projecting!

My robocar!

- Oh, no!
We must've left it outside.

- Then what's it doing inside
in the air vent?

- Must still be searching
for small warm things.

- Like my muffins.

Ooh, you naughty little gadget.

Get out of my vents.
Come on!

Out, out, out!

- It's on the move.

[device whirring and beeping]

- Follow that sound.

[investigative music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, we'll never catch it

while it's inside
the air vents.

- Then we shall push it out.

Bubble up!

[bubbles fluttering]

- [whistling]

[bubbles fluttering]
Aah, my floor!

♪ ♪

- My muffins.

[bubbles fluttering]

- My goodness!

Oh, I wonder what my crew
is up to.

the gadgets are charged.

♪ ♪

- [humming]

Huh. Uh?

I know. I know.



[heroic music]

♪ ♪

- The robocar!
We found it.

[device whirring and beeping]


Sara: And it found something
small and warm.

- [squeaks]

♪ ♪

- Fur Blur,
lead it right to us!

- [squeaks]

♪ ♪


- Hey! Ah.

- I got you!

[both grunt]

- Aah!

- [squeaks]

- Uh-oh.


- [breathing heavily]
I brought the gadgets.

AJ, what do you need?

- Gym mats!
Everyone, grab a mat.

We can surround it.
- Gym mats?

- Fur Blur,
lead it this way.

- [squeaks]

♪ ♪

- Gotcha.

[device whirring and beeping]

- [squeaks]

[power whirs down]

- Ha-ha, yay!
- Whoo-hoo!

- We did it!
- [squeaks]

- So I guess you didn't need
these high-tech gadgets

to save the day.

- Oh, yeah.
Just low-tech things.

Thought projecting!

We used the cup
to hear better.

Benny: And a pencil and paper
to send a message.

Sara: And a book
to look up information.

- Fantástico.
Those are all great tools too.

- Huh, I guess anything
that helps you solve a problem

is a tool,
whether it plugs in or not.

- Let's go tell Mrs. Mangia

that her mega muffins
are mega safe from now on.

[door squeaks]

- [gasps]
Oh, no!

- But first, we better clean up
all these bubbles.

- I've got just the tools
for the job.

Thanks, kids.

Mr. Sparks: And so
my heroic students proved

that whether you use
ordinary things

or extraordinary gadgets,

tools can help you clean up
life's messy problems.

- [squeaks]

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Mr. Sparks:
Once upon a time,

there were
three little children

who decided to build a tent...

- Ah!

All right, Squirrel Scouts,

this looks like a good spot.

all: Yay!
- Let's build the tent!

Mr. Sparks: When suddenly,
along came the big, bad wind.

It huffed, and it puffed...

- [gasps]
- Oh, no!

- Our tent!

Mr. Sparks: And it tried
to blow the tent away!

Meanwhile at Hero Elementary,

my students were blown away
by their training exercise.

- Ooh!

- Remember,

heroes need to save the day
in any kind of weather.

- Whoa, aah!

This wind doesn't make it easy.

- Bubble up!

[wind whistling]


- Huh?

- Ah!
- [squeaks]

[device beeping]

[dramatic music]

- The Sparkinator!
There must be trouble.

Sara: [gasps]
Those are Squirrel Scouts.

Benny: Looks like their tent
is blowing away!

- Those kids need help.

- Well, who's the crew
who knows what to do?

Sparks' Crew to the Rescue!

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

Mr. Sparks:
And so my heroic students

raced like the wind,

against the wind,
to the park.

- [grunts]
- Whoa!

♪ ♪

- Fear not!

Sparks' Crew is here
to save your tent.

- Um, where is the tent?

- The wind blew it up there.

[dramatic music]

- Don't worry, I'll grab it.



- [whooshes]
- Ooh!

Thanks, Sara.

- I'll get the tent.
It'll be a snap.

- Whoa!

- [grunting]

- Phew!

Oh, thank you, Sara.

Now we can put it up.

- And earn
our Build a Tent Badge.

- What's that?
- Squirrel Scouts earn badges

every time they learn
a new skill.


- And the Build a Tent Badge
is the very last one they need.

Then they can move up
to the next level.

- Right, after this,
you can become Rabbit Scouts.

- How'd you know?

- Because I used to be
a Squirrel Scout too.

Bushy tails stay on trails.

Squirrel Scouts never fail.

[imitating gnawing]

- [gasps] Our tent!

- I'll use my Arm-o-matic.

Got it.
- Way to go, AJ!

[heroic music]

♪ ♪

- Thanks, Sparks' Crew.

- How are we gonna put up
the tent when it's so windy?

- Never fear!
I have an idea.

Bubble up!

♪ ♪

- Oh, my.

- That'll keep out the wind
while they build the tent.

- You're going to need tent
poles to hold up this fabric.

- They're right here.

- Great!
You've got everything you need.

- All right, Squirrel Scouts,
time to build that tent.

- All right!
- Yay!

- Yes!

[upbeat music]

- [whooshes]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]


- It's up!
- We did it!

- Yay!

- But will it stay up

when we don't have
this bubble over it?

To get the badge,
it has to stay up.

- Let's test it out.

[wind whistling]

- It's staying up.

- Yeah!
We did it!

- [gasps] Uh-oh.

- Oh, no.
- No!

[gasps] It's gone!

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Aah!

Ah, ah, whoa, whoa!

♪ ♪

Oh, no!

♪ ♪

Oh, dear.




[tent tearing]
- Huh?

My bad.

- [gasps]
Our tent!

- It's all ripped.
- And the poles are all broken.

- Oops.

- Aw, now we'll never get
our Build a Tent Badge.


- Hey, we Squirrel Scouts
don't give up.

bushy tails stay on trails.

Squirrel Scouts never fail.

[imitating gnawing]

- Right.

We've just gotta keep trying
till we solve this problem.

- Maybe we can use our...

Superpowers of Science!

- What are those?

- They're superpowers
anyone can use.

- Us too?

- Totally.
We'll show you how.

- Let's start
by asking some questions,

like, can we rebuild this tent?

- I don't think so.

The fabric's ripped,
and the poles are broken.

- Well, is there something else
we could use to make a tent?

- Great question,
Squirrel Scout.

See, you're already using
your Superpowers of Science.

- So what can we use
for a tent?

There's not much here
except trees.

- Maybe you can make a tent
out of different tree parts.

- Oh, that's a great idea.

- But couldn't the wind
blow that down too?

- Not if we build the tent
around a tree trunk.

This tree is rooted
in the ground.

It's not going to blow away

- Would a tent made from trees

still count
for our Build a Tent Badge?

- Yes, any kind of tent
will do.

Scouts: Yay!
Let's do it!

- Okay!
- [laughs]

- Whoo, let's buddy up
and go find some tree parts.

- [laughs]

- Okay.

- And you can come with me.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Let's go!

[upbeat music]

- [whooshes]

- Look, branches.

- [whooshes]

- Maybe we could use these
as tent poles.

- Good idea.

- Do you think this one
is strong enough?

- Use your Superpowers
of Science and test it.

- [grunts] Nope.

- Hmm.

But I bet this one will work.

♪ ♪

- Hmm.

Maybe we can do something
with leaves.

♪ ♪

- Can we use this
to cover the tent?

- Maybe.
It's got lots of leaves.

I think from a maple tree.

[wind whistling]

Ho, ho, and they don't blow off
when the wind blows.

♪ ♪

- These pine tree branches
might be useful.

- They're soft.

And tickly.

- You can use them to cover
the cold, hard ground

inside the tent.

- You're so smart, AJ.

- Um...
[laughs nervously]


♪ ♪

- I'll let you know if I see
anything from up here

that we can use.

- Maybe we can use parts
of this willow tree.

Its branches are so thin
and bendy.

- Good idea.

Whoa! Oh, um...


Wow, these would be great
to tie things together.

Aah! Ooh.

- Well, that should do it.

- Yes!

We've got lots
of tree parts now.

- So how do we build a tent
with all this?

- Oh, oh, can we use
a Superpower of Science?

- We can.

We can design the tent first
to plan out how it'll look.

- We can use these
as tent poles.

- Thought projecting!

They can be set up
around the tree like this.

- And then we can use
these maple leaves to cover it.

AJ: Okay.

- And tie it all together with
these bendy willow branches.

AJ: Good.

- And these pine branches
go on the floor inside.

AJ: Right.
Scouts: Yay!

- Great designs, Scouts.

Looks like we're ready
to build our new tent.

all: Yeah!
[wind whistling]

- [grunts]


I think it's time
to bubble up again.

[wind whistling]

[all grunting]


[bright music]

- Bubble up!

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

Scouts: Wow.

- It's amazing.
A super tent.

- Ha-ha, it looks so great.

- You did terrific.

- [chuckles]
So good.

- Now let's see if it will
stand up against the wind.

- We can use
our Superpower of Science

and test it.

- Okay, then!
It's popping time.

[wind whistling]

[suspenseful music]

- It's working!

- Yay!
- Whoo-hoo!

both: Wow!

- This is the best tent ever.

- Yeah, 'cause we built it

- And now we know
how to use our...

Superpowers of Science!

- I'm so proud.

Of all of us.

- Well, Squirrel Scouts,

you've all earned
your Build a Tent Badge.

Now you can move up
to Rabbit Scouts.

- Awesome!

- Cool!
- Wow!

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Thank you,
Sparks' Crew.

- We couldn't have done it
without you.

- Time for a salute.

Bushy tails stay on trails.

Squirrel Scouts never fail.

[imitating gnawing]

Mr. Sparks: So even though
the big, bad wind

huffed and puffed,

it couldn't blow down
the tent made from trees.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: Time to learn
how to hero!

Hey, you.

Yes, that means you!

Let's go hero,

using your Superpowers
of Science!

Today's superpower is...

the power
to collect information.

[upbeat pop-rock music]

♪ ♪

man: ♪ You're feeling great ♪

♪ Your day is awesome ♪

♪ When suddenly you realize ♪

♪ That you've got a problem ♪

♪ And you want to solve it ♪

♪ What do you do? ♪

♪ Start collecting
information ♪

♪ And share it
with your crew ♪

♪ So keep on collecting ♪

♪ More information ♪

♪ Keep on collecting ♪

♪ More information ♪

♪ You might start
with a little ♪

♪ And end with a lot ♪

♪ Keep on getting
information ♪

♪ And see what you've got ♪

♪ There might be a clue ♪

♪ That points the way ♪

♪ Evidence that
you could use ♪

♪ To be a hero
and save the day ♪

♪ So keep on collecting ♪

♪ More information ♪

♪ Keep on collecting ♪

♪ More information ♪

♪ More and more
and more and more ♪

♪ So keep on collecting ♪

♪ More information ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Keep on collecting ♪

♪ More information ♪


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪