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02x07 - Clifford On Parade/Follow The Leader

Posted: 10/02/22 11:59
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,
my big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



Emily, laughing:
we love your parade
float, mr. Kibble!


Oh, my!

I bet even clifford

Could fit
into that big tub!

It is big, isn'’t it?
Ha ha ha.

So what are you kids
gonna do in the parade
this year, emily elizabeth?

Charley and I
aren'’t sure yet.

But whatever it is,
it'’s gonna be great!

Yeah. See you later,
mr. Kibble.

This is gonna be
the best birdwell
island parade ever!

Look at
mr. Miyori'’s float!

I think he could
use some help.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Good job, clifford.


What was that?

I don'’t know.


That'’s my
twirling baton!

So that'’s
what it is.

I need that baton
for the parade.

I'’m gonna march
for the high school band.

That'’s great, jetta.

Emily and I
are going to make
a float for the parade.

Yeah! Now
all we have to do

Is decide
what kind of float
we'’re gonna make.

[Arf arf]

[Arf arf
arf arf]

[Arf arf arf arf]

[Woof woof woof]

[Arf arf]


Mmm! I have an idea!

Maybe we could make
a sports float!


Sure! We all love sports--
even clifford.

Look at him playing tag!


[Woof woof]


I think he loves
the ocean as much
as he loves sports.

How '’bout a float
with an ocean theme?


I guess we could.

But I kinda wanted
to do a sports thing.


I think clifford
likes both ideas.

I just remembered!

I promised mom
I'’d help unpack

Some new stuff
for the store.

You stay with charley
and keep thinking, clifford.

I'’ll meet you guys
at my house in an hour!

We'’ll have a great idea
ready and waiting for you!

Hmm. What do you think,

A sports float
could be fun.

But I kind of
like the ocean.


Hey! I know!


We can make
a pirate ship float!

You'’d make a great ship.


And I'’d make
a great pirate!

Come on, clifford.
Let'’s make it
and surprise emily.

[Woof woof]

[People laughing]


Ha ha ha ha ha!

That put some
bounce in my day.

Wait'’ll I tell charley
my idea for a basketball float!

He'’s gonna love it!

Ahoy, emily!

What'’s going on?

What do you think?
It'’s our float!

Isn'’t it cool?

Well, yeah. It'’s ok.

But now I wanna make
a basketball float.

A basketball float?
How would thatwork?

Help me take
the pirate ship stuff
off of clifford,

And I'’ll show you.
I promise
you'’ll like it.

Well, ok. We can try.

But I really like
my pirate ship.

There! Doesn'’t this
look great?

Well, yeah.

It looks ok.

But I thought
the pirate ship
looked better.

It'’s gonna look
even better

When we'’re up on the court
in our basketball uniforms.

Pirate costumes
would be more fun.

Well, I think basketball
uniforms are better.

And I like this float.

What was wrong
with my float?

Mine is just better.

Well, I think
mine is better.

Then why don'’t you go ahead
and do yours alone

And I'’lldo mine


I'’ll do mine.

And I'’ll do mine.




It'’s ok, clifford.

We just can'’t agree
on what to do together.

So we'’re each going
to do a float alone.


I, the nasty,
evil fluffy-face,

Claim this land
for the planet poodle!

No way, fluffy-face!

Super t-bone is here!






Come on, t-bone.
Try to get me!

I'’m going to.

Clifford, the really big,
really red dog

Is gonna help me.

Come on, clifford.
Come and help.

Huh? Oh. S-sorry,

I was just thinking.

What are you
thinking about?

Emily elizabeth
and charley.

What about '’em?

Well, they wanted
to do a float

In the birdwell

But emily elizabeth
wanted to do
a basketball one

And charley wanted
to do a pirate one.

So...which one
are they doing?

Both of them.


No. Alone.

But wait--
maybe they could
do one together.

Yeah! A basketball-
pirate float!

Perfect! Thanks
for the help, guys.

See you later.

Did he say
a basketball-pirate

That'’s what he said.

Hi, charley.

Hi, emily.

I'’ve been thinking.

Being in the parade alone

Doesn'’t really sound
like all that much fun.

I know what you mean.

The most fun part
of being in the parade
is doing it together.

Yeah. So...if you
want to do a pirate ship,

It'’s ok with me.

No. It'’s ok
to do basketball.

No. That'’s ok.
Let'’s do--

[Woof woof]



You made a float
with both of our ideas!

You wanted us both
to be happy.

Well, maybe we
should come up with
a brand-new idea.

Right! One that all
three of us can agree on.


Something we
all really like.

What could it be?

Want a hot dog
while we'’re
thinking, emily?

Sure. I love hot dogs!

Me, too.

[Sniff sniff
sniff sniff]

loves '’em, too.


Now this is what I call
a great float, emily.

Yep. This is fun!

the big red...

Hot dog!

Hey, clifford!

[Cheering and shouting]

Ah ha ha ha!
Look at clifford!

He'’s a hot dog!


And emily and charley
are the ketchup and mustard.

Ha ha ha! Clifford
made everyone happy!

[Beep beep]

I'’m so glad
we came up
with this idea

Together, charley.

Yeah. This is one float
that we alllike.

Thanks to clifford,

The big red...

Hot dog!


Emily: clifford!

It'’s story time!

You want to hear
a speckle story,

Don'’t you?

Ha ha. I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Today'’s story is speckle
and the sky high apples.

One day, speckle, ravi,
darnell, and luna

Decided to pick
some apples.

On the way
to the apple tree,

They saw reba playing
on her pogo stick

And invited her
to join them.

So she bounced along
beside them.

The apples on the tree
were red and ripe

And ready to be picked.

Ravi tried
to reach the apples,

But the branches
were too high.

tried to climb the tree,

But the trunk
was too wide.

Then reba had an idea.

Using her pogo stick,

She bounced
high up into the air

Right up to the fattest
apple of them all

And picked it!

It looked like
such great fun

That everyone wanted to get
their pogo sticks, too.

Soon they were
bouncing and picking
and laughing together,

And in no time at all,

They had gathered a basket
full of ripe, juicy apples.

The end.

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?


Ha ha!

So...what are we
gonna do today?

I don'’t know.
What do you guys
want to do?

I don'’t know.
There must be
something we can do.

Huh?[Honk honk]

Oops. Sorry.

Hey, I know
what we can do.

Let'’s play
follow the leader.

Ooh! Great idea.

I'’llbe the leader.

I'’m second!

I'’m third.

Ok, you guys,

Spin your tails!

I'’m trying, cleo.

Like this, t-bone.

Ok. Now spin it
the other way.

I got it.
I got it!

Good, t-bone!

Now follow the leader
up onto your tippy-paws.

Is it my turn
to lead yet, cleo?

Um, not yet, t-bone.

Hey, look at clifford!

Oh, no.
I streaked my window!

Thanks, clifford.

When'’s it gonna
be my turn, cleo?

When my turn
is over, t-bone.

Come on!

Come on, guys!

We'’re coming!
We'’re coming!

Isn'’t it my turn
to lead now, cleo?

Uh-uh. I think
the rules say I get
to do things as leader

And I'’ve
only done so far.


I don'’t remember
that rule.

Well, that'’s the way
the professionals play it.

Both: whoa!

[Both laughing]

Thanks for
the swim, clifford,

But I'’m the leader,

I remember, but
it seems like it should
be t-bone'’s turn by now.

Yeah. Let me
lead now, cleo.

Not yet, t-bone.

But we'’re supposed
to take turns.

We are taking turns.

Mine'’s just
a really long turn.

Let'’s hop.

Don'’t worry, t. You'’ll
get your turn soon.

Yeah. I guess.

Cleo: come on!


Come on, clifford!
Where'’s t-bone?

I'’m here!

Are we stopping
to change leaders, cleo?

Nope. We'’re gonna
follow the leader
to some goodies in here.


Ok. Here I come.




Cleo, I really think
it'’s t-bone'’s turn
to lead now.

The leader decides
when the next leader
gets to start.

That'’s the rule.

Well, that doesn'’t seem
like a very good rule.

I vote that
t-bone gets a turn now.

I vote for that, too.

That'’s two to one.

T-bone, you'’re
the leader now.

Ok. Follow me.


Hey. Cleo
isn'’t following.

Just keep leading.
She'’ll follow.

No, I won'’t.

She will.
Go ahead and lead.

Ok, clifford.
Follow me.

Huh? They'’ll come back.

They have to.
I'’m still the leader.

Hey. What'’s going on?

Whoa. This is the truck
that goes to the swap meet.

Hey! We'’re going
to the swap meet!

The best place on earth!

To the swap meet!
Wa-hoo! Let'’s go.

You with me, clifford?

I'’m with you, t-bone.

Hey, guys! I'’m going
to the swap meet.


You should
have followed me.

Think she'’s
gonna be ok?

I think
we should follow her.

Ok, t-bone.
You'’re the leader.

Let'’s go.

Whoa. This is great.

It'’s the perfect place
to play follow the leader.



[♪♪] Hey.

[Playing song]


[Laughs] I'’d love
to see clifford doing this.

Oh, I wish clifford
and t-bone were here.

I know. I'’ll just
pretend they'’re here.

Ok, you guys.
Follow me.

, , ...

Your turn!

[Giggling] clifford
would flatten that chair

If he jumped on it,

And t-bone would love
how soft and squishy it is.

[Sighs] I really wish
they had followed me here,

But I guess they
were getting tired
of following me.

I was taking
a pretty long turn...

But I'’m so good
at leading.

There she is, t-bone.

Cleo! We'’ve been looking
all over for you.

You have?

Yeah. We wanted
to be sure you were ok.

I'’m so glad you'’re here.
Isn'’t this place terrific?

Yeah. It'’s a great place
to play follow the leader.


Yeah. Let'’s play.
I'’ll lead.


Oops. Heh heh.

Uh, I guess maybe
my turn is over, huh?

I think so.

Ok, t-bone. You lead!


Really? You
want me to lead?

Sure. Then it'’ll be
clifford'’s turn, and
then it'’ll be my turn again,

And then yours,
and then clifford'’s.
You get the idea.

Sounds good to me.

Ok, then.
Follow me!

Right behind you,




[Arf arf]


Ok. My turn'’s over.

That was fun, t-bone.

It sure was.
You make a great leader.

Thanks, cleo.

I'’m sorry I didn'’t let you
be the leader before, t-bone.

It'’s more fun to play
when you play fair.

And take turns.

And don'’t make up
your own rules.


Now it'’s my turn
to lead.

Follow me, guys.

I'’m leading us home.

Clifford and I know
that everyone could use

A helping hand
now and then.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is help others.

Oh, no. I can'’t
find it anywhere.

Hey, t-bone.

I was just on my way
over to clifford'’s house.

Want to come?

No, thanks.


Hey, hey.

Oh, sorry, cleo.

It'’s just that I buried
a bone here yesterday

And now I can'’t find it.

Can I help?

Sure. Thanks.

Hey, guys.
Whatcha doin'’?

I'’m looking for
a bone I buried.

And I'’m helping.

Let me help, too.

Found it.

You did find it!

You'’re the best friends
a dog could ever have.

When you help someone,
you really make them
feel good.

And you make yourself
feel pretty good, too.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today is

Help others.