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07x05 - AJ’s Extra Superpower, Part 1/AJ’s Extra Superpower, Part 2

Posted: 10/03/22 07:54
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength ♪

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

♪ Teleport in no time flat? ♪

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day? ♪

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're
a future hero ♪

♪ Come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Mr. Sparks: When you're
training to be a hero,

every day is exciting.

But there's one day a year
that beats them all.

- Oh, it's Citytown
Hero Con Day.

Can you believe
we're finally going

to Citytown Hero Con today?

- I'm so excited.

- Citytown Hero Con's the best.

Heroes and everyone
who loves heroes

all in one big place.

- I like that we get to dress
up as our favorite heroes.

- Did everyone bring
their costumes?

- Uh-uh.
- Yes!

- [whooshes]

- Muy bien.

Then we can go
to Citytown Hero Con

right after school.

- [squeaking]

- I heard Jetman Jones
is going to be there.

That's why I'm going
to Citytown Hero Con

dressed as him.

Oh, I can't wait to go!

[bright music]

Mr. Sparks:
But they would have to wait,

because across town,

a problem was
about to play out.

- Come on, Mr. Rabbit.

Let's play.

Where'd my ball go?

I'll go get another one.

[curious music]

Where'd Mr. Rabbit go?



[suspenseful music]

[exciting music]

- Mr. Sparks,
are you going to dress up

for Citytown Hero Con too?

- Sí.

I'm going as "Branchman,
Defender of the Forest!"

- Cool.
- Ooh!

- Nice!

- Uh, Mr. Sparks,

you've forgotten
an important detail.

Branchman always carries
his Twigcam, see?

- Ay, no!

I forgot the Twigcam.

- That's okay.
You can borrow mine.

I made one just like his.

- Leave it to AJ Gadgets

to always have
the perfect gadget.

[alarm blaring]
- [gasps]

The Sparkinator.

- Uh-oh.
There must be trouble.

AJ: That's Jada.

Lucita: She looks upset.

I bet she could use
some heroic help.

- Well, who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[exciting music]

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue.

- Come on, team!

- [whooshes]

♪ ♪

- [gasps]

♪ ♪

Sparks' Crew.

- What's going on, Jada?

- It's my toys.

They were right there,
and then they just disappeared.

- But things
can't just disappear.

Can they?

- They must be
around here somewhere.

Let's spread out
and look for them.

- [whooshes]

[curious music]



♪ ♪

- Huh?


a rabbit...

and a football.

These must be Jada's toys.

[dog barking]

Too loud!

[dog barking]

Too loud.

Too loud.

[gasping for air]


- Why is AJ wearing headphones?

- He needs them sometimes
to block out loud sounds.

[dog barking]
- Huh?

Hey, doggie.

You cutie pie.

- That's Houdini.
He just wants to play.

- Well, look what
he was playing with.

- [gasps]
My toys!

Thank you, AJ.
- [grunts]'re welcome.

- You found the toys over there
in the neighbor's yard?

- Yes.

Houdini must have gotten
into this yard somehow.

- But there's a fence.
How did he get in?

- And do we stop him
from getting in again?

- Maybe we can figure it out
if we use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

[exciting music]

- Let's investigate.

We can start by observing.

- Good idea.

Let's look around and see
if we notice any clues.

[curious music]

- Hmm.

I notice something.

There's a gate in this fence.

- Yeah, but the gate is closed.

- Look closely.

This gate isn't latched.

- Whoa!

I can't believe
you noticed that, AJ.

- The dog must've pushed
the gate open

and come right in.

- Yep.

Now all we have to do is this.

[triumphant music]

- Great!

Houdini can't get in anymore.

- And my toys are safe.

- And now we can
get back to school

and get ready
for Citytown Hero Con.

- [laughs]

[Houdini barking]
[all gasp]

- Houdini,
how'd you get over here?

- He must have another way in.

[Houdini panting]

- Uh-oh.
- My ball!

- Come back here.



[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Ha!

[both grunt]

- [yelps]

Bubble up!

♪ ♪

- Ah!

- Come on, Houdini.

[Houdini barks]

♪ ♪


- [yelps]

My clothes are wet.


I don't like it.
[breathing heavily]

- What's wrong, AJ?

- Wet clothes feel horrible
on my skin.

It's part of my autism.

[fans whirrs]

- What's autism?

- Well, it's not the same
for everyone with autism,

but for me,

it means I'm extra sensitive

to the way things feel
or sound.

- Is that why you use
those headphones?

- Yes.

Loud noises actually
hurt my ears,

so these headphones help.

Some things are harder for me
because I have autism.

- Oh.

- But some things are easier
because I have autism.

- Yeah, like AJ is really good
at noticing things.

He sees even the smallest
details that we miss.

- And that makes AJ great
at investigating.

- And solving problems.

- Wow!

- But we still have
a problem to solve:

figuring out how Houdini
keeps getting in this yard.

I have an idea.

[exciting music]

[curious music]

♪ ♪

- So what's the plan, AJ?

- We'll hide here
so Houdini won't see us,

and we'll use this to see
everything the Twigcam sees.

[monitor crackling]

♪ ♪

- All set.

- Hopefully this will show us
how Houdini gets in.

Jada: There he is!

- [laughs]
So that's how he does it.

- Your plan worked, AJ.

- Huh.
Oh, no.

[Houdini panting]

No, no, no, no, no!

Put that down!

He's got my Twigcam.


- We'll get it back.

- [yelping]

- Why are you doing that
with your hands?

- Because I'm upset.

I flap my hands when I'm upset.

I can't control it.

- Is that because
of your autism?

- Yes.

Flapping my hands
helps me feel better.

Some people with autism
do things

that might look a little...

Sara: But hey!

Everybody is different
in one way or another.

I mean, how many kids do
you know with super strength?


- [laughs]
Just you, Sara.

- Right.

The things
that make us different

are the things
that make us special.

[box thuds]


Now Houdini
won't get in anymore.

- I just hope we can get
my Twigcam back.

- Whoa.


- Whoa.
Oh, oh!

- Ah-ha!



Here's a nice, fresh stick!

Go get it!

[Houdini barks]


- We've got the Twigcam.

- Thank you, Lucita.

- All in a day's work.



You can keep this stick,

[Houdini barks]

Like I always say,

all in a day's work.

[Houdini whines]

- I think he's playing fetch.

- I told you
Houdini likes to play.

- Maybe he just doesn't have
anyone to play with.

- [gasps]
I'll play with you, Houdini.



I'm not good at throwing yet.

- Hmm.

This reminds me of
an "Arctic Chill" comic book.

Thought projecting.

In "Arctic Chill and the Ice
Castle," volume , issue ,

Arctic Chill
used a special gadget

to launch snowballs
over the castle walls.

- Wow!

How did you remember all that?

- AJ has an amazing memory.

He can remember every detail

about every hero
in every comic book ever!

- Is that because
of your autism?

- Sort of.

There are some things

I'm really,
really interested in,

like heroes and gadgets,

and because of my autism,

I want to find out
more and more

and more and more about them.

- And knowing so much
about heroes and gadgets

makes AJ a better hero

and makes Sparks' Crew
a better team.

- So autism is kind of like

your extra superpower!

- Huh.
I guess it is.

- AJ's a man of many talents.

- Man?
I'm still a kid.

But maybe I could make

something like
that snowball launcher

so you can play with Houdini.

- Really?
- Yes.

I'm gonna need some things
from my backpack.

[exciting music]

All you have to do
is put a ball in here,

and it will launch it
over the fence.

Give it a try.

[machine whirring]

[Houdini barks]

- [gasps]
It works.


[Houdini barks]


- You saved the day, AJ.

- Now Jada and Houdini
can play together anytime.

[machine whirring]

- And Houdini won't need
to take Jada's toys.

- And now we can get ready
for Citytown Hero Con.

- All right!
- Let's go!

- Yeah!

- [whooshes]

Mr. Sparks: Finally, we went
to Citytown Hero Con.

Everyone was dressed
as their favorite heroes.

- Hey!
Wait up!

Mr. Sparks: Even little Jada.

- Mama said I could come

to Citytown Hero Con too.

- Jada!

You're dressed as...

- My favorite hero, AJ!


- Me?
I'm your favorite hero?

- Uh-huh.

'Cause you've got
extra superpowers,

and you're extra nice.

- Huh.
Eh, thank you.

- Now, let's all go in
to Citytown Hero Con.

- Yeah!

- All right!

[exciting music]

Mr. Sparks: So if you
investigate a little,

you'll see that the things
that make us all different

really are the things

that make us all special.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Mr. Sparks:
Citytown Hero Con,

where you can meet
your favorite heroes

and dress up as them too!

- Come on, Mama.
Let's go.

- See you in there, Jada.

- I can't wait
to see Jetman Jones.

I made my costume
just like his

down to the smallest detail.

Luckily, this hat
has ear covers built right in

so I won't need my headphones
if things get loud.

- Let's go inside.

- Oh, this is gonna be so fun.

- I can't wait!
- Whoo-hoo!


- Wow.
- Whoa.

[horse neighs]

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, no!

Lots of people
are dressed as Jetman Jones.

I thought I would
be the only one.

- I know that's disappointing,

but isn't it nice to know
that you're here

with so many people
who like Jetman Jones

as much as you do?

- Huh.
I guess that's true.

- Come on.

Let's check this place out.
- Yeah!

- Fur Blur and I--
- [squeaks]

- Uh, I mean Branch Bird and I

will be walking around.

- Let's go.
- Yes!

- Awesome!

- Whoa!

- Do you think we might get
to meet Jetman Jones?

- I hope so.

I've been reading his comic
books since I was little.

These are some of my favorites.


- Ooh.
What's that?

- I don't know.

Must've gotten stuck
with my comic books by mistake.

- Whoa!

You really were a Jetman Jones
fan since you were little.

- Aww.
You were so cute.

- Ugh.
My mom loves that picture.

- I love the cool
Jetman Jones feety pajamas.

- Those pajamas barely looked
like what Jetman Jones wears.

There are so many details

I wouldn't want Jetman Jones
to see this.

- Oh!

♪ ♪

- [gasps]

all: Wow.

- Say, are you all right, pal?

- Jetman Jones?

- My, my.
Seems like you're quite a fan.

- I'm your biggest fan ever.

I've memorized
all your comic books.

- You must have a great memory,

You might be interested to know

what I've got
in this envelope right here.

- What is it?

- My newest comic book
that no one's seen before.

In a little while,
I'll step up on the stage

and show it to the world.

- Wow.
Uh, can we have a peek?

- Sorry, friends.
Top secret.

But come find me later,
and I'll sign a copy for you.

But now, time
to jet off to adventure!

[jets whirring]

- Wow, AJ.

- I can't believe you ran
into Jetman Jones.

Like, right into him.

- He was amazing.

He even helped me pick up
my comic books

and my envelope.

Hang on.

This doesn't feel
like it did before.

It's thicker.

Oh, no!

The new Jetman Jones comic book
is in here!

- You got the wrong envelope.

- AJ, you have in your hands

a brand-new Jetman Jones
comic book

that no one
has ever seen before!

- I've got to see it.

But it's top secret.

Oh, but I really wanna see
what it is.


I've got to give this
back to him.

Sara: Wait.

If you have his envelope,

then that means...

- [gasps]

[dramatic musical sting]

He's got my envelope.

- With the picture of you
in your feety pajamas!

- I can't let him see that.

Those pajamas don't look like
what Jetman Jones wears at all.

- Then we'll just
have to find him

and switch the envelopes back.

Lucita: Right.

And who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[exciting music]

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue.

- Everyone, look around
for Jetman Jones.

all: Huh?

- [slurping]

[camera shutter clicks]

[dog panting, barking]

Benny: Uh...

this could be harder
than we thought.

[exciting music]

- Ugh.

I can't tell which of these
is the real Jetman Jones.

- Me neither.
- Oh.

What are we gonna do?

- Don't worry.

I'm sure we can solve
this problem if use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

♪ ♪

- Aww.

Uh, but which one?

And what if it doesn't work?

What if we can't find
Jetman Jones

before he gets on stage?

He won't have his comic book
to show the world.

- AJ?

I saw you flapping your hands.

Are you upset?

- [sighs]

I'm upset
because we've got a problem.

- Oh.

Good thing you've got
your extra autism superpowers.

- She's right!

AJ, you're really good
at noticing things,

even the smallest details.

- Right.

And you know
everything there is to know

about heroes,
especially Jetman Jones.

- [huffs]

- So you can observe
all the people

who look like Jetman Jones

and compare their costumes

to find which one
is the real deal.

- Hey, yeah.

I bet no one has a costume

that's exactly like
what Jetman Jones wears.

Oh, besides you, I mean.

- So if I find the one
with the perfect outfit,

I'll find Jetman Jones.

- Right.
- Yay.

AJ's gonna save the day.

- Why don't we fly up so we can
get a good look at the crowd?

- [sighs]

I don't have
my jetpack backpack.


But I do have
my Jetman Jones jet shoes.

I haven't practiced flying
with these in a while.

Here, you hold onto
the comic book to keep it safe.

- No prob.

- Let's go.

- Time to jet off to adventure!

[shoes beeping]


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- [grunts]

- Ah, ah, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa!



- Ready?
- Yes.

- Let's go!

[exciting music]

- Maybe one of those
is the real Jetman Jones.

- Let's check it out.

♪ ♪


Those costumes both look
really good to me.

- But look what I notice.

That costume has brown stripes
on the scarf.

Compare that to my costume.

It has orange stripes,
like the real Jetman scarf.

- Oh.
Orange stripes.

Got it.
But look.

That other Jetman
has orange stripes.

- Yes, but did you notice?

There are only three stripes.

The real Jetman scarf
has one, two, three, four.

Lucita: Oh.

So neither of these
is the real Jetman Jones.

- Nope.
We have to keep looking.

♪ ♪

[ice blasts]

announcer: Give it up
for Hail Caesar!

- I hope AJ can find
Jetman Jones soon.

[cheers and applause]

[ice crumbling]
- [yelps]

- Then we can give
his comic book back to him,

and everything will be fine.


The envelope!

[suspenseful music]


♪ ♪

Oh, no.

Where'd it go?

♪ ♪

- Are any of them
the real Jetman Jones?

- Nope.

- How could you tell so fast?

- Because I notice
that each of their costumes

is wrong in some way.

He has a blue hat.

The real Jetman
has a brown hat.

He has short gloves.

The real Jetman
has long gloves.

He has a flower on his chest.

The real Jetman has a pin.

- Let's keep looking.

[suspenseful music]

- Ah-ha.

♪ ♪

- Benny, Sara!
Having fun?

- Not exactly.

We have to find
a missing envelope.

- It's got something
important inside.

- Ah, well, remember to use

your Superpowers of Science.

- Good idea.

Okay, what do we know
about this envelope?

- Um, uh, it's yellow.

- Right.

Let's observe and see if
we can find something yellow.

- [squeaks]

- Yellow, yellow.

- [squeaks excitedly]


[exciting music]

[brakes screech]

- Bubble up!

[bubbles squeaking]

- [squeaks]

♪ ♪

- Ready, Sara?

- [whooshes]

- [squeaks]

- [whooshes]

- Hooray!
- Fantástico!

Well done, Fur Blur.

- [squeaking]

- Uh, I mean, Branch Bird.

[PA whines]

announcer: Attention!

On stage soon,

Jetman Jones...
[both gasp]

With a big announcement!

- We have to find AJ
and Lucita.

Come on!

[exciting music]

- We're almost out of time.

- Let's think.

AJ, you've got a great memory

for everything about heroes--

what Jada calls
your extra autism superpower.

- Okay.

- So can you remember anything
about Jetman Jones

that might help us?

- Hmm.

I remember what he always eats

before he does
something important.

Thought projecting.

- Always remember to fuel up

before you jet off
to adventure!


♪ ♪

- He'll probably eat an apple
right before he goes on stage.

- So let's observe
and see if we can find

a Jetman Jones
eating an apple.

[camera shutter clicks]

[triumphant music]


♪ ♪

- [gasps]


That one has an apple.

- Let's make sure it's him.

Compare his costume to yours.

- Uh, same scarf,

same brown hat,
same everything.

It's him!

But he's about to go on stage.


♪ ♪

- [whooshes]
You're gonna need this.

- Thanks, Sara.

- Go, AJ, go!

[indistinct chatter]

- Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,

please welcome Jetman Jones!

- Wait!

You have the wrong envelope.

- I do.
Do I?

Are you sure, kid?

- I'm sure.
Trust me.

- Sure.
I'll trust you.

After all,
your costume is perfect.

So you really must be

my biggest fan ever.

- Oh.
I sure am.

- Gee whiz!
Thanks, folks.

Aw, stop it.
You're gonna make me blush.

I have a very big announcement
to make.

My next big comic book series
will be...

"Jetman Jones Meets Branchman!"

[cheers and applause]

- You did it, AJ.

- Way to go.

- I knew you could do it.

That's why you're
my favorite hero.

- Oh!
- Go, AJ!

- Great job.

Mr. Sparks: And so
no matter where you go,

you'll find all kinds
of heroes.

After all, everyone is super

in their own way.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: Time to learn
how to hero!

Hey, you!
Yes, that means you,

Let's go hero,

using your
Superpowers of Science!

Today's superpower is...

the power to compare.

[upbeat music]

woman: ♪ Let's come together
like a powerful crew ♪

♪ A crew who always knows
just what to do ♪

♪ We're learning how to use
our powers for good ♪

♪ Everywhere,
everywhere ♪

♪ Let's work together
to save the day ♪

♪ And compare what's different
and what's the same ♪

♪ You know you have the power
inside you ♪

♪ To compare ♪

♪ What's different
and what's the same ♪

♪ Comparing is the name
of the game ♪

♪ Let's compare ♪

♪ What does it tell you? ♪

♪ Compare ♪

♪ What does it mean to you? ♪

♪ You can be a hero anywhere ♪

♪ When you, when you,
when you compare ♪

♪ Compare, compare, compare,
compare, compare ♪

♪ Compare, compare,
compare, compare, compare ♪

♪ What's different
and what's the same ♪

♪ Comparing is the name
of the game ♪

♪ Let's compare ♪

♪ What does it tell you? ♪

♪ Compare ♪

♪ What does it mean to you? ♪

♪ You can be a hero anywhere ♪

♪ When you, when you,
when you compare ♪

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪