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03x01 - New Dog in Town/Get Well

Posted: 10/03/22 12:15
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,
my big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



Emily elizabeth:
"new dog in town."

Cleo: whoa! Yi! Yi!

Yi! Yi! Yi! Yi!

Yi! Yi! Yi! Yi! Yi!

You can let go
now, cleo.

Yeah, you'’ve been spinning
for two whole minutes.

Yi! Yi! Yi!
Yi! Yi! Yi!



Great shot, cleo!

Whoa, yeah.

Uh, thanks, guys.
All of you.

I think I see it.

Don'’t worry.
I'’ll get it.

Oh, hello.


Maybe we can
talk more later.

Squirrels can be
so rude.

I think I just
scared him.

Why would he
be scared of you?

Well, I can be
a little loud sometimes.

And you'’re not exactly
the smallest dog
in the park, either.

So? Being big doesn'’t
make you scary.

I used to think it did.

You'’re kidding!

I thought clifford
was really scary,

Before I got to know him.

T-bone: I remember
the first time I saw him.

He and emily had
just moved here,

And they'’d only been
on birdwell island
for a few weeks.

Emily: whee! Hee hee!


Okay, clifford,
we'’re here.

I have to help mom
in the store,

So you'’re going to have
to play by yourself
for a while.


We can play at the park
later this afternoon,


[Bell rings]


[Horns honking]

What'’s going on?
What'’s happening?

Why aren'’t we moving?

There'’s a tree.

Woof woof.

Now, just calm down,

What happened?

This old tree
was knocked down

In the heavy wind
we had last night.

We'’re going to need
something really big
to move that thing.

A big crane,
or a big truck,
or a big dog.




It'’s that new dog,

Looks like he wants
to help us.

You think you can
help us, big guy?





That clifford
sure is helpful,
isn'’t he?

He sure is.

That dog was big.
Huge! Humongous!




Hey, there'’s a dog!

Maybe he'’ll be
my friend.

I hope he likes to play tag.



Oof! Whoa!




Yeow! Oh!

Hey, wait!

I don'’t think so!

I guess that dog
doesn'’t like me.

It really
hurt my feelings

When t-bone ran away
from me like that.

Heh, way to go,

I didn'’t mean
to hurt his feelings.

I just didn'’t
want him near me.

Why not?

He was so big!

But you didn'’t
even know him.

You can'’t tell
what someone is like
by the way they look.

I know. That'’s why
I'’m glad I finally did
get to know clifford.




T-bone: oh, no!
It'’s the big dog!

Look at all
the neat shells,

oh, a pink one!

Isn'’t it pretty?


I guess we better stop.
That bag is full.


Okay, one more.

Woof woof.

Emily: there'’s some.

No, no, no!
There'’s nothing here!

this one is amazing!


Oh! Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Woof woof
woof woof.

Ooh, that hurts.

Silly old sand crab.



What'’s he doing?

I'’m okay, clifford.


He'’s really gentle.




and barking]

He'’s really
fun, too.


You silly dog!





Oh, clifford.

You made me feel
so much better.

Wow! Clifford is
a really great dog.

I hope it'’s not too late
to be his friend.

Well, hello there.

sheriff lewis'’ dog,
aren'’t you?


Why don'’t you
come on over
and meet clifford?

He'’s new in town,
and he could use
a friend.





Clifford sure loves
making new friends.

[Both barking]

You just can'’t tell
what someone is like

By the way they look.

You have to get
to know them.

Then maybe it'’s time
we got to know that guy.

He'’s been listening
to your whole story,

Hello, squirrel.


My name'’s clifford.


Hey! He likes him!

What'’s not to like?

You never know
who can be your friend

Until you take the time
to know them.

Emily: clifford!

It'’s story time!

You want to hear
a speckle story, don'’t you?

Woof woof.

I thought so.
He'’s your favorite.

Emily: today'’s story is
"speckle and the cloudy day."

"One day,
speckle and his friends

"Just couldn'’t think
of anything to do.

"So they lay in the grass,
doing nothing much at all.

"Then speckle noticed
a cloud that looked

"Just like an apple tree.

"Ravi thought it
looked more like

"An elephant jumping a rope."


"Then luna saw a seal
balancing a beach ball
on his nose,

"And darnell saw
a monkey riding a bicycle.

"All afternoon the friends
watched the sky.

"They saw
a trumpet-playing ostrich,

"A rhinoceros doing ballet,

"They even saw
an ice cream cone

"With a mustache and a beard!

"Soon they had laughed
the whole day away.

"And when they said good-bye,

"They all agreed
that they had

"One of the most
fun days ever.

"The end."

That was a great story.
Isn'’t reading fun?



Emily elizabeth: "get well."

[Clifford sniffing]

Hello, clifford.

I'’m sorry, but emily
can'’t play today.

[Whines]she'’s not feeling
very well.


it'’s okay, clifford.
I just have a cold.


You should let her
rest now, clifford.

I'’ll let you know
as soon as she'’s
feeling better.

Emily elizabeth is sick.

That'’s too bad.

Yeah, I hate it when
sheriff lewis gets sick.

His nose gets red,
and his eyes get watery,

And he makes
the most awful noise.

[Emily blows nose,

Like that!

Oh, I wish we could
make her feel better.

Well, when humans
are sick,

Sometimes they
give each other
a get-well present,

Like flowers,
or a balloon, or a card.

Okay!okay what?

Okay! Let'’s get her flowers,
a balloon, and a card.

Ha! All of them?

But where can we get
flowers, clifford?

Mr. Bleakman
has lots of them.


Uh-uh-uh. Those flowers
belong to mr. Bleakman.

We can'’t take them.

Well, where can
we find some

That don'’t belong
to someone?

Hey, I know a place!

Sheriff lewis says
no one owns this place,

And that'’s why
it has all these
wild weed flowers.

I think they'’re as pretty
as mr. Bleakman'’s flowers
any old day.

Yeah, let'’s
get some.

Whoa! Clifford!

Stop wagging your tail!


Well, they'’re pretty
this way, too.

Yeah, I'’ll go pick
a nice big bunch
for emily elizabeth.

Great! Now, I wonder
where we can find her
a balloon?


Free balloons today!

Get your free balloon!

How about a nice
bright green balloon
today, huh?

They'’re free.

Thank you.

Come back soon.


Get your free
balloons here!

Look at all
those balloons!

And samuel'’s
giving them away.

Come on!

well, hello
there, cleo.

Would you like
a balloon today?




Well, that'’s one way
to get a balloon.

I--i'’ve got you.

Oh, no, I don'’t.


Grab her, clifford!


Samuel: clifford!

She'’s up there!


Can you get her
down, clifford?

Oh, good thinking.

Got you!

Good job, clifford.


and here'’s your
balloon, cleo.


Only one, though.

I wouldn'’t want you
to get carried away again.


Clifford: there!

This old piece
of cardboard

Is going to make
a great get-well card.

after we get through
decorating it.


Hey, there'’s
no room left.

Clifford'’s pawprint
took up the whole thing.

Oops. Sorry.

Heh, that'’s okay.

We'’ll just have
to be creative.



Hey, this is fun!

Now, this is what I call
a beautiful picture.

It'’s great,
you guys!



That'’s okay.

Come on, guys.

Let'’s go bring
our get-well gifts
to emily elizabeth.



Wait a minute, guys.

I just got to
scratch this itch.




Ahh, I think
I got it.

There. That feels better.

Hey, where'’d the card go?

Oh, no! Mr. Bleakman'’s yard!

I'’ll go get it,

Cleo, no!

What? What'’s wrong?

Mr. Bleakman
says we'’re never
to step a paw

Into his yard unless
he invites us.


So, what are
we going to do?

I'’ll try to reach it

Without stepping
in his yard.

I'’ve got it!

Oh, no!

Well, I almost
had it.

What are we
going to do now?

Are you sure
mr. Bleakman said

We weren'’t supposed
to step one paw
into his yard, clifford?

That'’s what he said.

Hmm. Then I know
just what we can do.

Okay, clifford. Lower away!

Now, remember, t-bone,

Don'’t let one paw
touch the ground, okay?


Okay, clifford. Now, swing him
over towards the card.

T-bone: oof!

can you try
the other way, clifford?


Lower, and over!


Ho, whoa!

T-bone: whoa! Whoa!


Cleo: it...

Yes! He'’s got it!


Now, ease him up slowly.

Hurry! The card
is slipping!

What'’d you say, t?

I said, it'’s slipping!



I said, the card
is slipping!

Oh, no!

Whoo!cleo and t-bone: yeah!

Let'’s hurry
and get these gifts
to emily elizabeth now.


Clifford: [barking]


Wow! Look at that!

Here she comes!

Clifford, is that
a get-well card for me?



And flowers!

Oh, thank you,


And a balloon!

You guys are great.

I feel better


I could just
kiss you all.

Oops, better not.

You might catch
my cold,

And we all know
what happens when
you start sneezing.

Woof woof.

Okay, everyone,
let'’s play ball.

T-bone: yeah, okay!

Clifford and I know that
sometimes when we'’re asked
to do something important,

Our friends count on us
to follow through.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today is
be responsible.

Hey, where'’s the ball?

Mac said he would
bring it today.

If that'’s what
mac said,

Then I'’m sure
that'’s what
he'’ll do.

Look, there'’s mac now!

Hey, mac, did you
bring the ball?

Oh, I don'’t feel
like playing ball.

I'’m going to the beach.

Gee, mac, we were
all counting on you
to bring the ball.


Then...i guess
I better go get it.



Cleo: yay! Yay!
Whoo whoo whoo!

Being responsible means
others can trust you to do
what you promise to do.

It feels good to know that
you can be counted on.

And that'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is be responsible.