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03x08 - Jetta's Tall Tale/The Big Fetch

Posted: 10/03/22 12:19
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,
my big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



[All talking]

Your dog is
the best, emily.

Thanks, vaz.

Heh heh. Emily does
have a great dog.

Yeah. Clifford
is very cool.

I wish I had
a pet like him.

My kite is falling.

Pull it, charley.

To the left!

Charley: come on, kite!
Stay up there!


[All cheering]

Wow! Look what
clifford did.

He'’s a real
kite-flying hero.

Hey, clifford.

You want to fly it
for a while?


Wow! Look at it!

Vaz: only clifford
could get a kite
that high in the sky.

Yeah. Clifford'’s
the best.

[Kids cheering]

And you'’re the luckiest,
emily elizabeth.

He'’s one of the biggest,
most wonderful pets

Anyone could have.

Oh, I don'’t know
about that.

What do you mean,

My dog mac is
pretty wonderful.

Lots of pets
are as wonderful
as clifford is.

But I don'’t know
any that are
as big as he is.

[All agreeing]

Lulu is as big
as clifford.




Who'’s lulu,

Well, heh...

Lulu is
my new pet...


My new
pet parrot, yes.

My dad brought
her back from...


The jungles
of the amazon.

She'’s one
of a kind.

And she'’s huge!



You have a parrot
bigger than clifford?



Are yousure

She'’s bigger
than clifford is?



[All talking at once]


I'’m sure
she'’s as big
as clifford.

And she can
talk, too.

Can clifford
do that?

If lulu is so big,

How come we'’ve
never seen her?

Well, um...

She just got here.

Let'’s go see her now.


Why not?

Well, um...

Lulu is really, uh,


It'’s a long way
from the jungles

Of the amazon,
you know.

Ok. We'’ll come
see her another time.


Come see her
another time.

We'’ll come over
tomorrow, ok?


Come on.
Let'’s go play catch.

Come on.

I'’m up first!

Oh, no.

What have I done?




[All talking]

Charley: hey, jetta.

Come on.
Let'’s go see lulu.

Oh, I don'’t think
we can, charley.

Why not?


You see...

Jetta, charley,
climb aboard!

Clifford'’s gonna
give us a ride

To jetta'’s house
to see lulu.

Thanks, clifford.

You'’re always ready
to help, huh?


[Kids cheering]

Lulu likes
to help, too.

Tomorrow, she'’s going
toflyeveryone home.

Your parrot can
fly us home?

Wow. That'’s
fantastic, jetta.

[Kids agreeing]

Come on, jetta.

We can'’t wait
to see lulu.

Yeah. Heh heh.

I can'’t wait
to see lulu either.

Ok, everyone.

Lulu'’s kind
of shy.

So, I'’ll just
go in first

And bring
her out, ok?

Ok, jetta.

We can'’t wait
to see her.

Ok, here I go.

Now what am
I gonna do?

There is no lulu
to bring out.

I never should have
told that silly lie.

What am I gonna do?

Where is she?

What'’s taking
her so long?

Maybe she can'’t find lulu
because there is no lulu.

Charley, do you
really think jetta

Was not telling
the truth about lulu?

I don'’t know. Maybe.

Maybe she just
wanted to have a pet

As cool as clifford.


She'’s gone!

Lulu is gone!


I think she ran away.

We better call
sheriff lewis.


I mean, oh,

I'’m sure
she'’ll be back.

She probably just...

Wants to explore
the island.

Maybe. But I still
think we should
go look for her.

I think so, too.

I'’m sure clifford
will help.


Ok then, let'’s
go find lulu.

[All agreeing]

You stay here in case
she comes back, jetta.

And don'’t worry,
we'’ll find her.

[Laughs nervously]

I don'’t think
you will.

Maybe I should just
tell '’em the truth.

Oh, but they'’ll
be so mad at me.

There is no lulu.

[Arf arf]

Sorry, jetta.

We didn'’t find
your parrot.

We looked everywhere.

I think we need to call
sheriff lewis now.

Me, too.

I don'’t know
what I'’d do

If clifford
were lost.

It'’d be just

I think we should
call in the army

To look for her.



Are you absolutely
positively sure

There is a lulu?

Yes, there is.

And you don'’t need
to call in the army

Because...lulu is back.

That'’s great.
Where is she?



Right now.

She was
really tired.

Oh, ok.

We'’ll come back and
see her tomorrow then.

[All agreeing]

Ok. See you



Where am I gonna
find a great big
bird by tomorrow?



♪ Oh, clifford ♪


Come here, boy.

Come on. Come on.

Oh, clifford.

I really, really
need your help.

Will you
help me, boy?

Will you, please?


Does that mean
you will help me?


Charley'’s right.

You reallyare
always ready to help.

Clifford, you look
absolutely amazing.

No one will ever know
you'’re not a real bird.

Kids: oh,
my gosh. Whoa.

Wow, look!
It'’s lulu!

Jetta, she'’s
really terrific!


Thank you.

Didn'’t you say
lulu could talk?


But you
have to talk
to her first.

Go ahead,
try it.

Ok. Lulu
want a cr*cker?

Come on, lulu.

Can you talk?

Can you say
something, lulu?

I don'’t think
she can talk.

Rawk! Lulu
want a cr*cker.

She can talk!

She'’s so cool!

Talk some more, lulu.

Rawk! Lulu
likes to talk.

Lulu is
a pretty bird.


Lulu is a great
big parrot. Rawk!


Oh, she'’s
really special.


She'’s a much
better pet

Than jetta'’s
old dog mac.

Better than mac?

She'’s even better
than clifford!

Better than clifford?

I don'’t think she'’s
better than clifford.

She can talk...

And fly!

than clifford.

[All agreeing]

Lulu is not
better than mac.

And she'’s not better
than clifford.

All: what?

She can'’t fly,

And she can'’t talk,

And she'’s not even real.




[Arf arf]

All: itisclifford.

Why did you lie
to us, jetta?

I am so sorry.

At first,
I just made lulu up

So I'’d have a pet
as big as clifford.

But then...

The lie kept on getting
bigger and bigger.

And it kept getting
harder and harder

To tell the truth.

I'’m really sorry,

I wish I'’d told you
the truth

From the start.

Can you forgive me?

That'’s the trouble
with lies.

Sometimes they
grow and grow

Until they'’re
as big as lulu.

Weforgive you, jetta.

But I don'’t know about
clifford and emily.

I'’m sorry
I borrowed clifford

Without asking you,
emily elizabeth.

And I'’m sorry
I tried to turn you

Into a big parrot,


We forgive you,
too, jetta.

In fact,

I think clifford
kind of liked

Being a big bird.


We don'’t need any more
big pets around here.

We have clifford--

The biggest, reddest dog
in the whole wide world!



Emily: clifford!

It'’s story time.

You want to hear
a speckle story,
don'’t you?


Heh heh.
I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Today'’s story is"speckle
and the wintry summer."

One sunny summer day,

Speckle and his friends
were at the beach


Making sand castles...

And playing beach ball...

Having some wonderful
summer fun.

Darnell thought
it would be great

If they could have both
summerandwinter fun

At the same time.

Speckle thought so, too.

And he knew just
how to do it.

He started building
a winter snowman

Out of the summer sand.

Luna put on
seashell eyes,

And ravi made
a driftwood nose.

Reba and darnell
made sand angels

Just like they would
in the snow.

Then, everyone got
on the surfboard

And sledded down
a sand dune.

They had such
a good time,

Speckle could hardly
wait for winter

And the summer fun
they would have then.

The end.

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?




and clanging]


Whatisthat noise?



Vaz is
our new paperboy?

Cleo, sorry.

It'’s my first day
on the job.

My aim isn'’t
very good.


But I'’ll get better.

People like their papers
up by the front door.


Maybe I'’ll just help
vaz out a little

And put this paper
on ms. Martinez'’ porch

Where it belongs.

Why, cleo.

What a good dog.

You brought
my paper to the door.


Just a little reward

For being
so helpful, cleo.

Wow. A bone.

Just for delivering
a newspaper?


Maybe I'’ll try
that again.

T-bone: whoa.
Look at all this.

You got all
this great stuff

Just for bringing

To people'’s
front door?


You see, vaz can'’t
throw very well yet.

So, I stepped in
to help him out.

Everyone was so happy,

They gave me
a little reward.

These rewards
sure look good.

Go ahead and
have one, t.


Thanks, cleo.

No problem.

There'’s plenty more
where that came from.



All we gotta do is
help vaz deliver

Those newspapers.

You get this one, t.

I'’ll take the one
next door.




I got it!

Well, you brought me
my paper.

Well, that was
really nice of you.



Let me go get you
a little treat.


This is great!

Clifford: I'’ve never
seen so many treats.

Not even
in the pet store.

Oh, this is only
the beginning, big guy.

It is?


we'’ll get up early.

We'’ll move fast
and work together

To help vaz deliver
every single paper

On birdwell island.



Let'’s go to work, team.

[Arf arf]

Thank you.


Thanks a lot, guys.



Well, I'’ll be doggone.


These dogs are actually
making themselves useful.


I believe I'’m gonna give
you dogs a little reward

For bringing
my paper to the door.


Now, that was
really fun.

looked so happy

When we delivered
their paper.

Vaz sure was smiling.

And so was mr. Bleakman.

I'’ve never seen
that before.

Didn'’t I tell you

This paper-fetching
thing was great?


Wow! Look
at all this!


Vaz told me you'’ve
been helping him out

Until he gets better
at throwing the papers.


I'’m so proud of you.

All of you.

Boy, fetching
these papers

Makes everybody


I know it
makes me happy.

You guys.

Didn'’t you hear what
emily elizabeth said?

Yeah. She'’s proud
of us for helping.


She said vaz is
going to get better

At throwing the papers.



As soon as vaz
gets good at it,

He won'’t need us


So, we need to earn
as many treats as we can

Before vaz gets good
at throwing papers.

You'’re right, cleo.

Too bad there'’s only
one paper delivered a day.


you'’re a genius!

What do you mean?

Don'’t you see?

If we deliver more
than one newspaper
to each house,

We'’d get more
than one treat
from each house.

I don'’t know
about that, cleo.

Besides, vaz only
delivers one paper.

Where could we get all
those other newspapers from?

I know just the place.

Cleo: mrs. Diller
calls this place
a recycling center.

And there sure are
a lot of papers here.

So, come on, guys.

Let'’s get busy and
collect those treats.

Are you sure
about this?

You saw how happy
one paper makes people.

Imagine how happy
they'’ll be

With a whole big pile!

[Tired panting]

[Whispering] these people
are gonna be so surprised

When they wake up
and see this.

Come on
to the next house.

Then the next.

Then back
for more newspapers.


Where did all these
come from?

Oh, my goodness!


[Bicycle bell rings]


Where did all
these papers come from?

I don'’t know.

Somebody put them
on every doorstep.


It'’s from the
recycling center.

That explains where all
the papers came from.

But who delivered them?


The dogs!
The dogs!


They'’re trying
to take our rewards.

We gotta stop '’em.

Wait a minute, cleo.

I don'’t think
emily elizabeth

Wants any rewards.

She'’s not thinking
about herself.

She'’s thinking
of everyone else.

I think she just sees
that people are upset

And she wants to help.

Without getting
any rewards?

Maybe she just likes
to make people happy

By helping them.

It does make you
feel pretty good

When they smile
and say "thank you."

Well, yeah.

But it feels
pretty good

When they give you
treats, too.

Come on. Let'’s go help
emily elizabeth and vaz.

I'’m right behind you,

Ok, ok.


I'’m coming.


And I thought
I handled

A lot of papers
on my route.

Well, it wasn'’t
too bad.

We did have help.

Thanks, guys.

Everyone was
really happy

That we took
these papers

Back to the
recycling center.

And now, the center
can break them down

And make new newspapers
out of them.

That way,
all this paper

Doesn'’t have to go
into the trash.

You did a great job, guys.

Now, let'’s go home.

We did do
a good job,
didn'’t we?

Yeah. We should be
proud of ourselves.


I guess it does
feel pretty good

To help people.

Even if you don'’t
get a reward for it.

But a liver-flavored
tummy yummy

Would sure taste good
right now.

Clifford and I know it'’s
important to think about
the feelings of others.

And that'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today is

"Be kind."


It look like mac'’s special
birthday balloon popped.

I told him
it'’d get ruined

If he didn'’t
take it inside.

I'’m gonna
go show him.

Wait a minute, cleo.

Maybe we can
find a nicer way

To tell him
about it

So he won'’t
feel so bad.

You'’re right, clifford.

Hi, mac.

We'’re really sorry,
but your balloon

Got ruined
in the sun.

My special balloon.


We all make
mistakes sometimes.

Even me.

Heh. Thanks, cleo.

And thanks
for not saying,

"I told you so."

You'’re welcome.

Hey, you want
to play tag?


Helping a friend
to feel better

Makes you feel
better, too.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today is

"Be kind."