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01x30 - My Emmy Or Bust/Light My Firebreath

Posted: 10/03/22 16:06
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪


It'’s alive.


Dad and I are going to
the store. Wanna come?

Nah, I'’m making


Ew, gross.

Sure you don'’t want
some brains?



Oh, no.


Emmy! Come back!

Max. Did you call me?

No, Mom.

The dragons are calling.

But I don'’t want
to go without Emmy.

But what if they need me?

I wish, I wish
With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart



Over here.


I'’m so glad
you could come.

Where'’s Emmy?

She went to the store
with my dad.

Do you wanna play?

Uh-huh. We gotta help Maui.


She'’s our slippery flippery
sea dragon friend.

And she can'’t find
her little sister Lanai.

So we said we'’d
help her look.

Only we can'’t swim
as well as Maui.

So we got
this cool submarine

and now we can all
look for her, and--

And that'’s why we need
your help.

So you are gonna help us,
aren'’t you, Max? Aren'’t you?


But we should
wait for Emmy.

Well, when is she coming?

I'’m not sure.


Maui says she can'’t wait.

We gotta start looking for
her sister Lanai right away.

Are you coming, Max?I want to.

But I'’ve never been in
Dragon Land without Emmy.

We could really use
your help, Max.

Well, okay.


Thanks, Max.


Maui says she'’ll look
by the waterfall.

So we'’ll go
the other way.


You betcha, Maui.

We'’ll meet you
back at the island

in the middle
of the lagoon.


Well, what are we waiting for?

Let'’s rub-a-dub-dub
and get in the sub.






Wow, I'’ve never been
in a submarine before.

What are you doing,

Holding my breath.


You don'’t have to hold
your breath, Ord.

Yeah, you can breathe
in a submarine.

Even when
you'’re underwater.


Boy, am I happy
to hear that.

A periscope.


Sure we are looking
at fish around here.

Hey, I think I see Maui.

Let me...See.


I was first.I was.

We'’ll share.

I can'’t tell what it is.

Oh, it'’s just a jellyfish.

Now what we need to find
is a peanut butter fish.

We can have peanut butter
and jellyfish sandwiches.


Poor Lanai.

Out in the big lagoon
all alone.

Without her sister.

Just like me.

I wanna go home.

But we haven'’t found
Lanai yet.

I know, but I miss Emmy.

What are we gonna do, Zaky?

Maybe Max will feel better if
we give him a picture of Emmy.

Love it.

Here, Max.



I guess having a picture does
make me feel a little better.

So can we keep looking?

Okay. For a while.


And while we look, we can
sing a seasick sea song.


♪ Come, all ye sailors
And listen to me ♪

♪ Yo-ho
Blow the dragon down ♪

♪ '’Cause I am the captain
Whose name is Wheezie ♪

♪ Yo-ho
Blow the dragon down ♪



What was that?

It'’s a sea monster.

He'’s got us.
Abandon ship.

Women and dragons first.

Boy, keep your scales on,

It'’s just
a friendly octopus.

Wanna play with me?

We can'’t. We have to look for
our little lost sea dragon.

And I have to get home
to my sister.

But I wanna play.


I don'’t think
he'’s gonna let us go.

W-W-W-What are we
gonna do?

Go fish.

This is no time to go
fishing, Zaky.

No, no, not that
kind of go fish.

The card game kind.

Oh, I just love card games.

Can I play? Can I?

How'’s that card game
gonna help us

get away
from the octopus?

You'’ll see.

Help me give out seven cards
to everyone, Wheezie.

I'’d love to.

Open the hatch,

And now seven for
Mr. Octopus.

One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven.

You go first,

Uh, got any fives, Wheezie?



Will you come on!

One, two, three.



Okay, Mr. Octopus.

Got any nines?

Uh-uh. Go fish.

You got a jack, Zak?

No. Go fish.

Take you card already.

It worked.

Way to go, Zaky.

Full speed ahead.

Hey, no fair.


We'’ve been looking
for a long, long time.

We haven'’t seen
Lanai anywhere.

And I miss my Emmy.

We can'’t stop
looking now.

But I wanna go home.

Maybe we better
turn around, Wheezie.

Wait, Max wasn'’t missing
Emmy so much before.

When?When we were singing.

And played Go Fish.

You'’re a genius, Wheezie.

And I'’m cute too.

Wheezie is right.

There must be something you can
do, Max, that'’s so much fun,

you won'’t think
about Emmy so much.

Like what?

I know.

How'’d you like to be
a sub captain?

Can I?

She'’s all yours,
Captain Max.


This is cool.

♪ Come, all ye sailors
And listen to me ♪

♪ Yo-ho
Blow the dragon down ♪

♪ '’Cause Max is the captain
Who'’s sailing to sea ♪

♪ Yo-ho
Blow the dragon down ♪



Uh-uh. We didn'’t
find Lanai either.

And it'’s getting
real late.

I guess it'’s time
for Max to go home.

I wish we could'’ve
found her.

But thanks for the neato
submarine ride.

I couldn'’t have stayed
in Dragon Land without Emmy

if I wasn'’t with
my best friends.


What'’d he say?

That you just helped her
figure out where Lanai is.

I did?

Yeah, come on.




It'’s Lanai.We found her.

Way to go, Max.You'’re the best.

What did I do?


When you said you
couldn'’t have stayed

in Dragon Land without
your best friends...

Maui figured that Lanai
might feel the same way

and be with
her best friends.

You helped
find Lanai, Max.

And you did it even though
Emmy wasn'’t here with you.

You'’re my hero.


I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

You should'’ve come, Max.

Dad gave me a quarter
so I could ride

on the big blue dolphin
in front of the store.

That'’s nothing. I went
to Dragon Land by myself,

and was the captain
of a submarine,

and searched for
a missing sea dragon.

Oh, Max.

Just because I got
to ride the dolphin,

you don'’t have
to make up a story.

I know you'’d never go
to Dragon Land without me.

But I...

Never mind.



Max? Wait, what kind
of submarine?

What'’s a sea dragon?



Here goes.

[BUBBLING]The volcano works.

Let me try.


Blow harder.



Okay, enough volcanoes.

Let'’s go to Dragon Land.Good idea.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart







Hi, Ord.

Max. Emmy.

What you doing?

We'’re practicing for tonight'’s
fire-breathing celebration.

Can we watch?

Of course.

Sit here.

Tsk, tsk,
my mouth is so dry.

All this fire breathing
makes me really thirsty.

Ugh, makes my breath
taste so smoky.

I just need to freshen it up
with a little brushing.

Brush the teeth.
Your teeth.

Your teeth. My teeth.

Ooh, something to
wet my whistle.


Much better.

Zak, Wheezie, come on.

Let'’s try again.


[HACKS]Come on, Wheezie.

Stop kidding


I'’m not. My fire breath,
it'’s gone out.

Maybe you'’re
blowing too hard.

Or too soft.


Oh, no.

Oh, no!

You wouldn'’t.
You couldn'’t.

You didn'’t take a sip from
a Plump Gump flower, did you?


Oh, Wheezie.

Everyone knows you need
to stay away from those.

They make your
fire breath go out.

Aah! I forgot!


What if I never
breathe fire again?

Never, ever.

It'’ll be okay, Wheezie.

Maybe we should go see
Dr. Booboogone.

Great idea.
What are we waiting for?

The doctor.



Hm. Well, Wheezie,
I think you'’re right.

But let'’s make sure.

Oh, yes, my dear.
Plump Gump juice.

It sticks to your throat and
makes your fire breath go out.

Will I ever breathe
fire again?

Don'’t worry, Wheezie.

If you follow the instructions
I'’m about to give you,

I promise your fire breath
will return in no time at all.

Really? It will?

Uh, Dr. Booboogone,

would "no time at all"
include tonight?

We have to perform at
the fire-breathing celebration.

Oh, I think you'’ll be
fixed up by tonight.

But you must follow
these three directions exactly.

First, find the shell
of a Pink Tree Snail.

Trade it for a giant'’s flute
without fail.

Go to Rainbow Canyon
and play the flute right.

And then, only then,

will your fire breath light.

Done. Fixed, Dr. Booboogone.


You think
she'’s okay?

I hope so--Wheezie!

What did the doctor say?

Will you get
your fire breath back?

I will.

I just need to-- To--
Uh, something about a flute.

No, first you have to...
To, uh... Oh.

Something about a giant.

No, no, no, first I-- I--

Oh, no.

There are three things to do,
and we can'’t remember.

Why don'’t you ask Dr. Booboogone
to draw you a picture

of each thing
we have to do?

Then we can look at
the pictures to remind us.

Oh, love it!

Be right back.

Not again!


First, find the shell
of a Pink Tree Snail.

Trade it for a giant'’s flute
without fail.

Go to Rainbow Canyon
and play the flute right.

And then, only then,

will your fire breath light.

Hey, there'’s Sid Sycamore.

Hi, Sid.

Wait. A giant'’s flute.

Maybe Sid can give us a ride
up to Mungus, the giant.

But that'’s following directions
in the wrong order.

Zak'’s right.

One time, Max and I made a cake
and mixed up the directions.

We wound up with cake mush.

But the frosting tasted good.

Okay, the first thing we have to
do is find a Pink Snail shell.

Pink Snails like pink trees.

And I know just where one is.

Wow, that'’s the pinkest
tree I'’ve ever seen.

A snail trail.

Let'’s follow it.


Here we are.[HEAD BONKS]

Oh...Hello? Snaily?

Anybody home?

Can you hear us?

Now who else is making
all that horrendous noise?

Hi, my name is Wheezie.

I'’m trying to get
my fire breath back.

And Dr. Booboogone said
I needed a Pink Snail shell.

Well, you don'’t think

I'’m gonna part with
my gorgeous shell, do you?


But, you know,

there are quite a few little
old shells on the ground.

I'’m sure no one will mind if
you all just help yourselves.

I found one.
They are under the leaves.


Step one.


We'’d better hurry.

There'’s not much time

before the fire-breathing
celebration begins.

Thanks, Miss Tree Snail.

Bye, y'’all.


What do we do with
the shell, Wheezie?

Trade it for a giant'’s flute
without fail.

Now we can go see Sid Sycamore.

Why, of course I'’ll take you
to visit Mungus.

Just "leaf" it to me.


Leaf it to me. Get it?


Oh, I cr*ck me up.

All aboard.


Here we are.
Mungus Land.

Thanks, Sid.

Good luck.
I'’ll be rooting for you.

Get it?

Root. I cr*ck me up.

I got a million of them!



One knock coming up.


Who'’s there?

I forgot how big he is.

Mungus. It'’s us.

Oh, my old friends.

Come back for a visit?

We need your
help, Mungus.

Wheezie lost
her fire breath, and--

Dr. Booboogone said I needed to
trade this for a giant'’s flute,

and you'’re a giant, and...


Is that a Pink Snail shell?

Oh, goody. I can add it
to my shell collection.

Here, let me show you.

My blue one and my red one.

Ooh, this is...

Is for a Pink Snail shell.


But what about
Wheezie'’s flute?

Oh, yes, yes.

Now, where did I put
my little flute?


Oh, I do have a troll'’s nightcap
and a fairy'’s necklace.

Would they work instead?

Dr. Booboogone'’s directions
said we need a flute.


Here it is!

Step two...Done.

Maybe I really will get my
fire breath'’s back by tonight.

Take us down, Sid.

Hey. "Knot" a problem.

Get it?

Knot a....

Eh, never mind.

ALL: See you later.Come back soon.

Go to Rainbow Canyon
and play the flute right.

And then, only then,
will your...

Fire breath light.

Rainbow Canyon, here we come.

Wish me luck.


Try your fire breath, Wheezie.


Oh, no.

Don'’t worry.
Blow the flute again.


Hm, that was even worse.

It'’s getting dark.

The fire-breath celebration
has probably started.

What did I do wrong?

Wait, did you blow
the flute right?

Oh. I have it upside down.





It'’s back!
It'’s back!


Way to go, sis.

And now, Wheezie, Zak,

Ord and Cassie
will perform.



I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Hey, we have time
to play Volcano again.

I don'’t think so.

Why not?

How about we play Pancake?


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪