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01x35 - Bad Share Day/Whole Lotta Maracas Goin' On

Posted: 10/03/22 16:11
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ Three blind mice
Three blind mice ♪

♪ See how they run

♪ See how they run

That'’s funny.

♪ Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool ♪

Let me try.Nuh-uh. I'’m playing with it.


Mom, Emmy isn'’t sharing
the keyboard.

Try to find something else
until it'’s your turn, Max.

Maybe Ord has something cool
to share with me.

I wish, I wish
With all my heart

Wait for me.

To fly with dragons

In a land apart



Aww, what a cute
little honey hummer.


Hey, Ord,
what are you doing?

I was following a honey hummer,
hoping to find some honey.

Only I got twisted up
and fell on my tummy.

Anything new
in your pouch today?


Got a ham and cheese sandwich.
Well, half a sandwich, anyway.

I wonder if it'’s the ham half
or the cheese half.

Anything else?



Hi there, Emmy.

Hiya, Maxi.

So, what do you want
to do today?

I don'’t know.
What do you wanna do?

I have a yo-yo.

That'’s mine.

Oh, no! My yo-yo!

Oh, this is just
perfect, Zaky.

Now there'’s one yo for you
and one yo for me.

And nothing fun
for us to play with.

Hi, everybody.

Wanna see the new
toy I'’ve got?


You betcha.

Ha! It'’s just
a crayon.

I beg your pardon?

I'’m just the most amazing
crayon in all of Dragon Land.

Love it!

Cool.A talking crayon.

Mr. Crayon can do
more than talk.

I most certainly can.

I can change to any
color you want.

And whatever you draw with me,
comes to life.

Shall we show them, Cassie?


Please turn green,
Mr. Crayon.

Green'’s a wonderful color.

There'’s forest green
and lime green and--

Oh, yes, my favorite:
emerald green.

Emerald sounds pretty.

ALL: Wow.ZAK: Awesome.

Get it.It got away.


Now, Mr. Crayon,

there'’s something special
I need you to help me draw.

Can I try your crayon, Cassie?

Me first.No, me.

Me, me, oh, me!

Well, I...

Please, Cassie.

Emmy wouldn'’t share
her keyboard with me.

But I know you share
your stuff, won'’t you?

Uh... uh...



Blue, please, Mr. Crayon.

Ah, an excellent choice.

Would that be sky blue,
navy blue

or perhaps a nice shade
of baby blue?

Just blue.

Just blue it is, then.




Grass green, yuck.

Oh, may I have
a turn, Cassie?

May I?

Really, Ord, I need to...

Oh, I guess I can wait.

Thanks. I'’m gonna draw
my very favorite things.


Berry berry red, please,

Hey, take it easy.

What am I going to do?

If I don'’t share my crayon,
everyone will be mad at me.

But I have something
very important to draw.

I guess I'’ll just
have to tell them.

Ahem.What is it, Cassie?

Well... uh...

I know that Mr. Crayon
is very special

and that... you all want
to play with him...

But, what?

Uh... Uh...

Those are really nice
dragonberries, Ord.


Gee, thanks.

Gotcha! Oh, I don'’t,
gotcha this time.

Hey! Oh, I know.



I always like to look sharp.

My turn.

Yellow-orange, please.

I'’m not gonna have enough time
to do my special drawing

if I don'’t ask
for my crayon back.

But everyone will be mad at me

if I don'’t let them
play with my crayon.


I just don'’t know
what to do.

Oh, I just love crayons.

They'’re so scribbly.

Take it easy.

Go, I will turn green again.


What is it?

A Wheezie-phone.




Where'’s the crayon?

Uh, you'’d think they know

how to treat a fine writing
instrument like me!


I simply must
show these youngsters

what they can draw with me
besides dragonberries

and Wheezie-phones.

If I don'’t take
my crayon back now,

it'’ll be too late.

You can do it, Cassie.
Be strong.


May I please have
my crayon back?

I really need
my crayon.

I need my crayon.

Please?You don'’t have to shout.

What'’s the matter,

I really need my crayon.

So I can draw
a get-well card for my mom.

She has a really bad cold.

Why didn'’t you say
something before?

I was afraid you'’d all be mad at
me if I didn'’t share my crayon.

Why would we be mad at you?

Yeah, making a card
for your mom is important.

And you'’re not mad at me?

Of course not.

Give her back her crayon, Zak.I don'’t have it.

Here, what do you think?

Is that a work
of art of what?

It'’s, uh, very nice,
Mr. Crayon,

but Cassie really needs...


Whoa, look at it grow.

Please, Mr. Crayon,
Cassie would like you to--

You'’re quite right.
Trees are fine,

but I bet Cassie would find
a picture of a seascape

much more...




Surf'’s up!


And we'’re going down!


Your drawings are
very nice, Mr. Crayon.

But what I really need
is for you to help me make

a get-well card for my mom.

Oh, dear,
why didn'’t you say so?

A sick mommy
is much more important

than my silly doodles.

Better clean
this place up first.



Company, move out.

Yes, sir.

♪ Over hill, over dale
We will hit the saggy trail ♪

♪ As the crayons
Go rolling along ♪

♪ In and out
Hear us shout ♪

♪ Through amazement
Dry them out ♪

♪ As the crayons
Go rolling along ♪

♪ As the crayons
Go rolling along ♪

♪ As the crayons
Go rolling along ♪


Ah, now that
that'’s taken care of,

I'’m ready to help you
with your masterpiece, Cassie.

Thanks, Mr. Crayon.

EMMY: Over here.MAX: Block it, Emmy.

Pass it to me, Ord.

Oh, no, it popped.


Game over.

Maybe not.

Can we borrow your crayon to
draw another ball, Cassie?

Sorry, Emmy.

I can'’t share Mr. Crayon
until I finish my card.

And I'’m really close.

No problem, Cass.
We can wait.

There. It'’s done.

Oh, now, that'’s
a work of art.

It'’s beautiful.Your mom will love it.


I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time


You can use it.

I didn'’t want
to use it, Emmy.

I only want it to share it.

Can'’t we play it together?


♪ Three blind chickens

♪ Three blind chickens



Wake up, sleepyhead.

I'’m tired.

I know, but remember,

it'’s a special day
in Dragon Land.

Oh, it is?

It'’s Teacher Day.

Don'’t you want to help
make it fun for Quetzal?

Max? Max?


I'’m awake. I'’m awake.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


I can'’t wait to see Quetzal'’s
face when he walks in.

He'’s gonna love how
tidy everything is.

I have the best
job of all.

Cleaning out
the yogurt, carrots,



Hello, everybody.Hiya.

This place sure is clean.


We'’ve been working
all morning.

Is everything ready
for Teacher'’s Day?


We want to give Quetzal

a super-duper,
extra-special present.

But-- But--

We aren'’t sure
what'’s super-duper,

extra-special enough.

Hm, what can you give
a dragon teacher

who has everything?

Here'’s the answer.

Broken maracas?

Quetzal loves to play
music with them.

But now he needs
a new pair.

We could make new maracas
for him, for Teacher'’s Day.

Eh, how do you make maracas?

I bet the Big Storybook
can tell us.

Shakers, rattles.




Buenos días, niños.

What are you doing here
so early?


We'’re just looking something
up in the Big Storybook.

But it'’s nothing
you'’d be interested in,

because it'’s nothing
very important,

and we'’re just
looking it up for fun.

Yeah, a lot of things
to look up in there.


Do you hear
a shaking sound?

Uh, that'’s us
playing our, uh...



I see.

Anyway, I seem
to have misplaced my...

my pen.

Here it is.

See you when school starts.



That was close.


Can somebody tell me how we'’re
going to make these maracas?

First we need beach gourds
from Dragonland Beach.

After that, we need to get
Stickleback sticks

to make the handles with.

And then we need to put special
songflower seed inside the gourd

to make it rattle.

We'’ll never be able to do
all that before schools starts.

Why don'’t we
split up the jobs?

That way, everyone can get
different things

at the same time.


Cassie and I can go to
the Stickleback Mountains.

And get the Stickleback

Oh, oh, I wanna get
the beach gourds.

Because "gourd"
rhymes with "Ord."

[LAUGHS]I'’ll go with Ord.

So I will be bored.


And Zaky and I will get
the songflower seeds,

since we can'’t split up.


Okay, we'’ll meet back
in the meadows

and put the maracas
together there.

Oh, I just love maracas.

They'’re so shakey-wakey.

Quetzal is going
to be so surprised.


Stickleback sticks
straight ahead.

They'’re beautiful.

Just right for
the maracas handles.

Wait. You have to choose
two of the same color.

And pull them out
at the same time.

What happens if you don'’t?

The Stickleback stick
piles fall over

and break into little pieces.

Got it. Which one
should we pick?

I like the pink ones.

Me too.



Got it.


It'’s harder than it looks.

How about if we count to three?

Then we both know
exactly when to pull.

I see a pretty blue one.

One, two, three.


We did it.

Ord, Ord, are those
beach gourds?

Yup, hold on.

I'’m going to get the biggest
ones ever for Quetzal'’s maracas.

Hey.You gotta be quick.

Like this. Whoa!

Thanks, Ord.
Those gourds are tricky.

How are we gonna grab them?

We can'’t walk in.

Because the water is filled
with pincher crabs.

What about a net?

I thought I had a net
in here, somewhere.

Uh, Ord?

Gotta be in here.


Oh, good thing
you have a net,

because I can'’t find mine.

Got them.

Ah, pincher crab!

Good going, Max.

What do you say
if we get out of here

before that crabby crab
comes back?

I'’m sure I saw the songflower
patches to the left.

And I'’m sure
it'’s to the right.




They'’re terrible.Uh, excuse me.

Do you have any extra
seeds we could use?

Do you see what I see?An audience.

A real, live audience.

Let'’s find them
front-row seat.

Hey, what are you doing?

Not yet

.Nobody ever wants
to hear us play.

So when we find an audience,
we like to hold on to it.

Huh, lucky us.

Ready, maestro?

Ready, miss-tro.



Two Stickleback sticks
ready for action.

And two gourds

ready for shaking.

Quetzal'’s gonna just love them.

Now all we need are the
songflower seeds and we'’re done.

Aren'’t Zak and Wheezie back yet?No.

I wonder what'’s
happened to them.

School'’s gonna
start soon.

Let'’s go check out
the songflower patch.


Look, there'’s Zak and Wheezie.

Oh, boy, standing room only.

Hi, everybody.

We tried to get
the songflower seeds...

Uh, but we got a little tied up.

We'’re sorry,
but we can'’t just let you go.

You'’re the only ones
who'’ll listen to us play.

Why?Because, uh...

we'’re not very good.

Let'’s face it.
We'’re terrible.

How about if we give you
some music lessons?

If you play better,
you'’ll find lots of audiences.

And you can let our friends go.

Music lessons?

Oh, would you?

Definitely.It'’s a deal.

Okay, let'’s start
with these three notes.


Your turn.

Oh, we can do that.Easy.


Oh, it'’s hopeless.

We'’ll never get it right.

And we'’re never gonna get
the songflower seeds

for Quetzal'’s maracas.

That'’s it.

What if we taught
the songflowers

to shake their seeds
like maracas?

What do you mean?

Let me have some seeds
and I'’ll show you.



You mean we could do that?

Yeah, just shake
your seed pods.


Ooh, I like it.

Ooh, hot, hot, hot.

You'’re making music.

Will you
let us go now?

Yes, yes, yes.

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Come on, we have to put those
maracas together fast fast.

School'’s gonna
start any second.


Hurry up.
I see them coming.

First we put the seeds
in the gourd.

Then we put the Stickleback
stick in the end.

Love it!

We'’re done.

Quetzal'’s here.


Happy Teacher'’s Day.


These are for you,

because you'’re the best teacher
in the whole world.


Just what I needed.


They'’re beautiful.

Where did you get these?

We made them.

Made them?



No problem.

Gracias, niños.



We'’re so hot, hot, hot.

I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

I can'’t wait for Teacher Day
in our school.


Not again.


♪ Pop goes the Max


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪