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01x04 - The Whale Episode

Posted: 10/03/22 18:49
by bunniefuu
Hey, is this thing on? Ha ha.

* Hey, sid
what do you say?

What you want to learn today? *
* I want to know

Why things happen
and how and I want to

Know everything now
oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what it just

what's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid *
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Ladies and gentlemen, please
give it up for the one and!

thank you, thank you!

Hi. I'm sid and I'm really
excited because my dad gave me

This ruler--ha, yeah. Dad told
me you can use a ruler to

Measure stuff, so I'm going to
measure my feet. Hmm, hmm, hmm,

Hmm. Hey, you know, but why
stop there? Why not measure my

House? Or--or why not measure
my yard? Huh--oh. Why not

Measure something really big
like--like a blue whale? Yeah,

That's the biggest animal in
the whole world!

my mom told me that. Hmm. Hey,

Wait. A blue whale is way
bigger than this ruler. I don't

Get it. How could I use this
little ruler to measure a whale?

sid, breakfast time.

Cool--breakfast time!

breakfast time! Whoo-hoo!

Hey, mom.

Good morning, sweetie.

Hey there, dad. I've got
the super awesome ruler you

Gave me.

Well, I'm glad you like it
there, buddy. And I've got

Mine, too--blah-blam!


Ah, man, I love this ruler.

You know, I use it all the time
at work. In fact, I never cut a

Piece of wood without my ruler.




Here--let me show you how it


You see, the length between
each number is called an inch.

An inch?

Yeah. That's how you know
how long something is.


Here, let's--we'll
measure--ah! Your cereal bowl

Is five inches across.

Hmm. Well, you know, I
really like this ruler but I

Just wish I could measure big
stuff with it.

Big stuff? Well, like what?

Well, hmm, how could I
measure a huge whale with this

Little ruler?

Huh--a huge whale?


Well, you'd have to--you
know, you need one of

Those--something bigger than a
ruler. Uh--alice, any ideas?

Yeah, mom. How do you
measure a whale with a little


Hmm, I'm not sure. Sid, that
is a great question for the

Question box.

Huh. So do you think there
are rulers bigger than this one?

Oh, you bet. Hey, alice, can
you find some pictures of

Bigger rulers on your computer?

Sure--huh. Ok, let's see.

Bigger rulers--hmm. Well, here's
a ruler like yours and here's a

Ruler that unfolds into a
bigger ruler. And here's a tape

Measure that pulls way out!

Wow! Do you think they make
a tape measure long enough to

Measure a blue whale?

You know what, sweetie?

I do not know.

Huh, neither do i. But your
teacher susie might know. This

Sounds like something to
investigate at school.

Huh. Good idea, dad. I will
investigate! Hmm, hmm. And I'm

Bringing you with me. Ha--but
first, I got to eat some

Breakfast. Ha ha!

[Music plays]
* I love my mom

* Uh-huh
* my mom is cool

* Uh-huh
* but now it's time

For having fun in school *

[Alice chuckles]
[music plays]

* I'm looking for
my friends

I'm looking for you
there's gabriela *

* Watch what I can do
la, la, whoo

La, la, whoo
oh, yeah *

* Wow
I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
hey, there's gerald *

* Yeah
check out my moves *

I'm a rock star!


* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may *
* may I show you

How I groove?


Yay! *

* We are looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid *

Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That's you!

Ah, you got me.

* da, da, da

Da, da, da
da, da

We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends *

and now it's time for the

Sid survey. Hello. I am sid,
roving reporter with today's

Survey. The question--what
would you measure with a ruler?

Ha--you can think about what
you would measure, too. Let's

Go get some answers! Hey,

Oh, hi, sid.

What would you measure with
a ruler?

Oh. Um--i would measure a
piece of spaghetti and--and

Then I'd eat it!

you'd eat the spaghetti or

The ruler?

sid, you can't eat a

Ruler--silly. Ha ha ha!

Got me there!

thank you.


Hi, may.


Let me help you out here.


Say, what would you measure
with a ruler?

Oh. I would measure my love
for you, sid, because you are

My friend!

oh. Thanks, may. Huh--wow.

Measuring love with a
ruler--what a cool idea.

Thank you!

Thank you.



* La
ha ha ha ha

La la loo *
oh, hey, gabriela?


What would you measure with
a ruler?

I would find a tyrannosaurus
rex dinosaur bone in my

Backyard and measure it. Then I
would become a famous dinosaur

Scientist, which is called a


Ha ha! Thank you!

Gabriela knows some really
big words.

hmm. And now, the results of my

Survey. Gerald would measure a
piece of spaghetti.

May would measure
her love for me because we're

Friends--hmm. And gabriela
would find a tyrannosaurus bone

And measure it! Hmm--maybe you
thought of something to

Measure, too.

and there you have it--i am

Sid, roving reporter and
measuring things expert.

Everybody, rug time!

That's teacher susie!

* It's rug time
come on in

Rug time
take a seat

Rug time *
* we're ready

* Everybody
move your feet

Rug time *
* teacher susie

* Good times
on the way

Rug time
come on in

We've got a lot
to learn today *

[Gerald scats]

Dance on over here, gerald.

Yeah, ok.

* Tap tappy tap
tappity tap too

Boo bop bop ha ha
za za bow *


I'm a dancer, I'm a dancer!


a cha cha cha!

Yay! Ok, ok. So, who wants
to share something with the


Ooh, I have something to

Go for it, sid.

Oh, great. Ok. Here it is.

Ta-da! My dad gave me this



It's cool.

What a nice gift! You know,
a ruler's one of my favorite

Science tools.

Oh, I have a question. That
ruler is pretty small. Uh--what

If he wanted to measure
something really big?

Yeah, I was thinking the
same thing. What if I wanted to

Measure a blue whale? But I
don't think this little ruler

Could do it.

Um, susie, do they make
rulers bigger than this one?

Hmm, they sure do--it's
called a tape measure.

Yeah. My mom told me about
that, too. It's like a really

Long ruler that you can stretch
out, all the way like this.




A ruler that grows! Let's
use one to measure something



Well, I'll have to bring a
tape measure tomorrow because I

Don't have one here.


But I know the perfect place
to investigate another way to

Measure big things. Ok,
scientists, you know where

We're going--
to the super--

Wait a minute!


Got to put away my ruler
first. Ha ha.

sorry about that. Ok.

Fab lab!


Everyone, grab your journals
and let's go!

Let's go!


* Super fab lab
investigate, explore, discover!


Today in the super fab lab,
we're going to figure out

Another way to measure
something big!



Can we measure the whole

Sure. But if sid's ruler is
too small and we don't have a

Tape measure, what can we use
to measure the classroom?


Oh, hey, hey, I'm big! Why
don't you use me? See, ok--um,

Look. One gerald, ok, plus, um,
one more gerald--oh, I almost

Hit my head--equals two geralds
and I bet that this whole

Classroom is--is geralds
long! Ha ha!

That's a really good
estimate, gerald, and a really

Good way to measure the



Yeah! Sure. You know, it's
actually ok to use something

Besides a ruler to measure.

You mean we could use a shoe
to measure the classroom?

Absolutely! And when you use
something besides a ruler, it's

Called "non-standard


very good, gerald.

I think my work here is done.

I was teacher.

So, susie?


Is it ok to measure the
classroom with five shoes,

Seven flowers, and a bunch of

Well, there are some rules
when you use non-standard

Measurement--you can only
measure with one kind of item

At a time.


Oh, so you could measure
with shoes or flowers or


You got it--as long as
they're the same size.

Oh! Just like all the inches
are the same size on a ruler.

Exactly, gabriela.

and there's one more rule--you

Can't leave any spaces between
whatever you're using to

Measure, just like these blocks.


Whoa, but, hey, I could be
just like those wooden blocks,

See? Measure with me, measure
with me, ok? Ha ha! I'll be--ok.

Ok! Let's do it!


You're a scientist. You can
try this, too.

Ok, let's measure the
classroom using non-standard

Measurement. That means instead
of a ruler, we'll use something

Else--in this case, we can use
our body. Lie down on the

Ground and we'll mark your spot
with a block so you know where

To lie down again. This way, we
won't leave any spaces. Now, go

For it and measure the whole
classroom. Keep lying down and

Marking your spot until you
reach the other side of the

Room. You're almost there--keep
measuring. Hey, it looks like

There's room for another half a
body. Let's count our bodies

And measure the room--one, two,
three, four and a half. You can

Also make your own paper body
ruler. Just lie down and have

Your friends trace your body on
paper. Then, an adult can cut

Out the shape and you're ready
to measure the classroom. Just

Like before, make sure you
don't leave any spaces. Ok,

That's one paper body ruler.

Two paper body rulers.

Three paper body rulers.

Four paper body rulers.

And there's room for one more
half a paper body ruler. In

Your journals, draw some
pictures of the types of rulers

We used today. Do you remember
how many bodies it took to

Measure the room?

Sid, can we take a look at
your journal?

Oh, sure. Um--here's gerald
on the floor and this shows you

How he got up and then lay
down a bunch of times, and it

Turns out our classroom is
geralds long.

Oh, that's great, sid! Now
we know how long our classroom

Is--in geralds.

gabriela, how about your


Oh, ok. Uh, so I was
thinking if we could measure

The classroom in geralds, we
could also measure our rug in



Oh, oh, I'll go see! Yeah!

Oh. Go, gerald, go!


Yeah, gerald! Yay!

[gerald groans]


Ok, the rug is three geralds


Um--ok, this bookcase is
also one gerald long!

yeah, yeah. Whoo! I am the

Greatest non-standard
measurement ruler in the world!


yeah, gerald!

Good job.

You're amazing, gerald!

Thank you.

All my scientists are
amazing! And now, I think it's

Time for all my measuring
experts to go and play with

Your new ideas.

All right!

Yay! Yay!


Ok, let's go!

Come on, sid.

It's time for--
good laughternoon!

[Sid chuckles]
why are whales big and great

And not small and green?

Well, I don't know. Why?

Because if they were small
and green, they'd be frogs!

that's good.

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit,
ribbit, ribbit--ahem.

Hey, sid?


How do you measure a shoe?

I don't know--how?

With a shoe-ler.

[Sid laughs]
hey, sid?


How do you measure a big

I don't know--how?

With a big shoe-ler!

hey, sid?


How do you measure a really
big shoe?

Um--with a really big

Oh, you've heard that one.

um--ok, what did the whale

Use to cut the sea in half?

I don't know--what?

He used a sea saw.

get it--"sea saw"? I'm going to

Do a different joke.

Oh--um--how does a whale say


Like this--"hello!"

Hello! I am gabriela, but
please call me answer girl! I

Can answer any questions you

Why are you up there?

Good question--because it's
fun up here. Next question.

Answer girl, are all the
rulers the same size?

Answer girl says no! Some
rulers are longer than others.

Hey, would you like to hug a

[Making whale sounds]

It's really hard to hug a
whale because they are so big!

Um--answer girl, is it
possible to measure how tall a

Mountain is?

Yes, people can measure

Hey, what's bigger--three
cows or one blue whale?

A blue whale!

What's bigger--a school bus
or a blue whale?

A blue whale.

Ah, ah! Hello, answer girl!

I have traveled very far to be
here. Do you want to give me a

Big whale hug?

[Making whale sounds]
ah, ah, yikes!

presenting answer whale!

[Making whale sounds]


And now...

It's time...

For susie...

To sing.

* Go, susie

Wow, that was great. Thank
you, thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, you know who really
likes non-standard measurement?


Yeah, who?


A-ha, pirates!

That's right--i'm a pirate!

And what I really want to do--
[music plays]

Is measure a whale.

a whale.

* Gather 'round, maties
and listen to me

Come hear my pirates' tale
about our adventure

Out on the sea
when we went

To measure a whale
we had no yardsticks

And no rulers
among our good ship's treasure

But by using the things
we had onboard

We found a way to measure *
* by using the things

We had onboard
we found a new way

To measure *
* you see, we had

Twin cooks
two tiny blokes

Their names were joe and jim
if you stood them together

Well, they were as tall
as our captain, panama slim

And we had three sails
to catch the wind

To help us on our trip
and the three of those sails

Side by side
equaled the size of the ship *

* The three of those sails
side by side

Equaled the size of the ship *
* one day we spied

That whale of a whale
and sailed along beside her

We pulled up very close to her
and thought it would be fun

To ride her
how big was she?

Oh, she was big
I'm telling you no tale

We saw that our ship
was exactly the size

Of that whale of a whale
oh, we found a valuable

Treasure and back home
that treasure went

The treasure we found
was how to use

Non-standard measurement
the treasure we found

Was how to use

Measurement *
* hey

[Music stops]

Hey, susie?


So, how do scientists really
measure a whale?

Oh, that's a great question,
sid. If scientists could get

Close to a blue whale, they
might use a long tape measure

But that's not so easy.

Yeah, because whales swim
all over the place.


[Making whale sounds]
and they might not sit still

Long enough to measure them.

I think scientists need a
special ruler just for

Measuring whales.

Well, maybe one of you smart
scientists will invent a new

Ruler to do that.



Ok, scientists, it's time to
go home.

All right!

Follow me!


Now where's my sid?

Ooh, right here, grandma.

Oh! Hmm. Oh--hmm. Now,
okey-doke! Let's roll!

Let's roll!

[Funky music plays]

[Grandma chuckles]
ooh, yeah.

* Back seat driving
with grandma

Whoo-hoo *
ah. Ok, kiddo, hmm. Looks

Like you've been measuring
things with your ruler.

Oh, yeah, I have. And in
school, we learned there are

Lots of different ways to
measure things without rulers.

That's right! You know, when
I was a little girl, I remember

My dad--your great
grandfather--had a really fun

Way of measuring things. See,
sometimes he wouldn't have a

Ruler handy so he would use his
hands to measure things. He'd

Say, "oh, this dog is four
hands high" or "that door is

Hands high" or "I ate a pie
today that was two hands wide!"

one time, he measured me when I

Was a little girl. I was six
hands high--how about that?

cool story, grandma. But

Now, I have to figure out a new
way to measure a great big blue


Oh, well, I'm sure that if
you put your mind to it, you'll

Figure it out. You're my smart

thanks, grandma.


I love my grandma.

[Music plays]
* I learned something cool

Something cool today
I know it upside down

And inside out
I learned all about *

* measurement

And non-standard measurement,
too *


Ha ha-ha! Scientist in the


Thank you! Dad?

Hey, I'm out here, sid.

Oh. Hey, there, dad.

Hey, buddy. So, you figure
out how to measure a whale?

Well, it's hard to get close
enough to a whale to use a tape

Measure. But don't worry,
dad--i'm going to invent a

Ruler to measure whales.

Ah, now I know you can do
it, buddy.

Ha ha.

Hey, would you like to use
that ruler to help me measure

Something now?

Oh, yeah.

All right. Why don't you
measure this?

Cool! Ok. Hmm, let's see.

Four inches.

Ok--four inches. Hey,
there's two more pieces over

There that need measuring.

Oh, great. Ok, let's see.

Ok, this one is five inches.

All right--
here you go.


And this last one is another
four--ha ha!

And another four-o.

Yeah. Hey, so, dad, what you

Well, take a look.

A toy whale? Cool! Who is it

Well, after I get a coat of
paint on it, it's going to be

For you!

For me? Wow! Well, thanks,
dad. I love it!

Hey, you and your ruler
helped me measure the pieces so

Thanks right back at you, bud!

Ha ha. Two, three,
four--hmm. Wow--today was

Awesome! I learned all about
non-standard measurement and

How to measure things without a
ruler--ha ha--like dr. Beaks

Here is about four microphones

don't worry, little ruler.

There's still lots of stuff out
there to measure with you. Hmm.

Learning about non-standard
measurement got me

Thinking--maybe there is a way
to measure a whale without a

Ruler. Hmm. Ok! I've got it!

Here's my super duper ooper
schmooper big idea! Ha--i'm

Going to measure a blue whale!

That's right--presenting my
newest invention, the

Whale-a-ruler. Each of these
toy whales is exactly the same

Size and there are no spaces in
between each toy whale. I'll

Just swim next to a blue whale
and use my whale-a-ruler to

Measure it! Now, all I have to
do is count the toy whales and

I'll know how long it is. Isn't
the whale-a-ruler amazing? And

That's my super duper ooper
schmooper big idea!

thank you!

thank you, and thank you. Well,

Now that you know how to use
non-standard measurement, you

Can go measure something really
big, too. Ah. Hey, look at

That--this bed is about one sid

I am sid...the science kid!

[Music plays]
and remember--keep asking lots

And lots of questions. Ha--see
you later, scientists.

hey, wonder how long this

Microphone is. That's about...


Oh, hi. We're just checking
out our website. You can

Explore with us.


Come on!

That's a great idea, come
join us! Visit and

There's a lot of great
information for grownups, too.

I think we look
pretty good in the computer.


Investigate, explore,
discover! Wow!

Hey! I know how to
investigate, explore, and

Discover, and I bet you do, too.

Ha ha.

"Investigate"--that's when you
want to find stuff out.

"Explore"--that's when you look
at things in the world around


"Discover"--that's when you
investigate and explore and you

Find out something new!

Hey, scientists, there's lots
more amazing science coming

Your way. My friends and I will
learn how to use science tools,

Investigate how things change,
discover our senses, and

Explore how to keep our bodies
healthy, so come join me, sid

The science kid.