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01x06 - My Mushy Banana

Posted: 10/03/22 18:52
by bunniefuu
Hey, is this thing on?

* Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? *
* I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid *
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Ladies and gentlemen, put
your furry little hands

Together for the one, the
only sid!

Hey! Thank you, thank you.

All right! What a great-looking
audience. Hey, there, handsome

Guys, except for you, arnie.

You're just big and fuzzy, but,
you know, it kind of works

For you. Whapeessh!

Well, mr. Beaks, you're still
too slow. Better luck next time,

Pal. Hello, there! I'm sid.

Welcome to my room! It's great
to be here! So, hey, I have a

Big problem. You see, I love
bananas. They're yellow,

They're yummy, it's a whole
snack in a peel. I just love

Them, but take a look at this!

Look! Look! It's brown, and
it feels mushy! Now doesn't it

Bother you guys when this
happens? See, this banana was

Yellow when I got it from the
kitchen last week, and now...

Now it's brown and yucky! Why do
bananas do this? Banana, why did

You have to and get all brown
and mushy? Hello, banana, are

You there? Ok. Well, this is
clearly a banana of few words.

Ooh! Wait a minute. Did someone
make you mushy? I'll make sure

They never do it again. Ha ha
ha! I will not rest until I find

Who did this! I just got to

What's the big idea with this
banana? Why did it get mushy?

Sid! Breakfast time!

Ha ha ha! Whoo!

Breakfast time!

Whoa, incoming.

Good morning, sid.

Morning, mom.

Are you going to eat that
banana or just look at it?

Eat this? No way! It's brown
and mushy, and as we all know, I

Like my bananas yellow, but
don't worry. I'm going to find

Out who made my banana yucky.

Sid, that's a great
question, but, sweetie, nobody

Made your banana mushy.

Over time, they ripen and get a
little mushy.

Bananas ripen? Hmm. This
is getting interesting.

Actually, if it's not too
brown amd mushy, you can still

Eat it.

You know what? Nobody's
going to eat this banana right

Now. I'm going to bring it to
school to investigate. I'll

Just put it in my pocket.


Not in your pocket!

Wow! Did you see that?

Ha ha! I think we need to see an
instant replay!


And there goes mom leaping
off her chair. She grabs the

Plastic container, then spins
back, and look at her dive.

Not in your pocket.

And there it is! Nice save!

Ha ha! Let's hear it for mom!

and let's hear it for

Breakfast. It's getting late.

Oh, yeah. I got to eat! It's
almost time for school!

and I'm bringing you with me!

* I love my mom
* uh-huh

* My mom is cool
* uh-huh

* But now it's time
for having fun at school

Yeah *
ha ha ha!

Yeah *
ha ha ha!

* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela *
* watch what I can do

La la whoo
la la whoo

Ohhh, yeah! *
* Wow!

I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald *
* yeah, check out my moves

Ha ha ha!

I'm a rock star!

* Cool
I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
hey, there's may *

* May I show you
how I groove?

Da da da la *
ha ha ha!



* We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid *

Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That's you!

You got me.

* La la la la

* We're looking
for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends *
[all laughing]

And now it's time for the
sid survey!

Hello. I am sid with today's
survey. The question: would you

Eat a mushy banana? Let's go
get some answers.

Hello, there, madam. May I
ask you a question?

I just want to say that I
can climb higher than anyone in

The whole school.

That's true. I've seen her
climb. So I'd like to know,

Would you eat a mushy banana?

But first, please state your
name for the record.

I'm your best friend. You
know my name.

Ok. Well, just pretend like
you don't know me.

But I do know you. We have a
playdate at your house tomorrow.

Ok, gabriela, would you eat
a mushy banana?

Good question. I would never
eat a mushy banana! No, no,

No, no, no.

Thank you, gabriela.

Sure thing.

Hello, there, may. Would you
eat a mushy banana?

Oh, no. A mushy banana? He
probably thinks that nobody

Likes him. Yes, yes, I will eat
him and be his friend.

You are a good friend, may.

Thank you.

Gerald! Gerald, would you eat
a mushy banana?

What? Your microphone is a
banana? All right! I'm hungry!

No, no, no, no. Keep away.

You silly. And now the results
of my survey. May says she would

Eat a mushy banana. Gabriela
says never, no, no, no, way, no.

And gerald thought my microphone
was a banana. So there you have

It. I am sid, roving reporter
and mushy banana expert.

Everybody! Rug time!

That's teacher susie!

* It's rug time
come on in

Rug time
take a seat

Rug time *
* we're ready

* Everybody move your feet
rug time *

* Teacher susie
* good time is on the way

Rug time
come on in

We've got a lot to learn today *
[making truck sounds]

Trucking through. Ha ha!

Honk, honk! Sssshhheew
so who wants to share

Something with the class? A
story? A song?

Ooh. I have something to

Ok, sid.

Watch this. Ladies and
gentlemen, presenting my

Mushy, brown banana!


Oh, it's gross!

Oh, but it smells good.

It looks kind of mushy.

Wow! You're all making
wonderful observations.

Observa--what now?

Observations. That means
you're touching the banana and

Smelling it and looking at
it, and that's called making


But what's wrong with the
banana? Aren't you feeling well,

Mr. Banana?

The banana is just fine.

It's just changing. It's part
of nature. After a while, all

Fruits and vegetables start to
change. Like sid's banana. It's

Starting to--
ooh! I know this one. My

Banana is starting to ripen!


My mom told me that this
morning, and I remembered!

Ha ha!

ha ha ha!

And if you wait another
week, it will change even more.

How will it change?

It will get even mushier...


And slimier...


And yuckier!


And when fruits and
vegetables change that much,

They start to rot, and that's
called decay!



I want to see something

Now that's a great idea,
and I know the perfect place to

Observe something that has

Ok, scientists. You know
where we're going!

To the super fab lab!

That's right. So grab your
journals, and let's go!



Ha ha ha!

Super fab lab!

Observe, compare, contrast!

We're going to do an

All right! Investigations
are awesome! Investigations are

When you explore stuff and
find stuff out, right?

You got it.

Good. Just wanted to make
sure I'm excited about the right


Now this pumpkin is new. I
just bought it at the store this



It's pretty.

And remember the
jack-o-lantern we had in the

Classroom for halloween?


Well, I kept it in a big
plastic container, and here

It is!

Eww! It's decayed!


The decayed pumpkin used to
look like this new pumpkin. Now

I'm going to cut open the
pumpkins, and we can make

Observations to see how the
decayed pumpkin has changed.

Ooh! Um, ok. I have an
observation. This decayed

Pumpkin smells gross.

That's a great observation.

Hey. Can we touch the

Sure. Touching the pumpkins
to see how they feel is a great

Way to make an observation, but
first, put on your rubber

Gloves. Then go for it.



You're a scientist! You can
try this, too! I got to go get

My gloves!

This pumpkin is new. It
was just bought at the store

Today and carved into a
jack-o-lantern. Draw some

Observations in your journals.

What does the new pumpkin look

Now an adult will cut open the
jack-o-lantern so we can look

Inside and make some
observations. What does it look

Like inside the pumpkin? Put on
some rubber gloves and go

Ahead and touch it. How does
the new pumpkin feel?

Now let's compare the new
pumpkin to this decayed pumpkin.

It's time to make some more
observations. You can touch the

Pumpkin. How does it feel?

Is it hard or soft? Look at the
pumpkin with your magnifying

Glasses. You can even smell it
with your nose. How are the two

Pumpkins different? How has
the decayed pumpkin changed?

When you're done, wash your
hands really well and draw your

Observations in your journals.

Think about what the pumpkin
looked like when it was


Now that we're done
with the decayed pumpkin

Investigation, we can bring the
pumpkins to a compost bin.

I'm drawing a picture of the
squishy part of the pumpkin in

My journal!

I'm drawing the mushy part
that I touched.

I can't wait to see what
observations you all made! Sid,

Can we take a look at your

Oh, yeah. This was the yucky
pumpkin--i mean, the decayed

Pumpkin. It didn't even look
like a pumpkin anymore. It

Looked more like a big pile of
mush. It was all squishy and

Gross. I squeezed it in my
fingers, and it felt slimy.

And this is what my mushy
banana will look like if I wait

Longer. Then it will be gross,
too! Cool!

Ha ha ha! Great observations,
sid. May, may we look at your


Yes. This is the decayed
pumpkin, and I think it looked

Beautiful, mushy and beautiful.

And look, I found a pumpkin
seed, a teeny, tiny, little

Pumpkin seed, and I taped it
right there. Decayed pumpkins

Are wonderful.

I really like your
observations, may.

Thank you.

All of you scientists did
great job.

Yeah, decayed pumpkins aren't
just wonderful--they're awesome!

Awesome and mushy!

I'm so proud of all my
scientists! Ok. It's time for a

Snack break!

Yay! Snacks. Oh, I'm so

Mm. Guess what I just had for
a snack. A new, yellow banana. I

Just love bananas.

I remember one time I ate a
banana, and something kind of

Strange happened.

What happened? I got to know.

Well, I went into the
kitchen, and I found a nice

Yellow banana.

Go on.

I peeled the banana down a
bit, just like this, nice and

Slow. I always peel my bananas
slowly so I don't accidentally

Break the banana in half.

Did you peel the banana and
find a toy inside or find a

Pirate treasure map inside?

No, I peeled the banana and
found a banana inside.

Oh, right. A banana. So then
what happened?

Well, I took a bite, then
another bite, and another bite.

Then what did you do?

And then I kept eating the
banana until I was at the end

Of the banana.


Then I accidentally bit into
a teeny, tiny piece of the

Banana peel.

Eww! No way!

It tasted terrible! It was
yucky! I still like bananas,

Just not the peel.

Wow! That was a great story,

Thanks, gabriela.

Everyone! It's hat time!

Yes! I love hat time!

I am dr. Gabriela, a
special food doctor. I can cure

Any sick food! And now, please
send in the next patient!

um, doctor, my grapefruit has

Been in the back of my fridge
for a long time, and now he's

Mushy and icky and smelly.

Can you cure him?

I can cure any food! But
first, I must conduct a thorough

Examination of the patient.

oh, ok.

Uh-huh. Ooh.

What do you see?

Ok. Let's check your

Ha ha!

Oh, ah. I see what the
problem is!

Can you make my grapefruit

I can't make him better
because he's not sick. He's

Just mushy, icky, smelly, and
gross, and that means he's


Yes! Yes! I'm decayed!

That's awesome!

Aha! Thank you,
dr. Gabriela!

My work here is done!

Ha ha! Hoo hoo! Ha ha!

And now it's time for...

Good laughternoon!

[All laughing]
why did the banana go to the


I don't know. Why?

Because he wasn't peeling

Hey, gerald.


Did you hear the one about
the banana and the ice cream?

No. What about the banana
and the ice cream?

When the banana split,
the ice screamed!

What did the boy say when he
bit into the brown,

Yucky banana?

I don't know. What?

He said, "blaaahgghh!"
Now that's funny!

and now...

It's time...

For susie...

To sing!

Go, susie!

Oh, why, thank you. You
know, all this talk about

Decay does remind me of a


* What happened to my apple?

It's going through a change
day by day, it's looking

More spotted and strange
look how old and moldy

It's gotten

It went from ripe to rotten

in nature, it happens that way

While you were dozing
it was decomposing

it got icky and ucky

And ucky and icky
and yicky and yucky

And smelly and sticky
it went from red and tasty

To gross and gooey
it went from fresh to p.uie


In nature, it happens that way
while you were dozing

It was decomposing

But in autumn
decaying leaves smell sweet

When you jump in the piles
you know

Everything that decays
fills the ground

With good things
that help make new trees

Grow and grow
you know, decay happens

Naturally with time
something new and fresh

Turns to slime
it will happen to these

It will happen to those
even a rose will decompose


In nature, it happens that way
while you were dozing

It was decomposing

Decay *

Wow! That was awesome!

Thank you.

You know, I wasn't too happy
when my yellow banana turned

Mushy, but now I think mushy
bananas are kind of cool.

Yeah. Me, too.

Mushiness rocks!

You know, there's nothing
wrong with my banana. It's just

Changing, and that's just what
bananas do!

Sid, you're sounding like a
real scientist. In fact, all of

You are scientists!

Thank you.

Ok, scientists. It's time to
go home. Follow me!


I can't wait to see

Now where's my sid?

Ooh! Right here, grandma.



Now. Okey-doke. Let's roll.

Let's roll!


[Rock music playing on radio]
backseat driving with

Grandma! Ha ha ha!

Ok, kiddo. Tell me about
your day.

Well, look grandma! I brought
my banana to school. It's

Getting pretty mushy. I think
it's ready for the trash.

Oh. Hold on now. Not all
mushy fruit has to go right into

The trash.


No. You know, a long time ago
when I was a little girl, my

Mother didn't let us throw any
food away. Nope. Uh-uh. Apples

That where starting to get brown
were turned into applesauce.

Blueberries that were a little
mushy were made into blueberry

Pie. Mmm, mmm, good. And
peaches that were starting to

Get a little old--
I know. You made peach pie?

Nope. I ate them. I love
soft peaches! Ha ha ha! Yes,

But I do know something we can
make out of that mushy banana!

Really? What?

It's a surprise!

Yeah! Ha ha! My grandma is

* I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about *
ha ha ha!

* Decay

Hoo hoo! Scientist in the

sid, your mushy banana makes

A lovely centerpiece for the
table, but it's getting a little


I'll second that.

You're right, mom, and it's
gonna keep changing until it's

Really yucky and mushy and icky,
and that's called decay!

I'm impressed. You're quite
the mushy banana expert.

Thanks, mom.

Well, I think your mushy
banana is almost ready for the

Compost bin.

Oh. Not so fast. Well, this
banana isn't too yucky yet. We

Can still use it.

We can?

Oh, you bet you. This mushy
banana is perfect for...

Ooh, ooh, I know! Banana

There's my smart boy!

We can still make my special
banana bread recipe. We'll

Peel the banana, put it in the
bowl, and mash it up! I wonder

If I have any volunteers to mash
up a banana.

Ooh, ooh! I will!

Banana masher at your service!



Mash, mash, mash, mash.

Looks like we've got two
banana mashers. Ha ha ha!

You get them, zeke.

You know, I've been thinking
a lot about mushy bananas

Today, and it makes me
wonder what do we do with all

The banana peels from all the
mushy bananas in the world?

Ooh! Ok. I've got it! Here's my
super duper ooper shmooper big

Idea! We get a super gigantic,
dinosaur-sized bulldozer and

Race around the world,
collecting all the brown, mushy

Bananas. Then we take off all
the banana peels, glue them

Together, and make the world's
biggest banana peel slide! Then

We make the slide really,
really slippery by covering it

With the mushy bananas! It
would be the biggest and

Fastest slide in the world!

Kids could ride the banana peel
slide! Moms and dads could ride

The banana peel slide! Whee!


and cats...

and zebras...

and even elephants could ride

The banana peel slide!

and that's my super duper

Ooper shmooper big idea!

thank you! Thank you! You've

Been a great audience,
and you've been a big, fuzzy

One. Ha ha ha! Wapeesh! Today's
just not your day, dr. Beaks.

I am sid...

The science kid!

And remember, keep asking lots
and lots of questions. See you

Later, scientists! Whoo-hoo!


Oh, hi. We're just checking out
our web site. You can explore

With us.


That's a great idea. Come
join us. Visit, and

There's a lot of great
information for grown-ups, too.

You know, I think we look
pretty good on the computer.

Observe, compare, contrast!


Hey! I know how to observe,
compare, and contrast, and I

Bet you do, too.

Observe--that's when you look
really closely at something and

Listen to it, maybe even smell
it and feel it. Compare--that's

When you look at two things and
think about how they're the

Same. Contrast--that's when you
observe things and think about

What's different about them.

Hey, scientists. There's lots
more amazing science coming

Your way. My friends and I
will learn how to use science

Tools, investigate how things
change, discover our senses,

And explore how to keep our
bodies healthy. So come join

Me--sid the science kid!