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01x11 - The Itchy Tag

Posted: 10/03/22 18:57
by bunniefuu
Hey, is this thing on?

Ha ha.

Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

* I want to know
why things happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did?


What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid *
captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci

Oh, hi. I'm sid.

Welcome to my room. There's
something wrong with my shirt.

It has an itchy tag in the back,
like that one.

Doesn't it bother you when
your shirts have itchy tags?

Ah! This shirt is so scratchy.

Mmm. Mmm. Ooh.

Why are there tags
in shirts anyway?

Who likes rough, itchy things?

Nobody. My stuffed animals
are nice and soft.

You know, soft is good.

Scratchy is not so good.

Well, I really, really want
to know--what's the big idea

With this shirt?

Why is the tag so...scratchy?

Sid, breakfast time.

Oh, boy. Breakfast. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha. Breakfast time!

Whoo! Hey, mom. Hey, dad.

Hi, zekie.

Morning, sid.

Ok. Ah...ooh...ah...mmm...

Sid, you look like a bear
scratching against a tree.

Is something itchy
there, son?

I've got a really
scratchy tag.

Oh, yeah. I've been there.

You know that winter sweater
I have with the huge tag

On the neck? Oh, boy!

Ah, that's better.

You know, come to think
of it, there are a lot of

Scratchy tags in this house.

And I say it's time
we get rid of them.

Ha ha. Yeah.

I'll tell you what,
when I get home from work,

You and I are going to
cut some tags.

Yeah. Cool.

All right.

See you guys later.


We're coming for you, tags.

That's right.

Get ready.

Bye, dad. It's a good thing
I don't have to touch

Any more scratchy things today.

Actually, sid, there are
lots of things that feel

Scratchy all around us.


Mm-hmm. Here, let me
find some information

On the internet.

Hmm. Ok. Hmm.

A hairbrush.

That feels scratchy.

A welcome mat feels
pretty scratchy.


Oh, and trees have
rough bark. We have one

In our own backyard.

Wow. I guess there are lots
of scratchy things around us.

Also lots of rough things
and smooth things

And...oh, hey. I guess
everything feels different.

But why does everything
feel different?

Well, that sounds like
a good thing to investigate

At school.

Huh. You know what? I will.

And I'll make sure that you
don't have to go to school

With an itchy tag.

After breakfast, take off your
shirt, and I'll cut the tag out.

Cool. Thanks, mom.

* I love my mom
my mom is cool

But now it's time
for having fun in school *


Ha ha ha!

Mwah! Ha ha ha!

* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela *
* watch what I can do

Ha ha! Yeah!

Ready, set, go!


* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald *
yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Yeah! Ha ha! Awesome!


* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may *
* may I show you

How I groove? *
Uh-huh. Whee! Ha ha!


* We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid *

Did you hear the one
about the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That's you!

Ha ha! You got me.

* we're looking

For our friends
and look who we found

We found each other *
friends! Ha ha ha!


Hello. I am sid, roving
reporter with today's survey.

The question--what is
the scratchiest thing

You've ever felt?

You can think about
something scratchy, too.

So let's go get some answers.

Hey, gabriela.


Hi, gerald.

Hi, sid.

So, what is the scratchiest
thing you've ever felt?

Hmm...the scratchiest?

I'd have to say my dad's beard
is the scratchiest thing

I've ever felt.

Good answer.

Thanks, gabriela.

You're welcome.

How about you, gerald?

Oh, um...well...uh...uh...

Ooh! Um...ok.

The top of your microphone
is the scratchiest thing

I've ever felt.

Gerald, way to think fast.

Thank you.

Ooh. Hey, may.


What is the scratchiest thing
you've ever felt?



Hmm...oh, I know.

My cat mushu.

But isn't your cat's
fur soft?

Her fur is soft, but her
claws are very scratchy.

Sid, don't ever touch
a cat's claws. Not good.

Ha ha. Thanks, may.

That was fascinating.

You're welcome.

And now the results
of my survey.

Gabriela says that her dad's
beard feels really scratchy.

Gerald says that the top
of my microphone is scratchy.

And may says her cat's claws
are really scratchy.

And maybe you thought about
something that's scratchy, too.

Well, there you have it.

I am sid, roving reporter
and scratchy expert.

Everybody, rug time.

Ooh! That's teacher susie.

* It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time *
* we're ready

* Everybody move your feet
rug time *

* Teacher susie
* good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we're got a lot to learn today *


Hey, mr. Helicopter,
we're over here.

Oh, ok. Roger that,
squadron leader. Ha ha!

Coming in for a--whoa!

I'm spinning around and around.

Ha ha! Oh. Whoa. Whoa.

Oh, that was weird.

Ok. Ok. Anybody have
something they'd like

To share with the class?

Ooh, I do.

Go ahead, sid.

Ok. Ta-da!

This was in my shirt.

It's the itchiest,
the scratchiest, roughest,

Prickliest, tickliest tag
in the world.

Ooh, it feels scratchy,
like my dad's beard.

Let me try, sid.

Wow. Yeah, that is rough.

I can't believe that was
in your shirt.

I know. Right?


I think all clothes
should feel the same--soft,

Like my sweater.

Now that's a good idea.



Why doesn't everything
feel the same?

Great question, gabriela.

All of these things--sid's tag,
may's sweater--all have

A different texture.


Yes. A texture is
the way something feels.

Everything's made of something
different, so everything has

A different texture.

Oh, oh! Like a rock
can feel rough.

Or a blanket can feel soft.

Exactly. And when you feel
a texture, you're using

Your sense of touch.


I'm going to use my sense
of touch to feel my shoes.

Ooh, they feel smooth.

Great observation, may.

Thank you.

Hey, who wants to investigate
the textures all around us?

We do!

Ok, scientists, grab
your journals and let's go to...

The super-fab lab!

Ha ha ha! Come on!

Yay! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Super-fab lab!

Observe, compare, contrast.


Ok, scientists, we're going
to do a texture treasure hunt.



Everyone's going to explore
the room and bring things

Back to the table. Arr!

And you can use words
to describe different textures.

Arr! And when you bring
your textures back, we can

Compare and contrast them. Arr!

But what happens if I can't
bring my texture back?

What if it's a blackboard
or the sink or the floor?

You can describe the texture
on these sticky notes.

And just stick them on.


But oh, no, wait a minute.

I can't write.

Oh, you don't have to write
words to describe something.

Scientists use pictures
and symbols all the time.

Now, if you wanted to draw
something that's bumpy,

How would you do it?


Oh! You know, I would draw
hills, because hills are bumpy.

Oh, and if something
is smooth, you can draw

Straight lines. No bumps.

Great ideas.

All righty, mateys, let's start
the texture treasure hunt. Arr!


Arr! Arr! Arr!

Arr! Arr! Arr!

Oh. Arr! You're scientists.

You can try this, too. Arr!

It's time for our texture
treasure hunt. Go explore

The room and find a texture
you like. Try touching

All kinds of different things
to feel their textures.

When you've found lots
of different textures,

Bring them back to the table
so we can compare and contrast

How they feel.

It looks like you found
some really great stuff,

And all with different textures.

This ribbon feels soft
and puffy, but this coral

Feels rough, and the fork
is pointy on top.

This sponge is scratchy on one
side and soft on the other side.

Let's draw some observations
in our journals.

Go ahead. You can color
the pictures of the different

Things that you've found
on our texture treasure hunt.

Think about the texture
of each item you've found.

Wow! We found so many items
today, and they all have

Different textures--soft,
puffy, rough...

Scratchy, and soft, and smooth.

What a fantastic texture
treasure hunt.

Ha ha. I thought the floor
felt nice and smooth.

I thought the wall
felt rough.

Gerald, what did you find?

Yeah. Um...i found that
my earlobes are smooth, and

The top of my lip is squishy.

Ha ha ha!

Wow. Great observations,
everyone. Now let's take

A look in your journals.

Gabriela, would you like
to go first?

Oh, ok. I drew our rug.

First I peeled back the rug
and touched underneath it.

It was really rough
and scratchy.

Then I touched the top part
of the rug, and it was soft

And fuzzy.

Very nice, gabriela.

You discovered that the rug
had different textures.

Ha ha.

All right. Sid, may we
look at your journal?

Sure. I drew my shoe.

It had lots of textures, too.

My shoelaces felt soft,
and the top part near my toes

Felt smooth, and underneath
felt kind of bumpy.

Great treasures, me hearties.

My scientists know so much
about textures.

I think it's time to play
with all your new ideas.

Yay! All right!

Come on! Let's go!

I'm going to cover my whole
face in sticky notes.

It's time for...

"Good laughter-noon!"
Ha ha ha!

Hey, gabriela.


Why did one shirt
chase the other?

I don't know. Why?

Because they were
playing tag.

Ha ha ha!


Hey, sid.


What did one shirt
say to the other shirt?

Hmm...i don't know. What?

Nothing. Everyone knows
that shirts can't talk.

Ha ha ha!


Who's there?


Ivana who?

"Ivana" scratch my arm.

I have an itch. Ha ha!

And now I have an itch
on my other arm. Oh, and now

I have an itch on my belly.

Oh, I'm so itchy!

Oh, no. I think
I'm itchy, too! Oh! Ah!

Oh, no. Now I'm itchy. Yikes!

I'm itchy, too.

Oh, I'm so itchy.

Oh! Oh, no! I'm too itchy!

Now that's itchy.

ooh. Ah. Ah. Ooh.

I'm the mommy,
since I'm wearing the mommy hat.

Gerald, you're the daddy.

All right!

And sid, you're
our little boy.

I'm always the little boy.

Ok, son, let's go shopping
for clothes.


Wah! No! I don't want
to go shopping for clothes!

Now, son, if you don't stop
crying, I will have to

Put you in timeout.

Ok. I'm done.

Ha ha ha!

Ok, family, let's go into
this clothing store.

Ah, yes. The clothing store.

I'm dad.

Ok. We're inside the store.

Hello. Welcome to my store.

Would you like to buy
some clothes?

Yes, please.

My son needs a new shirt.

Oh, ok. I have a wonderful
shirt that feels itchy.

Huh? No, not itchy.

Oh. How about a shirt
that feels scratchy?

No way.

Maybe a shirt
that feels rough?

No, thank you.

How about squishy?









What's schmooey?

I don't know,
but it sounds fun.

Say, I have an idea, my boy.

What's that, daddy?

Well, how about a shirt
that feels soft?

Yeah. A soft shirt
would feel nice.

Ha ha ha! Yeah.

Well, we don't have
anything soft.


But I do have something
I know you'll love.

Really? What is it?

It's a super-sized
scratchy sweater. You wear it

And itch all day long.

No! No! No!

Aah! Stop!

And now...

It's time...

For susie...

To sing.

Go, susie!

Oh, thank you. You know,
we've been talking a lot about

How different textures feel.

Well, could you imagine
if we were snakes?

Wow! Oh!

Yes, and we slithered around
on the ground. Then we could

Feel lots of different textures
with our bellies.


I think it might be
kind of fun to be a snake.


Ha ha ha.

* Slept on a bed
of the softest leaves

I stretch my body when I wake
the sun is up, and so am I

It feels good to be a snake
so I slide along the rocks

And they feel hard
and whoa, do they feel hot

As I move
I feel something smooth

Yes, I can feel a lot
when something's hot or cold

Or squishy just like jelly
I can feel each texture

With the skin that's on my belly
I feel the world

As I slither hither
with every move I make

Now, you know that snakes
have feelings, too

It feels good to be a snake
my brain remembers feelings

And my brain is hard to fool
when something's too hot

My brain says "ouch!"
"Go somewhere where it's cool"

Sharp, lumpy, feathery, mushy
those are memories I keep

I can feel you when you touch me
please don't touch me now

'Cause it's time to sleep *
good night.

Wow! That was so cool!

I'd love to be a snake
and slide around on my belly.

That way, I could feel
every texture in the world.

Smooth, hard, bumpy, soft,
rough, mushy.

Scratchy, waxy, hairy,
spongy, squishy, silky.

And itchy!


Ok, my texture experts,
you did great work today,

And now it's time to go home.

Follow me.

Cool! Ok!

Now, where's my sid?

Oh, right here, grandma.

Oh. Ha ha ha. Oh. Mwah.

Now, okey-doke. Let's roll.

Let's roll!

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha ha!

[Music playing]

* Backseat driving
with grandma

Boop doo doo doot doot *
so, what you got

There, kiddo?

Oh, this is the tag
from my shirt.

Mom cut it out for me
because it was so itchy.

And boy, am I glad it's not
in my shirt anymore.

Ooh, I know just
what you mean.

The way things feel
is really important.

Your tag is really itchy.

And guess what else
used to be really itchy.

Ha ha ha. Toilet paper!

Well, actually, before toilet
paper was invented, people

Used to use leaves, grass,
or even shells. Ouch!

Now that's itchy.

Then somebody invented some
really soft sheets of paper,

And that felt a little better.

And finally somebody invented
really, really soft toilet paper

So when it touched your skin,
it wouldn't feel rough

Or itchy at all. No.

Then they got real smart
and put toilet paper on a roll.

Ha ha ha. Then it was soft
and convenient. Whoo-hoo!

Hurray for soft things.

Ha ha ha ha! Yes.

And that's the story
of toilet paper. How about that?

Great story, grandma.


My grandma knows about
so many cool things.

* I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside-down
and inside-out

I learned all about...

Texture! *
Whoo! Scientist in the house!

Ha ha ha!

ok, sid, are you ready

For operation tag removal?

Yeah. Let's get rid
of the scratchy textures.

Ooh, I'm impressed.

That's a pretty big word, son.

Yeah. It means how stuff
feels, like rough and smooth,

Soft and scratchy.

Well, all righty, then.

It's time to cut some scratchy
tags off of these soft shirts.

Yay! Let's start
with that one.

Ok. Ha ha.

hey, I got it.



Good-bye, itchy tag.

Hello, soft texture.

Ha ha ha!

Wow. You two have
quite a project here.

Hey, mom. Look.

We're cutting out our tags
with scratchy textures, and we

Can cut out your tags, too.

Yeah. What do you say, alice?

A little snippy-snippy tag-tag?

I think I'll keep my tags.

Why, mom?

Well, they tell me
how to wash my shirts.

If I get rid of my tags,
I might wash my shirts

The wrong way and end up
shrinking them. Believe me,

That wouldn't be good.

Uh...right. Of course.

I mean, we know you can't...

Because...sid, new plan.

First we write down
the washing instructions,

And then we cut the tags.


Operation tag removal

Ok. Got a pen?

No. Operation...

Find-a-pen begins!


I'm sure there's one here

Ah, what a day. Hmm.

We used our sense of touch
to feel all kinds of textures.

We felt scratchy things,
bumpy things, and smooth things.

There are so many textures,
but I'm pretty sure I like

Soft textures the best, and
super-soft textures even more.

Hmm...why isn't everything
super-soft? Ok! I've got it.

Here's my super-duper-uper-
schmuper big idea!

I'm going to invent something
that will make everything soft.

I call it super soft wrap.

It's like super soft wrapping
paper that you wrap around

Anything you need to make safe
and feel soft.

You can put super soft wrap
around your bed so it's like

Sleeping on a cloud. Ah...

You can put super soft wrap
around cactuses so they don't

Poke you when you touch them.

Ha ha ha.

Nope. Not today, mr. Cactus.

And you can put super soft wrap
around your tricycle

So that when you crash
into the garage, you'll just

Bounce right back and then
get to do it all over again.

Boink! Hee hee!

Nope. Totally fine.

And that's my super-duper-uper-
schmuper big idea! Ha ha ha!

Oh, yeah.

Hey, have fun feeling
different textures. I hope

You have some soft things near
you, like my stuffed animals.

Ha ha. Ah...

What nice, soft heads.

And some of them have
nice, soft noses, too.

Hey, I am sid the science kid.

And remember, keep asking
lots and lots of questions.

See you later, scientists.

hello, soft lion.

Wow! Oh, hi. We're just
checking out our website.

You can explore with us.

That's a great idea.

Come join us.


There's a lot of great
information for grownups, too.

I think we look pretty good
on the computer.


Observe, compare, contrast!


Hey, I know how to observe,
compare, and contrast.

And I bet you do, too.

Observe--that's when you look
really closely at something

And listen to it, maybe even
smell it and feel it.

Compare--that's when you look
at two things and think about

How they're the same.

Contrast--that's when you
observe things and think about

What's different about them.

Hey, scientists, be sure
to check out another episode

Of "amazing science."

My friends and I will learn
how to use science tools,

Investigate how things change,
discover our senses,

And explore how to keep
our bodies healthy.

See you next time
on "sid, the science kid."