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20x03 - Unearth

Posted: 10/04/22 07:02
by bunniefuu


Stop playing with the flashlight.

It's not me.

Told you the thing's broken.

I'll get a new flashlight.

Moretti, there's nothing but dust

and old bones down here, man.

What if we don't find it here?

Then you won't have to
worry about the curse.

What curse?

Why do you think the locals

never came looking for the treasure?


This entire area is
an ancient burial site.

They say anyone who dares
lay a hand on the treasure

will awaken the king's wrath.

Bad luck will follow them everywhere.

And the worst part,

they will die a slow,

painful death.

Their organs turning to stone
from the inside out.

- Boo! (LAUGHS)
- That's it, I'm out.

- Enough!
- Come on, man.


Keep digging.



ROOKIE: What is that?

Is that it?



You ready to live like kings?

(LAUGHING): Yeah, baby!


I swear that wasn't me.

♪ ♪

MCGEE: It's got to be
m*rder mystery, right?

No, that's too simple.

I'm thinking Gatsby.

No, wait, glow-in-the-dark Gatsby.


Parker, what do you think?

Think about what?

Oh, Kasie is

throwing Ducky's
surprise birthday party,

but she's keeping the theme secret.

Cake and candles.
What other theme do you need?

Oh, no. Kasie always has a theme.

That's what makes her parties so epic.

Ugh! The party's off.

- Why?
- What?

The venue that I booked
months ago canceled.

So get a new one?

No, I tried. Everything's booked.

McGee, old buddy, old pal...

Kasie, I wish I could help you out,

but Delilah's got
family staying with us.

Uh, my bathroom is under construction.

Man! All I wanted was to do
something nice for Ducky,

you know, but now I guess

the party will never happen.

It's so very sad.

My place is available,

if you want. It's small...

No, I can work with small.

Maybe we can use the greenhouse?

Uh, sure.

Parker, you are an angel.

Okay, party is back on, people.

And remember it's a surprise,

so not a word to Ducky.

- Uh, about the theme...

Can't talk now. Got a party to plan.



You have no idea
what you just got yourself into.



Body at Quantico Cemetery.

So, there's a reason

why Kasie's parties are so legendary.

Girl goes all out.

Well, isn't that a good thing?

Yeah, the, uh, twins loved
their puppy party,

but, uh, you know we had to buy
all-new rugs afterward, so...

KNIGHT: Yeah, I once had
to replace an entire dish set

after a shindig at my place.

It was Greek-themed.

Hey, I almost forgot.

I have to grab your keys.
I'll go over at lunch,

get a feel for the space.

You don't mind if I rearrange
your furniture, right?

Thank you.

Also, Torres has gone
radio silent as per usual.

Can you remind him to RSVP ASAP?

Please and thank you.


I've never been
a morning person, but, uh...

I've been waking up at the crack of dawn

to just watch the sunrise.

Makes you kind of want
to break out in song?

- Yeah. Yeah.

Um, Nicholas.

What you're experiencing right now

is known in recovery as the pink cloud.

And I know what you're gonna say.

It won't last forever.

No, unfortunately it won't.

I find that having a support
system is super important.

Did you get a sponsor
like we talked about?

Well, I've only been to one meeting.

But, um, I got this.

I know you find it difficult
to open up to others,

but I think you really need to try.

What about your team? You trust them.

Well, it's not about trust.

This is my business. It's nobody else's.

I-I know you're used
to being the lone wolf,

but I've seen patients relapse

that don't have support
of friends and family.

I can handle it.

Besides, I told you.

Mm. It's not the same.

I'm your therapist, not your friend.

Eh, you answer whenever I call.

That's my job.

Even when I call after midnight?

Oh, so I care about my patients. Sue me.

Nick, you've been hurt.

The people closest to you have left...

your father, then Bishop and Gibbs.

But there are still people
who care about you.

What about your friends and family?

This isn't about me.

Well, maybe it should be.

I look around your office,

it looks like I just
walked into Pottery Barn.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Well, the point is that
there's nothing personal.

Oh, what, like a photograph
of myself on my desk?

Well, at least I took the time
to, uh, replace the photo

that came in the frame.

- Put that down, Nick.
- Oh, come on, Doc.

It doesn't have to be
a picture of yourself.

- It can just be anything better.
- Don't!

Don't touch my things.


Better head back to work, Agent Torres.

Our time is up.

PARKER: This is an active crime scene!

Just back up, all right?
Don't make me arrest you.

What's with all the media?

I don't know, but they better watch out.

Parker's not in the mood.

He's had a rough morning.

Yeah, he's not the only one.


Hey, you see Dr. Grace, too.

How much do you know about her?

Besides the fact that
she likes diet ginger ale?

Not much. Why?

She seemed off today.

- What happened?
- JIMMY: Hey, guys.

Sorry I'm late.

Had to navigate all the news vans.

I mean, is this guy, like, a celebrity?

Fingerprints came in.

Erik Nilsson.

- Anyone heard of him?
- No.

And neither has the media.

Then why are they here?

They said they got an anonymous tip.

Soon as we wrap up here,
they're gonna be hounding us

for an interview, so what do we know?

Groundskeeper said he woke up
to find a dead body

and the press at his door.

Yeah, from the looks of it,
it could be natural causes.

I'm not seeing any signs of trauma

that would indicate foul play. I mean,

I would say it could be
cardiac arrest, but...

I mean, his body does look staged.

You got the, uh, time of death, Jimmy?

Yeah, one sec here.


What is that?

JIMMY: I don't know.

It's never happened before.

McGee, help me out here, would you?

- PARKER: Okay, come on.

He's a big dude, but
it shouldn't be that difficult.

Do you boys need some help?

Okay, again. Help.


Well, that's certainly a first.

TORRES: Uh, Jimmy.

Seems a bit large to be a kidney stone.

It's not just his kidneys.

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say that

all his internal organs turned to stone.

What can you tell us about the victim?

What I can tell you
about the victim is...

he was found
at Quantico National Cemetery,

where we are now.

REPORTER : Is it true that
you found stones inside the body?

It is true we found stones in the body.

- Oof.
- Oy.

- Yikes.
- REPORTER : Have you been able

to identify the victim?

I can't look away.

PARKER: Yes, we've ID'd the victim...

Why does he repeat everything they say?

Back to the body.
Do you know how many stones?

Do I know...

What the hell kind of question is that?

Yeah, today is really not his day.

No, it is not.

- Okay.

Let's just get this
out of the way, shall we?

Back at the FBI, the press
dubbed me "the Rambler."

So the FBI's PR department coached me

to stick to the facts.

And, well, that's as good as I got.

Wow. You mean it used to be worse?

Victim. Hit it.

Name is Erik Nilsson,

aka "Dozer" to his coworkers.

Did security work
for Vonner Aerodynamics,

a Navy contractor.

Jimmy's preliminary exam found that

the lungs, kidney and heart
had all been removed.

So, what are we thinking?

An organ mafia?

No. Why pack the body full of stones

after you got what you wanted?

This seems more symbolic.

Some sort of punishment?
Like a cult ritual?

Well, someone wanted to make
sure that his m*rder was public.

Well, we tried tracing

the anonymous tip made
to the press... nothing.

Well, whoever made the call
either found the body

or is the k*ller, but why would a k*ller

want to draw attention to himself?

Not to himself, to the body.

Well, maybe the stones were
some kind of message.

Or a threat. But to whom?

Got Dozer's phone records here.

Get this, his last call was
to Dr. Grace.

My Grace?

Why would the victim call our Dr. Grace?

- We'd better find out.
- Yeah, I'll call her.

Knight, McGee, uh,
dig into Dozer's background.

I'm gonna go see what
Jimmy's got on those stones.

Don't forget to ask him
how many he found.

Don't act like you aren't curious.

stones to be exact.

I sent them all to Kasie for analysis.

But I kept one that I thought
you should see first.

- Creepy.
- Right? Like a human body

with some kind of bird head.

I ran a reverse image search
through our database.

- No hits.
- Could be a new cult.

The way Dozer was m*rder*d

and just left on a grave,

seems like he was being sacrificed.

Not necessarily.

Ducky, wow. What a surprise
to see you down here.

It's a great surprise.

Thanks for the photograph,

but I wanted to see
the real thing for myself.


What's the verdict, Doc?

Well, it appears to be an eagle head.

The animal-human hybrid has been
appropriated by the occult.

But symbols such as these,
well, they've been in existence

long before that.

We're familiar with them from mythology.

Right. The, uh,
the Egyptians had the sphinx.

The Greeks, the centaur.

Then there's Ariel.

- Huh?
- Little Mermaid?

Gives up her fish tail to be human?

Yes, well, uh,

whatever the meaning of
this particular symbol,

I'm sure we'll find the origin

- somewhere in history.
- JIMMY: Wait, Dr. Mallard,

don't you have some friends
at the Smithsonian

who specialize in symbology?

Yes, I've already called them.

They're expecting someone
from your team, Agent Parker.

Sounds like a job for Knight.

Actually, I think that you
should go with her, Dr. Mallard.

You know, I mean, they are
your friends after all, right?

Uh, don't you agree, Agent Parker?

I'm sure that would be helpful.

Very well, then.

You know what all that was about?

No clue.

Dr. Palmer and Kasie have been trying

to get rid of me all morning.

They're conspiring to throw me
a surprise birthday party.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.


ERICA: It's so lovely

to have visitors.

It's just Matty and me here

all day every day, and you
know what a grouch he is.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

My mother always said
I could've done better.

(GRUNTS) You know we get emails, Donald.

You didn't have to come
all this way just to...


How can we help you?

Can you tell us
anything about this symbol?

- Oh!
- Ooh!

Apparently, the answer
to your question is yes.

- A human body with an avian head.
- An eagle.

- See the hooked beak?
- Mm-hmm.

And that looks like... Elamite script.

BOTH: The Kushan Collection.


That's the same symbol.

It's an ancient seal
from the Bactrian Kingdom.

This tablet was discovered

in modern-day Afghanistan

with a small collection
of gold artifacts.

It's nothing compared
to the ruler's treasure.

MATTHEW: A hoard so large it is said

a small country could survive
on it for years.

As I recall, that treasure
has never been recovered.

We found this stone inside a body.

Why didn't you say so?

Is that significant?

- Tell them about the curse.
- Ah.

KNIGHT: There's a curse, too?

ERICA: The ruler promises that any

who touch his treasure
will turn to stone.

From the inside out.

Whoever k*lled our victim
knew about that curse.

And the hoard of riches.

Dr. Grace?

Working late?


Brought you a peace offering.




(g*n COCKS)

That's enough.

MCGEE: months ago,
Afghan authorities reported that

a burial site was raided
in the province of Jowzjan.

Doesn't look like they have
much worth stealing.

And yet the locals were sitting
on an ancient treasure trove.

MCGEE: Gold artifacts and coins

worth millions of dollars were stolen.

You think Dozer is responsible?

He was working in Jowzjan
at the exact time of the heist.

Yeah, now he turns up dead
with stones in his body.

Just like the curse said.

Press is gonna have
a field day with that.

(SIGHS) Not my problem.

The director pulled me off media duty.

How'd you manage that?

We did a test run with
the PR department,

and I told them that we
were a stone's throw away

from solving the case.

And then I vowed to
turn over every stone

until we found the k*ller.

But now you're telling me,

not only do we have a k*ller to find,

we also have

a country's national
treasure to recover, so...

Two birds, one stone.

KNIGHT: Mm. Make that three birds.

Has anyone heard from Torres?

MCGEE: No, he hasn't checked in

since he went to see
Dr. Grace last night.

Well, I called her office this morning,

and there was no answer.

Hmm. I'll ping his phone.

Is that unusual for her?

A little.

Nothing. His phone's off.

Torres never turns his phone off.

PARKER: Knight, check his apartment.

McGee... Yeah, let's go.



- (GRUNTS) Ow!
- Oh, Nick!

All right, that one actually hurt.

Although I probably deserve
it after our last session.

Where are we?

I don't know,

but these cages are meant
for large animals.

What, like some sort of zoo?

Well, that would explain the smell.


Whatever drug they gave you
really knocked you out.

- Can you stand?
- I think so.


What do you remember last?

I was working,

and there was a knock at the door,

but it was too late for a patient.

And the next thing I knew,

two men in ski masks walked in.

(GROANS) How did you end up here?

Our case.

The victim called you last,
right before he was k*lled.

Erik Nilsson.

I didn't get any calls from a Nilsson.

He also went by Dozer.

No. I-I've never heard of him.

And you think all of this has
something to do with his m*rder?

Well, Rule ,
there's no such thing as...

Oh, as a coincidence.

How about an old patient of yours?

No, I'd remember him.

I never forget a patient.

There's got to be some other connection.

- What the hell are you doing?
- You see this lock

on the other side of the gate?

If I just remove

this wire fencing, I can reach it.

You can't pick a lock without tools.

Oh, yes, I can. That's an old one.

All I need is two metal strips.

Hey, Doc.

We're not gonna think ourselves
out of this cage.

I'm gonna need a hand.

Hey, Doc.

We're gonna get out of here.

Trust me.

Nick's g*n.

Hasn't been fired.

Well, from the looks of things,

he had to go mano a mano
with whoever was here.

Who the hell are you?


Miss, this is a crime scene,

so we're gonna need you to leave.

What happened here? Where's Grace?

That's what we're trying
to find out, and you are?

Her assistant Nicole.

I had a midterm this morning,

so she told me to come in late.

Agent McGee is right.
You should leave, Nicole.

I'm not going anywhere.

Fine, then, uh, maybe
you can make yourself useful.

We need to find out
if Dr. Grace had a patient

by the name of Erik Nilsson.

Erik with a "K"?

Yeah, if, uh, patient
confidentiality is a problem,

we can always get a warrant.
I'm searching the billing system,

not the patient records.

Don't worry. We're not breaking
any rules, Mother Teresa.

I can see why Grace likes her.

NICOLE: The system
has all her billing records

from the last years.

No Erik Nilsson.

What about the, uh,
security cam in the waiting room?

The wire was cut.
Do you have access to that footage?

Way ahead of you.


Won't even show their faces.

Wait, wait, wait. Stop.

MCGEE: Tattoo.

Same symbol that's on the stone.

Dozer's K*llers are definitely the ones

that took Grace and Torres.

Question is: why?

And who the hell are they?

KASIE: Ezra Moretti and Nate Holt.

I was able to pull touch DNA
off the files in Grace's office.

Army veterans turned
security contractors.

Until a year ago,
they worked security for Vonner.

That's the same contractor
that Dozer worked for.

Were they... In the same village
as Dozer when the gold was stolen?

Indeed, they were.

So, it looks like Dozer had partners.

Yeah, but Moretti and Holt

didn't even get a chance
to enjoy the loot.

As soon as they got back
from Afghanistan,

they got busted
on a government fraud charge.

KNIGHT: Okay, uh,

when were Moretti and Holt
released from prison?


KASIE: One week ago.

And the first thing they did
was go knocking

on Dozer's door for their share.

Which means they might still be
looking for the gold.

The cursed gold?

Never mess with curses.

Is this for Ducky's party?

Hey, don't touch that!

I'm sorry I snapped.

I'm just, uh, worried because...

Me, too.

We will find them.

TORRES: You know, Doc,

Bishop and I were locked up
in, uh, side-by-side cells,

actually even smaller than this one.

Is that supposed to be reassuring?

Oh, yeah, 'cause I got out of that one.




HOLT: Easy there, tiger.

You're just gonna hurt yourself.

Why don't you give me a chance,
and I'll hurt you instead?

Yeah. That's not gonna happen, buddy.

Uh, not very smart of you to
kidnap a federal agent, buddy.

I told you we should've left him behind.

And I told you he might be useful.

You're the boss, right?

How about you just tell us
what you want?

We're looking for a patient of yours.

Daniel Vega.

Don't know him.

Daniel Vega.


Don't lie. We know you're his shrink.

I see hundreds of patients a year.

How is it possible
I could remember all of them?

Maybe we can help
jog your memory, Doctor.

We borrowed your laptop.

Why don't we go through your records.

What do you want with this Vega?

He has something of ours.

What's your password?


- Nick!

MORETTI: You see,
it's hard to focus if you think

there's more than one way out.

But I assure you, Doctor,

this is the only way.

GRACE: Are you okay?

Yeah, getting shot is my favorite.


Damn it, Moretti, why the hell
did you have to sh**t the fed?

Because actions speak louder than words.

Isn't that right, Moretti?

Agent Torres needs a hospital.

Oh, you're right, he would
benefit from medical attention.

- There's a first-aid kit in the van.
- Ah-ah.

You understand psychology, Doctor.

This is what we call motivation.

You give me the laptop password,

and we'll get Agent Torres help.


No, stop! Stop!

You sh**t him again, and
you'll get nothing out of me.


Grace, no.

Trask Behavioral Health Center.

That's where you'll find Daniel Vega.

Thought you couldn't remember him.

Yeah, I lied. I never forget a patient.

What if she's lying now?

To buy time.

Go check.

If Vega isn't there, you can
come back and sh**t us both.

PARKER: We have BOLOs out

- for Moretti and Holt.
- Any leads?

No, but we think they stole
the gold from Afghanistan.

We follow that, we find our bad guys.

And also where they're keeping
Dr. Grace and Torres.

All right, so how do we follow the gold?

We find out how they got it
out of Afghanistan.

It's not like they could pack it
into their suitcases.

They had to have help,
and we think it's this guy.

Daniel Vega,
a buddy of Dozer, our victim.

We found encrypted text messages
between Vega and the thieves.

Vega was helping them smuggle the gold.

Which, as it turns out,
was child's play for him.

He was working in the shipping
department for Vonner.

VANCE: So our bad guys
got their treasure stateside.

All right, then what?

We're thinking that Vega
and Dozer ratted out the others,

got them arrested on that fraud
charge that Kasie discovered,

and that's how they ended up in prison.

And our bad guys didn't like
being screwed over.

KNIGHT: We're guessing
that the first thing they did

when they got out of prison
was track down Dozer.

Took his share of the gold and
left him with a belly full of stones,

we assume as a message to Vega.

So, Vega, he's their next stop.

Well, they've already been to his place.

We sent over a couple of agents,
and they found it ransacked.

We have a BOLO out, but no hits.


Although we might have a lead.

McGee is with Vega's old boss,

and apparently Vega was
seeing a therapist.

You'll never guess who.

Dr. Grace.

They must've gone after Grace

thinking that
she could lead them to Vega.

And once they find him,

they've got no reason to keep Torres,
or Grace alive.

Then we better find Vega first.

You know, I do have something
that I have to get off my chest.

Since this may be
my last therapy session,

I just got to ask.

Are you gonna still charge me?

Gallows humor?

Really, Torres?

Hey, Doc, yesterday I
acted like a jerk, but...

you're normally cool as a cucumber.

What threw you off?

You know, you sound
just like my husband.

Wait, what? You're married? (LAUGHS)

You never mentioned that.

Well, it's complicated.

(STAMMERS) He's not...

We're not living together anymore.

Well, that still doesn't
answer my question.

What threw you off at therapy?

Oh, you're not gonna
let this go, are you?

Well, someone once told me

that it may be difficult,
but you got to try

to open up to people.

Uh, the photo

that you picked up in my office...


It was taken by an old patient.

Um, a soldier that I treated
during the Gulf w*r.

The kid could make
the drill sergeant laugh.

But the uglier things got,

the more quiet Lawson became.

He just... he didn't have
any more jokes in him.

And then one day, he just
walked off base without a word.

And we searched for him...

...for days,

and he was just gone.

And you blame yourself?

I should've seen
the pain that he was in.

And that's why I keep his photo,

as a reminder that I will never
let another patient down.

You weren't lying.

Vega is at the hospital,

but we can't get in.

It's family only.

But you already knew that.

Maybe it's time to cut your losses.


You're going to walk us
into that hospital.

(SCOFFS) Not a chance.

Then I go in and I get Vega myself,

and you know more people will get hurt,

including Agent Torres.


You don't touch him.

Grace, don't listen to these bastards.

I have no choice.

- PARKER: Kasie?
- Come take a look at this.

What am I looking at?

Straw. Tiny fragments of it.

The kind that gets stuck
to the bottom of your shoes.

- Yeah, whose shoes?
- Moretti and Holt.

I've been going through every
piece of evidence collected

at Grace's office and Vega's apartment.

There was a lot.

I'll say.

Karaoke system, poppers,

and is that a fog machine?

No, no, those are for the party.

Ducky's party.

I don't think my azaleas
are gonna like the fog machine.

These pieces of straw were
the only things found

at both crime scenes.

And since we know Moretti and Holt

visited both places...

It's a safe bet that they're
the ones who left it behind.

But I also found decomposing
animal dander on the straw.

Like skin cells from a pet?

No, not unless you kept a lion as a pet.

A lion? It's not the Serengeti.

The only place you'd find a lion is...

Is at the zoo.

And this breed, the Asiatic lion,

is so rare, there's only one place

it could've been found in D.C.

The old Hawthorne Zoo.

They shut that down a couple years ago.

Perfect place to keep Grace and Torres.

Good work, Kasie.




years is what they'll
give you for kidnapping.

Shut up.

But if you get a good lawyer,

I'm sure you'll argue it was an accident

and maybe it would bring it down to ten.

Shut up!

Why? I haven't even started to list

the federal charges against you.

I didn't sh**t you.

Right, no, it was the other guy.

You're just letting me bleed out.

Look, man, you don't have to let me go.

Just let me call my friends.

And I'll make sure they know
how helpful you've been.


It's Moretti.

Yeah, I'm listening.

MORETTI: If you don't hear
back from me soon,

put a b*llet in the fed's head.

That wasn't part of the deal.

Call it insurance.
We're walking into a public place.

I need you to behave.

NURSE: Okay,
send two milligrams of Lorazepam

to Richards in room .

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, uh, Dr. Grace.

Didn't realize you were coming in today.

Mr. Vega's brother is here visiting.

I'm accompanying him.

Yeah. Dr. Grace tells me that

Danny's well taken care of.

Mr. Vega is one of our favorites.

He's had such a rough time of it,

but he's always been so sweet.

Oh. Uh, excuse me.

Don't you want to know
what she meant by that?

By Vega having a rough time?

Not my concern.

Well, it'll be your concern if he
can't tell you where to find the gold.

You know firsthand

that I'm really good
at motivating people.

Yeah, maybe you can motivate people

when they can think clearly,

but there's a reason why
he's in a psychiatric facility.

Yes, he's hiding from me.


He gets easily confused.

He's very different than the
way you may remember him.

w*r took its toll.

Oh! Oh, sorry.

Sorry. Excuse us. (SIGHS)

Careful, Doctor.

Yeah, yeah.

Okay, call your partner.

I've taken you to Vega.
I've held up my end of the deal.

Now it's your turn.

The deal was I speak to Vega.

There's not gonna be a call
unless I get my answers.

Hello, Vega.

It's okay, Daniel. It's okay. Stay calm.

You're scaring him.

I just want to talk, Daniel.

Where's the gold?

No gold. Turn to stone.

Yeah. That's what happened
to your buddy.

You don't want to end up
like Dozer, do you?

Where is it?

Turn to, turn to stone.

- Turn to stone.
- He's not gonna hurt you.

Tell him you won't hurt him.

All right, enough of the act.

The gold. I won't ask again.

Hey, what are you doing? Stop!

What did you do?

MORETTI: Answer me.

What did you give him?

A sedative. He'll sleep for hours.

- That was really stupid, Doctor.

If it was, you wouldn't be
so damn pissed.

You're right.


But you just cost Agent Torres his life.


You tell your man to k*ll Torres,

and I'll have this entire
hospital here within seconds.

You're bluffing.

Try me.


Torres! (BOTH GRUNT)

Come on, man. About time.

He's still alive.

Yeah, barely.

- That's a lot of blood.

Yeah, not all mine.

MCGEE: All right,
we got a hit on the BOLO.

Grace used her medical badge

to sign into Trask
Behavioral Health Center.

Yeah, the other guy needed her
to get to the patient.

- Vega.
- We got to get to her.

McGee, get him to a hospital.
Knight, you're with me.

- Hey, Parker, no way. I got...
- Hey, Nick!

That's not a suggestion.

Get him dressed.

We're getting out of here,
and we're taking Vega with us.

I'm not going anywhere
until you make that call.

If I were you,
I would worry about myself now.

And Vega.

You push that button, you both die.

GRACE: This isn't gonna work.

Is the gold really worth all of this?

And what happens when you get it?

Oh, my gosh, you don't know.

You have been so obsessed.

And what does your wife think?

Do not talk about my wife.

I hit a sore spot?

Did she leave you?

Stop stalling, Doctor.

What was it?

Your obsession with the
gold came between you?

I mean, that's how most obsessions work.

They create rifts between you
and the people you care about.

The gold won't fill that void,

but you could walk away right now.

Are you trying to save me, Doctor?

No, I'm trying to get you
to save yourself.

I'm not one of your patients.

- I don't need saving.
- KNIGHT: Federal agents!

- Freeze!
- Drop the g*n, Moretti!

Back up or I will k*ll her.

You're quiet, Doctor.

You're not gonna try to talk me down?

Like you said,

- you're not my patient.


- You okay?
- Yeah.

So, the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan

was very grateful that
we recovered the treasure.

It's going to an NGO,

which hopefully will do
a lot of good in that country.

Well, we have Dr. Grace
to thank for that.

She was able to convince Vega
to give up the gold's location.

So, he had the gold the entire time?

And he would've spent it,

except he came back
from Afghanistan troubled.

Apparently, what he saw in the w*r

left his life in shambles,
but he blamed it on the curse.

So he reburied the treasure,
hoping that it would fix things.

Dr. Grace convinced him that in order to

truly fix the curse,
he would need to return the gold

to its rightful owners.

Everyone, be quiet and hide.

They're right outside the door.
Okay, Jimmy, get the lights.

Ooh! Okay, here we go.


(WHISPERS): Okay. Three, two, one.

ALL: Surprise!

♪ Happy birthday... ♪

KASIE: Stop, stop. Everybody, stop.

- Where's Ducky?
- He's not here?

You were supposed to bring him.

No, no, I thought you meant...

Does this mean he's not coming?

DUCKY: Surprise!

- Oh, my gosh!


Wait a minute. You knew?


Did you tell him?

And face your wrath? Never.

I've known from the start.

Yeah, sometimes I'm
too perceptive for my own good.

It can be both a...

- a blessing and a curse.

I have to admit, Kasie, I was worried

I wouldn't recognize
my own place with all the, uh,

disco balls you had in the lab.

I'll come clean.

I couldn't figure out
a theme for Ducky's party.

You? Impossible.

That's why you wouldn't tell us?

Well, I just wanted it to be perfect.

It's a lot of pressure, you know?

It is perfect.

I can think of no better way

to celebrate my birthday than with

all my friends and colleagues.

To your good health!

ALL: Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, Ducky.

Hey, where's Torres?


Looks like we did
some irreparable damage.


Um, speaking of
irreparable damage, uh...

Oh, th-this is nothing.

The doctor gave me about two
weeks before I am back to, uh,

(STRAINING): punching bad guys.

Hey, I know our session
is not until next week,

but I just wanted to let you know

that I'm gonna talk to my team,

and I'm going to tell them
that I quit drinking.

What made you change your mind?

The whole time we were in that cage,

I never doubted that they'd come.

And I'm tired...

...of being the lone wolf.

I think it's time for me
to lean on my family.

I'm so proud of you, Nick.


Thank you.

Hey, you know, um... remind me of this flower.

(CHUCKLES) Are you saying
I have a sunny disposition?

'Cause you're strong, resilient.


But alone.


Be careful, Nick.

You're becoming dangerously
close to sounding poetic.

Well, no, (STAMMERS)
all I'm saying is that, uh,

I'm not the only lone wolf in here.

What happened with your husband?

I became so focused
on saving my patients

that I just pulled away from him

and our life and everything.

But he's there.

He's always been there.


Maybe you need to take
some of your own medicine.

And how would you propose
that I do that, Dr. Torres?


By picking up the phone.

It's not as heavy as it looks.

See? Easy peasy.

Easy peasy.

Whoa. Look at that.

- Time's up for us today.

Dr. Torres is always available
for a session.

No cage necessary, okay?