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01x05 - The Dragon Bully/Royaliscious Plumberry

Posted: 10/04/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

Clod: pass me
the shovel.

Hee hee! I got
sand in my hooves.

Trinket: oops.
Looking good.

Nella: ooh,
this is gonna be

The best sand
castle ever.

Who'’s got the bucket?
Who'’s got the bucket?

Here it is,

You make
some sand towers,

And I'’ll start digging
a sandy moat.

And I'’ll make a
sand drawbridge.

And I'’ll make a sand
hair and nail boutique.

Blaine: aah!

Sir blaine,
are you ok?

big dragon.

A dragon?
What happened?

Did the dragon
grab you?

Did it stomp
on your foot?

Did it bump you with
its swishing tail?


Then what?
Then what?

It breathed on me
with its stinky breath. P.u.

[Gasps] look.

Oh! A dragon.
Oh, my goodness.

Uh, oh, nice
to meet you?

Oh, where'’s that little
man I was playing with?

Coming through.

Yikes! Oh, that
wasn'’t very friendly.

She pretty pushy.

Ha ha ha!
Oh, a sandbox.

Look out
for our--

Sand castle.

Hey, that wasn'’t
very nice.

Ha ha ha! Oh, give
me that bucket.

Hey, I was
using that.

Gauntlets, nella,

That'’s not a very
nice dragon.

Don'’t worry,

I'’m gonna
talk to her.

Ha ha! Ha ha!
This is fun.

Uh, hi there.

My name is
princess nella,

And that bucket
actually belongs to--

[Trumpet plays]

Man: charge!


You can'’t charge me.

Oh, the stench.

Oh, pew!

That wasn'’t
very nice.

Well, I can see where
I'’m not wanted.

Aw, she'’s taking
our bucket.

Let her have it.

Blowing bad breath on people
is no way to behave.

Not even
for a dragon.

Someone'’s got
to stop her.

And get our
bucket back.

I mean, well, how'’s
a guy supposed to build

A sand castle
without a bucket?

Don'’t worry, clod.

We'’ll get it back
and stop smelgly

From scaring
our kingdom.

My heart is bright.

Time to be a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Even when things
go so wrong,

She looks so good.

Come on, guys. We'’ve
got to stop smelgly.

We'’ve got to get
clod'’s bucket back.

Let'’s do it.

Nella: hmm,
now where could she be?

Mm, these leaves
taste like mint.

That'’s because
they'’re mint leaves.

Ha ha! What'’ll
they think of next?

Well, hey, wait up.
Look. Minty fresh.

My breath
smells beautiful.

Where could
she be?

Hang on, guys.

Maybe I can see her
from up here.

Up. Up. Up.

Whoa ho ho!

[Gasps] there she is.
Come on. This way.

All: let'’s go.

this way.

There she is.

Smelgly, we need
to speak with you.

Oh! Tag!

I love tag.

Wait for us.
Wait for us.

Ha ha ha!
Catch me if you can.

We'’re trying
to talk to you.

Where'’d she go?

Ha ha

Ha ha

we'’re not playing.

Yeah. We'’re trying
to talk to you.

Both: waah!

You'’re it.
Ha ha ha!

This is not how
I like to play tag.

Ha ha ha!

Smelgly, that
wasn'’t very nice,

And what you did
back in the kingdom,

That wasn'’t very
nice, either.

Well, fine.
Be that way.


I think we!


That is one
stinky dragon.

You'’re telling
me. P.u.

And now she'’s
gone again.

Great. Now I can
go home and wash

This stinky smell
out of my hair.

Not just yet.

It'’s gonna take more
than a little bad breath

To make this princess
knight give up.


There she is.
There she is.

Clod: and there'’s
my bucket.

What is smelgly
doing over there?

Ok. Here comes a really
long one, gork.

I'’m ready, minatori.
I'’m ready.


I got it. I got it.
I got it.

Ha ha ha!

I got it.
I got it.

Uh! Oh.

♪I got it,
I caught the ball ♪

♪ I got it... ♪

She'’s not being
very friendly.

Yeah. She'’s being
pretty pushy.

And grabby.

♪ I caught it,
you didn'’t ♪

♪ I caught it,
you didn'’t ♪

Hey, we were
playing with that.

Not anymore.
Now it'’s mine.

Never mind her.

Let'’s go play
in the mud pits.

Oh, can'’t resist
a mud pit. Ha ha!

Huh? It'’s my
breath, right?

Oh, fine.
Be that way.


What'’s she doing?


She'’s not trying
to be mean.

I think she might
just be looking

For a friend
to play with.

Ohh! Huh?
You again?

smelgly, wait.

If you'’re looking
for a friend,

Maybe I can help.

Ohh, it'’s not use.

Nobody ever wants
to play with me,

And all because of
my stinky breath.

you know, smelgly,

It'’s not your breath
that'’s keeping friends

From playing
with you.

What do you mean?

Well, for starters,
stomping on our sand castle

And taking clod'’s bucket
wasn'’t a very nice way to play.

See? Told you.

Nobody wants
to play with me.

Maybe they would if you
changed the way you act.

What'’s wrong
with the way I act?

Hmm, how can
I put this?

♪ Let me try
to put this nicely ♪

♪ Your behavior is precisely ♪

♪ What is making
all your friendships go awry ♪

♪ Sure, your breath
sometimes offends ♪

♪ But if you really
want some friends ♪

♪ Here are things
you may want to try ♪

Number one...

♪ When you see somebody playing
and you want to join in ♪

♪ Don'’t snarl or growl
or scream or howl or whine ♪

♪ Just smile ♪

Oh, yeah.

♪ And things
are gonna turn out fine ♪


You mean, like,
with my mouth?

Of course. It lets people
know you'’re friendly.

That'’s not
a bad idea.

You really know what
you'’re talking about.

What else? What else
can I do, nella?

Number two...

♪ You may think
it'’s really funny ♪

♪ Bumping into everybody ♪

♪ But it'’s not polite
or thoughtful or kind ♪

♪ Just give them space ♪

Both: oh, yeah.

♪ And things are
gonna turn out fine ♪

Nobody wants to play
with someone

Who'’s always bumping
and getting too close.

But how close
is too close?

♪If you keep on bumping elbows,
is safe to assume ♪

♪ That you could stand to make
a little elbow room ♪

Good to know.
What'’s next, nella?

Number ...

♪ If I'’ve got as toy
you'’re wanting ♪

♪ Please don'’t
grab it away ♪

♪ Share your toy with me,
and I might share mine ♪

Both: ♪ just remember to trade ♪

Oh, yeah.

♪ And things are gonna
turn out fine ♪

Ah, if I trade toys

Instead of just
grabbing them away--

Then everyone gets
something to play with.

Um, what about
the, uh, "hah! Ooh"?

The breath? Don'’t worry.
I'’ve got a plan.

How about a little
bit of that mint?

Here you go.

Some mint toothpaste
to freshen your mouth.

It'’s organic.

Now rinse.

My breath,
it feels so fresh.


Fresh breath
is great,

But don'’t forget, when
you'’re making friends,

Here'’s what'’s

♪If you'’re
ancient ♪

♪ Or you'’re
trendy ♪

♪ When it comes
to being friendly ♪

♪ Just remember these things,
and you'’ll shine ♪

♪ Just smile ♪

♪ Give them space ♪

♪ Remember to trade ♪

All: oh, yeah.

♪ And things
are gonna turn out ♪

♪ I'’ve absolutely
no doubt ♪

♪ That things are gonna
turn out fine ♪


Oh, no!
She'’s back again.

Ah! Ah! Ah!
Save me!

Aah! Don'’t please.

Hello, everyone.
Nice to see you.

Oh, that'’s--
so fresh.

How delightful.


Go on.

Um, can I
play, too?


That'’s so kind
of you.


She'’s playing

I'’ll trade you
this bucket

If you let me
use your shovel

For a little



Ha ha!
Hey, it worked.

Of course, oh,
but I forgot

To tell you
one thing.

[Gasps] what?
What is it, nella?

Tag! You'’re it.

Ha ha ha!
Here I come.

Smelgly: ♪ there'’s nothing
quite as splendid ♪

♪ As a friend
that you'’ve befriended ♪

All: ♪they'’re the best,
the most, the top of the line ♪

Nella: ♪ so smile ♪

♪ give them space ♪

♪ Remember to trade ♪

All: oh, yeah.

♪ And things
are gonna turn out ♪

There'’s nothing like
the sweet smell of friendship.

♪ Everything has
turned out fine ♪

Aw, thanks
for everything, guys.

Nella: this is so exciting.

Royalicious plumberry
ice cream is finally here.

Just look
at all the people.

Nella, trinket, what
took you so long?

The big day.

We finally get to taste
royalicious plumberry

Ice cream for
the first time ever.

I know. Trinket and I made
whirly, twirly

Waffle cones
to celebrate.

Hey, where'’s clod?

Here I am.
Oop. Wait.

Oops. I mean--
uh, oop.

Here I am. I wouldn'’t miss
this day for the world.

None of us would.

Trinket and I
can'’t wait to try

plumberry, either.

It'’s royal
and delicious.

That'’s why
it'’s called...


Hee hee hee!
Ha ha ha!

Yeah, but clod and I
are kind of, like,

Super fans.

We sleep, eat, and
breathe ice cream.

That'’s why we got here

So we could be the
first to taste it.

Ha ha! Wow, you really
do love ice cream.

[Bell ringing]

It'’s time.

Hello, kingdom
of castlehaven.

Are you ready to rock

An outrageous, new
ice cream flavor?

Whoo! Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah!

Oh. Hee hee!

It'’s yummy
for your tummy.

It'’s twirly,
swirly fun.


Ice cream day

Has officially

Ha ha ha!

This is it, the moment my whole
life'’s been building up to.

Ok. Two rumble rumble cream.

I--i mean, two royalumtious ice.
I mean--

What he means
to say is, he'’d love

Two royalicious plumberry
ice cream cones, please.

Whoa, thanks, nella.

My tie got
all tongued up.

Ha ha ha!
Here you go.

Thank you.

One scoop in each
of our whirly

Waffle cones,

Of course,
princess nella.

There you are.

So much plummy

I can'’t wait.
I can'’t wait.

I can'’t wait!

Before we take our first-ever
taste of royalicious plumberry,

Everyone bring it in
for a picture.

Oh, great idea,

Say, "ice cream."

All: ice cream.

Ha ha! Hee hee hee!

Oh, no.

Our ice creams
have been taken

By an impkin.

Hee hee hee!

♪ Plumberry, plumberry,
plumberry ♪

Not an impkin!
What'’s an impkin?

According to my knightly
trading cards,

"Impkins are
adorably cute.

They love causing trouble.
They'’re fluffy."

Wait. Say
that part again.

"They'’re fluffy"?

No, the part
before that.

"They love
causing trouble."

Huh? "They love
causing trouble"?

Oh, no!
This is a catastrophe.

Don'’t worry,

I'’m sure the cute, little
guy didn'’t mean any harm.

Let'’s talk to him, and we'’ll
get you ice cream back.

Hey, little guy,
I guess you want

Some ice cream, too,
but my friend garrett

Has been waiting
all day long, so could you--

Uh-uh. Mine.
Ha ha ha!

Oh! Hey!

Oh, look out.
Oh, my.

Come back. Huh?

Mm, plumberry,
plumberry, plumberry.

No matter how cute
you are, little impkin,

It'’s not nice to take
other people'’s ice cream.

My heart is bright!

Time to be
a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪


just dazzling.


Give this a tug,
would you, trink?

My pleasure.

Plumberry, plumberry,

Ha ha!

Hey there, little guy.

Time to hand back
those ice creams.

And the other ones.


I bet this little
impkin didn'’t mean

To cause anyone

Thanks, nella.

At last, the moment
I'’ve been waiting for.

I finally get to taste
royalicious plum--huh?

Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!

Uh-oh, everyone.
Impkins incoming!

Oh, I'’m gonna
get some. Yeah.

Hold mommy'’s


All I want is just one lick
of royalicious plumberry.

Is that too much to ask?

Don'’t worry,

We'’ll get your
ice cream back

And stop these impkins before
they can get anyone else'’s.

Hup, hup, hup,
hup, hup, hup.



Whoa. Hey,
get back here.

Don'’t worry,
sir coach.

We'’ll get your
ice cream back.

Oh, and, by the way,
that -hat look is so you.


Doesn'’t this look
yummy, princess norma?



Plumberry, plumberry.
Ha ha ha!

Gotcha. Ha ha ha!


Ha ha!
Oh, nella.

Any time, norma.

That'’s what knightly
big sisters are for.

Plumberry, plumberry.
Ha ha! Ha ha ha!


Man: oh, come back
with my ice cream.

Whoa! Whoa ho ho ho!


It'’s raining
ice cream,

And I just
washed my mane.

Quick, under here.


Those impkins won'’t stop
until they get all

The royalicious


Garrett, can I see your
knightly trading cards?


The only food impkins
eat is plumberries.

That'’s why they like
the plumberry ice cream,

Because of
the plumberries...

Wow, she'’s good.

And plumberries
only grow on...

plumberry hill.

she'’s very good.

Those poor, little guys
are hungry and lost.

We need to get
them back home

To plumberry hill
where they live,

And I know how, but
we are gonna need

Some more
plumberry ice cream.

all set, nella.

Uh, nella,
I'’m not sure ice cream

And my new, designer saddle
go together so well.

Don'’t worry. We'’ll
be careful, trinket,

But we have to hurry.

Hey, impkins,

Get your royalicious
plumberry ice cream here.


Ok, trink.
Let'’s go.

Oo oo oo oo...

Here they come, trink.

We'’re going to lead these
impkins back to plumberry hill

With what they love best--
plumberry ice cream,

And now royalicious plumberry
ice cream away!


Plumberry. Hee hee hee!

Ice cream

Ha ha ha! What will that
nella think of next? Ha ha!

It'’s working, trink.

They'’re following us
out of the kingdom.

Garrett: cone for your
royalicious plumberry?

It'’s the best
ice cream in the world.

We think.

We still haven'’t tried it,
but it'’s still really good.

Plumberry nice.

Up high.

Ya ya!


Nella: next stop--
plumberry hill.

We'’re gonna get
these impkins home.

Here we are--

Plumberry hill.

Welcome home,

Ah, one cone left.

Finally, the moment
I'’ve been waiting for all day.

[Trinket gasps]

Oh, no!

There are no
plumberries left.

All the impkins'’
food, it'’s gone.

Aw, plumberry.

We'’re sorry, nella.

We must have picked them
all for the ice cream.

Guess we just
got carried away,

What with all the plumberry
excitement and all.

You should have this.

Getting to taste
royalicious plumberry

Doesn'’t seem
so important anymore,

Not when you guys
don'’t have anything to eat.



We need to think of a
way to help the impkins.

Is there anything left
in the tub, trink?

There'’s no
ice cream left,

But there'’s plenty
of plumberry seeds.

Well, that'’s
all we need

To grow more
plumberry bushes.

Come on, everybody.

Plumberry seeds

it'’s working.

It'’s working.

growing fast.

We did it.

Now you'’ve got all
the plumberries you want,

And we promise not
to pick them anymore.



One last batch
to help thank nella?

Well, I guess we can
make an exception

Just this once.

The very last batch
of plumberry ice cream

Coming right up.

Aww, thanks, guys.
That'’s so sweet of you.

A royalicious plumberry
ice cream for all of us?

I can'’t believe it.
Thank you.

This is it, clod,
our first-ever taste.

Here goes.


Mm! It'’s disambumptious.

I mean, royalishmas.
I mean--

I think what garrett'’s
trying to say is,

This ice cream is
totally royalicious.
