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01x06 - The Sparkle Fest Showdown/The Sparkle Splash Friends Day

Posted: 10/04/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help
from her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

"The sparkle fest showdown."

Villagers: spar-kle fest!

Welcome, buttercup.

I'’m so excited
for sparkle fest

This year, garrett.

It'’s absolutely, positively,

My favorite holiday ever!

How could it not be?

Sparkle fest is
the coolest light show!

All set. Have fun today,

[Neighs] thanks.
I can'’t wait!

Ok, everyone!

We'’re almost ready
to start.

Remember, the winner of all
of today'’s sparkle fest events--

The prance-off, the speed race,

And the jumping spectacular--

Will be named
sparkle fest champion!

Both: ooh!

And the winner
gets to pull
the royal carriage

Around the kingdom

And all the way
back to...

The royal
castle for

The sparkle fest
light show!

Princess nella gets
to light that up!

I know!
Exciting, right?!

Now let'’s start the games
and find our next

Sparkle fest champion!

I sure hope that'’s me-eee!

[All talking at once]

[Gasp] trinket!

You look even more
fabulous than usual!

Is that even possible?

Good luck today!

You'’re going
to do great!

Aw, thanks, nella.
But who needs luck?

I have won
years in a row!

Guess that'’s because
being sparkly

Is kind of my thing!

That'’s true.
But being

The sparkle fest champion

Is about having fun, too,
not just being sparkly.

And anyone can win it!

Totally, nella.
Of course.

Trinket, I just
have to tell you,

I love
your horse shoes!

Oh, these old things?

I guess they are
kind of sparkletastic!

Sort of like m--meee! Whoa!


Whoops. Did not see
that flowerpot.hee hee!

Ha ha! So glad

You could make it, clod.

Whoa. Check out
your mane!

Huh-huh, yeah.

Funny how that happens
when you take a bath.

Hey, trinket!

Don'’t you just love
sparkle fest?

The crowds, the racing,
the light show, the fun!

Nella, why is clod here?

Being sparkle fest
champion is my thing.

I'’m the sparkly one.

True. You are
very sparkly.

But anyone can try out.

Besides, sparkle fest
is not about who wins,

It'’s all about
having fun.

Ok, contestants, it'’s time
to start the games!

The first event
is the prance-off.

Everybody, to the catwalk!

[Cheering and applause]

Sir coach:
what a prance-off, folks.

Look at these
horses go!

We have trinket
out in front

And boy,
can she groove!

Am I right?

Nice, trink!
All right!
Way to go!

Nella: woo hoo!

Ooh, this one'’s my jam!

Sir coach: and here we have clod
at the back of the pack!

He'’s, um...yeah, well,
he'’s really, um...

Loves to dance.
Am I right, folks?

[Crowd cheering]

Well, I think we
have our winner

For the

Ladies and gentlemen...
It'’s trinket!


Oh, I can'’t believe
how good she is.


Great job,

Nella, I am totally
going to be

The sparkle fest champion!

I know it!

Keep working hard.
You might be!

contestants, get ready
for the speed race.

So, fun fact
about me,

I love running.

On your marks...

really fast.

Get set...go!

Yeah, kind of
like that.

Whoa, wait for me!


[Nella, garrett, and king dad
shouting at once]

Hey, guys?

This is really fun, but

I'’m kind of getting
a little hungry here.

Did anyone bring any--

Ice cream!

Look out!
Coming through!

Here I come!

Would you look
at that?

From out of nowhere,
it'’s clod!


Oh, it'’s so good.

We have
a winner!

It'’s clod! Yay!

Yeah! All right,

Huh? But--but--

I won? [Gasp]

I can'’t
believe it!

You won
the first contest

And I won
the second!

How cool is that?

Which means whoever wins
the next event

Will be the sparkle
fest champion.

What a fun race,
huh, trink?


What if clod wins
the next event?

Then he'’ll be the
sparkle fest champion!

and that'’s my thing.

Just have fun, trink.

That'’s what sparkle fest
is really about.

Come on!
The next event

Is a jumping contest.


Sir coach: this is it, folks.

Whoever wins this event

Will become this year'’s
sparkle fest champion.

And just look at those jumps!

So acrobatic!
So high! So--

I call this one
the rock star. Whoo!

So awesome!


[Crowd cheering]

That was so
cool, trinket.

This day is
so much fun!

Wow! Everybody loved
clod and trinket.

They both did great!

But who wins
the event?

I have an idea.
Judges, huddle.

Everyone! The winner
of the jumping spectacular

And this year'’s sparkle fest
champion is...trinket!

Yes, I did it.
I knew it.
I won.

I won, I won...

And also...clod!


It was
a tie.

You'’re both
sparkle fest


Woo hoo! Trinket!

We'’re sparkle fest buddies
for real now!

We get to pull
the royal carriage

In front of
the entire kingdom!


Oh, she'’s so happy,
she'’s speechless.


There. Your harnesses
are all attached!

Have fun, you guys!

I'’m proud of you!

Gee, look at
us, trinket.

Two sparkle fest

With one little ribbon
holding us together.

Gosh, without
that ribbon,

You'’d be pulling
the carriage all alone.

Huh? Really?

Uhh. I don'’t even like
to think about it!

Oh, yeah, right.
Me neither.

What do I do?
If I just undo
this ribbon, then

I'’ll be the one and only
sparkle fest champion!

It is my thing,
after all.

Nella: attention, everyone.

The royal ride to the castle
is about to begin.

Whoa! Confetti!

This is awesome! Huh?

Trinket! The ribbon!

You'’re leaving clod behind!

Oh, nella'’s right.

Even though I wanted to be

The only sparkle fest champion,

I can'’t leave clod behind.

Oh, no!
The carriage!

Nella, help!

Oh, no, the carriage
is running away.

My whole family'’s in it!

My heart is bright.

Time to be a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong! ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light! ♪

♪ Sword! Shield! Boots! ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’ bright! ♪

♪ Now I am...
The princess knight! ♪

Hurry, nella!
The carriage is getting away!

I'’ll rescue them.

Hup! Woo hoo!
Come on, garrett!

Garrett: whoa!

Let'’s go!

Oh, nella,
thank goodness
you'’re here.

I'’m so sorry.

I made a big
mistake and--

It'’s all right, trink,

But now we have
to work together

To fix this.

Come on,
follow that carriage!

We'’re getting closer!


[Queen mom and king dad

Oh, no!
A cliff!

Nella: hold on, mom and dad!
We'’re coming!

Nella: gotcha.

There! Hooked
back together.

Nella, look!

Oh, no!

We can'’t stop
in time!

You'’re right.
We'’re gonna have
to jump it!

Both: what?

We'’ll never
make it!

Yes, you will.

It'’s just like
the jumping contest.

You were both
great at it!

But you have to work
together as a team.

I'’m ready
if you are, buddy.

Ok. Let'’s do it.


Woo hoo!

Whoa! Yay!

Nella: way
to go, you two!

Thank you, sweetie.
You are

Something else,
I tell you.

Woo hoo!

We did it,
sparkle best buddy!

I know!

And it was!

Nella: come on.
It'’s getting dark!

Let'’s hurry
and get back
to the castle

Or we'’ll miss
the best part
of sparkle fest--

All: the sparkle light show!

They'’re back!

Woo hoo!oh, good, they'’re here!

you made it, nella.

Just in time to
light up the castle.

Excellent! But
I think someone else

Should light up
the castle this year.

Both: us?

That'’s right, buddy.

Both: happy sparkle fest,


Congratulations on being

Sparkle fest champions,
you guys.

Oh, thank you, nella.

But there is something
even better

Than being
sparkle fest champion.

What'’s that?

Being sparkle fest
champion with a friend.

Aww, bring it in here,
sparkle fest buddy.

Oh, clod...


"Sparkle splash friend day."



Hope you'’re up
for a fun day

At the sparkle splash

Your friend, nella.

Smiley. Heart heart.
Smiley face!

There. The invitations
are all done.

So excited!

Oh, I'’m excited
too, honey.

Your first playdate

At the sparkle splash

I can'’t wait.
It'’s gonna be

So much fun, mom!

Now time to send
these scrolls.


Falcon messaging service
reporting for duty.

How may I
help you, princess?

I'’ve got a group message
today, flutter.


Oh. Sorry. Send.

Messages away.

Thanks, flutter!


I know, norma.

Kids and their
technology these days!


A message from
princess nella.

Hoping that
you'’ll join me

For a fun day at

Sparkle splash

Your friend, nella.

Smiley. Heart heart.
Smiley face.

[Gasp] thank you, flutter.

You'’re welcome.

I can'’t believe it!

I'’ve never been invited to
a playdate with friends before!

Come to think of it, I'’ve never
even had friends before!

Oh, this is great!

Wait. This is not great.

This is horrible!

What if nella'’s friends
don'’t like me?

I know--i could give them
something, like a gift!

That'’ll make them
like me for sure!

But what?
I don'’t have anything.

♪ I can'’t give them gifts ♪

♪ Of fancy jewels ♪

♪ But how '’bout pink perfume
made in bubble pools ♪

♪ I'’ll add lots and lots
of flowers ♪

♪ Ooo, they smell so sweet ♪

♪ To show '’em my friendship ♪

♪ And now my gift
is complete! ♪

Oh, everyone'’s going to love
this perfume I'’m making.

It smells fantast--[hic]

Oh, dear.

Something'’s gone terribly wrong
with my perfume!

[Hic, hic]
it'’s making me--[hic]

Hiccup bubbles!

Whoa! Somebody help!

Garrett! Clod!
You made it!

Welcome to the sparkle
splash playspace--

The coolest, splashiest...


in the mall!

Garrett: whoooa!

This place
has it all!

Bubble pools,
water slides, and...

A snack bar!

Does it
have pancakes?

Please tell me
it has pancakes!

Ooh, there'’s willow
and minatori!

Hi, everyone.

Thanks for
inviting us, nella.

This is gonna be
udderly moo-velous.

I can'’t wait.

Hee hee! I'’m so happy
you guys could make it. Hey.

Where'’s smelgly?

Isn'’t she
with you guys?

We haven'’t seen her.

Well, I'’m sure
she'’s on her way.

Why don'’t we
just go in?

I don'’t want to miss
any sparkle splash fun!

Nella: um...

I think we should wait.

It won'’t be as fun
without all our
friends, trink.

I'’m sure she'’ll
be here any minute!


been waiting

Forever, nella!

I wonder where
smelgly could be.

Maybe she'’s
not coming?

Or maybe
she didn'’t want
to come.

Or maybe she ate
too many pancakes
for breakfast

And got a tummy ache.

that happens
to me sometimes.

Wherever she is,
I hope

She gets here soon.

Garrett: yeah, before we get

Covered in
swirly pink mist!

Hey. When did
I get new shoes?

Hee hee! Where
did all this

Weird pink mist
come from?


Everyone looks
so silly!

[Gasp] actually,

I'’m kind of
rocking this.

[All talking at once]

Oh, no.
How'’d it get

So thick so fast?!

Oh, no!

I can'’t see
a thing!

Woman: oh, no!

Oof. Oh!

It'’s raining fruit! Oh!

And it'’s really
coming down hard.

Garrett: nella,
what are we gonna do?

We could barely see
through the mist.


Uh, nella,
what was that?

[Hic] the pink mist,

It'’s making us hiccup

[Hic] bubbles!


Look--i'’m a goldfish
in a bowl.

Blub blub blub!

Hey, that bubble'’s
got my mirror.

Get back here.
I was using that.

And there go
the pancakes from
the snack bar.

No, not
the pancakes!

[All talking at once]

Oh, no!

Bubbles are everywhere!

And they'’re carrying
things away!

They'’re unstoppable!

Not when there'’s
a princess knight around.

My heart is bright, time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong! ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light! ♪

♪ Sword! Shield! Boots! ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’ bright! ♪

♪ Now I am...
The princess knight! ♪

Even though
I could
barely see it,

That was still
totally dazzling.

Come on, trink.

Let'’s burst
some bubbles!

Thank you, nella.

[People cheering]

Thanks, nella.way to go, nella.

Hey! That'’s my lunch!

One plate of spaghetti
and meatballs,
coming right up.

Here you go, sir coach.

[Laughs] mm.
Thanks, nella.

Voice: help!

[Gasp] that sounds
like smelgly!

Oh, no.
That is smelgly.

The bubble mist has her!

Oh, so that'’s
why she was late.

Ok, yeah, that'’s
a pretty good excuse.

you take care

Of the rest of
these bubbles

And I'’ll
rescue smelgly.

Come on, trink.
That'’s one bubble

We can'’t let get away.

Look--the mist is coming

From the bubble trouble bog!

Should'’ve known.

That name just sounds
like trouble.

Help me!


We'’re coming
for you, smelgly!

Come on, trinket.
We'’ve got a dragon to save.

I hope we'’re
almost there.

I mean, I look good
in pink, but

This is ridiculous.

This way, trinket.

Right there with
you, nel--[hic] aww.

I can'’t stop

Smelgly: help! I'’m stuck!

Somebody help!

Ok. I can
hear her

But I can'’t
see her.

Keep looking, trink.

She must be
around here somewhere.

Here she comes!


There she goes.

Oh, my gosh.
What a bubble!

Poor smelgly.

We'’ve gotta
help her.

But how are we
supposed to get
up there? [Hic]

I know.
Time to put

These hiccups to use.

Uh, what do you mean,
nella? [Hic]

You'’ll see
in a sec, trink.[Hiccupping]

Just keep those
bubbles coming.

Way to go, trink.

Ok. Get ready for...



Hold on, trink.

We'’re coming
for you, smelgly.

Almost there, trink.

Hold still, smelgly.
And pop!


I always knew
my horn was beautiful,

But handy, too?
I mean, come on!

Oh, what a relief!

Thank you, nella!
Thank you, trinket!

We'’re just glad
you'’re ok, smelgly.

What happened?

Did you see where all that
pink mist came from?


You did?
Was it an evil wizard

Who brewed it up?


Did it come from
a bubbly pink volcano?


Then who made it?

Me. It was me!

I'’m sorry!

I was just trying
to make everyone

Some bubbly pink perfume
as a gift '’cause...

'’Cause why?

'’Cause I thought if
I gave you a gift,

You guys
would like me.

But, smelgly,

Everyone already likes you!

You know why?


Because you'’re you!

♪ You don'’t need to give ♪

♪ Gifts to be
our friend ♪

♪ All you need is you ♪

♪ Because in the end ♪

♪ Trink and I both like you
just for who you are ♪

Nella and trinket:
♪ just give us your friendship ♪

♪ That'’s the greatest gift
by far ♪

Aw, thanks,
you guys!

This is beautiful.

At least it was.

I think I know how to put a stop
to this mist once and for all.



[Gasp] wow,
that was awesome!

And look at this place.

It'’s even better than
the sparkle splash playspace!

It'’s got water slides
and bubble pools.

Garrett: and it'’s even got...

A pancake picnic!
Woo hoo!

C'’mon, everyone!
Let'’s finally get this

Sparkle splash
playdate started.

[All cheering]

Mm. These pancakes
are delicious!


Woo hoo!
Catch me if you can!

This is the best sparkle splash
playdate ever!

Even without my
bubbly perfume?

Of course, smelgly.

Being friends with you
is better than any gift!

I feel like the luckiest
dragon in the world.

Garrett: here comes the splash.

Woo hoo!
