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01x10 - No Gown, No Crown, No Party/Clod Monet

Posted: 10/04/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

oh, this is so exciting.

Tell us what happened
next, nella.

Our heroine planted
a kiss

On the cheek
of the frog.

And in a whirl of magic,
her plain clothes

Were replaced by
a dazzling princess gown

And a twinkling
princess crown.

The end.

She kissed a frog?


And now she'’s
a princess

With fabulous

Such a happy ending.
Bravo. Bravo!

Remember, it'’s
just a story, trink.

There'’s a lot more
to being a princess

Than just wearing
a beautiful dress.

Yeah. You also have to
have a sparkly crown.

[Laughs] there'’s
even more to it

Than that, olivia.

It'’s not about what
you wear on the outside,

It'’s who you are on
the inside that matters.

Uh, are you sure?

'’Cause I feel pretty
fabulous in this gown.

Mom: nella!

Ooh, hold on.

Sounds like
our tea'’s ready.

Here, nella,
I'’ll lend you a hoof.

[Knock on door]

Ahh, who'’s that?

I mean, what is that?

Hi, olivia.
It'’s me, minatori.

Ready for
the tea party.

Ew. You'’re covered
in mud, minatori.

And twigs.
And rocks.

And some weird-looking
green stuff.

I guess that'’s
what happens

When you take a shortcut
through a swamp.

A swamp?

Yeah, I was in such
a rush to get here,

I fell in a few times.

See? I got slime
all over me. Ha!


Anyhoo, let'’s get
tea partying.

Um, I'’d love to
let you in,

But I can'’t.

Not without a gown.
And a crown.

A what and a what?

A gown and a crown.

This is a very fancy
tea party, minatori.

You need to be dressed

Uh, see ya.

Wait! What if I got myself
a gown and a crown?

Then I could come
to the party, right?

Well, I guess so. But--

Oh, please, olivia,

You got to help me.

Where can I find
a gown and a crown,

And fast?

Well, you could
kiss a frog.

Say what now?

Yeah. I mean,
everyone knows

If you kiss a frog,
you'’ll magically get

A beautiful princess
gown and crown

Just like mine.


Jumpin'’ jellybeans!

Then that'’s what
I'’ll do.

I'’ll go and find
a frog to kiss.

Thanks, olivia.

So long!

Um, who was that
at the door?


Oh. And where
did she go?

To kiss a frog.


Yeah. She was
all messy and slimy

And didn'’t have
a gown or a crown
like us,

So I told her if
she kissed a frog,

She'’d get both
and then be
princessy like us.

Ha ha ha!

But that was just
a story, olivia.

as in not true.

And minatori is welcome
at our party.

She doesn'’t need
a gown or a crown.

But without them,
how is she going
to fit in?

Olivia, some things
are more important
than pretty clothes.

Now, come on.
We have to find minatori

And invite her back.

Here, froggy, froggy.

Where are you?


Hey, you'’re not a frog.


Hmm. Let'’s see.

Ha ha! Got you, froggy.

Froggy? No.
It'’s me, gork.

Oh, sorry, gork.

I was looking
for a frog to kiss.

Say, you'’re not
a frog, are you?

Nope, I'’m an orc.

But I am green
like a frog.

Ah, worth a sh*t.

Aw, it didn'’t work.
Same old me.

I have to find a real
frog for it to work.

Then you need to go
to the yucky sticky
frog bog.

You'’ll find a frog
there for sure.

Of course!
The yucky sticky frog bog.

Thanks, gork.

Be careful.
It'’s yucky and sticky.

Now, where could
minatori be?

Oh, dear.
Your dress is getting
filthy, nella.

That'’s not very
princessy at all.

My dress!


Hi, girls.

Ooh, nice look.

Knowing how to
wear goo like that

Is real talent.

Hi, gork.

Hey, you haven'’t seen
minatori, have you?

Oh, yeah.
You just missed her.

She'’s going to the
yucky sticky frog bog.

The yucky sticky
frog bog?

That'’s the yuckiest bog
in the kingdom.

And the stickiest.

Oh, well, can'’t say
we didn'’t try, guys.

Heh! Better get back
to the tea party.

Olivia, minatori could be
in yucky, sticky trouble.

We'’ve got to do something.

Thanks for your help,

Good luck!

Hmm. How will I know
when I find the yucky
sticky frog bog?

Guess it will be yucky
and sticky

And it will have
a frog in the middle of it.


You'’re the frog

That'’s going to make
my fashion dreams come true.

I'’m going to give you
a big kiss

And finally get
my gown and crown.



Oh, look at this.

My gown and crown
are a mess.

I don'’t look princessy
at all.

It'’s ok, olivia.

Remember, it'’s not
what you wear,

It'’s who you are
that counts.

I'’m someone who wishes
she had never come

To this yucky, sticky bog
in the first place.

here, froggy, froggy.

there she is!

Come here,
little froggy.

I'’m ready for my
beautiful gown and crown.

[Makes kissing sounds]

We have to hurry before
minatori gets stuck

In the yucky, sticky bog.

Nella: minatori, stop!

Come back!
If you go any further,

You might get stuck.

Nah, I'’m fine, nella.

I'’m just gonna kiss
that little froggy

So I can get my gown
and crown like you guys.

No, minatori.
That won'’t work.

Sure, it will.

Olivia told me
all about it.

Come here,
froggy froggy.

Ohh, this is bad.

Oh, it'’s going
to be impossible

To get minatori
out of there, nella.

Not for a
princess knight.

My heart is bright.
Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine
my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage
shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ The princess knight ♪

That'’s nella,
glamorous and gallant.


I'’m coming for you,


That'’s nothing.
Come on.

Uh-oh. Things are
getting very sticky.

Don'’t worry,

You don'’t need
the frog.

Right! What I need
is fancy clothes.

And that'’s exactly why
I got to give

That little green guy
a smooch.


Pucker up, froggy.

You can hop,
but you can'’t hide.

Minatori, wait!

Oh, no,
she'’s going further

Into the yucky
sticky bog.

Minatori, stop.


Minatori, you'’re going

To the stickiest part
of the bog!

If only I hadn'’t
told minatori

That silly story.

Then she wouldn'’t be
in this mess.

Minatori, stop!
Listen to me.

Kissing a frog
doesn'’t magically

Give you
fancy clothes.

Don'’t try to talk me
out of it, olivia.

I want to go to
that tea party.

But, minatori,
she'’s right.

Yeah, it'’s just
a pretend story.

Look, I'’ll prove it
to you.







Hey, you kissed that frog

And nothing happened.


This whole thing was
my fault, minatori.

I never should have
told you that
ridiculous story.

In that case, help!

Oh, no!
She'’s stuck.

Hang on, minatori.

I'’ll get you out of
this yucky, sticky mess.

Grab on, trink.

[All grunting]

I'’m free!


Way to go, nella.
You did it.

Ah, thanks, guys.

Um, I'’m really
sorry, minatori.

I hope you can
forgive me

For sending you on
a wild frog chase.

Aw, sure I can.

You kind of paid for it
by kissing that frog. Ew.

Now let'’s all get
back to the party

Before the tea
gets cold.

But I still don'’t have
a gown or a crown.

And my clothes
are ruined.

I can'’t go to
a fancy party
looking like this.

Guys, remember.

♪ It'’s not about
a fancy gown ♪

♪ Or a crown
upon your head ♪

♪ It'’s who you are
inside your heart ♪

♪ That'’s what matters in ♪

♪ That'’s what matters in ♪

♪ That'’s what matters instead ♪

Nella: you know,
this might just be

The stickiest
princess tea party

The kingdom
has ever seen.

Just the way
I like it.

Pass the teapot,
would you, olivia?


Looks like we'’ve got
another guest. Ha ha ha!

No problem.
Everyone'’s welcome here.


keep painting, guys.

The first annual
castlehaven art fair
is this afternoon.

I can hardly wait
to show everyone
our new works of art.

Wow, nella.
What a great painter you are.

Thanks, garrett.

I call this painting

"Nella with

what are you painting?

I'’m painting a cool picture
of a fire-breathing dragon.

How about you, trinket?

I'’m painting a bunch
of adorable kittens

Having a tea party
with cute puppies

Beneath a beautiful
double rainbow.


I know, right?

What are you
painting, clod?

Uh. Hmm.

Um, let me guess.

It'’s a painting
of a blizzard?


Close-up of a cloud?

Clod, have you
started painting
anything yet?


I just can'’t think
of anything to paint.

Well, don'’t give up.

There are lots of
things you can paint.

Yeah. Just think of
something you really like.

Oh, I try, but every time

I tell myself
to think of something,

The only thing I can
think of is nothing.


Clod, it'’s very simple.

Wouldn'’t you like
to paint something

Something absolutely


Then why not paint

The most beautiful thing
around you?



great idea.

You could paint
a portrait
of trinket.

Of course! Why didn'’t I
think of that?

But you better

The art fair'’s
starting soon.

Then there'’s no time
to waste. Come on!

♪ Now make sure
that you'’re capturing ♪

♪ My good side ♪

♪ Oh, wait, I haven'’t
got a side that'’s bad ♪

Hee hee!

♪ Now get one where
the wind is blowing ♪

♪ All my hair around ♪

♪ And I'’m dressed in pink,
now blue, now red ♪

♪ Now plaid ♪

♪ Here, paint
a picture of me ♪

♪ Where I'’m smiling ♪

♪ How long should I just
stand here saying cheese? ♪

♪ Now get one where I'’m
dancing round the fountain ♪

♪ If you'’re painting me ♪

♪ It'’s bound to be
a masterpiece ♪

There, finally finished.

Clod, did you paint all
of these paintings?

Yep. A whole cart full.

Oh, sorry I'’m late.
I couldn'’t find my barrette.

We better get going.

The art fair is
all the way in
lilymire meadows,

And we have a lot
of paintings to bring.

Are these all
paintings of me?

Yeah. Take a look.

Wow, these are
terrific, clod.

Oh, thanks, guys.

I had a great model.

Ooh, what do you think
of all my paintings,


Nella, can I have
a word, please?

What is it?

What is it?

Those pictures.

They don'’t look
anything like me.

Well, not exactly
like you,

But I think
they look great.

And clod is
so proud.

But they don'’t show off
the beauty of my
beautifulness at all.

He can'’t show them
at the art fair.

They'’re embarrassing.

Isn'’t there at least
something you like
about them, trink?

After all, everybody'’s
art is different.

That'’s part
of the fun.

Guys, we better
get going.

We don'’t want
to be late.

Then let'’s
get moving.



Clod: oh, boy,
oh, boy, oh, boy.

Gee, this road
sure is bumpy.

Don'’t worry, buddy.
Nothing will stop us

From getting to
the art fair.

Oh, I wish something would.

I don'’t want people to see
clod'’s paintings.

my art cart!

We lost a wheel.

It'’s rolling away.

That'’s perfect.

Oh, no!

We'’ll never get to
the art fair now.

Oh, yes,
we will.

My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage
shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ The princess knight ♪

Talk about
a work of art.

Get it, nella.

Don'’t worry, guys.
I can stop it.

With my lance!
Uhh! Got it.


Ha ha!
You did it, nella.

Clod: yeah, you did did it.

Now let'’s get
this wheel back
on the cart

And keep moving.

The art fair gallery

Should be right
around the bend.


At last,
the art fair.

And just in time.

Come on, guys.

We'’ll roll clod'’s
cart inside and start--

no! Nobody'’s going
anywhere with that cart.

Why not?

Because of these.

That'’s why not.

These paintings make me
look ridiculous.


Sorry, nella,
but it'’s true.

And there'’s no way I'’m
going to let everybody

In the whole kingdom
see them.

They'’re embarrassing.


Nella: oh, clod,
that'’s just her opinion.

I think your paintings
are wonderful.

Yeah, me, too.

No, she'’s right.

I'’m a terrible

I never should have
tried to be an artist
in the first place.

Wait, where are you going?

Where else?
To throw all
of my paintings

Off a big cliff
so that no one
will ever

Have to look
at them again.

Ooh. Well,
that went well.

Trinket, that wasn'’t
very kind.

Yeah, clod
is your friend.

I know, but what
was I supposed to do?

I mean, look
at this thing.

It'’s a--


Oh, hi, mr. Your highness.
What are you doing here?

I asked him to be
the judge of the art fair.

And from the looks
of it, you'’ve got

Some outstanding
paintings to show.

Who created this
extraordinary picture?


But I don'’t
really like it,

So it'’s not
being shown.

Not shown? But--but
it'’s just got to be.

Take a closer look,

And try to keep
an open mind.

You just might
like what you see.

♪ Give his art
your full attention ♪

♪ When you judge it ♪

♪ And you just might
find some beauty
here and there ♪

♪ See the detail
on your horn ♪

♪ He made it sparkle ♪

♪ Try looking at it all
with love and care ♪

Well, when I really
look at it,

He did do a good job
with my eyebrows.

And my mane does look
kind of cute in this one.

Nella: ♪ it'’s a painting
of your beauty ♪

♪ Out and inside ♪

♪ The painter'’s friendship
you can tell will never cease ♪

Both: ♪ for he'’s shown
the world ♪

♪ How much he truly
cares for you ♪

♪ With a beautifully ♪

♪ Trinkety masterpiece ♪


Oh, this is a gorgeous
painting of me.

Why couldn'’t I look
more closely and see
it before?

And how could I have been
so thoughtless to clod?

It'’s ok, trink.

You'’ll make it up
to him.

Oh, I sure will.

We'’ve got to find him
and stop him.

Stop him?

He was going to throw

All of his paintings
off of a cliff.

Whoa! What?

But where
could he be?

There! Windy peaks.

They'’ve got the biggest
cliffs around.

Then hop on, people.

We'’re going to windy peaks.

At last, the big cliff.

Now no one will have to
look at my paintings ever again.

Nella: there he is!

Clod! Oh!

I'’m so very, very sorry
for what I said,

And I didn'’t mean
to hurt your feelings,

And now I can see
all the wonderful things

In your paintings,
and I wonder if you can

Ever, ever, ever
forgive me.

Can you? Please?

Oh, of course I
forgive you, trinket.

Oh, thank goodness.

Um, where is your
art cart, clod?

Oh, I pushed it
down that way.

Nella: it'’s headed straight
toward windy canyon.

What do we do?

We got to catch it
before it falls.


[All gasp]

Garrett: no!

Nella: oh, my gosh.

They'’re all gone.

I'’m so sorry,

This is all
my fault.

Wait a minute. Look.

All: wow!

They don'’t call it
windy canyon for nothing.

Oh, no, but now
my paintings are
blowing away.

Leave that to me.

Oh, they'’re flying.they'’re like kites!


Look at that.
You did it, nella.

You saved my life'’s work.

Whoa. And look!

All the paintings
are coming together

To form one big picture.

Trinket: of me!

It'’s amazing, clod.

Oh, it'’s just what I do.

Now I finally see
the bigger picture.


[Gasps] his paintings
are so beautiful.

They'’re all of me,
you know.

Royal subjects,

As judge of
the art fair,

I'’d like to thank
all of our artists

For their wonderful

But there is
one artist here

Who deserves
special mention

For such outstanding work.


Aw, shucks.

your highness.

And he'’s got
a brand-new painting

That we'’d love to unveil
for all of you today.

I call it
"best buddies."


A masterpiece.

So...what do you think
of it, trinket?

Well, to tell you
the truth,

I think it'’s
just terrific!
