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01x11 - Royally Awesome Beach Day/Stop Dragon Me Around

Posted: 10/04/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

Trinket: ooh!
Maybe over here

Or over here
or--oh! Here we are.

The perfect spot

Nella: castlehaven
beach day!

It'’s beautiful!

Time for this king
to have some
beach day fun.


Ho ho ho!


Trinket: could
this day get
any beachier?

I know, right?

This is the best day
of the whole year.

Everyone in castlehaven
is here,

Hanging out, swimming,
building sandcastles,

And best of all,
after all that,

We get to have
a great big...

Beach day picnic!

Sorry we'’re late,

Clod and I had to
make sure we had
everything we need

For the picnic on
top of mount sandy.

We got potato salad
and fruit kabobs,

and plumberry pies.

Wow! Nice work,
garrett and clod.

Wait. Where is clod?

Clod: I'’m coming!

I'’m goooing! Oof!


Well, let'’s get
the fun started!

This beach won'’t
dig itself.

Nella: hey! Who'’s up
for a swim?

Queen mom: race you
to the water,

Nella: cowabunga!


You call that
a splash?

This is a splash.

Cannonball! Whoo!

Ha ha ha!

This is the best
beach day ever!

Nella: ooh. Bubbles.

Whoa. What'’s going on?



Now that'’s
a splash!


Oh, my gosh!
I just got soaked
by those...



In the water?

Garrett: ohh! Those
are snorkelmanders.

According to my knightly
trading cards--

Gosh, these things
are handy--

Snorkelmanders are
water dragons known

For making incredible--


Let me guess.

How'’d you guess?

Just a hunch.






Hey! My cards!

Oof! My sun!


My big hole
in the sand!

This does not
look good.



Nella, over there!


Nella: norma!

I'’ve got to
save her!

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Now that is some
sparkly beachwear.


Whoa! Whoa!

King dad: ohh!


Nwewwaaaah! Nwewwaaaah!

Thanks, honey!

Don'’t mention it, dad!

It'’s time to stop all
these snorkelmanders

From ruining beach day
for everyone.



Look out! Incoming!ohh! Look out!

out of the way!

I got you!

Close one.
What a relief.

Go, nella!

Sir coach: whoa!


I'’m coming, sir coach!

How about a ride,

Hop on!

Heads-up, sir coach!

Grab on!



Ho ho! Hoo hoo hoo!

way to go, nella!

Nice, nella!

These snorkelmanders
are causing

Way too much trouble.

We'’ve got to find
a way to stop them.

Maybe my knightly
trading cards
can help, nella.

It says here
snorkelmanders are

An especially playful
water dragon.

Trinket: playful?!

They'’re wrecking
castlehaven beach day.

Look! It'’s not only
castlehaven beach day.

Today is snorkelmander
beach day, too!

Uh-oh. This is
definitely not good.

Hey. Wait a second.

Playful water dragons...


Snorkelmander beach day...


Wait a minute.
The snorkelmanders
aren'’t trying

To ruin anything.


They'’re playing!

Hey there!

Hi. I'’m nella
the princess night.

Oh, and, um,
happy beach day!

A princess knight!

So cool to meet you.
My name'’s...


Charmed I'’m sure.

By the way,
you and your friends

Are ruining beach day!

Huh? We'’re
just playing.

We'’re not trying
to ruin anything.

But what about
all the splashing?

That'’s how
snorkelmanders play!

See? We love to splash
and make waves and dig.

Huh. We like to do
that stuff, too.

We do it a little
differently than you,

But we still love to do
all the same stuff you do.

Especially digging!

I--i didn'’t know
that you guys

Don'’t play
the same way
snorkelmanders do.

We were just
really excited,
especially me!

It'’s my first
beach day ever!

Just like norma.

[Norma babbling]

There must be a way
for us to share the beach.

We'’ve still got plenty
of fun beach day
things to do.

Like our big
picnic on the top
of mount sandy.

It'’s gonna be
the greatest!

I'’ve kind of thought
of everything.

That sounds righteous
just like

Our beach day picnic
on top of mount sandy.

Wait a minute.
We both have
a beach day picnic

On top
of mount sandy?

Captain: knight brigade,

Oh, no.

We must save
the beach day picnic!


To mount sandy,

No way!

Mount sandy is
for our picnic!

Yeah! Totally!


Snorkelmanders, charge!

No, wait!

Everyone listen!


Let'’s go!

Oh, no.

They'’re ruining
norma'’s first beach day.

hey! Don'’t push!

That'’s our picnic spot.

No, dragon!
Let'’s go!


Captain: to the top!this is ours picnic spot.

Oh, be nice!

Oh, no!
Our beach day picnic.

They'’re gonna ruin it.

We'’ve got to
stop them.

But how?
Everyone'’s charging

Up mount sandy.

Then I'’m going
to have to get
there first.

Ripple, could you
lend me a hand?

How about
a tail?

Ripple, I need a wave,

The biggest one
you can make!

Ripple: giant ripple wave
coming right up!


Whoa! It'’s nella!

Now that'’s
a princess!

Totally rad!

totally gnarly!

That was awesome!your highness.

Everyone, please listen.

We came here to have fun.

Knight: yeah,
but then they messed
up our beach day.

Nuh-uh! You messed up
our beach day!

Nella: today is beach day
for all of us,

And we can all
have a great time.

Knights: but how?

Even though we play
a little differently,

We all like
the same things,

So why can'’t we share
the beach and play together?


I guess.

Nella'’s right.

I mean, did you see what
she and ripple did?


Hmm. It would be
pretty fun to try that.

Well, we could make
some waves for you.

You'’d do that?sure.

You could surf it
like "whoa"

Or "aah"
or "whoo-hoo!"

Nella, look.
It'’s working.

Could you show me
that cannonball thing?

And you can teach me
how to dig like you.

Yeah, of course!

[Snorkelmanders chattering]

Oh, oh! Ha ha ha!


for the tail stool.

Oh, whoooaaaa!

Best cannonball...


Ha ha ha!

And there you go.

What do you think
of your new
hairstyle, trink?


Garrett: here.
Try a fruit kabob.

I made them myself.

Whoa! Fruit
on a kabob?

Who'’d have thunk it?

I know.
It'’s genius!

[Norma babbling]

Wow. Everyone'’s
having so much fun.

My first beach day
is everything

I ever dreamed
it'’d be.

I think norma
agrees with you.

She'’s having a great
first beach day, too.


Ha ha ha!
You said it, norma!

It'’s always more fun
when we share.

Hey. You know what?

We should do this
every year.

Ooh. That'’s
a bodacious idea, nella!


[All laughing]

Come on! Race you
to the water!



Nella: are you ready,

It'’s time for
a royal scavenger hunt!

Oh, yeah!whoo-hoo!

Now, you all know what
a scavenger hunt is, right?

Yup! Not a clue.heh heh heh.

Nella'’s mom is gonna
give us a list of things

We need to go and find.

Scavenger hunts
are fun.

Olivia: very fun,
and not to brag,

But I usually
win them.

Well, we'’ll see
what happens today.

Queen mom:
on each of these cards

Is a list of things
you'’ll need to find

And put
in your basket.

You will need to find
a red feather,

A shiny metal key,

A fresh bouncy berry,

And a tennis racket.

The first team to collect
all the items on the list

Is the winner!


Oh, please,
please, please.

You'’re teaming up
with nella.

yes! You can'’t
separate besties!


You'’re on clod'’s team.

Oh, yeah!oh, yeah!

And, smelgly...

You'’re going
to be partnered
with olivia.


Hi. Im smelgly.

I don'’t know you,
but I'’m sure we'’re gonna be

The best of--ohh!

Ha ha! Friends.

Yeah. Heh heh heh.
Ahh. Nella...

Can I talk to you
real quick?

Isn'’t there anyone else
I can be teamed up with?

I don'’t even know her.

Well, if you work

On the scavenger

You could get to
know each other.

But how am I supposed
to win with her
as my partner?

She'’s kind of clumsy
and--and loud.

Smelgly: I'’m ok!

I mean, come on!

Give her a chance,

You might find
that you'’ve got

More in common with her
than you think.

All right, teams.
Everybody ready

To go find the things
on their list?

All: ready!

Yeah. We'’re ready, too,
right, friend?


Queen mom: on your mark,

Get set, go!

All right!

So what should we
look for first, nella?


Ooh! Over there!

A red feather.

We need one
of these.

Ooh. So snazzy!

One item down,
more to go.

Garrett: we found
a metal key!

yes, we did.

A key! That'’s
the next item
on our list!

Let'’s see.
A metal key.

Now, where can we
find a metal key?

Uh, maybe in that shop
with the big key sign

In front of it.

Key sign?
Where? Ooh!

What was that?

Ugh. I am never
gonna win

With smelgly
as my partner.

We'’ve got a metal key!yes!

So far, we'’ve got
a red feather

And a metal key.

How are you guys


I think we'’re
this close to
finding a key,

Right, friend?

Well, I found one
all by myself.

Hey! Nice work,

Keep up the good work,
you two!

Ha ha ha!

What'’s next, trink?

A bouncy berry!
Let'’s go!

Ooh. I hope they'’re
getting along.

I think they could
be good friends.

Huh? Hey, nella!

You dropped
your feather!

Smelgly, what
are you doing?

That red feather
is one of the items
on the list.

Yeah. They'’re gonna
need it back.

But we need
that feather, too!

So why don'’t you
put it in our basket?

Our basket?

But that wouldn'’t
be fair.

This is a game,
smelgly, remember?

We'’re supposed to
try to win, right?

Yeah, but...

Besides, if you were
really my friend,

You would do what
I ask you to do.

Oh, well...

Ok, friend.

Come on! Now let'’s
go find a tennis racket!

I know where we can
find tennis rackets,

The school
sports cabinet!

One tennis racket!

Hey. Why just
take one?

If we take them all,

Then the other teams
can'’t get them.

But that doesn'’t
sound fair.

Gosh, smelgly.
If you were
really my friend,

You'’d want
to help me win
the scavenger hunt.

Oh, I am your friend.

I got them all. See?

Come on, friend.

Let'’s go find
a place to
hide them.

Quick! We can hide
them here.

All right!

Nella: hey, guys!



Hi, nella!
Hi, trinket!

How'’s your hunt


We'’ve got a metal key,
a red feather,

And a tennis racket.

We only need
one more item,

A bouncy berry.


You guys make
a great team!

Yep. We'’re fast friends,
right, smelgly?

Yes! Hi, nella!
Hi, trinket!

Uh...hi again.

We got a bouncy berry
from willow'’s garden.

Now we only need to
find a tennis racket.

We checked
the sports cabinet,

But it was empty.


Yeah, there'’s usually
lots of rackets in there,

But we couldn'’t
find any.


Smelgly, are you ok?

She'’s fine. Ha ha!
Couldn'’t be better. Ha ha!

Uh, thanks for the tip
about the bouncy berry.

Come on, smelgly.
Let'’s go!

huh. Is it me,

Or was smelgly acting
kind of weird?

I think you'’re
right, trink.

This is it.
We just need to get

A bouncy berry
from willow,

And we win
the scavenger hunt!

Hiya, willow.
Could you give us

A bouncy berry
from your garden?


Oh, sorry, guys.
I'’m all out.

I just gave my last
one to garrett
and clod.


I'’ve planted
some new seeds,

But they won'’t grow
for a long time.

Isn'’t there anything
you can do to make them

Grow quicker?

Well, my green goo
plant food makes

Plants sprout
really fast,

But with
bouncy berries,

The green goo can
make them grow huge

And way too

Ok. Thanks
anyway, willow.


Smelgly, friend,
please go pour

A drop of that
green goo

On the bouncy
berry seeds.


We only need one
teeny, tiny drop,

Just enough to make
one of them sprout.

Yeah, but willow said
it could cause problems.

Ahh. Fine.

If you can'’t even do
one little favor for me,

Then I guess you'’re not
really my friend.

Ohh. Ok.


Hey! It worked!

See? Ha ha ha!
I told you.

Nothing to worry about.




Oh, no!

They'’re bouncing
out of control

And heading for town!

We'’ve got to go
warn the others.

Olivia: out of my way!

Smelgly: whoa!

Olivia: hellllppp!


nella! Nella!

What'’s the matter?

Willow didn'’t
have any more
bouncy berries,

And I wanted to be
a olivia'’s friend,

And so I poured
the green goo,

And then the berries
got superbouncy!

What are you
talking about, smelgly?



[All yelling]

A tennis racket?

Clod: a lot
of tennis rackets!

What were they doing
in this tree?

Yeah. So...
About that. Whoa!

Bouncy berries
are everywhere!

Ohh! Nella, we'’ve
got to do something.


Don'’t worry, clod.
I'’m on it.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Fabulous even
in a bouncy berry storm.

Time to block
those berries.

Guys, grab a racket

And hit those berries
into the ball pit!

Trinket: come on!

Bye-bye, berry!

Olivia: ooh! Ohh!

Whoa! You saved me.
Thanks, smelgly.

No problem! Now quick,
take a racket.

Nice shot!


Keep going!

Ha! Heads-up,

Over to you, smelgly.


She got it!

[All cheering]

Uh, thanks for
helping, you guys.

I'’m really sorry
I made those berries

Grow so big
and bouncy

And hid
the tennis rackets

In the tree...

[Both gasp]

And took
the red feather.

Oh, it'’s not
her fault.

I'’m the one who
should be sorry.

I kept telling her
I wouldn'’t be her friend

If she didn'’t do
everything I said.

Olivia, friendship
isn'’t something

You use to make
people do things
for you.

Yeah. Friendships
only happen

With both people
are being kind, olivia.

And I guess I wasn'’t
really being kind.

I'’m sorry, smelgly.

You'’re both such
terrific friends to me.

I guess I was hoping
that you would get along.

Olivia: maybe we can
be real friends someday.

Yeah, maybe.

Queen mom: so how was
the scavenger hunt?

Who won?

You know, somehow
I think we all did.

Clod: whee-hoo!huh?

Ha ha ha ha!

A bouncy berry
ball pit?

Come on in! These berries
are going bananas!


What are we
waiting for, guys?

Let'’s go!

Aren'’t you going
in, too?

I don'’t know.
Maybe if you do.

[Both laughing]

Clod: this is
the berriest!

[All cheering]