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01x12 - The Share Faire/Hooves Got Talent?

Posted: 10/04/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

This is it, trinket.
Are you ready?

Unicorns are born
ready and sparkly.

We finally get to
share our flowery...



Tiaras! Ooh!

hup hup hup.

[Blows whistle]

Ok. Listen up,

Today is learnalot
elementary school'’s

Annual share faire.

You make it.

Then you share it,
so let'’s get sharing.

Wow, look at all
these stands, trink.

Everyone'’s got something
to share today.

Balloon swords.

Get your hand-twisted
balloon swords here

At sir blaine'’s stand.

Moo! Fruit.

Fresh, tasty

Raar! Raar!

Sock puppets,
homemade sock puppets.

Aw, garrett,
that'’s so cool.

Pretty cool,
huh, nella?

I'’m making
one of each

Of my favorite

And I'’m making one
of all my bestest buddies.

Trinket, say hello
to puppet trinket.

Is that supposed
to be me?

"Hi, trinket."

Hard to believe it'’s just
one of my really old socks.

Uh, we better get back
to our stand.

Yep. Our flowery,
sparkly, princessy tiaras

Aren'’t gonna
share themselves.

Minatori: noooo!

Willow: oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Willow, minatori,
what'’s wrong?

Our tree.

It was supposed to be
an apple tree,

But it'’s growing

We must have planted
the wrong seeds.

Ugh! And these lemons
are too sour to eat.

We can'’t
share these.

Maybe not, but you can
always make lemonade.



♪ When you get lemons,
make a new plan ♪

♪ You don'’t have to be afraid ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

Mm! This lemonade
is yummy.

What a great idea.
Thank you, princess nella.

Trinket: nella, we need
your dazzling crafts skills.

Everyone wants some
of our flowery, sparkly,

Princessy tiaras.

Oh, so special.

Ah, a true
work of art.

Wow. Good thing we'’ve got
a whole tray of flowers.

Flowers? What'’s so
special about flowers?

Coach: hup hup hup hup.

Sir coach,
balloon sword?

Not for me, blaine.

I'’ve got to get
one of those tiaras.

Hup hup hup.

What a tiara.

It looks
beautiful on you.

I worked so hard
on my balloons,

And nobody
wants them.

And all because of
nella'’s flowers,

And there'’s nothing
I can do about it...

Or is there?

They'’ll all be running
to my stand

When nella'’s flowers
are gone.

Oopsie. Sorry, flowers.

Nella can'’t make tiaras
out of you now.

Trinket: hold on, nella.
I'’ll go get some more...

Flowers! Nella,
our flowers,

They'’ve been

Oh, no.
Ok, ok.

Stay calm, trinket.

What are
we gonna do?

Wait a minute.

These aren'’t horribly
squashed flowers.

These are beautifully
pressed flowers,

And they'’ll make amazing,
pressed-flower necklaces.

They will?
Yep, because...

♪ When things look bitter,
make it all better ♪

♪ It'’s all
gonna be ok ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

Ok, so tiaras
are so minutes ago.

Who wants a fancy,
pressed-flower necklace?

Oh, I do.
I'’ll take .

Ooh, me, please.

Dragon burps.

Everyone'’s still
at nella'’s stand,

And not at mine.

Oh, nella
never gives up.

Well, neither do i.

Well, you definitely
can'’t make flowery tiaras

Or necklaces without
any flowers at all.

Today'’s weather--cloudy
with a chance of flowers.

Ha ha ha!

Hey, look, nella.
Our flowers are flying.


Our flowers are flying!

Flying flowers?

"I'’ve got it.
I'’ve got it." Oof!

"I don'’t got it."

After those flowers.

There they are.
Jump, trink.


Whoo hoo!
Way to go, nella.

How does she do that?

Oh, way to go, nella.

Great job, nella.
You caught our flowers--

Oh, look--but all
the petals have fallen off.

All we have left are--

The twisty stems.

♪ No tiaras,
no necklaces ♪

♪ Go, blaine,
go, blaine ♪

Nella: I'’ve got it.

We can take
these twisty stems

And make them
into twisty, sparkly


Come on, trink.

♪ When things look bitter,
make it all better ♪

♪ It'’s all
gonna be ok ♪

Both: ♪ when things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

Ida: oh, you
have bracelets.

I love them.

Rrgh! My balloon!


be careful.

Using too much of my
special plant food

Can cause big
problems for plants.

Oops. Sorry.

Don'’t want to cause
any big problems.

Big problems?

Well, big problems are
exactly what I'’m looking for.

I'’ll just use
this super plant food

To mess up nella'’s plan.

Ooh, that'’ll
stop her for sure.

Just getting some more
flower stems, trink.

Be right back.


What'’s happening
to our flowers?


Trinket: nella, I have
the best idea for the bracelets.

Whoa. Where did
that come from?

I don'’t know.
It just shot up.

Uh, nella, I don'’t like
the look of this.

Whoa! What
is that?

look out.

Coach: uh-oh.
Man: run!

Ida: oh, uta, run.
Whoa! Look out!

Our stand!our bracelets!

Now let'’s see who wants
nella'’s flowers.

Oh, wait. No one.
Hoo hoo hoo!

It'’s my turn to shine.
Balloon swords.

Come and get
your balloon swords

To protect you
from giant plants.

run away!

What'’s happening?

Take cover.

Look out!

Golly goblets, that'’s
one big flower, nella.

And it'’s ruining

I know, even if it is
kind of pretty.

Minatori: oh, no!

Our lemonade!
Our lemonade!

Wait a minute.
That'’s it. Lemonade.

Yeah. I could
really go

For a glass of
lemonade right now.

No, clod.

She means, when life
gives you lemons,

Make lemonade.


When things go bad,
find a way

To turn it into
something good,

And that'’s exactly
what I'’m going to do.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Now, that--
"now, that'’s

A knight
in shining armor."

Hey, I was
gonna say that.

Blaine: freshly sculpted
balloon swords.

Come and get them.

I think I know
how to fix this.

Blaine, can I have some
of your balloons, please?

Well, well, well,
what'’s the matter, nella,

People not so into
your flowers anymore?

yep. That'’s right.

Everyone down there
is coming to my stand now.

"Down there"?

Ohh...nella, help!

Come on, guys.
Blaine needs our help.

Grab as many of those
balloons as you can.

Ok, but why?

You'’ll see.

Up, up, and away.

Man: good luck.

Ida: be careful,

Uta: go, nella.

Oh, now I get it.

It'’s like
a hot-air balloon.

Nella'’s so cool.

"No. She'’s
the coolest."

Hold on, blaine.
I'’m coming.

Hurry! Whoa!





Nella, help!

Ok. Time for plan "b."

Whoa! Hey, blaine,
need a lift?

Now jump. Hah!

Way to go, nella.

Oh, nella,
I'’m so sorry.

This is
all my fault.

It is?

I was jealous, so I
ruined your flowers.

Now it looks
like I ruined

The whole share
faire, too.

Aw, don'’t worry, blaine.
I have a plan.

♪ When things look bitter,
make it all better ♪

♪ It'’s all
gonna be ok ♪

Both: ♪ when things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
just turn them around ♪

♪ Turn lemons into lemonade ♪

Uta: ooh,
that'’s good, nella.

Girl: a flowery


It'’s so good to be back
on solid ground.

Thanks for
rescuing me, nella.

Here. I want to share
something with you.

A balloon tiara?

Thanks, blaine,
but you know

What else I'’d like?

One of your great
balloon swords.

You can'’t be
a princess knight

Without a tiara
and a sword.

Coming right up.

Aw, thank you,


"Who'’s clod?
I'’m trinket."

No. I'’m

"Me, too.

ha ha ha! Cool.

Ready, clod?

I was born ready.

Ok, then. Ready?

[Blows whistle]


Nella: attaboy, clod.
Keep going.

[Yodeling continues]


What was that?

It looked like clod.

On a log?

Oh, hi, trinket.


Ooh, hey, garrett.
Hey, ooh!

What are you
doing, buddy?

He'’s practicing
his act.


I'’m entering
a talent show

For horses.
You mean...

Both: "hooves
got talent?"

We were just
on our way there.

It'’s the greatest talent show
in the whole kingdom.

With the greatest
theme song ever.

♪ "Hooves got talent?"
We do! ♪

And guess what.

This year, I get to be
one of the judges.

I'’m so excited.

Yeah, and I get
to be in the show.

I'’ve always
wanted to be in it

Ever since I was little,
and so nella'’s

Helping to coach me
on my talent.

And, um, what is
your talent, clod?


I run on a log
while I yodel.

I can even
steer it around

And everything.



Uh, I'’ve never seen
a horse do that.

I'’ve never seen
anyone do that.

Yeah. It'’s a little
different, all right,

But, hey, that'’s
what makes it special,

And clod'’s
the best at it.

Think I'’m ready, nella?
Do you? Do you?

Clod, no one yodel
log-runs like you do.

You'’re definitely ready.

Let'’s go, guys.
Onward to the show.

♪ "Hooves got talent?"
We do ♪


Dad: all right, contestants.

We'’re almost ready to start,
and don'’t forget,

"Hooves got talent?"
Isn'’t just any contest.

It'’s a talent contest
for horses!

Now let'’s stop
horsing around--

Ha ha!--
Because the show starts soon.

Come on. It'’s time
to warm up, clod.

You got it, coach.


Um, what
are you doing?

My talent--
yodel log-running.

What are you doing?

She'’s prancing,
and I'’m jumping--

You know,
real talent.

Look around.
Everyone'’s doing them.

Whoa, everyone is
prancing and jumping.

That one'’s prancing.
That one'’s jumping.

That one'’s

Nella, big problem.

See all those
horses out there?

They all have
real talents.

I don'’t prance.
I don'’t jump.

I just hop
on a log and yodel.

Guess I'’m not cut out
for "hooves got talent?"

See you later, guys.

Wait, clod.

Yodel log-running
is a real talent,

And you'’ve wanted
to be in the show

Since you were little,

Well, yeah,

But I need a real
horse talent,

Like prancing
or jumping.

That'’s what
I want to do.

Well, if that'’s
what you want, ok.

Then as your friend
and your coach,

It'’s my job
to help you.

I'’ll lend
a hand, too.

Thanks, guys.

Now let'’s
get started.

Ok. I'’m ready to find
my new talent--jumping.


Uh, how
was that?

We'’ll work on it.

Ok, buddy.

Practice stepping
over these buckets,

And you'’ll be
prancing in no time.

Ok. Here it goes.

Over the bucket,
over the bucket,

Over the bucket,
in the bucket.

Wait. Not in the bucket.
Whoa! Oof!

[Both gasp]

are you ok?

Oh, yeah. I learned
two things from all that.

I fall a lot.

And two,
maybe you want

To do your yodel
log-run talent, after all?

N'’uh-uh. I'’ve got
to move my hooves

Even faster
when I'’m on stage.

Then I'’ll show them
hooves got talent.

I do.

Check, check.
King one, king two.

Can you hear me
back there?


Here we go.
Let get this contest started.

"Hooves got talent?"

We do!we do!

Hey, the show'’s

Have fun.

We'’ll be right off stage
if you need us,

And remember...

♪ Hooves got talent?" ♪

I do!

[Cheering and applause]

Thank you, quickfoot, for
that very joyful jumping.

Now, everybody, put your hands
and hooves together

For our next contestant--
clod and his yodel log-roll.


Oh. Ok.

Well, looks like there'’s
been a last-minute change.

Introducing clod
and his fancy prancing.

Whoo hoo! Go, clod.

Yeah, clod. Go.

[Waltz playing]


Wow! Yeah, clod.
Go, buddy.

Uh-oh. D'’oh! Whoa!




[Both gasp]

Uh-oh. Looks like I'’m just
a terrible prancer.

I knocked everything over,
including myself.

Clod, wait.

It could'’ve happened
to anyone.

Yeah, buddy.
Just try again.

We can fix

No, I don'’t have
a real talent.

I'’ll just fall
like I always do.

"Hooves got talent?"

I don'’t.

Clod, wait.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
That can'’t be good.

No. It'’s not,

But we'’re
gonna fix it.

Come on, garrett.
We'’ve got to find clod.

Uh, don'’t worry, folks.

The show'’s gonna start
again any minute.

What do I do?

I don'’t know.
Keep the show going.

Ooh, sing
the theme song.

"Hooves got talent?"

We do!
We do!

No, no, no.
I can'’t hear you.

"Hooves got talent?"

We do!
We do!

"Hooves got talent?"

We do!
We do!


Clod, there you are.

Hey, guys.

Come back to the talent show
and try again.

Sorry, coach.

I don'’t have
a real talent.

I can'’t prance
or jump.

Oh, what'’s the use?

But you can yodel log-run.
That'’s your talent.

"hooves got talent?"

We do!
We do!



What was that?
What was that?

"Hooves got talent?"

We do!
We do!


what'’s happening?

Nella: the sound
is so loud,

It'’s making
the whole mountain shake.

Garrett: and that'’s making
that giant snowball...

Clod: roll right
towards the contest.

Then we'’ll have to find
a way to stop it.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Now, there'’s a talent.

Nella: come on.


Garrett: look out!

Nella: faster, clod.
We'’re gaining on it.

But now what?

It'’s heading
towards the stage.

And we
can'’t stop it.


We can'’t stop
the snowball,

But you can steer it.
I can?

Yeah. If we can get
on top of it,

You can control it
with your legs

Like you do
on the log.

Log-run on
a giant snowball?

But how are we gonna get
on top of it, nella?

Like this. Huh!


Whoo hoo!

Go, clod. Go.

Ah! I can'’t do it.
I don'’t know why.

you have to yodel.

You always yodel
when you log-roll.

Oh, yeah.



Garrett: you'’re
doing it, buddy.

I'’m yodel log-running
on a giant snowball!

To the right.
No. Left.


Whoo hoo!
Great job, clod.

Nella, we'’re headed
right towards the stage.

Is that gonna be
a problem?

Nella: yeah.
That might be a problem,

A big problem.

All right, ladies
and gentle knights.

It'’s time
for our next contestant,

So here'’s
a giant snowball

That'’s about to crash
into the stage!


Everybody run!

Oh, no.
Look out!

Quick, clod, head for
the ramp on the stage.

Do you think
I can do it, nella?

Yeah. You'’re using
your talent now,

And you'’re
doing great.



Now jump, clod.


[Crowd gasps]

And that'’s my talent.

All: hooray!

Clod! Clod! Clod! Clod!

We'’re so proud
of you, clod.

You saved
the kingdom.


Trinket: this year'’s
"hooves got talent?" Winner

Is clod!

Thank you, thank you,
but I have to say,

I couldn'’t have done it
without the help

And support of
my amazing coach nella.

Aww, thanks, clod.

And that ends
this year'’s contest,

So until next year,
"hooves got talent?"


Just a little
quieter, ok?

We do.
We do.

and especially clod.

Ha ha ha!
Hee hee hee!