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01x15 - Nella vs. The Wicked Wizard

Posted: 10/04/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* Adventure is calling,
she can't stay away *

* Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great *

* Her necklace is glowing,
now she'll find a way *

* With help from
her best friends *

* They'll save the day *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* True to herself,
doing what's right *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

What should I wear to
the big ball, trinket?

The blue sash?

Hmm, I'm not feeling it.
Try the yellow one.

I can't decide

If I should go

With perfect pony
princess hair

Or wild, "just got back
from galloping" hair.

Ooh! I love this.
What do you think, trink?

Oh, yes. So sashy.

And I think

I'll go for a little
of both hairdos.

I call it

My pony galloping
princess look.

Both: perfect!

Ooh! I'm so excited.

Time to go have a ball
at the ball.

What's wrong?

Is it my hair?

I almost forgot the most
important part--

My heart pendant.

I never go anywhere
without it.

Why would you?
It looks fabulous.


All right. Now
let's go have a ball.

Both: whoa!

Look at this!

Trinket: it's
the fanciest thing

I've ever seen.

King: there's
my lovely daughter

And her fashionable
unicorn friend.

Oh, hi, dad.

Mrs. Your highness.

Do you like what I've
done with the place?

Your father had everything

From the hall of fancy
things put out to celebrate.

Isn't it great?

Gold and jeweled tables,

Gold and jeweled
disco ball,

And even gold
and jeweled napkins.

Trinket: you can never
have too many fancy things.

That's my motto.

It really does look
wonderful in here.

sure does.

Oh, hey, garrett.
Hi, clod.

This ball is
the best, nella!

Yeah. Ooh. And speaking
of the best,

Love the hair,

Aah. While I appreciate
the compliment, clod,

Now I have to go
touch up my mane.

Be right back.

[Whirring noises]


The wacky wizard is here.


That's odd. I don't
remember hiring a magician.

Ah! You must be
the king and queen.

Such an honor to meet you.

I brought some flowers
for you, milady.


Oh, dear. That's
a flounder, not flowers.

I'm always mixing
those two up.


Thankfully, your husband
has some flowers...

Right ear.

Whoa! Oh!

There you are, milady.

Ha ha! He is good.



Oh, my gosh. Trinket
has got to see this.

Hee hee!
I'll go get her.

And now for my next trick,
I will make food disappear

Into my belly.

I'm hungry.
Got any grub in this joint?

The banquet tables
are over there.

Thank you, milady.

Ha ha. I fooled them.

Now to put my evil plan
into action.


Whoa. Oh, no!

Ha ha!

What's happening?

Coach: huh?

The wacky wizard!

He's sucking all the fancy
things into his hat.

Somebody stop him!

I didn't want
to have to do this,

But I guess I have
no choice.

[People gasp]

[Garrett yells]

Oh, no!



Don't bother trying
to get out.

Only I can release you
with this magic key.


Uh, that's a frog.

This magic key.

How could
you do this,

Wacky wizard?

You make jokes with
frogs and fish.

And you pull
funny things

Out of
people's ears.

You're supposed
to be wacky,

Not mean.

Ah, ah, ah. That's
where you're wrong.

My name isn't
the wacky wizard.

I'm really...

Badalf, the wicked wizard.

[All gasp]

Ah, you've heard of me,

Perhaps because, oh, I'm
the most wicked wizard

In the world!

[Laughing sinisterly]

Nella: we're back.

Did we miss anything?

King: nella,
run! The wacky wizard is

Really badalf,
the wicked wizard.


I...think we did
miss something.

Look at the time.
Let's go, nella.

Let everyone go, badalf.

Ha! Or what?

You and your pony will have
a tea party with me?

Nella: no.

We don't invite meanies
to tea parties.

Badalf: wowza!
Who saw that coming?

Looks like I'm gonna
have to lock you up, too.

[Nella screams]

Jump, trink!



Hmm, not bad.


But you'll never
catch me.

Not so fast, badalf.

Garrett: whoa.

So cool!

Badalf: aah! Ok, ok.

You caught me...

Or did you?

Badalf has left
the building.

[Laughing sinisterly]

Queen: oh, no! That
wicked wizard is gone.

And he's got the only
key that can get us

Out of these things.

Nella: don't worry, everyone.

I'll get the key from
the wizard

And get you out of those cages.

Be extra careful,

to my knightly
trading cards,

Badalf is one
of the trickiest

Bad guys
to beat,

And his lair is
really hard to get to.

First, you have to climb
mount move-a-lot,

And then you go through
the cave of lava.

mountain climbing? Lava?

I want to go.
That sounds awesome!

It also sounds really,
really, really dangerous.

Don't worry, trink.

With some help
from my knightly tools,

I know we can do it.

That's my girl!
So brave.

Come on. Let's go get
that key.

Trinket: and all
the fancy stuff.

King and queen: good luck!

Queen: be careful!

[Badalf laughing sinisterly]

[Impkins cheering]

Ah, let's see. Let's see.
Gold and jewels and...

Hmm? Uh...


Hee hee!

A crown!

I've always wanted
a crown.

Ooh! Look, it fits
me perfectly.


It fits perfectly.
Now, clap!

[Impkins cheering]


My wizard early warning

We must consult
the crystal shoe.

Well, well, well.

The princess and her
prancing pony think

They'll stop me,

But they'll never get
past mount move-a-lot.

[Badalf laughing

Hee hee!
Hee hee!

Ugh. I keep telling you,

Evil laughs
should not be cute!

Here we are,
mount move-a-lot.

It doesn't look
so bad.

It looks like
a normal mountain,

If you ask me.

Nella: yeah. It's not
even that tall.

Galloping time, trinket.


Both: whoa!

The mountain is


And what's
that sound?

[Male voice]
that's the mountain growling.

Oh, thanks, moving tree.

Nella and trinket:
moving tree?

Everything on
mount move-a-lot moves

Because mount
move-a-lot is alive,

And he doesn't like
being climbed.

It kind of tickles.

So turn back now or
things will get rocky.

Ha ha!

Yeah. You'd better
leaf. Ha!

See what I did there?
That's called word play.


We can't leave,
um, leaf guy.

We have to climb
the mountain to get

A key from
an evil wizard

And save all my friends
and family.

I'm sorry, but
there's no crossing

Mount move-a-lot.

And you'll never
get past all of us.

We'll see about that.
Let's go!




A little faster.

Both: whoa!

Nella: ooh, yeah.

got to go faster.

Great job, trinket.
We're almost to the top.

Both: oh, no. Look!

Trinket: a canyon!

Keep running.

Trust me.



Trinket: whoa. Whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Yes! We made it.

That was...

* Awesome *

The hard part is over.

Now, let's go get that key
and free all our friends.

Hmm, there.

No. Uh, there.


Impkins: whoa! Whoa!

Let's peer at the princess

And her
prancing pony again.

I knew they'd never get
past mount move-a-lot.

Bu wha--wha? They got
past mount move-a-lot.

But they'll never get
past the cave of lava.

[Laughing sinisterly]

That must be
the entrance

To the cave of lava.

Garrett said we
have to go through here

To get to badalf's castle.

All right, trinket.
Let's head in.

Why couldn't it have been
the cave of cotton candy?

No, it had to be
the cave of lava.

Nella: huh. No lava.
Always good.

Yeah! Maybe this
isn't the cave of lava

After all.


Never mind.

It's definitely
the cave of lava.

Ok, so we found
the cave of lava,

But where do we go
now, nella?

Hmm, let me see.
Look! A tunnel.

Trinket: but how are
we gonna get to it?

We can just hop across
the lava on these rocks.

Are you sure
about that, nella?

I'll guide you,

We have to do it.

Think of everyone
back at the castle.

Ok. I can do this.

Hop on that!

Great job, trink.

Now that one!

[Wind blowing]

Hey, this is easy.
Hang on.

Oh, no. We ran out of rocks.

And we're floating away.

But the good news is

Lava hair looks

Yeah, it is really
windy out here.

Wait! That's it.

We can sail across
the lava.

All aboard
the shield ship.

It's time to catch
some lava waves.


Careful, nella.


Great sailing.

Thank my sword
and shield.

Come on. Let's ride.


They made it past
the cave of lava.

How does such a little
princess knight do

Such great things?

Wait. Her heart pendant,
it's glowing,

Like it did at the ball
right before she

into a princess knight.

Ah! Her pendant is
what makes her powerful.

Oh! I figured it out.
I'm a genius.

[Clears throat loudly]

[Impkins cheering]

Thank you. Thank you.

I know just what to do.

Trinket: whoa.

This must be badalf's

Let's head in, trink,
but be careful.

Who knows what kind of
scary things are

In there?


[Impkins laughing]

Aw! They're adorable.

Careful, trinket.
This could be a trap.

No. They're too cute
to be a trap.

And look. They brought
us flowers.

Traps never have flowers.

Badalf had
flowers, too. Hmm.

Impkins: hug, hug, hug, hug.

Ooh. Of course you can
have a hug,

You little fluffy


Huggy, please?

Oh, all right.

I suppose

There's time
for one hug.


Ha ha ha!

They took my

Ha ha ha.


[All cackling]

Oh, no! My knightly
tools, they're gone.

Oh, no!

[Impkins laughing]

[Badalf cackling]

Her pendant, it's mine.

[Laughing sinisterly]

Nella: badalf!

Well, hello again,
and good-bye.



Nella, remember when I said

I didn't think this
was a trap?

Well, I take it back.
This is a trap!

Well, well, well. Look
who's hanging around.

Ha ha ha!

[Nella and trinket moan]

Don't bother trying
to escape.

The only way to get out
of a magic cage is

With a magic key,
but it's way over here.

[Imitates sobbing]

* Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah *

* You can't reach it *


It's my favorite part of
being a villain.

Taunt all you want,

We'll still get out
of here and save

All our friends
and family.

Ah, ah, ah. Not without
your pendant.

That's what made you
brave and powerful.

And now it's mine.

[Laughing sinisterly]

So you care to tell me
how it works?


Ah, it was worth a shot.

You stay here. Stand guard.
I'll be back.

Now, we have to figure out

How this pendant
thingy works.

Ohh. Maybe it's
a magic word.

[Clears throat]

Abra ca-necklace.

[Impkins yawning]


Trinket: look.
They've fallen asleep.

Now's our chance to escape.

Nella: ooh, if I had
my heart pendant,

I could snatch that
key with a ribbon arrow,

But without
my knightly tools,

I'm not sure what to do.

Come on, nella. You'll
think of something.

I don't know, trinket.

Maybe badalf is right.

My pendant is what made
me brave and powerful.

Without it, I'm not
sure there's anything

I can do.

That's not true.

You're the nicest,
bravest person I know.


Thanks, trink.

Both: whoa!

Wait. We made the cage
rock back and forth

A little.

I know. That was
kind of scary.

Let's not
do that again.

No. Let's do it more!


If we make it rock
back and forth enough,

We might be able
to reach the key.

Love it!

Just follow me.

Both: whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Nella: we're almost
to the key.

Keep on rocking.

Trinket: it's working.

Uh! Got it.

Whoo-hoo. Rocking rocks.

Trinket: come on. Let's go.

Careful. We don't
want to wake them up.

[Soft clanking]

[All snoring]

Whew. That was close.

[Loud clanging]


[All chattering]


We can outrun them,
no problem. Come on, nella.

Hang on, trinket. That
poor little guy is hurt.

We have to help him.

Help him?

Are you hurt?

Let me take a look.

Aw. You have a thorn
in your paw.

Hold still,
and I'll pull it out.

No, no, no.

It won't hurt, I promise.
Hey, trinket, he's scared.

Let him hold your hoof.

There. Got it. All better.

Ooh. Ha ha!

Hug, hug hug.

Huggy, huggy,

Nella, we have to go
before they tell badalf

We're free.

They're not gonna
tell on us, are you?


Amazing. See, nella?

You got the key

And made the bad
guys like us,

All without your
heart pendant.

Yeah, you're right.
I did. Huh.

I guess bravery
and kindness

Aren't inside my pendant.

They're inside me.

Trinket: attagirl.

Now, let's go stop
that wizard.

I have a plan, but I'll
need your help.

Will you help us?




Hmm, open says me.


Impkins: * badalf *

what are you doing here?



The crystal shoe.

Put that down before
you break it.

[Impkin imitating
circus music]

[Badalf groans]

That's not a toy!

Magic shoes are
very hard to find,

Especially in my size.

Stop that!

Got it.

And I got it, too.


My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

* My heart grows strong *

* It's time to
shine my light *

* Sword, shield, boots *

* My courage shinin'
bright *

* Now I am *

* The princess knight *

Oh! It's a rhymey thing.
That's how it works.

Ok. See you.

Not so fast, badalf.

Oh, dear.

[Impkins cheering]

Way to go,

We got my pendant.

Now let's get the rest of
the stuff badalf stole

From castlehaven.

[Impkins chattering]

Impkins: ta-da!

What? You never worked
that fast for me.

Ha ha!
Wow! Thanks.

You know what?

Why don't you come
with trinket and me

To the party?


Badalf: go ahead.

Leave me here in this
cage made of ribbons.

I'll get you next time,

You and your little
unicorn, too.

Nope. I'm letting
you go, badalf.

Wha--what? Why?

Because everyone deserves
a second chance.

You were really funny
as the wacky wizard.

I know there's good
in you, too.

Ah, that was a good
show, wasn't it?

Ah, I'll never forget

The look on
your father's face

When I pulled the
flowers from his ear.


[Nella and trinket laugh]

All right. Now,
let's go party.

Yeah! To the party!

[Impkins cheering]

Ah, have fun.

I mean,
I'll get you next time!

Have fun, though.

Nella: we're
back, everyone.



And we've got
the magic key.

And some new friends.

Thank you, sweetie.

Oh, wow.


Yeah, nella!

Go, nella!

Way to go, nella!

King: and now let's get
this party restarted!

[Townspeople cheering,
music playing]


Ha ha! Whoo!


Trinket: way to go, nella.

Nella: whoo!

I can't believe
it, nella.

You beat badalf,
the wicked wizard.

Clod: yeah!

And you let him go.

What if he comes back?

If he does try
to cause trouble

In castlehaven again,
don't worry.

I can stop him, even if I
don't have my knightly tools.

That's right.

Nella: come on,

Let's party!

Oh, yeah!