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01x16 - Princess Nella's Perfect Family Picture/Giant Trouble

Posted: 10/04/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

Nella: "princess nella'’s
perfect family picture."



Fried spinach and mushroom
omelet, sweetie?

It'’s my specialty.

Good morning, family.

Good morning, honey.

Oh! Oh!


Well, you can'’t
make an omelet

Without breaking
a few eggs, huh?

Are you ready for
royal family picture day?

We are, nella.

The picture painter
should be here

Right after breakfast.

Cool. Can you believe
our picture

Is going to hang
for everyone to see?

Oh, I can'’t wait!


I knew you'’d be
excited, too, norma.

And remember, we have
to look our very best.

Everyone will be
expecting it.

Ok. Things to do
before the painter
gets here.

I have to change
into my new dress.

I made it myself,
you know.

I need to trim
my mustache

So it'’s extra perfect.

I'’ve been growing it
for just this occasion.


And, norma,
we'’ll polish

Your extra-fancy

And how about I go
wake up trinket?

I don'’t want her to
miss the family picture.

Be right back.



family picture.

So glamorous.

Nella: trinket!

[Door opens]

Good morning, trinket.
Rise and shine.

Huh? What?
Is it time?

It sure is.

Yay! Royal family
picture day.

I'’ve been waiting
for this day forever.


Hi, trink.

Oh, hey, girls.

Can'’t wait to see
the family pic.

Knowing you,
it'’s gonna be--

All: perfect!

Oh, you girls.

Bye, trink.

Wow, the kingdom
is already

Waiting to see
our picture later.

Ooh! Isn'’t that
exciting, trink?

We all have to look
extra fancy today.

The entire kingdom
is going to see
this picture

And they'’re expecting
super fabulous-ness.

We can'’t
let them down.

Which is why I'’ve been
getting this hairdo

Ready for weeks.


Well, it'’s, um...
Definitely unique.

Oh, nella,
you'’re too kind.

Hello, gorg--[gasps]

Aah! My hair!
I ruined it!

I can'’t be in the
royal family picture

Looking like this.

Oh! It'’s so not perfect.

Trink, the picture
will be great.

Your hair doesn'’t
need to be perfect.

You'’re perfect
no matter what.

Nuh-uh! Everybody'’s
going to see this.

I'’ll be so
embarrassed with
my hair like this.

Well, I guess we
could try to fix it.

Fix it? Really?

Of course.
Leave it to me.

Oh, it'’s no use.

Everyone'’s gonna
laugh when they see
my mane in our picture.

There is one last thing
we could try.

Of course.

When nothing else works,


Oh, nella, it'’s perfect.
I love it.

Thank you so much.

Come on, trink, we better
get to the castle now.

The picture painter
will be here any minute.

Good day,
your highness.

I am here to paint
the royal family picture.

Oh, hello. Very nice
to meet you.

I'’m trinket, and this

Is my, oh, so
glamorous barrette.

Very glamorous,

Come on in.
We'’re all ready to go.

[Norma babbling]

Um, I meant
we'’re almost ready.

Uh, hello, there!

We'’re running a little
behind schedule.

Give us one minute.

I'’ll just set up my canvas
and paints, your majesty.

Trinket and I
will help, mom.

We'’ll get everything
ready for the picture
in no time.

This will be

The most glam
picture ever.

Oh, thank you.

Ooh! These are gonna
look great in
our family picture.

Here you go, norma.

One extra fancy
gold rattle.

[Shakes rattle]


I know, isn'’t it


Oh, hey, there,
little guy.


Aren'’t you
just adorable?

Hey! My barrette!

And my hair!

Come back!


My dress!

my mustache!



Whoa! Ohh!

Oh, look at this room.

And my dress is a mess.

I can'’t be in the picture
with a half a mustache.

My barrette!
The chipsqueak
took it.


Come back!
I need my barrette!

I can'’t be in
the royal family picture

With my hair like this.

Don'’t worry, trink.

We'’ll follow
that chipsqueak

And get your barrette
back right away.

And we'’ll get everything
back in place here.

My heart is bright,

Time to be a
princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Pretty as a picture.

Come on, the chipsqueak
couldn'’t have gone far.

Look, trinket.

She'’s headed towards
the forest.


Look out for the mud.

We don'’t want things
to get any messier.

Whew! That was close.

Trinket: falling fruit!

This chipsqueak
is taking the
messiest path ever.

There she is.


How are we going to
get up there?

Leave it to me.

Hup! Hup!

Be careful nella.

Hello, there,
miss chipsqueak.


Aww, she just wanted
her nest to be beautiful.


I have an idea.

Trinket: wow!

Miss chipsqueak,
could we trade you

This ribbon flower
for that barrette?


Thank you so much.

Yes, thank you.

Now back for
the royal picture.

Hurry, trink!

Phew. We'’re back.
Picture time.

Well, I just can'’t get
this stain out.

Uh, I need half a mustache.


Hmm. I know!

We'’ll just add
some more color.

And presto, a new design.

Wow! I love it, nella.

Ooh, and, dad,
how about a feather
for your mustache?

That works.
Oh, good call, sweetie.

And, norma.

How about some flowers
as well as a rattle?


Nella, could you fix
my hair now?

Sure, trink.

[Painter humming]

Thanks, nella.
I'’m elegant again.

That was fantastic.
Just beautiful.

We all look amazing.

We sure do. Ready for
the picture, everyone?



He'’s leaving

That'’s because...

He already finished
the picture.

[Gasps] and we were
a total mess!

And now the entire kingdom
is about to see it.

Not if I can help it.

Come on, trink.

Look, the painter'’s
almost to the town square

And he'’s going to set
the picture up.

We have to stop him
from showing
that picture, nella.

Then what are
we waiting for?

Ooh! It'’s the royal
family picture.

It'’s done.

Pardon us.
Coming through.

Excuse me, sir.

My family wasn'’t
ready for the...

[Gasps] picture.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, this is horrible.

I wanted that picture

To be so fabulous
and perfect,

And this is what

Ooh, I can'’t wait to
see that royal
family portrait, trink.

It'’s so embarrassing.

Ladies and gentlemen
of castlehaven--

I can'’t look.

I present you
the royal family picture.

[All gasp]i love it!


Whoa, now that'’s

Oh, look at that.


It'’s perfect.

Perfectly us.

You'’re right, trinket.

It shows exactly how fabulous
our family is.

Look, dad is being
so silly.

And mom is as
amazing as always.

And norma is just being
plain adorable.


It doesn'’t matter
what we look like,

This picture shows
how we really
are as a family.

All: love it!

Oh, thank you.
Thank you.

It was
nothing really.

Great job, sir.
We love it.

My pleasure,
your highness.

Do you know what
the most fabulous

And perfect thing
about me in this
picture is, nella?

what, trink?

It shows how lucky I am

To be part of such
a wonderful family.

Aww, trink.

Couldn'’t have said it
more perfectly myself.

Nella: "giant trouble."


Ok, ok.
Let'’s do it again.


[Laughs] yeah.




Aw, you two are so sweet
when you play together.


Are you guys
tea partying?

Yep. We'’re having
a best sisters playdate.

Care for a spot
of lemonade?

Don'’t mind if I do.

But only if I can have one
of those gorgeous cookies, too.

Ready, trinket?



Huh? Whoa!

Ew, what is this?


But how can it be

There'’s not a cloud
in the sky.

I don'’t know, trink,

But it'’s snowing
really big snowballs.

Come on, norma,
we'’ve gotta get you inside.

Oh, my. What is going on?

Oh, no, I'’ve got to
find out where all

These giant snowballs
are coming from.

[Norma fusses]

Aw, don'’t cry, norma.

We can have
our tea party

As soon as we
discover what'’s going...on.

Ok, just be careful,

Come on, norma.
Let'’s get you inside

Where there aren'’t
any giant snowballs.

Nella, nella!
There are
giant snowballs

Flying all
over the kingdom.


Careful, guys.
They'’re really coming down.

Pff! We'’re not afraid
of a little snow.

Yeah, we'’re
way too fast.


That was awesome.that was awesome.

Clod, this is
not awesome.

This snowstorm is ruining
nella and norma'’s tea party.

Now that you mention it,

It'’s almost like these
giant snowballs

Are being thrown at us.

Giant: I'’ll show you!all: huh?

Nella: someone is throwing
snow at us.

Two someones.

Who are those guys?

[Gasps] giants!

According to my
knightly trading cards,

Those are the--[gasps]
rock giants.

The rock giants?

It says right here,

They'’re made
out of big rocks

And they'’re practically
as big as mountains.

Well, they'’re
making a big mess.

And I'’ve gotta do
something about it.

My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

There'’s snow
stopping nella.

Come on, garrett.
Let'’s split up.

You and clod go stop
the giant on that mountain.

While trinket and I
try to get the giant

On the other mountain
to stop.

You got it, nella!

Nella: whoo-hoo!

[Giant grunting]

There he--

Giant: uhh!


What are we going
to do, nella?

The giant'’s still throwing
snow at our kingdom.

Ugh. That is so not ok.

missed! Hey!

Oh, my gosh,

They weren'’t throwing
snowballs at us.

These giants are
throwing snowballs
at each other.

That'’s a relief.

Kind of.

I'’ll show him.

Oh, no!

Oof! Oh, nella!

Whoa. Uh! Uh!

Hold on, wait!

Heh. Hi.

Huh? Who are you?

I'’m nella,
the princess knight.

Pleased to meet you.

Uh, my name'’s trevor.
Nice to meet you, too.

[Gasps] huh?

I'’m here to find
out what all

This snowball
throwing is about.

Oh, yeah, that.
Well, it'’s my little brother.

Ugh. He'’s such a pain.

Always coming to my room.
Always taking my things.


Hitting me with snowballs.

Not funny, grud!

You started it, trevor.

No, you started it!

Oops. Sorry, princess.

I'’m sort of in
the middle of something.

Nella, are you
all right?

Oh, yeah, I'’m totally fine.

But those giant
brothers aren'’t.

They won'’t stop fighting
with each other.


We'’re nearly there,


Brothers fighting.
Should have known.

I know, right?

Brothers aren'’t
supposed to fight.

Ooh, so we need to
show them how to get along.

Yoo-hoo! Trevor?


You know,
if you'’re tired

Of throwing snowballs
at your brother,

You could always
come over

To the castle
for a tea party.

A party? At the castle?

Yeah, with lots of
pretty cups and lemonade
and cookies and--

Did you say cookies?

Cookies are my favorite.

I'’d love to come.

Ok, then. Perfect.
See you soon.

Whoo-hoo! Cookies.


You'’re inviting a giant
over for a playdate?

No, don'’t be silly.


I'’m inviting two giants.


Just need to deliver
an invitation

To the other giant.




Great shot.

Huh? Nella'’s inviting
the giants to a party?


Hey, who are you guys?

Uh, I'’m clod and
that'’s garrett--

No. I mean,
he'’s clod and I'’m garrett.

I mean, sir garrett. Uhh.

What my friend garrett
is trying to say is

This is for you.

I'’m invited to a party?

With cookies.
I love cookies.

Cookies are my favorite.

Aw, thanks, you guys.
I can'’t wait.

Cookies! Cookies!
Cookies! Yum!

Nella: ugh! Good thing
we had a lot of

Leftover cookie dough to make
these giant cookies.


There, everything'’s set
for our tea party.

What do you say, norma?

Ready to try this
playdate one more time?


Garrett and clod: nella!

Garrett, clod,
you made it.

But where'’s your giant?


Hello, princess nella.

My name'’s grud.
Nice to meet you.

Uh, you, too, grud.

Please, come and join
our tea party.


Here, have a seat.

Oops, sorry, princess nella.


Don'’t worry about that.

You can just
sit on the grass.

Why don'’t you enjoy
some lemonade

While we wait for
everyone else to arri--

[Loud footsteps]

Ooh, I wonder who that
could be?

Be right back.


Hi. I'’m so glad
you'’re here.

Hey, princess nella.

Come on over.

Huh? What'’s he
doing here?

What'’s he doing here?

I was invited by
princess nella.

Uh, I was invited
by princess nella.

Well, I was
invited first.

Ok, giant brothers.
Easy does it.

Oh. I told you
he always copies
whatever I do.

Do not.

Let'’s all stay calm
and play nice--

Oh, no, no, no.
You don'’t want to do that.

Ha ha ha! Missed me.


[Trinket gasps]

Well, I never!


Trevor, please stop.


Dragonburps, nella.

This is getting
out of hand.

Nella'’s my friend.


No, she'’s my friend.


Stop throwing snowballs
at me, trevor!

No! You stop throwing
snowballs at me, grud!

Guys, guys,
both of you stop.


You'’ve got to start
getting along.

[Norma crying]

See, you'’re
upsetting norma.

It'’s ok, norma.

Here, I know what
will make you smile.


look at that.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Nella and her sister
sure are

Having fun
eating those cookies.


Mmm, looks delicious.

Aw, so sweet.

I know, right?

Hey, trevor, grud,

You both
like cookies, right?

Yeah, we love cookies.

Both of us.

So why don'’t you have
some together?

Uh, ok.
Uh, ok.

Thanks, nella.

Too bad we don'’t
have a giant spoon,

So we could do
that thing

You and your sister
were doing.

Hey, yeah,
that looks fun.

Maybe this will do.

Thanks, nella.

Here you go,
little bro.


Ha ha ha! Again!


nice cookie catch.

Yeah, those brothers
are great together.

You know, you can
be kind of fun,
little bro.

You, too, big bro.



Couldn'’t agree more, norma,

Now this is a tea party.

[All cheering]