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01x20 - Sir Coach's Quest/The Dragon Knight

Posted: 10/04/22 07:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

Ok, ok, students.

As you know, one of
your most important

Knightly tools is
your bow and arrow.

Yep. I know.
Got it.

Sir coach: so to practice,
I'’ve set up

A bow and arrow
training course!


But keep your eyes

There are surprises
along the way.

Students: awesome!

Heh heh heh! Rrgh!

Uh! Ooh! Whoa!

Uh-oh! All right.
Line up.

Here are your bows.


Set and...

[Whistle blows]

Hup hup hup hup hup!

So cool.

Ha! Watch this.

Go, blaine!

Ha ha ha!

Garrett: a target.


This course
is so easy.


Ha ha ha!
Need a hand?

[Grunts]thanks, nella.

whoa, cool.

[Whistle blows]

Sir coach:
gather round.

Top marks
go to...nella.

You were

thanks, guys.


Could it be?

Sir coach,
what was that?

Well, students, I
believe that was a gr--


Run for it!

It'’s coming!


Knight brigade?

sir coach!

There'’s a griffalsnook
in the giganti-forest!

And it'’s scaring

All the poor
critters away.

What'’s a griffalsnook?

Ooh, let me check my
knightly trading cards.

Ah. It says
that griffalsnooks

Have big wings
and big claws.

[Griffalsnook roars]


We need--

We need to get
the griffalsnook

Out of the giganti-trees,
and the only person

Who can do it is...
Sir coach.

Sir coach?
Sir coach?

Of course.

Sir coach was one of
the greatest knights

Of his time.

Way to go, sir coach.

Well, I suppose I
did have my moments.

Knight brigade,
I accept your quest.

Want me to come
with you, sir coach?

Maybe my bow-and-arrow
skills could help.

Thanks, nella, but
I'’m the only knight

Who'’s ever faced
a griffalsnook,

And, well, you'’re
still learning.

Still learning?

here I come.

Hup hup
hup hup hup...


Ha ha ha!

Don'’t worry, kids.

With this trusty bow,

Sir coach will stop
the griffalsnook.

Wait. That'’s
sir coach'’s bow?

Yep. Found it
over there.

Uh, if you have
sir coach'’s bow,

Then that means
he doesn'’t.


Sir coach can'’t face
the griffalsnook

Without his bow.

I have to go help him.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Now, that
was impressive.

I'’m off to find
sir coach.

Good luck.
Good luck.

Go find him,

Sir coach:
hup hup hup hup hup hup.

Hup hup hup.

Hup hup hup.




The griffalsnook.
He must be close.

Time to ready
my trusty b--

Ohh! Hey, where'’s my trusty bow?

How will I stop the griffalsnook
without it?

Nella: sir coach?

Sir coach, where are you?

Ah, sir coach,
there you are.

Hup hup hup--nella?
What are you doing here?

I came
to give you this.

Ah, my bow!

Oh, I was so eager
to get started

On my quest, that I must
have left it behind.

Thank you, nella.

My pleasure.

Well, I guess I better
get back to the class.

Actually, nella,
since you'’re here,

Why don'’t you
join me on my quest?

Yes, but remember,

This is a very
serious mission,

And even though you
are very talented

With your bow and arrow,
you still got

A lot to learn,
so stay close by.

You got it,
sir coach.


Follow me, nella.

Coming, sir coach.

Good job.


Keep your eyes
peeled for any sign

Of the griffalsnook.


Quick, nella,
catch the critters.

Hup hup hup...

Don'’t worry.
I got you.

Whoa! Oh!
Hey! Come to coachy.


Ah, the griffalsnook
must be close by.


Come on, nella.
Let'’s keep on looking.

I don'’t see the
griffalsnook anywhere.

Ooh, I know
what to do.

No, nella. Wait.

Oh, it'’s fine,
sir coach.

I'’m just going up
to get a better look.

But stop!
That'’s the--


Sir coach, help!

Hang on, nella.
I'’m coming.

Hup hup hup!



This should
do the trick.



Sir coach,
that was incredible.

How did
you do that?

Um, it'’s just a trick
from the old days.

When you bend
an arrow and throw it,

It always comes
back to you.

So cool.

Sir coach, I'’m sorry
I got myself into trouble.

You were right. I guess
I am still learning.

Nella, a knight
never stops learning.

Of course.

Now come on.
All right.

I want to learn
everything I can

From the great
sir coach.

Ha ha! Well--


Sir coach: well,
we know the griffalsnook

Is somewhere in the top
of these giganti-trees,

So we'’re gonna
have to climb them.

Whoa. Race you
to the top.


These giganti-trees
are really slippery.

Ah, but we knights
have a trick for that.

Now your feet
won'’t slip...

whoa. Cool.

And now we climb.



There he is--
the griffalsnook.

Well spotted,

Next, we need to use
our arrows to trap him.

Trap him?


Aww, but the griffalsnook
doesn'’t look mean.

I wonder if something
else is going on.

Sir coach, is it ok
if I go talk to him?

Talk to
a griffalsnook?

Hmm, I'’ve
never heard

Of a knight doing
such a thing.

Please? Maybe
we can find out why

The griffalsnook
is acting this way.

Oh, all right, but
I'’m coming with you.

Aww, thanks,
sir coach.

[Clears throat]

Hi there.
Oh, hello.

Um, griffalsnook,
sir, I'’m nella

The princess knight,
and this is my teacher

Sir coach.



It'’s nice
to meet you.

I'’m griffin.


Are you ok, griffin?
You seem kind of tired.


I am.

I'’m flying south for
a nice, warm vacation,

But it'’s far,

And I really need
to take a rest.

But no matter
where I land,

I can'’t seem
to get comfortable.

Oh, so that'’s why
you'’re shaking the trees.

I'’m just so tired.

Sorry, griffin,
but I don'’t think

There'’s any way
to make these trees

More comfortable
for you.

Hey, maybe there is.
I have an idea.

Oh. I see.

Nella: there.
Here you go, griffin--

Your very own

Oh, no way!
Ha ha ha!

Oh, yeah!
Ooh, whoa.

Lot of wing room.
That'’s nice and cozy.

Ohh! Oh, nella,
sir coach,

I don'’t know
how to thank you.

Both: you'’re welcome.

We did it,
sir coach.

[Griffin snoring]

Ha ha! That'’s--

Where are they?

Look! They'’re back.


We did it,

The woods
are safe again.

Ha ha! Yes!


Ha ha ha!

Thanks for
letting me join

Your quest today,
sir coach.

I really learned
a lot from you.

And I learned a lot
from you, nella.

You learned
something from me?

Of course.

I learned that talking
can be a great way

To figure out
a problem.


Nella: and I think we
both learned how to help

A griffalsnook
get some rest.

Ha ha! We sure
did, nella.

We sure did.





Oh! Whoa! Ah!

Gee, you
get there fast.


brigade, halt.


Now twirl, catch,
and lunge.

Both: twirl,
catch, and--ah!




And lunge.


getting it.

It'’s great practicing
with you, princess nella.

We'’re sure happy to have you
on the knight brigade today.

Thank you for filling in,
your majesty.

Castlehaven is
lucky to have you

During this
sniffle emergency.


Oh, we sure are.


Hee hee! Oh...

Captain: now that one
of us has the sniffles,

We couldn'’t possibly
do all our duties

With just
the of us.

It'’s an honor to
join you for the day,

Plus this
is gonna be fun.

What do we say,

All: the knight brigade
always saves the day.

Smelgly: I'’m here! I'’m here!


Don'’t start without me.

Oh! Ow!

Ready to
fill in, sir.

What'’s this?

A dragon wants
to be a knight?

Oh, yes.

I'’ve been waiting
for this chance

To be a knight
ever since

I was a dragon pup.

Ha ha!
A dragon knight.

Who ever heard
of it? Ha ha!

[Captain clears throat]

I'’m sorry, smelgly,
but nella'’s

Already filling in
for today.

You mean
I missed my chance?

But I worked so hard
to get ready.

Oh, smelgly, I didn'’t
know you wanted

To be in
the knight brigade.

Maybe we can
both help out.

The more knights,
the merrier.

But no knight has
claws. Ha ha ha!

Or a big tail
like hers.

Captain: a dragon knight?
It'’s absolutely impossible.

nothing'’s impossible.

Remember, there are
all kinds of knights.

♪ There was off-the-wall
sir gordon ♪

♪ Who loved jousting
while skateboardin'’ ♪

♪ Sir spaghetti liked to wield ♪

♪ A plate of meatballs
for a shield ♪

♪ Each was brave
in their own way ♪

♪ Each had courage,
each had might ♪

♪ Which is why I always say ♪

♪ There'’s a lot of ways
to be a knight ♪

♪ Find what'’s special
about you ♪

♪ And you'’ll be
a great knight, too ♪

♪ There'’s so many ways
to quest ♪

♪ Try to find
what you do best ♪

♪ Just be brave
in your own way ♪

♪ Use your unique dragon might ♪

♪ And then you'’re sure to say ♪

♪ There'’s a lot of ways
to be a knight ♪

Uh, oh, very well.

I suppose we could
use the help.

We'’ll give
the dragon a try.


I'’m going to be a knight?

Oh, you don'’t know what this
means to me, sir.

Thank you, thank you.
I won'’t let you down.

Oh! Uh...
Oopsie. Ha ha!

Ha ha!
Don'’t worry.

I'’m sure

Just excited.
Ha ha ha!

[Captain clears throat]

The knight brigade
has many duties.

The first one is
answering the call

Of the knightly

Ooh, this is
so exciting.

When the alarm

It means someone'’s
in trouble.

The knight brigade
must run as fast

As they can and
slide down the pole.

Get set and...


[Bell ringing]


Hmm. Now, want to
give it a try?

Ready. Huh!


How'’d she do that?


Ok, smelgly.
It'’s your turn.

Oh, my, that is
a long way down.

[Bell ringing]

Go on, smelgly.

Ok, I can do this.


Oops. I'’m stuck.

Captain: unwrap it,
young knight. Unwrap it.



Oh, no!

Whoa! Uh!

That tail.

So--heh heh heh--
what'’s next?

That'’s it.
Keep it moving.

The knight brigade also has
the important duty

Of directing
village traffic.

We can do that,
right, smelgly?

Sure, we can.
Easy peasy.

All right, then.
Here'’s your chance.

Yes, sir.

This way, everyone.

Her tail'’s pointing
in all directions.

Can we move forward now?
Which way?

Huh? Oh, no,
not that way.

This way. Oh, dear.
Come back.

Man: which one
of us can go?



Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.

Shields alive,
what a mess.

She'’s blocked up
all the traffic.

Oh, nella,
please help.

I'’m on it.
Hold up there.

Your turn.
Here we go.

You'’re on
your way now.

All right.
Thank you, nella.

This way.
Over here. Come on.

I wish I were as great
a knight as nella.

She makes everything
look so easy.

Yes, indeed.

What would we do
without her?

Both: march, march,
march, and turn.

Captain: now for one of
our most important duties--

Guarding our
splendid kingdom.

Who goes there?

It'’s us--fizzle,
fuzzle, and me--gork,

And we'’re here to visit trinket
at her stable.

Oh, hi, guys.

They may enter.

Now, then, do you
think you can manage?

Oh, yes.

I'’m sure I can do this
backward and forward,

Maybe even upside down.

Leave it to us.

You heard her,

It'’s time for the
changing of the guards.

About face...
And march.

March, march,
march, and turn.

Ooh, I'’m really getting
the hang of it now.




Oh, no!

How did I
get up here?

Get me down
from here.

Oh, no.
What did I do?

Hold on, captain.
I'’ve got you.

Ok, guys.
Slide down.



saved us.

You see why a dragon
can'’t be a knight?

She just need a little
more practice,

Right, smelgly?

Smelgly, wait.

I'’ve got to go
after her.

Smelgly? Smelgly!


Um, hey there.

You'’ve got to
come back, smelgly.

Now, come on.
What do you say?

Our knightly
duties await.

Galloping ogres.
I can'’t do this, nella.

You'’re a real
knight, not me.

I mean, look at all the
cool things you can do.

Hey, there are all kinds
of knights, remember?

You just have to find
your own way to be a knight.

But all I'’ve got is
a big, clumsy tail

That always gets
in the way.

[bell ringing]

Captain: knights,
the bell!

Knights: the knight brigade
always saves the day.

Oh, no. It'’s
a real emergency.

We'’ve got to go help.

Ohh, I'’m not sure
I'’m ready yet.

You can do this,

Besides, I can'’t go
without my partner.

Well, all right,

Come on.


What'’s going on?

Oh, it'’s
terrible. Look.

That adorable critter
got stuck in that tree.

Don'’t worry,

The captain
is coming.

Here I go.
I'’ve got you.

I'’ve got you.
Oh, no! Whoa!

Oh, no. We'’ve got
to do something.


The captain!
The captain!

They'’re heading
for that waterfall.

We'’ve got
to stop them.

Nella, help!

Oh, here they come.

If only we had
a net to catch them.

Smelgly, that'’s it.

Quick, can you
curl your tail?

You mean
like this?

Perfect, and now
it'’s a ribbon net.


You'’ve got this,

You can do it.
Ok, nella.

Use your


I caught him!

Way to go,

[Both panting]



Aw, you did it,

I did, didn'’t i?

I never knew all the things
my tail could do.

It really is
my strength.

Smelgly, I owe you
an apology.

I was wrong.

A dragon
can be a knight.

Smelgly, in recognition
of your bravery

For saving me
and an adorable critter,

I hereby name you
honorary knight

Of the knight brigade.

I knew you
could do it.

I now knight you

Smelgly the
dragon knight.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, everyone.

I'’ll be ready to fill in any
time a knight has the sniffles.

Princess knight
and dragon knight

Are reporting
for duty.

Both: we'’ll save the day
with the knight brigade.

Yay, smelgly!
