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01x21 - Triple Play/Flutter 2.0

Posted: 10/04/22 07:29
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪


Perfect. The invitations
are all done.

Oh, flutter? Flutter?

Flutter reporting for
duty, princess nella.

Wow! Flutter,
you look fantastic.

I hope so. Today is
castlehaven friendship day,

The most important day
of the year

For a messenger falcon.

I know, right?
Friendship day'’s the best.

So I'’m making cards to
invite everyone

To the big party.

Whoa! Totes amazing.

The first one
is for trinket,

But hurry back.

We'’ve got a lot of people
to invite

And not much time to do it.

[Clears throat]

What? Oh, yeah. Send.


Good luck.

Hi, flutter.

Can'’t stop. Important day.

Clod: hey, flutter,
looking sharp.

Can'’t stop. Important day.

[Trinket sighs, horn blows]

A message
from princess nella.

"You are cordially invited

To a castlehaven friendship
day celebration."

"Smiley face, kiss,
winky face, kiss."

Ooh! I'’ll be there,
but what color

Do you think
works best, flutter?

Sorry. Can'’t stop.
Busy day.

Message delivered,
your highness.

Thanks, flutter!
You'’re the best.

One down, to go.

? Wow. That'’s--
that'’s a lot.

I know it'’s a big stack
to deliver

In time for the celebration,
but don'’t worry, flutter.

I decided to get you
some help.

Um, help?

Nella: and here he is.

Never fear.
Flapper'’s here.


Greetings, your majesty.

Delivery falcon flapper here,

Ready to handle all your
message delivery needs.

But, your highness,
I don'’t need another falcon

To help me deliver
these messages.

I'’m impeccably

Ooh, I'’m trained, too.

I can fly backwards...

Nella: wow!

I could do that.

I can loop-de-loop.

Double wow.

I don'’t see how that helps
getting messages delivered.

[Flapper chuckles]


With both of you
delivering messages,

Everyone will be invited
for the celebration

In no time at all.

Group hug!

Now, we'’d better get
these cards out quick.

Here'’s one for gork.
Ready? Send.

Flutter: sending.

And this one goes
to polkadottie.



Flapper: coming through!

Hi, flutter.
Bye, flutter.


Message delivered.

Ooh, eh--already?

Hi, flutter.
Bye, flutter.

Ooh, whoa.

Message delivered.



[Blows horn]

Message from princess nella.


Sorry. Can'’t stop.
Busy day.


Hi, flutter.


Message delivered.

I'’m ready for the next
message, your highness.

Wow, flapper.
You are so quick.

Message delivered.

Princess, ooh.

Should I go
to sir coach next

Or to
the knight brigade?

Flapper already delivered
to them and to polkadottie

And to blaine and to--

Mom: nella, could you
come here, please?

Oh, mom is calling.

Can you guys send out
the rest of the messages?

Not a problem, your majesty.
We'’ve got this covered.

Remember to be quick.

Not a problem.

Listen, flappie--

Princess nella is
my princess.

We don'’t need another
messenger falcon

Around here.

Of course you do!

Otherwise, all
the friendship day cards

Won'’t get delivered in time.

That little
bird is so fast.

I'’ve got to do something
to stop him

From delivering
all these messages

Or everyone will think
I'’m really slow.

So where should I
go next?

Oh, well,
since you are so fast,

Why don'’t you deliver
this very important card

To, uh...

The glitter troll?

The glitter troll?

I'’ve never heard of
a glitter troll.

Well, he'’s definitely
not made up, totally real,

And he lives at...

Whirlwind peak.

whirlwind peak?

But birds can'’t
fly up there.

It'’s way
too windy.

It could take
me all day.

Yes, it might,
but a true messenger falcon

Never says no
to a delivery.

Of course, if you think
you can'’t handle it...

No! I can do it. Uh,
thanks for trusting me

With such an important
job, friend.


There. Now I can deliver
all the other messages

For princess nella
by myself.

That should impress her.

Ah! Thanks!

Whoa! This is great.



At last, whirlwind peak.

Now, where
is that glitter troll?




Messages delivered.

Flutter, you did it,
and just in time.

Where'’s flapper?
Uh, he...

Must still be out

His last message.

Ha ha! Ok, I just don'’t
want him to miss

The friendship day party.

Olivia: hi, nella.
Gork: hi!

Hi there.

Nella: welcome to our big
friendship day party, everyone.

Today is all about friendship,

So I want to make sure
all my friends know

Just how much I appreciate them.

♪ I have a special
friend named trinket ♪

♪ I love
to laugh with her ♪

♪ And share
the latest trends ♪

All: ♪ '’cause there'’s nothing
better than being friends ♪

Oh, where is he?
I do hope flapper'’s ok.

Nella: ♪ I have some friends
named clod and garrett ♪

♪ On a scale of one to five,
I'’d say they'’re tens ♪

All: ♪ '’cause there'’s nothing
better than being friends ♪

Oh, dear! What if
something'’s happened to him?

♪ I can'’t forget ♪

♪ My great friend
flutter ♪

♪A truly honest
pal ♪

♪ Whose kindness
never ends ♪

All: ♪ that'’s why ♪

♪ There'’s nothing
better than being... ♪

Oh! I'’m
a terrible friend.


Boy, that song takes
a real twist at the end.

Are you all right,

No! No, I don'’t deserve
a word of that song.

I'’m so ashamed.

What do you mean?

I'’ve been so jealous
of flapper,

And all because I thought

You liked him more
than you liked me.

Oh, flutter, just
because I like flapper,

That doesn'’t make you

Any less of a friend
to me.

I thought you might
replace me with him,

So I sent him all the way
to whirlwind peak

To keep him busy all day.

[Nella and her friends gasp]

Whirlwind peak?

But he could be in
serious danger there.

I'’ve got
to go find flapper

And bring him back home.

My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’
bright ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ The princess knight ♪

What a friend!

I'’m off to
whirlwind peak.

And I'’m coming to help you.

Nella'’s friends:
good luck!

This way. Come on!

Ohh, I'’m not sure I can
make it, your highness.



Flutter, catch!


Phew! Thank you,
princess nella.

Flapper: whoa! Help!

Good gracious!
There he is.

Don'’t worry, flapper!
We'’ll save you!

How will we save him?

My ribbon arrows.

Yes! Catch the arrow,


Oh, no.

The whirlwind
is too strong.

My arrows can'’t get
to flapper.

Then I'’ll have to carry
the arrow to him myself.


Are you sure?

We'’ve got no other choice.

Ok, here he comes
again. Get ready.

I'’m getting dizzy!

I'’m coming, flapper!


Nice flying, flutter.

I'’ve got you!



I'’ve got you, flapper.

Nella: hold on tight. Whoa!


Thank you for saving me,
you guys.

I'’m sorry I wasn'’t able
to deliver this message.

I failed.

Oh, flapper, I'’m
the one who'’s sorry.

There is no glitter troll.

There isn'’t?

No. I made him up
to keep you busy all day.

I thought princess nella
liked you more than me

Because you were so quick.

Really? But I was
only being quick

Because I wanted to
impress you, flutter.

You'’re my hero.


I wanted to be
as good as you.

Really? That'’s beautiful.

Aw! I'’m so glad
you guys are friends.

Now, come on.

We have a party
to get to.

Falcons: let'’s go!

[Horn blowing]

Garrett: wait a second.
What'’s that noise?

Look! There they are.


Nella: happy castlehaven
friendship day, everybody.

Let the celebration begin.

But first, if I
could, I'’d like

To introduce
you all to someone.

♪ He'’s my terrific
friend named flapper ♪

♪ And I'’m proud of
every message ♪

♪ That he sends ♪

All: ♪ '’cause there'’s nothing
better than being friends ♪

[Nella squeals]

Nella: I can'’t believe
we'’re almost there.

yeah, let'’s hurry!

I can hardly wait
to get there.

Clod: me neither!

Get where?

Today'’s the castlehaven
harvest festival, remember?

It'’s a big fair, where we
play in the leaves,

Bake pumpkin pies.

And make scarecrows!

I guess it'’s more
of a scare-clod

Than a scarecrow.


Usually, scarecrows sit
in fields to guard crops,

But we'’re entering this one

In the harvest festival
scarecrow-making contest.

[Wind blowing]

Uh, what'’s that?

[Clod gasps]

it'’s a whirlwind!

Garrett: look out!

Oh, no!

The whirlwind ruined
our beautiful scarecrow.

And worse than that,
it'’s heading straight

For the harvest festival.

Oh, my gosh!
We got to stop it.

Leave that to me.

My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’
bright ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ The princess knight ♪

Whoa. Now, that was

A whirlwind...
Of sparkles.

This ought to do the trick.

There. Stopped it.

Yay, nella!way to go, nella!

Clod: you did it!

[Nella gasps]

Look, it'’s a dragon.

[Garrett and trinket gasp]

Ok, make that...

Two dragons?

Nella, trinket, and clod:
three dragons?

According to
my knightly trading cards,

That'’s not dragons.

It'’s a -headed hydra.


Uh, hi there.

Why, hello there.

I'’m nella
the princess knight,

And these are
my friends.

Hi there.

What a pleasure
to meet you.

We'’re the hydra sisters.
I'’m dena.

And I'’m reba.

And my name is maureen

But you can call me mo.

It'’s very nice to meet
you, dena, reba, and mo.

Sorry about
all those ribbons.

I hope you understand

Why we had
to slow you down.

Garrett: you were
spinning so fast,

You kind of became
a whirlwind

And almost ruined
the harvest festival.

Trinket: and you did ruin
our fabulous scarecrow.

[Dena gasps]

Oh, dear. We did?
I'’m so sorry.

That was an accident.

Yeah, we just start
arguing and twisting

And twisting and arguing.

And the next
thing we knew...

All: we were a whirlwind.

It'’s ok. We can fix
our scarecrow.

But why were
you guys arguing?

Dena: well, we wanted to go
to the harvest festival

But for
very different reasons.

You see, I want to bake
some delicious pumpkin pies.

But I want to jump
in the leaves.

But I want to build
a scarecrow.

Well, why not
do all those things?

We can'’t.
We'’re only one hydra.

And we all want to go first,
which is why I say

We'’re gonna make some pie.

No way, dena! We'’re
jumping in leaves first.

Mo: no, reba.
We will be--agh!--

Making a scarecrow

Me first!
Me first!

Oh, me first!
No way!

[Sisters arguing]

[Strong wind blowing]

Dena, reba, mo, please stop!

[Arguing continues]

Please stop!

Dena: pardon.

Reba: our bad.

Look, you guys just
can'’t keep arguing.

Your whirlwind'’s

Gonna mess
everything up.

Especially at
the festival.

Reba: but what can we do?
We all want to go first.

Yeah! And we can'’t do
things at once.

It'’s impossible.

It pains me to
admit it,

But they'’re

Well, why not try
taking turns?

All: turns?

Of course! Taking turns
is the perfect way

To make sure everyone
gets to do what they want.

Nella: come with us to
the harvest festival.

We can help you
show you how it'’s done.

ok. Let'’s try it.

Reba: yeah!

Mo: I am cautiously
optimistic about this.

Trinket: but, nella,
what about our scarecrow?

Don'’t worry, guys.

First we'’ll help
the hydra sisters,

Then we'’ll fix
up our scarecrow

And win
the contest.

Garrett: sounds
like a plan.

Let'’s go!

Ahh! The castlehaven
harvest festival.

Garrett and clod:
it'’s so awesome!

And will you look at that?

There'’s the pumpkin pie
baking stand.

Reba: ooh! Ooh! I can see
the leaf-jumping area.

Mo: and the scarecrow
contest is over there.

Nella: ok, hydra sisters,
why don'’t we let mo

Take her turn first?

Reba and dena:
what? Why?

Well, it'’s just that
someone has to go first.

And since we need to fix up
our scarecrow, too,

I thought--

Excuse me, nella.
Can I be honest?

I should really
go first because, well--

Ha ha--i am the oldest.

Oldest? We have
the same birthday.

I'’m the strongest.


Yes, but it'’s
too late.

We already picked.
I'’m going first,

And that'’s all
there is to it.

No, it'’s not.

Mo: yes, it is.

Reba: oh!

Mo: do not argue.

Ok. Hydra sisters, remember,

You promised to give
taking turns a try.

Yeah! So let'’s all go
make some scarecrows.

All: ok.

Oh, how delightful!

There'’s nothing
more fun

Than stuffing
your own scarecrow.

[Dena sighs]

This is boring.

Reba: are we done yet?

Nella: done? Mo just
started her turn.

Oh, man.

Oh, wow!

That looks like
so much more fun!

Mo'’s turn is over.

Let'’s go jump
in some leaves.

Mo: hey! I'’m not
finished yet.

Reba: it'’s time for
leaf jumping.

Mo: I'’m not finished
with my turn yet.

Dena: but I want
to bake a pie.

Nella: wait, guys!
Don'’t ruin the festival.

Oh, no!

Reba: I want to bake a pie!

Garrett: look out!

Finally! My turn!
Leaf time!


[Reba chuckling]

My turn rules!

I'’d say
it drools.

I got leaves
in my mouth and...


And a wonderful smell
in my nose.

Oh! Pumpkin pies!

Slow down, guys.

Remember, taking turns
takes time.

Dena: yup. And now
it'’s my turn!

Nope, nope...

May I remind you we
have not finished...

[All arguing]
nella: wait!

Garrett: whoa!

Dena: it'’s my turn!
It'’s my turn...

Oh. This is
a disaster.

It might be. Look.

They'’re heading
for the pumpkin pies.

Do something, nella.

Don'’t worry, trink.
I'’m on it.

Nella: uh-oh!

Garrett: look out!

It'’s raining pies!

Wait. Why am I upset
about this?


gauntlets, nella!

The whirlwind'’s getting
out of control.

It'’s more powerful
than ever before.

Nella: ooh, then you know
what we need to stop it?

A ribbon whirlwind.

Reba: aah!

Dena: what'’s happening?


Are you
hydra sisters ok?

Mo: yes, but we'’re
so, so sorry, nella.

Dena: I guess we'’re just not
cut out for taking turns.

We can'’t do it.
It'’s just too hard.

But, guys, you didn'’t
really give taking turns

A chance.

Yeah. You
didn'’t even wait

For anyone'’s turn
to finish.

But how do we do that?

It'’s no fun
when it isn'’t your turn.

Well, it can be.

If you take a look
at what'’s going on

When it'’s not
your turn,

You might just find
something fun to do.

And that will make
waiting your turn

Not so hard.

All: what do you mean?

Nella: ♪ taking turns
is tough ♪

♪ '’Cause waiting'’s
sure a chore ♪

♪ But find some way
to enjoy each turn ♪

♪ You'’ll find
it'’ll soon be yours ♪

Dena: please explain.

Ok, dena.

Time to make
pumpkin pie.

Dena: let'’s go!

Nella: ♪ if baking'’s
not your thing ♪

♪ Find an aspect
you find fun ♪

♪ Like pounding
on the dough ♪

Mo: ♪ could I
lick the spoon ♪

♪ When you'’re
done? ♪

Of course.

♪ Taking turns
is tough ♪

♪ '’Cause waiting'’s
sure a chore ♪

♪ But find some way
to enjoy each turn ♪

♪ And you'’ll find
it'’ll soon be yours ♪

Sisters: mmm!

[Timer dings]

[Sisters sniffing]


Hey, look! It'’s already
time for your turn, reba.

Time to jump
in those leaves.

Reba: all right!

♪ If jumping in leaves
is not for you ♪

♪ Look at it
a different way ♪

♪ I could use these
on my scarecrow ♪

♪ The colors match
the hay ♪

Dena: ♪ and I do love
how they float and spin ♪

♪ The pretty patterns
that they make ♪

♪ See, finding ways
to enjoy each turn ♪

All: ♪ makes taking turns ♪

♪ Feel great ♪

Nella: all right,
mo. You'’re up.

Wow. I simply
don'’t believe it.

We'’re taking turns.

And it isn'’t so bad.

Dena: yeah! I learned

I actually kind of
like jumping in leaves,

And decorating scarecrows
is pretty fun, too.

I'’ll say!

See? Taking turns can be
tough sometimes,

But if you open your eyes
and find something fun to do

While you'’re waiting,

Your turn comes
before you know it.

Truer words
have never been spoken.

Why, just look
what we created!

Hey! It'’s me. Aw.

You didn'’t have
to do that, guys.

Mo: one good turn
deserves another.

Garrett: hey.
Speaking of which...

Kids, trinket, and clod:

Dena: amazing.
Look at that!

Mo: it'’s astounding.

only one thing better

Than a -headed
hydra scarecrow.

What'’s that?

a -headed hug.

All: aw!