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01x22 - The Fanciest of Them All/Practice Makes Progress

Posted: 10/04/22 07:30
by bunniefuu
* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* Adventure is calling,
she can't stay away *

* Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great *

* Her necklace is glowing,
now she'll find a way *

* With help from
her best friends *

* They'll save the day *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* True to herself,
doing what's right *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

Hmm. The sequins
are pretty.

Oh, they so are!

But then lilac is
your color.

Oh, it so is,

And it's so hard
to choose.

I just have to look
my best, nella.

This is going
to be one fancy
welcome party.

Yeah. Blaine's family
is really pulling out
all the stops

To welcome his cousin
olivia to our kingdom.

Ooh! I've heard she's
super fancy and--oh!

Wait a sparkly second!

I know it's in here

Whoa! A lilac
saddle bag
with sequins?


Are you guys ready?

We got to hurry!
The party's
almost starting.

Trinket: can't rush
perfection, clod.

Garrett: but we can rush
to the dance floor.

* Mmm mmm mmm
mmm-mmm mmm *

Nella: come on then!
Let's get partying!

All right!!

Check this
place out!

Garrett: wow!

dance floor ahead.

Last one there is
a dragon burp!

Wait for me, buddy!

This party is amazing!

well, if you think
this is awesome,

Just wait till my
cousin olivia

Ooh! I'm so excited
to meet her, blaine.

I've heard she's
really fancy.


Nella: look!

Clod: ooh!
What is that?

Trinket: she's got
a sky carriage?

Wow, oh, wow,
oh, wow, oh, wow!

Hello! Hello
to you all!


What'd I tell you?

Cousin olivia!

Cousin blaine!

Wow! She's
so stylish.

What fashion sense!

Nella: yeah, and she
seems so nice, too.

Want to go meet
her, trink?

Of course.

Hi, olivia.
Welcome to castlehaven.

Blaine's told us
so much about you.

And whom do I have
the pleasure
of meeting?

Oh, sorry!
I'm princess nella.

Princess nella?

I'm terribly sorry.

I didn't see
your tiara.

I've always wanted
to be friends
with a princess!

Charmed to meet you.


I'm trinket.

Trinket, that
lilac saddle bag

Really brings
out the pink
in your mane.

So stylish!

Thanks, olivia!

I like her already.
What great taste!

Trink and I
love fashion,

And you've got
amazing style yourself!

Naturally. Ha ha!

Would you like to
come hang out

At the party with us?

Nella, I would
be delighted.

It's not every day
I meet someone
as fancy as me.

Clod: * mmm mmm mmm
mmm-mmm mmm *

* Mmm ohh *

So what do you think,

Pretty fancy
welcome party, right?

Not as fancy
as my parties,

But, yeah,
it's fine.

Well, try these.

They're fancy
and delicious!

Not bad.
Oh, yeah?

Wait until you taste

The party cake!

Ooh! That's
more like it!

The...very heavy...
Party cake.

Clod: * mmm mmm mmm
mmm-mmm mmm *

* Ayy ohh *


Nella: oh, no!

The cake is heading
straight for olivia!

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!


Clod: hooray!
You saved the cake!

And olivia.

Oh, my gosh!
I almost got caked!

Oh, thank you,
gallant knight

For saving m--nella?!

You're a...knight?

But you're supposed
to be a princess!

I am a princess
and a knight. I'm both.

No...way. You cannot be
a princess and a knight.

Um, why not?

Ha ha ha!
Because being fancy

Is a full-time job.

It's simply not possible
to be both.

it's totally possible

To be fancy and have
amazing fashion sense

And be
a super brave knight

Because that is exactly
what nella is.

Blaine: all right, everyone.

Let the official
party dancing begin!

[Playing rock music]

Time to boogie!

Heh! I'm right
behind you, buddy.

Time for some
fancy dancing.

Try to keep up
if you can.

Ooh. She's not
being very nice.

I can't believe
I wanted to be her friend.

She's just never met
a princess knight

Let's give her
another chance, trink.

I have to admit
her dancing is
pretty fancy.

Yeah, and it sure
looks like fun.

Then get out there
and show her

Some of your
moves, nella!

Why not?

And spin and parry
and plie.

Whee! Ha! Ooh!

Clod: nice moves, nella!

Thanks, clod!

Ooh! Lemonade.
Don't mind if I do.

Now what are you

Those aren't fancy
princess dance moves.

You're dancing
like a knight.

I love dancing like
a princess and a knight.




[All gasp]

Nella: look out!

Aah! Ohh! Aah!
Ohh! Aah!


Gork: aah!


I'm ok!

[All gasp]

Oh, no. The party
is ruined.

Olivia: don't worry,
cousin blaine.

I know just what
will raise everyone's spirits--

A ride in my spectacular
sky carriage!

That sounds good!

Sky carriage!
Brilliant idea.

Great idea,
cousin olivia!

Thanks for saving
the party.

Come on, everybody!

This way to my cousin
olivia's sky carriage!

Sorry, nella.

Maybe if you spent
less time being a knight

And more time being
a princess,

You wouldn't slip
when you dance.

Oh, thank goodness
I'm such

A sweet unicorn.

Otherwise, I'd give
that olivia

A piece of my mind.


It's ok to be both
a princess

And a knight, isn't it?

Girl, of course
it's ok!

Just look at you!

You're fancy,

And brave!

That's what makes
you the most
amazing knight ever!

I mean, have you
ever seen a knight
with so much pizzazz?

Aw, thanks, trink.
You're the best.

Come on! Let's go
get a good look

At that sky carriage!

So which of you
folks down there

Would like
the first ride

In my beautiful
sky carriage?

I'd love to!

Are you sure, nella?

My sky carriage is
pretty fancy.

Not a problem!

There. Ready!
Come on, olivia!

Let's do this.


Garrett: bye! Have fun!
Clod: see you later!

Trinket: see you later!

Bye, everyone!

See you
in a little bit!

Hmph. Are you sure
you're up to this,

Don't you want to do
something a little
more knightly,

Like jousting
or galloping
through mud?


Ooh! I broke
the controls!

Oh, my gosh!

[All gasp]


Garrett: nella!

We're flying
out of control!

And there's no way
to stop my carriage.

Don't worry.
I'll rescue us.

Rescue us?!
You're a princess.

Princesses don't

They get rescued!



Ohh, ohh!

Olivia, I can be
a fancy princess

And a brave,
sparkly knight.

I can be both.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

* My heart grows strong *

* It's time to shine my light *

* Sword, shield, boots *

* My courage shining bright *

* Now I am
the princess knight *

That's my nella,
the fanciest knight ever.

I know just
what to do.

Your armor sparkles?

And you have
ribbon arrows?!

Sure do,
and we can use them

To pull ourselves
back down.


You're gonna have to
help, too.

Uh, I can't do

I'm fancy
and I've got

This fantastic dress,

It's ok, olivia.
Just keep pulling!

[Wind whipping]

Uh-oh! The ribbon's
coming loose.

I need to get down there
and tie it tighter.

Keep holding
onto the ribbon.

Without you?!
You can do it, olivia.

Whoa! So fancy...

So brave...


and knightly.

Ooh! Ohh!

Olivia, the wind
is too strong.

One ribbon isn't enough.

We'll have to use two.

Now you pull
your ribbon,

And I'll pull mine.

What?! I'm not
a knight!

You can do it, olivia.
Trust me!

Uh, ok.
If you say so.

[Both groan]


You did it, nella!
Wow, nella!

All right!

Cousin olivia,
you're safe!

Oh, thank you, nella.

Yeah! That was some
fancy ribbon work, girl.

Thanks, guys,
but I didn't do it
on my own.

Olivia helped, too.

Nella, I was wrong.

I guess you can be
a fancy, graceful

And also
an amazingly
heroic knight.

Thank you
for saving me.

You're totally welcome.
Ha ha!

Garrett: come on, guys!

Let's get back
to the party!

You know, you really
showed some

Pretty impressive
knightly moves
in that rescue.

I did? Wow!

I guess I did!

Say, do you think
you could teach me

How you get your
dress to sparkle
like that?

You've got such
great style!

I'd love to,
and maybe you

Could show me some
of your amazing dance moves.

Well, of course, nella!
Ha ha ha!

You know, I think
this might be

The beginning
of a very fancy friendship.

[Both laughing]

Nella: come on, garrett!

It's almost time
for it to start!

I know,
and we can't be late

For castlehaven's
next top knightly
hero contest.

It's gonna be...

Both: so cool!

This is the coolest
obstacle course contest ever!

It's so cool that
it's cooler than cool!

It's so cool,
it's cold!

First, you have to
swing on the rings
of trouble...

Then leap over
the tricky tree trunks,

And then you have to
pole vault

All the way up
to the top of...

The incredible cliff!

Oh, my gosh!
I never realized

Just how high
the incredible cliff is.

Blaine: pfft!

It's not that high.

When you're a really good
pole vaulter like me,

Getting up to the top
of the incredible cliff
is kids' stuff.

I barely even need
to practice,

But maybe I will
just to show you

How easy it is for me.

Hi, guys.
What's going on?

Blaine's showing us
his vaulting.


What was that sound?


Ha ha!

Wow! Blaine, that
was some pretty
awesome vaulting.

I know. That's why
I am totally gonna win
that trophy.

Did you hear something
when blaine jumped just now?

You mean, something
like boi-oi-oing?


Hmm. I wonder what
that blaine is up to.



The contest is starting.

Come on, nella!
It's go time!

Have fun!

Sir coach: welcome,
one and all,

To castlehaven's

Next top knightly hero

I love this contest.

This event will prove
which knight has
courage and might

And, most importantly,
the will to never give up.

Are you young knights
ready to prove

You've got
what it takes

To win
the champion trophy?

All: ready, sir coach!

On your marks,

Get set, go!

Go, nella!
Go, go, go, go!

Sir coach: and our knights
are off!

[Crowd gasps]

Looks like nella's
taken the early lead.

great job, nella!

Sir coach: and now they're
on to the second obstacle,

The tricky tree trunks.


Now I see why they call
these trunks tricky.

Ha! I totally
got this!




Ooh! We have
a new leader--blaine!

How awesome are
these boots?


Sir coach: and now we have
a new new leader--nella!

And here comes garrett,
ready to face

The final challenge--
the incredible cliff!

Go ahead, garrett.
You can do it!

I can do this!

Ugh! Whoa!

[Crowd gasps]


Ha! Nice try!

Now let me show you
how it's done!

That cliff's not
gonna be a problem

With these boots.



Sir coach: wow!
What a vault from blaine!

There's that sound

Ok. Now here comes nella.

I can do this,
I can do this.


Go, nella, go!


[Crowd gasps]

[Whistle blows]

Aw. Good try, knights.

And at the end
of round one,

Blaine is in the lead.

Yay, blaine!
Great job!

Thank you, thank you.

Sir coach: ok, everyone.
Take a break,

And then we'll begin
round two.

I don't get it,
sir coach.

I practiced really hard,

But I still couldn't
make that jump.

It's all right,

The most important
thing is to keep

And never give up.

With more and more

You'll find that
you get better
and better.

Well, that's just
what I'm going to do--


I'm staying
with you, nella.

That's the spirit,
you two.

Remember, practice
makes progress!

Yeah. Keep

Maybe someday,
you'll be able
to vault

As high as me.

Or higher.
Come on, trink.

Let's practice.

Nella: * sometimes when things
get rough *

* And you think
you'll never win *

* When a challenge
really gets tough *

* That's when you
can't give in *

* I'll jump straight
to the top *

* I'll keep going,
I won't stop *

* That cliff's
incredibly high *

* But I'll make it
if I try *

Yay, nella! Go!

* When I look
inside my heart *

* I see someone
brave and smart *

* I'll never give up
on my goal *

* 'Cause deep down inside,
I know *

* I'll jump straight
to the top *

* I'll keep going *

* She won't stop *

* That cliff's
incredibly high *

* But I'll *
* she'll *

Both: * make it *

Nella: * if I try *

Aww. So close.


It's time for
the second round!

Sir coach: ok, young knights.
Get ready

For the second
and final round

Of the castlehaven
next top knightly
hero contest!

Time for me to win
that trophy
once and for all.

On your marks, get set--

[Creature screeching]

Oh, ohh, ohh!

[All gasp]


Oh, no. It's
a big, scary dragon.

Ohh! Heeelllp!

I need a brave knight
to rescue me.

Oh, no! That dragon
has got sir coach!

I've got to
save him!

That nella.
Is there anyone braver?

Blaine: yes. Me.

No one's braver
than me.

I'll save sir coach.

Look. There's
the dragon,

And he's still got
sir coach.

Sir coach: whoaaaaaa!

[Dragon screeches]


They landed
on that cliff.

Uh-oh. To get there,
we're gonna have to go

Through all of that.

That path looks like
our obstacle course.

And the dragon's cliff
looks like...

The incredible cliff,

Which I didn't reach
the top of.

But I did.
Try and keep up, nella,

If you can, that is.

Ugh! Whaa!
Whoa! Aah!

Nella: ha! Hoo!



[Blaine grunting]

Ooh! Whoa! Ha!

Almost there!

Blaine: and now
for my secret w*apon.

Come on, boing-boing boots.
Do your stuff.



Aah! My boing-boing boots
have gone boingy!


Whoa! Whoa! Ohh!

Blaine, are you ok?

My beautiful
boing-boing boots.

Boing-boing boots?

How am I supposed to get
to the top of the cliff

Or win knightly
hero contest?

Wait a minute.
You cheated

During the knightly
hero contest?

Uh, yeah,
I cheated.

I was only able
to jump so high

Because I was using
these boots.

That was how I won.

Sir coach: help!

Oh, no. Sir coach!

This is it.

I can do this.

I'm coming, sir coach.

Nella: * I'll jump straight
to the top *


* I'll keep going *
go, nella!

* she won't stop *

* That cliff's
incredibly high *

* But I'll *
* she'll *

* Make it if I try *


Oof. Ohh!

I'm here, sir coach.

Sir coach?


Nice dragon.
Easy does it.


There she is!


I knew you wouldn't
give up, nella.

I just knew it.

You knew I'd--huh?

I'm confused.

Oh. Nice to meet you,
your highness.

I've heard so much
about you.

Um, what's going on?

Sir coach, I thought
this dragon took you.

Oh, yeah.
Well, cuddles here

Just pretended to be
a big, scary dragon.

Heh heh. It's true.

But why?

it was all part
of castlehaven's

Next top knightly
hero contest, nella,
the final challenge.

You see,
part of being
a courageous knight

Is never giving up.

True again.

And never giving up
on your practice

Paid off.

You made that
incredible leap.

Cuddles: it was

Aw, thanks!
That's so sweet.

Now we'd better
hurry back

To the awards ceremony.

Who wants a ride?

Don't mind if I do,

Me, too!

Sir coach: whoa, oh!
Nella: whee!

And we haven't
about you, blaine!


[All gasp]

It's the dragon!

Aah! A dragon!


Ha ha! Don't worry, guys.

Cuddles is friendly.

Oh. In that case,
hey, cuddles!

Ha ha!

Well, I suppose
it's time to present

This trophy
to the winner.

Thank you!
Thank you! I--


I, uh, cheated
during the contest.

I shouldn't have used
my boing-boing boots.

I knew it!

I'm really sorry,

The real winner
is nella,

And she totally
earned it.

Folks, castlehaven's
next top knightly
hero is...nella!

