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06x01 - Digit's B-Day Surprise

Posted: 10/04/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
Cyberchase - we're moving

we're b*ating Hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one two three four

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick
together all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Hey, Didge...what's up?

Not much, Earthlies.

Hey, what are
you guys doing here?

I thought you went home.

Nah, we stayed for the party.


You remembered?

How could we forget?

Today's Judge
Trudy's B-Day party!

Judge Trudy's B-Day?


It's like an Earth
birthday, isn't it?

Only it celebrates the
day she was first booted up.

It's even on the news.

Check it out.

At five o'clock today,
right here in Sensible Flats,

the party will begin for
that special bot we all adore!

To make the day even
more delicious - Chef Foody

will create one of his
famous chocolate sculptures

to celebrate our guest of honor.


It's always been my
dream to have Chef Foody

make me one of those.

But I guess a dream
is all it'll ever be.

Where you going, Didge?

I'm not in the mood for a party.

But you have to come.

I mean, we uh...we promised
Motherboard you'd be there

to represent her!

Well...I guess...ok.

See you there.

Five o'clock...
and don't be late.

Don't be early, either!

It worked!


Didge doesn't have a clue
the party's really for him!

I don't know, guys.

We made him feel bad,
and that's not good.

C'mon, Inez, he'll love it!

It's gonna be the
coolest surprise ever!

...Did this last year.

This one, too.

And this.

Come on in, boss!

The water's fine!

I'm busy!

I'm going through my card
catalog of chaos looking

for a new plan to
defeat Motherboard!

But we're here in Sensible
Flats on vacation - to have fun!


Out of the pool,
you duncebuckets!

I can't believe it!

How could my very best
friends forget my B-Day?

...If only
someone would remember.

Gee, Motherboard and those
earthbrats forgot Digit's B-Day!

Boy, what a mistake.

Not a opportunity!

A chance to use that
cyberturkey's knowledge

of Motherboard to
defeat her once and for all!


How you gonna do it?

Yeah, how?


All I have to do is convince
Digit that his friends don't

care about him - and I do!

No cards, no party, and no
chocolate me - the one thing

that would make me the
happiest cyboid in cyberspace.

Happy B-Day, little buddy!


How do you know it's my-

How could I forget?

We were like this...


Oh yea?

Then how come you
forgot my B-Day last year?

I uh...I called.

I guess you
didn't get the message.

Anyway, I suppose Motherboard
and those earthlings are giving

you a big party...yes?

How heartless!

If only I'd known, I
would have asked Chef Foody

to make you a
chocolate sculpture!


No you wouldn't.

You don't even like me!

Not true!

I care deeply.

And to prove it, I'm going
to make this day special -

just for you.

Happy B-day, Didge!

Yay, Didgey!

Man, it's so hot I'm sweating!


Me, too.

I'm drenched!

Hey, sweating is good!

No way!

It is!

Sweating is all
about evaporation. mean
when water goes into the air?


Sweat is mostly water.

My dad told me the water
takes your body heat with it

when it evaporates.

So that's what makes
you feel cooler...

Then how come we're still hot?

You are.

I'm not.

This is the secret.

A bandana?

That is so not cool.

Oh yeah it is!

When it's really hot
like today, you need

more help than
just sweat to cool down.

So I wet the bandana
and wear it like this.

More water, more
evaporation, more cooling.

Here...Try it.

Remember, keep the bandana
wet or the trick won't work.

There has to be water to
evaporate, so it can take

the heat with it.


I feel cooler already!

Same here!

This bandana thing really rocks!


It's Chef Foody!

The sculpture's ready?

We're on our way!

Zees are ze
cakes and ze candies.

Where's the chocolate Digit?

In ze frige, of course!

Ze chocolat must
stay cool ALL ze time!

Eef not...

...eet melts into a
poodle of zoup like zeez!


Beautiful, no?

It's Digit! Wow!

I weel geeve you my special
Chef Foody Refrigerator Case,

to keep ze chocolat
cool in ze hot dezert.

Do not take ze
chocolat out of ze case.

Eef it eez not keept at
thirty-seven cyber degreez

or cooler, eet weel melt!

Take ze thermometer to
keep track of ze temperature.

What did the
boss say we're supposed

to get at Chef Foody's?

It's those earth kids!

What are they doing here?

I can't wait to see
Digit's face when he sees his

chocolate sculpture!

Chocolate Digit?

Awww, that's nice.

Didgy will feel so much better.

He'll never know!

'Cause we're gonna do what
the boss would want us to do.

What's that, Buzzy?

Ruin that
sculpture, that's what!

Let's go!

Man, it's like an oven out here!

Good thing Didge
is in the fridge!

Get ready...NOW!


Oh, no!

The fridge is toast!

Good thing the sculpture's okay!

But without the fridge...

...Digit's gonna
melt in all this heat!

Maybe not!

The glass is still cold!

Not for long,
unless we can find

a way to keep
the chocolate cool!

Maybe there's something
we can use in the wagon.

Jax, call for help!

Oh, man, an answering machine!

Chef, it's Jackie!

The fridge case broke and the
horses ran away so send help...


All I found was the water we
brought to keep ourselves cool

and a piece of an old blanket.


We'll feel fine
while Didge melts!

I knew this
surprise wouldn't work.


Maybe we can cool the sculpture
like we're cooling ourselves.

You mean with wet bandanas?

Or wet anything!

Worth a try!

Let's use this old blanket.

Chef Foody said to keep
the chocolate at thirty-seven

cyber degrees or cooler.

You're right. Where's that
thermometer Chef Foody gave us?

I've got it!

If it works like our
thermometers back home...

this red bar moves up and down.

Lower is cooler,
higher is hotter.

And these numbers tell
us the actual temperature

in cyber degrees.

So the air around us
is fifty cyber degrees!

Let's see what the
temp is inside the dome!

Looks like the
thermometer goes here.

The temp's dropping!

It's definitely
cooler inside the glass.

It stopped at... Uh-oh.

We can't read
the temperature because

there's no number next
to the top of the bar!

It's good to have
you back, Digit!

I'm not back, you know.

I'm just visitin'.

Of course not!

You're just
spending your B-day here...

here with the cyborg
who first booted you up.

For you.

A present from
your oldest friend.


My - baby book!

Look how proud I was.

I had such high
hopes for us, Didge.

Hey - I was really cute!

Ah yes, my best invention ever.

I still think so, despite
what everyone else says.

Whaddya mean?

What does everyone else say?

Oh, the usual.

You know...

...all that stuff about you
being an oaf...a fool...

a clod...

and worst of
all...a clumsy fool.

I guess I do make
a lot of mistakes.

I don't mean to, but I do...

Guys, just because there isn't
a number next to the red bar

doesn't mean we can't figure
out what the temperature is.

Okay, okay...what do we know?

We know the numbers go zero,
ten, twenty, thirty.. hey!

They count up by tens!

So each thick line
is ten degrees higher

than the one below it.

If the red reaches above the
line marked forty, but stays

below the line marked fifty, the
temperature has to be somewhere

between forty and fifty.

Hmmm, maybe these thin
lines can tell us something.


The temperature's
three thin lines up

from forty.

So the temperature must be
forty-three cyber degrees!

That's still too hot!

We need it to be
thirty-seven degrees or below!

Hang on...we read this wrong!

The temperature
can't be forty-three!

Look at where the top of the
red is - it's more than half way

between forty and fifty!

That means...the temperature
is higher than forty-three!


How much higher?

How come you're crying, boss?

Yeah, I'm the one with
the problem - not you.

But it's my problem, too.

I made you.

Your mistakes - are my mistakes.

They are?

Yeah, that's right - they are!

It's your fault I am like I am!

But I can change that.

I can reprogram your
operating system...

I can make you new and improved!

So you'll never make
another mistake ever again.

You can?

New and improved...

You can really do that?

I can - and I will!

Just sign this, and
give me your permission!

We know the thin lines
can't be one degree apart.

But they're evenly spaced, so
they must be the same number

of degrees apart.

Let's try counting by
two's instead of ones.

Okay, here's forty.

The next thin line
would be at forty-two.

Then forty-four...forty-six..

forty-eight ...fifty!

Counting by two's worked!

Then the temperature
of the sculpture

is actually forty-two...

cyber degrees!

That's even hotter
than we thought!

And the blanket is dry again!

We have to keep wetting this
so it can take away more heat

and cool down the chocolate.

The temp's dropping again!

It stopped half-way between
forty-two and !

But there's still
water to evaporate -

it should be getting cooler!

Then how come it
stopped cooling?

I don't know!

But I do know this
- if we don't find a way

to bring it down to
thirty-seven degrees fast...

...Digit's going to
be chocolate milk!

Guys, wetting the
blanket isn't working!

There must be another way to
bring the temperature down more!

I knew this surprise
party wouldn't work.

Surprises almost never do.


You guys feel that?

A breeze!

Yeah, it makes me feel
cooler, especially here!

Maybe the breeze makes
the water evaporate faster...

If it works for us, it
should work for the sculpture! your stuff!

thirty nine...

it's working!

The breeze is helping
the water evaporate faster!

thirty-seven degrees!

Yeah! We did it!

But how do we keep it there?

We need to keep
the breeze going...

The horses!

That's it.

The wind on the ride into
town will keep the Didge cool.

Let's go!

If we hurry, we
can still make it back

in time for the surprise!

Everything is going
according to plan!

This is a legal cyber-contract,
and once Digit signs it,

he won't be able to un-do it.

Then I'll re-program him to tell
me everything about Motherboard!

You mean, like
all her passwords?

And secret codes and stuff?


Okay, Hacker, let me see
if I understand this.

You're going to reprogram my
operating system...and make it

so I don't make any more
mistakes ever again?

Just sign the contract and
I'll begin work immediately!


What am I doing?

With a total reprogram,
I won't!

Isn't that the point?

Believe me, this
is the right move.

Ahhhhh...I don't know...

Tell you what.

Call your little earthpals.

Who knows?

Maybe they're going to surprise
you with a party after all -

and you won't need The Hacker!

Go them.


It's Digit!

What's up, Didge?

I uh...I was wondering
what you guys are doing.

Oh, nothing!

We're doing nothing!

Can nothing with you?


I mean, right now, we
have to do nothing alone.

know...a B-Day party?

You mean Judge Trudy's party?

Of course we'll be there.

See'ya at five!

Oh, Judge Trudy! They must like
her more than they like you.

But...they're my friends.

I think.

You know, if you were new
and improved, your friends

might like you better.

Hmmmm...maybe you're right.

Can we do a partial reprogram?

Anything you want, little buddy.

Okay...where do I sign?

Wait! I have a better idea.

Sign the contract in front
of your so-called friends!

Let them see what I am -- What
you are doing for make

a new and improved you!

Good idea!

And I know just
where to find 'em.

Let's do it!

Digit feels even
worse than before!

Now he thinks we don't
even want to be with him!

I know, I feel bad, too.

But he'll forgive us
when he sees the sculpture.

Can you feel the
breeze back there, Matt?


The Didge is lookin' good!

And the thermometer says...

Thirty-three cyber-degrees!

Evaporation's working!

How cool is that?

Where are those Earthlings?

It's almost party time!

Here they come now!

It's Hacker!

And...great cacklin' cactus!

Digit is with that cyberskunk!

Greetings, Cyberians.

Digit and I are here
with a little surprise!


Didge has an
announcement to make.

Right, Didgey...right?


But umm...

You can tell 'em for me.

With all of you as our
witnesses, Digit will now grant

me permission to reprogram
his hard drive and reboot him!

Now you wait a minute
there, Hacker...


Um...where's Jackie and Inez?

And the Mattster?

Who cares?

You can show them the
new and improved you later.



I'll do it!



What's going on?

What are you doing here, Hacker?

It's okay!

He's gonna re-program
me and make me new and improved

so you guys will like me
better and remember my b-day!

Are you kidding?



We do like you!

And we all
remembered your B-Day.


This surprise party
is for you, Didge!

For me?


We said it was Judge
Trudy's party so it would be

a big surprise for you!

That's why we
pretended not to remember.

We're sorry if we
hurt your feelings.

They're lying!


No, we're not!

It's all for you, Didge.

We wanted to see your
happy face when we gave you

a big party and...this.

A chocolate me!

This really is a party for me!


So you still like me - even
though I'm clumsy and mess up

once in a while?

Who said that?

...He did!

You tried to make me
believe no one cared.

And you almost convinced me.

I'm sorry I ever
doubted you, earthlies.

These are my real friends,
and they like me the way I am!

So hit the road, Hacker.

No one tells
The Hacker what to -

Allo, allo! Help eez here!

I bring more chocolat
to feex ze sculpture!


Happy B-Day, Digit!

Enjoy your party...

my good friend
and trusted helper...

Thanks, Motherboard...thanks,

On behalf of me and my chocolate
pal, I just wanna say this

is the best B-Day a
cyboid could ever have!

Happy happy b-day...