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04x20 - Day 4: 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:17
by bunniefuu
- I want Bauer arrested.

- Bauer is heading the field operation.

Bauer is not the only man who can do the job! Put someone else in charge! Jack, we got a problem.

Secret Service is on their way to arrest you.

We can't interrupt this mission.

You gotta stall 'em.

Nothing I can do.

Get Marwan before Secret Service gets there.

People of America, you wake up today to a different world.

I have a visual on Marwan.

He is in the building.

- They know we're here.

Move on the building.

- Our cover's blown.

Everyone, go, go, go, go! b*mb! President Logan realized this was a mistake.

You're free to go.

We had Marwan.

Dammit, we had him! This man, Marwan, has a nuclear warhead and I allowed him to escape.

- Mr.

President - Stop.

I don't even know if I deserve to be called that.

There's someone who can advise you better than I can.

I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.

President Logan is requesting you run the effort to recover the stolen w*apon and be in place to make whatever decisions need to be made.

- Is it compatible? - I'll need to reconfigure the trigger.

- Has the warhead been reconfigured? - Yes.

- We may have a potential security breach.

- Who? The technician, Sabir.

His girlfriend's getting suspicious.

I think Sabir may have become involved with radical groups.

- You mean t*rrorists? - Yes.

The woman who was suspicious about her boyfriend panned out.

She sent us a schematic of a microchip.

It's used exclusively in legacy nuclear warheads.

Take a team with you.

Let's go.

What was that? He's gonna ram us! - Good to have you back, Mr.


- Than you, Aaron.

- This way, sir.

- President Logan's not in the West Wing? No, sir.

Since the strike on Air Force One, he's been in the bunker.

- How's your son? - Very well, sir.

Thank you for asking.

- Still in the service? - Yes.

In fact, he just re-upped.

- Good for him.

- I'm mighty proud.



Thank you for coming.

- Is there an update on President Keeler? - No, he's still comatose.

- The long-term prognosis is still unclear? - Yes.

- How's President Logan? - Looking forward to seeing you.

Thank you, Eric.

President Logan.


I appreciate your coming so quickly.

Tell me how I can help you.

David, I wasn't prepared to have all of this thrust upon me so suddenly.

What I'm trying to say is, I made mistakes.

This crisis could have ended an hour ago if I hadn't interfered with the CTU operation that would have captured Habib Marwan.

Punishing yourself is something you can't afford now.

What I can't afford and what this country can't afford is another mistake.

Every decision I make affects millions of Americans.

- I understand the pressure you're under.

- I know you do.

In office, you dealt with this kind of situation more than once.

That's why I want you here.

I still don't understand what it is I can do to help you.


The warhead that was stolen is an S-series.

That's one of the most powerful nuclear weapons in the arsenal.

Wherever it's detonated, it will wreak unthinkable devastation.

Help me find it.

I'll give you full authority to act as my proxy whenever you think it's necessary.

Charles, how do you want this to work? I'll call Bill Buchanan at CTU, and I'II let him know that he'll be dealing directly with you.

All right.

Thank you, David.

Mike will fill you in.

We will get through this, Mr.


Um, I'll be, uh, in conference room B, working on the morning statement for the press.

I'll keep you apprised of any developments, sir.

Thank you, Mike.



I know you believe my actions during your term in office amounted to a personal and political betrayal.

That's not something I believe.

It's a fact.

Get to your point.

If my presence here makes it more difficult for you, say the word and I'II leave.

Mike, you're wired into this administration.

And I have no doubt that you have this country's best interests at heart.

So for now, let's let bygones be bygones and get to work.

Thank you, Mr.


I appreciate that.

I reviewed the briefing on the way here.

Have army reserves supplement the search teams looking for the warhead in Iowa.

And have DOE and DOD coordinating on crisis response - in case it's detonated.

- Yes, sir.

CTU is heading up the search for this man who stole the warhead, Habib Marwan? Yes, they recovered a damaged video tape from Marwan's last known location.

They're in the process of restoring it.

But Marwan is not CTU's only lead on the warhead now.

- What else do they have? - A CTU analyst named Chloe O'Brian secured a hard drive belonging to one of Marwan's associates.

This hard drive may contain information that could lead us to the warhead.

I told you, I'm not hurt.

I did the sh**ting.

Now please leave me alone so I can do this.

The hard drive is unlocked.

It belonged to someone who had no experience of nuclear weapons.

- He got that information from someone.

- The emails I'm decrypting look like that.

Schematics, designs of triggers, - all from the same person.

- Who? The address is shielded under a false domain name.

- What is it? - MEM4FT.

- Forward the emails to us.

Edgar? - I'll run a trace to find a point of origin.

These emails came from a domestic server.

Whoever sent this is in this country.

OK, Chloe, thank you.

Hold on.


How are you holding up? I'm not used to the idea that I just k*lled someone, but I'm doing my job.

Fair enough.

Get back as soon as you can, OK? OK.

I got a hit.

The man who sent the emails.

Name is Lee Jong.

- Is he in our database? - Chinese national.

A researcher at China's nuclear weapons programme.

He was accused of falsifying research data and fired in 2001.

Is China providing Marwan with support for this? They wouldn't use someone that could be traced to them.

He's selling his services as a freelancer.

If he's helping Marwan reconfigure the warhead, he'll know how to find him.

See if Lee entered the country last week.

Excuse me.

This is Bauer.

Jack? Dr Besson.

You wanted me to give you an update on Paul Raines.

He's still in recovery, but you can see him now.

Just a few minutes.

Thank you.

Get back to me if you find anything.

- Where can I find you? - I'll be in Medical.


Dr Besson wants to move you to Amherst General, but the FAA still has a ban on air travel.

I am trying to get you an exemption.

Well, if anyone can get an exemption, you can.


I've thought a lot about this, and I want to go with you to Massachusetts.

- With me? - Yeah.

You need to get better, and you shouldn't have to do that alone.

I can take care of myself.

I don't need your charity.

It's not about charity, Paul, it's what I want to do.

What about Jack? You said you were in love with him.

I know.

Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

- I'll come back later.

- No, it's all right.

Come in.

I thought you'd be at the DOD briefing.

- Yeah, it ended early.

- Oh.

I just wanted to see how you were doing.

I've been trying to get down here since you got out of surgery.

- Listen, Paul - You don't have to say anything.

Yeah, I do.

You saved my life.

I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That's all.

- You pushed me out of the way.

- Honestly, I wasn't even thinking.

It just happened.


You all right? I'll check back on you later.

Does he know that you want to come with me? Not yet.

- What is it? - We found Lee Jong.

Chinese consulate.

He must have known we were coming.

He took refuge.

He got there an hour ago.

Consulate's sovereign territory, we can't get him.

But we're gonna try.

David Palmer for you.

David Palmer? Frankly, Logan's been overwhelmed by what's happening.

- He enlisted Palmer to help us directly.

- Good.

- Bauer.

- Hold for the president.

- Sir.

- Thank you, Mike.

- It's nice to talk to you again, Jack.

- It's nice to talk to you too.

I assume Bill told you about Lee Jong? Yes, sir.

I'm about to call the Chinese consul and explain the situation.

I'd like it if you took Lee into custody and brought him to CTU for interrogation.

- You think the consul will cooperate? - He's reasonable.

And if the protocol approach doesn't work? I'II leave it to you to make the preparations.

Whatever it takes.

We need this man Lee in custody.

- I understand, Mr.


- Thank you, Jack.

- You have a Chinese interpreter? - Melissa Raab.

I need her, Curtis and one of his agents ready to move on the consulate.

Edgar Stiles.

- We got a partial.

- I'm opening a window.

Send it through.

Ms Dessler.

Division called.

That video tape, they were able to reconstruct part of it.

They're sending it to my workstation as we speak.


People of America, you wake up today to a different world.

One of your own nuclear weapons has been used against you.

It'll be days and weeks before you can measure the damage we have caused, but as you count your dead "Wake up today to a different world.

" Do we take that literally? He'll set off the warhead before dawn? We have to look at the worst case scenario.

What time is sunrise on the east coast? Unless you renounce your policies of imperialism and interventionist activities, this attack will be followed by another, and another after that.

The Chinese consul in Los Angeles.

A man named Koo Yin.



This is David Palmer.

It's an honor to speak with you.

I'm calling on behalf of President Logan.

The situation today has forced him to direct his attention to other equally urgent matters.

I understand.

And my government extends its sympathy for these terrible att*cks on your country.

We stand ready to help in any way we can.

Thank you.

The fact is, you can help us.

There's a man in your consulate by the name of Lee Jong.


He arrived here earlier tonight.

We have evidence connecting him to the t*rrorists behind today's att*cks.

We need to take Mr.

Lee into custody immediately for questioning.


Lee expected suspicion to fall on him.

He says he has no connection to t*rrorists.

We believe he's helping t*rrorists detonate a nuclear device on our soil.

Many lives are at stake, Mr.


President Palmer, I would very much like to help, but Mr.

Lee is a Chinese citizen, and the consulate is Chinese territory.

I can't hand him over to you without going through channels.

Then I urge you to contact the premier immediately and explain the situation.

Tell him speed is of the essence.

Tell him cooperation will be regarded as an extraordinary act of friendship on the part of his nation.

And our nation will respond in kind.


President, I'll do my best.

I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you, Mr.


Consul’s gonna try to make something happen.

How long will it take? I don't know.

Anything new? White House authorized adding Iowa army reserve units to the ground search.

- Have they widened the perimeter? - 60-mile radius around the area.

But Marwan's people might have sneaked it outside that.

We closed all major roads and air traffic, but there is a chance they got it through.

Homeland Security's faxing over casualty projections based on that.

- That's probably them right now.

- Yeah.

I'll get it.

- CTU.

- I'm calling for Tony.

Who's this? Michelle Dessler, a colleague.

Who's calling? The woman he happens to be living with.

Is he there? Yeah.

Hold on.

- It's for you.

- Who is it? The woman you're living with.


I've been calling everyone, going crazy looking for you.

Then I thought maybe Jack took you back there.

Do you have any idea how worried I've been? I'm sorry, I should have called, but I've been busy.

Oh, really busy with Michelle Dessler? - I'm working, Jen.

- For CTU? On a provisional basis, yeah.

I thought you hated that place.

Things have changed a little.


I guess they have.

We can talk about this later.

Right now I gotta go.

- Tony, what's your ex-wife doing there? - Jen, I'm sorry, but I gotta go.

Michelle, um I'm sorry you had to find out like that.

It's really none of my business.

Yeah, it is.

I should have told you I was living with somebody.

- I don't want to talk about this right now.

- Yeah, well, I do.

Listen to me.

When you left, everything fell apart.

Jen happened to be there for me.

You don't have to excuse your relationship.

I'm not making excuses.

I'm just telling you how it is.

Do you love her? No.

Ms Dessler, new protocols from DOD came in.

Should I send them to your screen? Send them to station 16.

Thank you, Edgar.

- You OK? - I'm fine.

Is there anything I can do? I said I'm fine.

I'm trying not to think about what happened.

I'm gonna process it later.

Sure, fine.

Edgar, I appreciate your concern, I really do.

It's just that when I shot that guy I thought I'd go all foetal, but I didn't feel anything at all.

I hope I'm not some kind of a psychopath.

- He was trying to k*ll you.

- But still Maybe it's a delayed reaction kind of thing.

Maybe you'll freak out about it in a few days.

I hope so.

- Anything you come up with - Sir.


Bill Buchanan.

- Thank you.

- All right.

- Yes, Bill.

- Mr.


We've seen a tape recorded by Habib Marwan.

On it he says we'll be "waking up to a different world".

It may indicate that the warhead will be detonated before dawn on the east coast.

Thank you, Bill.

CTU thinks that the warhead may be detonated before dawn.

Get me Mr.


- This is Koo Yin.

- Please hold for President Palmer.

We have the consul, sir.

- Mr.


- I didn't expect to hear from you so soon.

Is the premier aware of the situation? - Yes, he's considering it very carefully.

- There's no time for that.

I've learned the t*rrorists may detonate a nuclear device within the next two hours.

I understand the urgency of the situation.

Without making any promises, I have every expectation of a favorable answer.

- When? - I'll speak with him in two to three hours.

- I told you, that's not soon enough.

- I'm sorry, Mr.

President, it's the best I can do.

Thank you for your efforts.

Please keep me informed.

Of course, Mr.


He thinks Mr.

Lee will be handed over to us, but not before two or three hours.

From their point of view, that's very fast for something like this.

From ours, not nearly fast enough.

What do we do? - Bauer.

- Jack, are you at the consulate yet? Yes, sir.

We're across the street.

Have they agreed to release Lee? Not quickly enough.

And I just learned that the nuclear device may be set off at any moment.

Now, Jack.

Is there any doubt in your mind that Lee is working with Marwan? No, sir.

The emails he sent left no room for doubt.

Then we have to get Lee now and find out what he knows.

Yes, sir.

No one connected with the government can admit to knowing anything about this.


If you're caught, you'll be tried in a Chinese court under Chinese law.

I understand.

Now, Jack, if it was anyone else, I'd ask if you were sure about this.

With you I already know the answer.

God bless you.

Good luck.

Thank you, Mr.


We're on.

We're going in to get him.

All right.

- Almeida.

- Tony, this is Jack.

I'm at the consulate.

I need infrared satellite coverage.

I'm on it.

What's going on, Jack? The consul’s not gonna release Lee in time.

We have to go in and get him.

- Who knows? - We've authorization from the White House.

Tony, this is a covert operation.

You're the only person in CTU who can know.

Spoof the satellite logs and make sure the mainframes aren't monitoring you.

Tony, there can't be any record.

You understand? - Yeah.

- OK, thanks.

Let's suit up.

- Tony, it's Jack.

I'm on comm.

- I'm uploading a picture of Lee to you now.

Also, I just got a hold of the building schematic.

- You overlay the infrared? - Coming now.

The bulk of them are in the first floor residential area.

- Most of 'em not moving.

Probably asleep.

- Try the second floor offices.

All right.

Grabbing data on the second floor.

- All right, we got people moving.

- That third room is probably where Lee is.

- I think you're right.

- I'll get back to you as soon as I'm moving.

- How do you want to deploy? - I want Agent Raab to stay in the van.

You cover the perimeter.

I go in alone.

- Jack.

- My orders are to make this deniable.

If I get caught, I have to be able to say I was acting alone.

- All right.

What do you want us to do? - Cover the perimeter.

You can re-engage as soon as I leave the consulate.

But only on a covert basis.

Masks on, non-lethal force.

You understand? We'll be here.

- I'm going in.

Any change on infrared? - Negative.

We'll monitor in real time.

The alarm system's a Cambria model three.

I'm jumping the release of the door now.

Roger that.

All right, Jack, stop.

We have somebody approaching from your west side, I repeat, your west side.

OK, he's moving away.

Gimme the status on the other guards.

Jack, you're right on top of 'em.

We have someone approaching from your north side.

OK, you're clear.

- I got him.

- Roger that.

People moving towards you on both floors.

Exiting the consulate.

Hostiles in pursuit.

Bring up the van now.

Go, go, go, go! Ow! Let's go.

He's been hit.

Pass me a medicaI bag.

Now! - We're in.

- Go, go! - Jack, give me your status.

- We're away, Lee's in custody.

- He's shot in the back.

No exit wound.

- How bad is it? Can't tell.

Doesn't look too severe.

We're on our way.

- We're about 15 minutes out.

- All right, I'll have Medical ready.

- He doesn't want you to touch him.

- Tell him I need to check his wound.

Hold him down.

Hold him down, now! You need to calm him down so I can talk to him.

Medical assistance is waiting and this will ease the pain.

- Does he understand? - Yes.

That's great.

Thank you very much.


The FAA's cleared us to leave at eight o'clock on a medical transport plane.

- Dr Besson's agreed to accompany us.

- That's great news.

As soon as you settle in I'll start looking for an apartment.

I don't know what to say.

- I'm gonna get through this.

- I know you will.


I have your flight information.

A medevac will be there to pick you up at 0630.

- You're gonna take care of the transportation.

- Yes, ma'am, that's correct I gotta call you back.

Paul? Paul, what is it? Paul? Dr Besson! Please, someone come quickly! OK, OK, OK.

It's OK, he's right here.

Ten milligrams vasopressin.

He just started gasping, I don't know what's going on.

I can barely hear his heart.

- All signs point to a cardiac tamponade.

- What does that mean? The sac round his heart is filling with blood.

We can drain it, we gotta get him to surgery.

If we don't stop the bleeding, his heart will not function.

- It's OK.

- Get the pericardial centesis tray now.

I need to roll him on his back.


Tell him we know he helped Marwan with the warhead, and we need him to help us find Marwan before he can detonate it.

If he denies it, tell him we can prove it.

He doesn't deny it.

He knows where Marwan is, he'll tell you if you agree to terms.

What are they? He was seeking protection from our government as well as Marwan.

Marwan wants to k*ll him to prevent him from talking.

He wants our guarantee of protection.

Tell him if the information leads us to the warhead in time, he will be immune from prosecution and I will take him wherever he wants to go.

He wants a guarantee of this in writing from the president.

Tell him I understand that and I give him my word.

But I need the information now.

He says guarantee first.

That's not good enough.

One minute.

This is This is Bauer.

- Jack, I have President Palmer.

- Put him through.

Jack, Buchanan told me you've got Lee Jong in custody, and that he was wounded.

- Yes, sir.

- Is he talking? He won't until he has a written guarantee he won't be prosecuted.

We also have to provide safe travel.

His guarantee has to be signed by the president.

Jack, CTU believes the detonation of this warhead is imminent.

- Can you force him to talk immediately? - I don't think so.

I think the fastest way to make this happen is to give him what he wants.


I'll get the guarantee from Logan and have it waiting at CTU.

Thank you, sir.

- What is it? - Su Ming, the deputy Chinese consul.

- They didn't waste any time.

- They have to know we're behind the att*cks.

What should I tell them? I'll take the call.

We have to start fencing with them sooner or later.

Might as well be now.


Lee won't talk unless he has a guarantee of immunity and safe transport.

Get that from Logan, will you? - Mr.


- Yes.

- Is this President Palmer? - Yes.

Has the premier responded to the consul’s request to have Mr.

Lee turned over? Mr.


The consul is dead.

- What? - He was shot, when armed men broke into this building and took Mr.

Lee with them by force.

I am shocked and deeply saddened.

Please convey that to your government on behalf of mine.



Is it your position that you have no knowledge of this operation? That the timing of your call and this abduction is entirely coincidental? The consulate is sovereign territory of the People's Republic of China.

I can't believe anyone connected with this country had a hand in it.

I'm sure you understand the political ramifications if you are incorrect.

I'm sure you understand the ramifications of unproven accusations.

No accusations have been made, Mr.


But I can assure you there will be an investigation.

Your government will have my complete cooperation.

Thank you, Mr.


I'm sure you'll be hearing from us again.

Very soon.

President Logan will provide Lee with a written guarantee, as long as it remains covert.

Sir? What's wrong? Koo Yin was k*lled in the course of the abduction.

My God! By one of our own people? No.

It must have been friendly fire, but it really doesn't matter.

If they're able to find proof that we were involved, in the long run the repercussions will be as serious as those we face with the t*rrorists.


I just heard that Lee Jong is on his way here and he's been shot.

How did this happen? The Chinese weren't gonna give Lee up in time, so Jack had to extract him.

Jack went into the consulate? On whose authority? The White House.

Why is this the first I'm hearing about this? This needed to be off the books, to make sure it was deniable.

- But you knew about it.

- Yes, I did.

I ran tactical from here.

It is absolutely unacceptable I was kept out of the loop on this.

- That's the way Jack wanted to play it.

- You don't work for Jack! You work for me.

A situation, frankly, I wish I'd been consulted on in the first place.

- Meaning? - It was a mistake to reinstate you.

Now I'm certain of it.

Look, I understand you don't appreciate being kept in the dark, but I think this is about something else.

Well, you're wrong about that too.

And you were way out of line! OK, thank you.

Tell him we're almost there.

The medical assistance and the guarantee are waiting for him.

- I can't understand him.

- Ask him if he's in pain.

He says he's cold, very cold.

What's going on, Jack? He must have severe internal bleeding.

- His lungs are full of fluid.

- I'll alert CTU.





Tell me where Habib Marwan is.

Please, tell me where he is now.

Dammit, we're losing him.

All right, stand by with the gurney.

We're coming in hot.


Jack, what's going on? - Jack? - You can't come in here.

- He's dying! - So's he.

Get out, I just started this.

This is our only connection to a stolen warhead.

Save him.

- I'll get to him.

- He won't make it.

- I already have a patient! - Curtis.

- You have a new one.

- Are you crazy? This is the only man who can find the missing warhead and stop it being detonated.

If you don't save him, millions will die.

Do you understand? Millions of people.

Start working on him now! - Jack, what are you doing? - If I walk away from Mr.

Raines now, he'll die.

- You don't know that for sure.

- Jack! Do it.

Now! - More volume.

- Yes, doctor.

Jack, please.

Please don't do this.

His lungs are damaged.

He's lost a lot of blood.

Stabilize him so I can talk to him.

Can you do that? - Maybe.

Beborah, I need you over here.

- What about Mr.

Raines? Chest compressions if his pressure drops.

- I got it.

- Put some gloves on.


Jack! I have my orders.

I'm doing my job.

- I'm sorry.

- Sorry? You're letting him die! - Get her away from me now.

- Stop it, Jack! Jack, stop! He saved our lives.

He has a tension pneumo, we have to relieve the pressure immediately.

Let go of me! Jack, listen to me.

Please, stop this.

Jack, please, please, I'm begging you, Jack, stop it! OK, let go of me.

Please! Jack, Paul’s crashing.

Starting CPR.

What can we do for him? What can we do for him? He's in V-fib.

Use the defibrillator.

- Charging.

- Come on, buddy.


- Come on.

- Hit him again, Jack.



- He's still flatlining.

- Give him epinephrine.

- Where is it? - It's on the tray, second syringe on the left.

- Got it.

- Inject it in the IV.

- It's in.

- Come on, please, Paul.



He's dead.

- Jack - No.

- Jack! - No! He's gone.

Oh, my God.

You son of a bitch, Jack, you son of a bitch! You k*lled him! He saved your life.

- Get her out of here now.

- How could you? You k*lled him! I hate you, Jack, you k*lled him! How could you do this? You k*lled him, Jack.

You k*lled him! Paul Let go of me! Get off me! Take your hands off, let go of me Suture.

- Is he gonna make it? - I'm doing the best I can.