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04x22 - Day 4: 4:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:18
by bunniefuu
- David, what have you done? - Excuse me? I just got a call from the Secretary of State about a covert action against the Chinese.

That's correct.

I sanctioned it.

An attack on their consulate.

A military engagement.

A covert operation.

We marched on Chinese soil, we kidnapped one of their nationals, and in the process the Chinese consul was k*lled.

If we don't find that warhead before it's deployed, ten million Americans could face annihilation.

We could be at w*r with a billion Chinese.

- Is he gonna make it? - We'll do our best.

I just need him long enough to get the information about Marwan.

I know, Jack.

You made me aware of that when you forced me to sacrifice Paul Raines.

I'm so sorry.

You made a choice that k*lled Paul and I'm trying to deal with it.

We both have a job.

Let's just do it.

I know he worked on the warhead.

Now he needs to tell us where it is.

He knows where Marwan might be.

A factory on Sixth.

They're looking for the warhead in their cities.

They have no idea that it's going to be delivered by m*ssile.

Start the sequence.

We're done here.

They can't stop us now.

I've been waiting for this.

You're too late.

k*ll me.

That won't stop the m*ssile.

- Tony, can you see this? - Yeah.

Can you get the source of the transmission? No, it's on an encrypted uplink.

No way to trace it.

Have you got a lock on the m*ssile? Still trying to find it.

What about Marwan? I'm gonna scan the building, then bring him into CTU.

Prep a holding room.

I'm going off com.

If you need me, get me on my cell.

All right.

Try and decode his files.

I'll prep a team to scan the building.


How did they manage to assemble a m*ssile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead? S- series cruise m*ssile.

Stealth technology.

They smuggled it in piece by piece and then assembled it on site.

If it's Stealth, we can't track it by radar.

What about targets? Pull it up.

An S-series has a range of 1800 miles.

A warhead could be delivered from the Midwest to anywhere in the continental US.

Those missiles travel at a speed of 600mph.

It could hit a target on either coast in three hours.

That's assuming it's headed for the coast.

If not, it could hit its target any time.

No files.

He just used this to unscramble the downlink.

- What else did you find? - Nothing.

Just the laptop and the cell phone.


Upload the SIM card to CTU.

See if any of it's traceable.

- You got it.

- This is Bauer.

This is Logan.

I've been told a cruise m*ssile was launched containing a nuclear warhead.

Our military tracking device is doing all they can to find the trajectory of the m*ssile, - but we don't have a lot to go on.

- What about Marwan? You think he'll break? That won't be easy, sir.

He's planned and organized everything that's happened today.

- He's committed.

He's prepared to die.

- I know you'll do your best.

Keep me posted.

Yes, sir.

I will.

Let the Joint Chiefs know.

This should be limited to the intelligence community only.

A nuclear m*ssile was launched.

We have to assume Washington is its target.

- What are our options? - Not many.

Our priority is to establish a continuity of government and start a quiet evacuation of government personnel in the city.

Bring the cabinet members and the Speaker to the bunker.

Congress and Pentagon should be taken to the mountain safety facility.

Mike, let them know that this is a category one emergency.

Tell them nothing more.

We can't afford an information leak.

David, the public needs to be warned.

Cities need to be evacuated.

Not yet.

Let's see what Bauer comes up with first.

- He'll die before he talks to us.

- I know.

Stand down.

You and I both know all I wanna do right now is k*ll you, but I have my orders.

We've run out of time.

You win.

I'm instructed to ask you what you want.

What I want is already happening.

The destruction of innocent life is a means to an end.

Why don't we just skip to the end? To the end? Everything you did today, you did for a reason.

For your people.

What do you want to change? I have no interest in having a political discussion with you.

I am in the position to make things happen.

I have the ear of the President of the United States right now.

You have the power to make any kind of deal that you want, and I promise you, you'll do more for you and your people if you cooperate with me than if you let that m*ssile hit its target.

You tell me where the m*ssile's headed, you help me stop it, and I guarantee you that you will talk to the president and he will listen.

He has no choice.

Right here, right now, you have the chance to get what you want.

I already have, Agent Bauer.

After this day, every elected official and citizen of America will know that America cannot intervene in our lives, in our countries, with impunity.

Besides, your president sees me in only one dimension.


As you see us.

Yes, and vulnerable.

- Chloe.

- What? You'll never believe it.

I got names off the calls received on Marwan's cell phone.

Take a look.

- Richard Heller? - Right.

Secretary of Defense Heller's son.

Called Marwan a week ago.

Did you tell anyone yet? No.

Just you.

I'II let Buchanan know.

With every minute the m*ssile's target zone widens.

- We need to get updates from regional teams.

- Sorry to interrupt.

Edgar pulled a name off Marwan's phone from a call he received last week.

- Who called him? - Richard Heller.

- Are you sure? - The number originated from his cell phone.

That's how Marwan knew where Heller was yesterday morning.

- Richard helped plan the kidnap? - I don't know.

- Where is he now? - Well, it's 4am.

He's at home asleep, I guess.

- Where does he live? - Van Nuys.

- Do we have field teams in the area? - I don't know.

I'll pull it up on the IP phone.

- Yes, we do.

- Dispatch them.

I'll call Secretary Heller, tell him his son's being brought back in.

Chloe, does Audrey know about this? No.

It's more of a management conversation, don't you think? Your team has been issued new orders.

You are to dispatch immediately to Van Nuys.

- Audrey, you got a minute? - Yeah, sure.

What is it? - It's about your brother Richard.

- Is he all right? - I assume he is, yeah.

- What do you mean? We found out that Marwan got a call from Richard's cell phone a week ago.

I'm sorry, but that's absurd.

We don't know what it means.

Buchanan sent a team to pick Richard up.

He was brought in once today and he was cleared.

I know, but this call definitely connects him to Marwan and the m*ssile.

Look, I don't know how he got mixed up in this, but my brother is not a t*rror1st.


Richard's phone number was found on the received registry of Marwan's SIM card.

- Does my father know about this? - Buchanan's calling him right now.

All right.

I'm sorry.

All right.

I'll tell him.


Jack, we got something.

- What? - Richard Heller called Marwan a week ago.

- We're sure? - Yeah.

They're bringing him to CTU.

I wanna question this kid myself.

We need to get back there now.

Put the suspect in the vehicle.

We're headed back to CTU now.

It doesn't matter where you take me.


We'll see about that.

- This is Bauer.

- Jack.

Did you get anything out of Marwan? No.

We've got a better chance of breaking him at CTU.

We're about ten minutes out.

- Curtis, are you OK? - Yes.

- Can you see the sh**t? - On the roof behind us.

Go! Notify the perimeter we no longer have Marwan in custody.

Perimeter teams, Marwan's escaped.

He's headed toward the southwest sector.

- What have you got on Marwan? - Nothing.

He ditched the vehicle.

We can't find him on satellite.

- How did his people get into that area? - They didn't.

They must've been there before.

All right.

Have perimeter teams comb the nearby buildings for remaining hostiles.

- We lost them, Jack.

- Dammit, Tony, how? They dumped their vehicle on the freeway.

Marwan got into another car.

We're trying to analyze the satellite.

The images are noisy.

- How does Buchanan wanna handle this? - Finding Marwan is becoming less likely.

We have to follow primary leads only.

Right now that's Richard Heller.

- Has he arrived yet? - No.

He'll be back here momentarily.

Bill, I wanna interrogate this kid myself.

- I understand.

I'll have him ready for you.

- We're on our way in.

Curtis, we need to get back to CTU.

They lost Marwan.

We'll have to track him from there.

- What did Buchanan say? - Heller's in first position.

We're gonna interrogate him.



Please, everybody, be seated.

I apologize for the abruptness of your removal from your homes.

Please know that every precaution had to be taken to ensure the secrecy of your arrival.

The US has been thrown into a category one emergency.

A cruise m*ssile containing a nuclear warhead has been launched and is now headed for, we believe, a major US city, very possibly Washington, DC.

Now, all branches of the military have been alerted.

They're doing everything in their power to locate and intercept the m*ssile.

Excuse me, sir.

You're saying that not only do we not know what the m*ssile's target is, - but you don't know where the m*ssile is? - That's correct.

When do you plan to inform the public? At this time, we feel that informing the public wouldn't be in the country's best interest.

"We" meaning who, Mr.

President? I feel that way, Mr.


Doesn't the public have a right to know the truth? That's all I have for now.

When I know more, an update will be given.

Thank you.

Excuse me.


- Mr.


- Yes, Don.

Sir, I do not wish to question your decision in front of the cabinet, but I think that you're making a grave mistake in not alerting the public.

Look, I've thought a lot about this, and I'm certain it's the right course.

Well, if I may say so, sir, you do not seem certain.

It's a difficult day for all of us, Don.

Now, if you'll excuse me Mike.

- What's going on here? - Meaning what? Logan was just sworn in.

We're under a t*rror1st attack.

He needs all the help he can get.

He understands that and he's seeking advice.

Not from his cabinet, or the Congressional leadership.

Give it time, Don.

Give it time.

Thank you.

Tacticals are going through Richard's things now.

- What about Jack? - Jack and Curtis are on their way back.

Someone has to tell Audrey that Jack's going to be interrogating her brother.

Audrey's not gonna wanna let Jack near her brother.

It can't be helped.

I mean, if Richard knows something about that m*ssile This morning, Jack and Audrey were planning their future.

Now he's responsible for her husband's death and he may have to t*rture her brother.

And yet every move he's made has been the right one.

Not if he wanted to be with her.

Look, Michelle.

Everything that's happened here today it's been hard going through it with you again.

It's been hard for me too.

And I look at what this job does to the people in our positions, and I realize I want us to be together again, but it's gotta be away from all this.

You want us to leave our jobs? We've spent the last 12 years of our lives doing this.

Where would we go? What would we do? I don't care.

People start over every day, if it's important to them.

You're asking me to leave the only thing I've ever done.

Yes, I am.

This is beyond belief! I cannot be back here! Audrey, get me outta here! These guys broke into my house.

This is illegal.

Richard, listen.

Just calm down, OK? Listen to me.

Your number came up on the cell phone of a t*rror1st.

That's what they said and that's insane! - All right.

Listen, OK? - Audrey.


- They have to get him into holding now.

- Audrey! Audrey, don't let them do this! Don't let them do this to me! - Who's interrogating him? - Jack.

What? - You are not gonna t*rture my brother.

- I'll be right in.

We're outta time.

He knows something and I'm gonna find out what it is.

- And what if he doesn't? - You're aware that he called Marwan.

There has gotta be an explanation for that.

Let me talk to him.

You believe you can interrogate your own brother? Maybe I can get something out of him that you can't.

Please, just give me five minutes.


Take five minutes.

Thank you.

- Mike.

- Don.

- How's President Logan managing? - Given the circumstances, very well.

I noticed that ex-president Palmer's here.


He brought the former president in to advise.

Yeah, well, that's probably a good idea.

Palmer's been at the helm in this kind of crisis.

He knows how to lead.

President Logan doesn't have any problem leading.

No, not at all.

It's just that if he's not going to ask his cabinet for help, or the leadership, it comforts me somewhat that he's in good hands.

- Is there something else you wanted to say? - Yeah.

Yeah, there is.

The people elected John Keeler to run this country.

In his absence, Logan is expected to take over, but if he's not up to the task, Mike, it is I, Speaker of the House, and not David Palmer who steps up.


And let me assure you that's not the case.

Logan is in complete control.

- Excuse me, Don.

I gotta get back.

- Sure.

Excuse me, Mr.


We may have a problem.

- What is it? - Don Ashton.

He's been asking questions and raising concerns as to President Palmer's role here.

That's too bad.

We have more important things to worry about at the moment.

Sir, as Speaker of the House he can create problems which you don't need right now.

Mike's right, sir.

Don's very ambitious.

Now that he's next in line to the presidency, he'll look to exploit any angle he can.

He won't put ambition before national security.

He won't see it in those terms, sir.

In his eyes, national security and his personal ambition are one and the same.

What do we do? Show him who's in charge.

- Everything set up? - Yeah, he's ready.

Let's do this.

- Hey.

- Audrey! Get me out! Tell them I didn't do anything! Richard, I want you to listen to me very carefully, OK? A m*ssile carrying a nuclear warhead was launched by this man, Habib Marwan.

- Tell me what you know about him.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

CTU has proof that you called him last week.

Last Tuesday at four in the morning.

I don't know any Habib Marwan or anything about a m*ssile.

You have got to believe me.

That m*ssile is in the air now heading toward a city.

- Please, Richard, just tell me what you know.

- Look, I told you.

I don't know anything.

- Why'd you make that phone call last week? - I didn't make a phone call, Audrey.

What's happened with my son so far? We decided to let Audrey talk to him first.

They just started.

- Has he confessed anything yet? - No, sir.

Richard, it's not making sense.

That call was made.

Look, I don't know where you get your information, Audrey, but it's all bull.

His readings are spiking.

He's holding something back.


Richard, I am begging you to talk to me, all right? If you don't, there is a man who will come in here and he will get the information from you.

I saw him t*rture someone today.

It's what he's trained to do.

He won't stop hurting you until you tell him the truth.


Don't let them do this to me.

Tell me what you know and they won't.

I don't know what you want from me.

I don't.

Richard, look at me.

Look at me.

We have a chance to fix this.

- Audrey - This is not working.

We don't have time to coddle him.

Open up.

I don't care if he is my son.

He's playing games now.

All right, Richard.

This has gone far enough.

Either you tell us what we wanna know, or I will let them use every piece of equipment they have to drag it out of you.

You understand that? - Dad, don't.

- Audrey, leave the room.

- Dad, please - Now! I mean it.

- I want you to tell them everything you know.

- Don't let them do this to me.

- Now, what's it gonna be, Richard? - Go to hell.

I did nothing wrong.

I don't have to tell you.

There's a nuclear warhead gonna detonate somewhere over this country.

Those lost lives will be on your head.

You will be a m*rder*r! I didn't mean to do anything wrong, I swear.

What did you do, Richard? Tell me what you did.

Look, don't A week ago I was I was at a bar and and there was this girl and her boyfriend, OK? All right.

- What were their names? - I don't know.

They wanted to party and I we we went back to my place.

We got high and then I guess there was time for one of them to make a call on my phone.

How? When we were in bed.

So, while you were in bed with her, he used your phone in the other room? He wasn't the one in the other room, Dad.

I was with him.

She must have been the one that made the call.

So you were set up.

Yeah, I guess so, Dad.

Did they leave you with a number or an address? No.

What kind of a car were they driving? They didn't have one.

I drove.

Where did you drop them off afterwards? - I didn't.

They took a cab.

- You remember the name of the company? No, Dad, I don't.

Get logbooks from every cab company that works in the area.

- Get me a sketch artist now.

- I'll run it.

- Take over.

- Yes, sir.

So now you know.

I suppose you're even more disgusted with me, huh, Dad? This is not about how you choose to live your life, son.

This is about how you put this country in jeopardy.

If you had told us this yesterday, maybe these att*cks would not have occurred.


Don't you put that on me, Dad, cos yesterday I didn't know that night had anything to do with these att*cks.

You should've told us everything.

I'll wait outside.

You made a profound mistake today, Richard.

Based on this information, we can start to develop a contingency plan.

- You got the cab company? - Better than that.

We got the cab driver.

He dropped them off at an apartment complex called the Mercerwood.

- Did you talk to the manager? - We gave him a description.

- He knows what unit they're in.

- Jack, take this.

I'm gonna need Curtis and Castle.

- I need Curtis here with me.

- Then you gotta give me Tony.

All right.

What about the phone call to Marwan? I analyzed Richard's phone.

The phone call to Marwan activated a listen-in.

He was able to hear all of Richard's calls after that night.

That's why Marwan knew that Heller was visiting Richard.

- Anything on the m*ssile? - We've run military protocol.

So far, nothing.

Is Logan gonna make an announcement? As of now, the president still thinks that would do more harm than good.

Please, as you were, everybody.

Be seated.

Gentlemen and ladies, considering the crisis that we face today, I felt it prudent to enlist the assistance of ex-president Palmer.

- In what capacity? - Excuse me? Everybody in this room has a title and specific function.

Exactly what position will President Palmer be occupying? I'm here solely as an advisor, not only to the president but to anyone who requests my counsel.

He is outside the chain of command, if that's what you're asking.

Asking for a clarification, sir.

The m*ssile carrying the warhead was launched from a location in Iowa.

It's becoming more and more likely that the target is on or near one of the coasts.

It's clearly going to be New York or DC.

Why aren't we evacuating those two cities? I disagree, Jenny.

It's not clear.

And if you start to evacuate these two cities, then you may have an unauthorized mass exodus of Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlanta The president shouldn't deal with that situation.

Maybe the president should tell us that himself.

Please, Mr.


I've discussed this option with a number of domestic experts, including President Palmer, and that's my assessment as well.

What about air defense? Are we gonna stand by and let these cities' airspace remain undefended? We have a limited number of F-18 interceptor jets at our disposal.

They need to be augmenting the search for this m*ssile and not deployed in a "wait and see" mode.


Palmer, I am sure that we all appreciate your desire to help, but the Constitution has determined who the decision makers should be.

- I think you're overstepping your bounds.

- In the first place, it's "Mr.

President", Don.

You should address the content of my statements.


You are to be addressed as "President", it's an expression of respect, but not a functional title.

I understand that, but you have to understand I've been through this crisis before.

Yes, but we are here now, the appointed representatives of the people of the US.

- Mr.

President - There will be no more discussion on this.

Your point has been taken.

However, Ashton has made a good point and I wanna address his concerns.

Perhaps it's best if I excuse myself.


Ladies, gentlemen.


Speaker, I think you're right.

We're gonna put those jets over DC and New York.

- Did you see it on the inside feed? - Yes.

It went exactly as you'd hoped.

We won't have any more problems with Don Ashton today.

I hope you're right.

We'll monitor everything on three.

Make sure LAPD's there when we land.

We'll need transport to the site.

- They've already been called.

- OK.

Tony, wait.

I- I can't I can't spend another day without you.

I'm ready to leave here.

I'm ready to go with you.


Be careful.


They're setting up a feed.

Richard will help Jack identify the suspects when they get on site.

- Then what? - Then they’ll let him go.

His motives certainly weren't seditious.

Dad, I feel so lost.

I know, sweetheart.

- Ms Raines.

- Yes.

Jack Bauer's on line two for you.

Thank you.

You take it, sweetheart.

I'll be on the floor.

- Hello.

- Audrey, it's Jack.

I know you don't wanna talk, but I need to say a few things.

All right.

I know with everything that's happened, you've seen me do things that before now you thought were unimaginable.

I would have been happy to skip today.

Yeah, me too.

But I never believed you could ever love me if you'd known about everything I've done.

- Jack, I can't - Audrey, please, let me finish.

These were the things I was running away from.

That's why I moved to DC.

That's why I stopped doing field work, why I don't work at CTU.

AII I know is that you're back in it and it's too much for me, Jack.

I know.

I know.

The last thing I ever wanted to do was push you away from me.

God, Audrey, I love you.

But this is how the job has to be done.

I want you to know how sorry I am that it had to involve you and the people you care about.

Look, you don't have to say anything now.

Please, just promise me as soon as this is over, we can talk about everything that's happened.

Audrey, please.


I'm gotta call you back later, OK? All right.

- Yeah.

- Tactical's got the schematic ready.

- What are the approach perimeters? - They want us to go in from the west.


This is the composite the artist made based on Richard's description.

Get it to Jack.

Will do.

- Now can we go? - We have plenty of time to get to Marwan.

I don't like cutting it this close.

This is a sketch of the guy Richard Heller described.

He and the girl are our only leads to finding Marwan, so once we identify the suspects it is vital we take them alive.


Curtis, it's Jack.

We're getting ready to land.

Is everything set? Yeah.

Richard's ready to make a positive ID.

Copy that.

I want you to stay on this channel.

- You got it.

- We're a go.

I need you to make sure no LAPD units go inside our established perimeter.

Am I clear? - Yes, sir.

- OK, let's go.

- Ready? - They found us.

- What do you mean? - A helicopter just landed a block away.

- So what? - So, they found us.

- Dammit! - Hey! We can't go together.

- Why not? - One of us has to stay here in the apartment.

- Why? - If they think we're still here, it gives the other a chance to escape.

You gotta be joking.

One of us is gonna get caught to save the other? Exactly.

It's gonna be you.

Do you wanna move in on the apartment now? No.

I want you and Castle to take up positions here on the roof of the main building.

- Teams B and C, are you in position? - Team A set.

- Team C in position.

- Copy that.

Let's go.

LAPD, I need the entry code for the south gate.

It's: star 4763458.

I'm in.

OK, I've got a visual on the apartment.

There's activity inside.

McAllen, meet me at the door of the apartment.

Have your people cover us.

On my way.



Pick it.


Put your hands where I can see them.

Put your hands where I can see them now! He's dead.

Get a picture of him, send it back to CTU.

- Got it.

- Tony, this is Jack.

- Has anybody reported outside movement? - No.

Why? The man is dead.

The girl is no longer in the apartment.

- She couldn't get past the perimeter.

- She could hide.

All teams, maintain positions until we search the other apartments.

Roger that.

- All teams, hold position.

- Charlie, copy that.

Holding steady.

Drop your g*n.

Argh! All right.

All right.

Kick it away.

Look, he's injured.

Why don't you let him go? You can take me instead.

Your two-way.

Turn around.

On your knees, hands on your head.

Cuff him.

Get up.

Curtis, you should have it.

- Whoa.

- Is that him? Is that him? Yeah.


Jack, that's him.

Richard gave us a positive ID on the picture.


Thank you, Curtis.

Tactical, this is Bauer.

I need five teams of two to initiate a search of the complex.

Start with the outer buildings along the perimeter.

Move your way in.

Tony, this is Jack.

We're initiating the search.

Tony, do you copy? Castle, why is Almeida not on com? Tony, do you copy? Tony, come in! All teams, this is Bauer.

Castle is down.

Almeida is missing and possibly a hostage.

Our communications were compromised.

Move to secondary frequency.

CTU, I need more tactical personnel now.

Michelle, did you copy that? Michelle! You heard him, people.

Shift profiles.

We may have a hostage situation.

Move now!