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04x24 - Day 4: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:20
by bunniefuu
The Chinese are pressing the case that we're involved in the as*ault on their consulate.

Have they found evidence beyond the video of me? No, and we have to make sure they don't.

You were part of the team that mounted the as*ault on our consulate.

If you won't tell us who is ultimately responsible, that leaves you.

- If it's Stealth, we can't track it by radar.

- Those missiles travel at a speed of 600mph.

It could hit a target on either coast in under three hours.

That's assuming it's headed for the coast.

If not, it could hit its target at any time.

What is CTU gonna do now to find the m*ssile? At this point, CTU has no reasonable expectation of finding the m*ssile before it reaches its target.

I gave you the responsibility to stop this.

You've failed me, David, and you've failed your country.

- Drop the g*n.

It's over.

- Do it, Jack.

Do you really have what it takes to let me k*ll him while you're looking him in the eye? - Yes.

- Tony.

I have the power to give you a deal signed by the president.

In exchange, you can help me find Marwan and stop this warhead from hitting its target.

Show me the deal.

- Buchanan.

- Has the president signed the pardon yet? Any minute.

I don't like that we're cutting this woman a deal.

- We can't verify she's telling the truth.

- We don't have a choice.

Only she can lead us to Marwan and he's controlling the m*ssile.

Has the attorney general reviewed this agreement? Yes, sir.

We should be getting his final approval any minute now.



I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's something you might wanna see.

It may affect the immunity agreement.

What is it, Aaron? The woman you're about to pardon, I'm pretty certain you've met her before.


- May I? - Absolutely.

On the right is the hostile we have in custody.

On the left is news footage from four and a half years ago in Los Angeles, moments before the attempt on your life.

You're telling me the woman we're about to cut a deal with tried to assassinate me? Yes, sir.

- Novick.

- The agreement is in order.

All right.

Thank you.



The attorney general says the immunity agreement is in order, ready to be signed.

If I read this right, it grants immunity, not only for what this woman has done today, but for any crime she's ever committed in the past.

That is correct, sir.

Sign it.

We're trying to get you the deal, but we will pull it if the m*ssile hits first.

I will talk when my representatives confirm my immunity.

Not before.


- Todd Richards.

Let me speak to my client.

- Yeah.

She's right here.

- I'm listening.

- The document's signed by the president.

- And is the paperwork in order? - Yes.

It grants you total immunity.


- Where's Marwan? - The Global Center.

A helicopter is waiting for him on the roof.

That will be taking him to a ship.

If he flies low enough, he'll evade radar.

When's he leaving? - Now.

- Get the chopper ready.

Alpha Four, have a chopper ready.

She stays here until we verify this.

Sam, this is Bernhart.

Capturing Marwan alive is our only chance of stopping this warhead.

We are not to use lethal force, even in self-defense.

Got it.

Let's go.

She's not answering her phone.

- She should have been here already.

- She said she was delayed.

We're not waiting.

How long is it to the ship and international waters? Ten minutes.

Something's wrong.

Roger, Los Angeles Air.

You need to keep this frequency clear, you copy? Edgar, it's Jack.

We're almost there.

Have you got confirmation on the target? We've just repositioned the satellite.

The images are coming through now.

On top of the Global Center, I see a chopper.

- Southeast corner.

- Copy that.

I want you to take a southeast approach.

Stay below the building.

Yes, sir.

The m*ssile's still on target.

We've gotta go.

Just a few minutes until we're up to speed.

We have visual on the building.

Approaching northwest.

Copy that, CTU.

- OK, come up over the building now.

- Yes, sir.

Don't let him take off.

Stay above him.

- Go.

Go! - He's right on top of me.

- Go! - The engine's out.

Put me in a position to bail.

There he is.

I got you covered.


Tell me where the m*ssile is.

Tell me where it is.

Tell me where it is.

Argh! No.

No! No! Bauer had orders to take Marwan alive.

- I'm sure Jack did whatever he could.

- That's not good enough.

CTU is searching Marwan's helicopter, trying to find something to locate the m*ssile.

- We're out of time.

- Not yet.



I'm sorry to add to an already difficult situation, but the acting Chinese consul, Su Ming, is on teleconference.

He says it's urgent.

Put him through.


As we discussed earlier, our consulate in Los Angeles was att*cked three hours ago.

A Chinese citizen was abducted and our consul k*lled.

We've already given you our assurance that we had no knowledge of this attack.

Which is strange, since one of your agents has confessed his direct involvement and implicated his superior as well.

What are you talking about? My name is Howard Bern.

I'm a federal agent with the Counter t*rror1st Unit in Los Angeles, speaking of my own free will, under no duress.

I participated in an unlawful as*ault on the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles.

I was acting under the orders of special advisor to the secretary of defense Jack Bauer.


Bern provided details which leave no doubt that he is telling the truth.

The full tape will be forwarded to you immediately.

Putting aside the question of how this so-called confession was obtained, what does your government expect us to do? Mr.

Bauer committed a crime at our consulate, which is Chinese territory.

If he was acting without your approval, he should be turned over to our government, to be tried and sentenced according to our laws.


Su, we'll get back to you.

Dammit, David.

You said this would be handled.

I'm sure the Chinese don't want w*r.


But they do want to embarrass us.

Take the moral high ground in the court of world opinion.

We need to take the least damaging course of action.

- Unfortunately, then, there's only one option.

- Which is? - We hand Bauer over to the Chinese.

- Unacceptable.

Besides, if we turn him over, he'll implicate this administration.

The Chinese made Bern talk.

They'll do the same with Bauer.

Bauer would never compromise national security.

As much as I'd like to believe that, everyone breaks.

What you believe is irrelevant.

There is another option, Mr.


Go on.

Suppose something happens to Bauer.

Suppose he has an accident.

- That's an obscene suggestion.

- It solves a lot of problems.


President! This administration does not condone m*rder.

And it never will.

Is that clear? Yes, sir.

I'm sorry, sir.

- Find anything on Marwan? - We're still looking.

You OK? - Be better once we take this m*ssile down.

- We have found something.

It's been shot up, but one of the drive platforms is intact.

It's a tracking or navigation program, with a GPS node.

- Adams has uplinked whatever's left to CTU.

- OK, thanks.


It's Jack.

Forensics found something Chloe's got it.

She's trying to download the interface.

- Put her on.

- I'll put you on speaker.

- You're on.

- Got anything on that program? Nothing yet.

Give us a second, Jack.

- It's totally random.

- Maybe try a correlation matrix.

- What's that gonna do? - Just do it, Edgar.

- I told you it wasn't going to work.

- That's cos you didn't expand the parameter.

See? - What have you got? - Two parallel columns.

Data points damaged.

What do you mean "parallel columns"? It could be a flight path.

I'll try plotting them over the US GS map.

It's working.

If that's a flight path, it's headed due west over Nevada.

It's Los Angeles.

It's gotta be.

It's coming towards LA.

Chloe, run a time analysis.

Assuming the m*ssile travels at 600mph, it puts it within this 30-mile segment.

I'll get those coordinates to the air force.

- Clark.

- Captain Clark.

Bill Buchanan, CTU.

The m*ssile's heading for LA.

We've narrowed the possible coordinates.

Uploading now.

- Squad's in the air, sir.

- OK, thanks.

They have planes in the air.

If our projections are correct, they should find it quickly.

They better, since the casualty figures of an LA air strike would be over a million lives.

- Including ours.

- Put the military channel on the speaker.

Delta One approaching sector.

Roger that, Delta One.

Still no joy target searching.

If the m*ssile's shot down, could it detonate? No.

The warhead is specifically designed not to blow up until it hits its target.

But the impact could trigger the arming mechanism? - It's unlikely.

- But it is possible, right? Yes, it's possible, but we don't have a choice.

We're out of time here.

Delta Two, this is Pointcom.

We have a contact at 3846 degrees north.

Bearing 120.


Closing in on those coordinates.

Possible contact.

Breaking left.

I've got tally on the target.

12 o'clock.

- m*ssile checks good.

I'm armed.

- Cleared to lock on target.

- Target acquired.

- Good lock.

Repeat, good lock.

Delta Two is in range.

Request clearance to engage.

Delta Two.

Target confirmed.

Clear to engage.

I've got good tone.

Fox Two, m*ssile away.

Splash One.

That's a direct hit, Delta One.

Target is down.

I repeat, the target is down.

Miss Dessler, here's the report so far.

No nuclear radiation was emitted when the m*ssile was destroyed.

Debris hit the ground and there was some damage and several injuries.

- No loss of life was - We'll pick this up later.

- When they told me you were dead - I know.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

I didn't realize how much until I thought I'd lost you.

What is it? When that woman called and she Hey, hey, hey.

You did what you had to do.

But I didn't do what you did.

You chose me and I chose Look, we did the best we could, all right? Now it's over.

Did you get the information that I sent you? And do you know yet? No.

The commercial flights are still grounded.

I'm trying to get Paul back on a military transport.

Let me know if I can do anything.

I haven't taken care of his funeral yet.

I need to call his mother.

She doesn't know? Well, just let the staff know Listen, I'm gonna have to get back to you.

There's something that I need to deal with.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Your father said you're going to Washington.


I have to take care of Paul's funeral.


And after that? I'm sorry.

I know this isn't the right time to talk about everything.

Maybe tomorrow we could get together.

Jack, I don't think that's a good idea.

We agreed we wouldn't make those kinds of decisions today.

I know, but I just Audrey.

I love you.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

That's all I want.

We both know that you belong here, Jack.

At CTU, doing what you do best.

And thank God there are people like you who can deal with that world.

But I can't.

Please don't say that.


Oh, Jack.

I love you.

But after today, it's just It won't work.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

- This is Bauer.

- Jack, this is David Palmer.

Yes, Mr.


Words cannot express the debt this country owes you.

- Thank you, sir.

- Jack, this is hard for me.

But I don't seem to have a choice.

The Chinese have proof that you led the as*ault on their consul.

- What kind of proof? - Howard Bern made a full confession.

He identified you as the agent in charge.

And now the Chinese want me? That's right.

And we have no choice but to comply.

I see.

What they really want is you to implicate the government.

- Mr.

President, that will never happen.

- I know that.

They'll put you on trial, propagandize about American arrogance, and put you in prison.

I understand.

Jack, this is unfair, to say the least, and I'm ashamed of my part in it but I promise you this, I will make it my life's purpose to bring you back to American soil as soon as possible.

I know you'll do what you can, sir.

Secret Service is sending over an agent to CTU.

He'll place you under house arrest.

But you'll have some time to put your affairs in order.

Jack, my friend, I wish there was something else I could say.


President, you're doing what has to be done.

So will I.

I know you will.

- Thank you, Jack.

- Thank you, sir.

This is a messy situation.

Even if Bauer doesn't implicate the president in the attack, there are other problems.

Bauer's special advisor to the secretary of defense, which makes him a high-value prisoner and a gold mine of information.

- The Chinese could squeeze him dry.

- You're right.

Plus they could share information with any intelligence agency.

What they get out of Bauer could find its way into the hands of t*rrorists.

This could set us back years.

- So the bottom line is - I don't think you need me to spell that out.

I assume this isn't coming from President Logan? Absolutely not.

He's expressly forbidden it.

But that doesn't mean he'd be sorry if it happened.

- So any investigation into Bauer's death? - Will be brief and superficial.

- I'll see to it personally.

- Fine.

I'll take care of it.


- The president ordered Jack be extradited.

- Cummings wants Bauer dead.

Logan shot him down.

We were both there.

It was a weak rebuke at best.

This is conjecture, based on one side of a conversation.

I know what I heard and I know Cummings.

You don't.

You really think he's capable of this? He's been doing Logan's dirty work for the last 15 years.

Logan's used to looking the other way.

I'd tell the president myself, but he won't listen to me.

If you don't intervene now, it may be too late.

The prime minister's offering to host a conference in London for improving the flow of intelligence information.

Tell him I accept his gracious offer.

You should tell him yourself.

He wants to congratulate you personally for steering the country so effectively in its time of crisis.

- Set up a call.

- Yes, sir.


I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of goodwill from heads of state around the world.

Well-deserved, Mr.


You played a role, David.

You played a role.

Thank you, sir.

So what can I do for you? Would you excuse us? I'd like a moment alone with the president.

Yes, sir.

Sir, I believe that your security chief may be pre-empting your decision to hand Jack Bauer over to the Chinese.

- Pre-empting me how? - By k*lling him before they can take custody.

For God's sake, David.

Cummings was just speaking hypothetically.

You can't take that at face value.

Besides which, I told him it wasn't an option.

I'm asking you to talk to Cummings and make sure he understands your order.

I can't indulge some half-baked conspiracy.

I think I've earned the privilege of having my concerns taken seriously.

You have.

But it's also no secret that your presidency was infected with a certain level of paranoia and scandal.

I won't allow that in my administration.

Questioning my security chief undermines his authority and would compromise mine.

Hear no evil.

- I beg your pardon.

- You heard me.


Thank you again for your assistance today, but it's time for you to go back to civilian life and let me do my job.

Hi, Jack.


I found out Logan's making you take the fall for what happened at the consulate.

No one's making me do anything.

The president didn't have a choice.

Yeah, well, that doesn't make it fair, does it? It is what it is.

- This is Bauer.

- Are you still at CTU? Yes, sir.

Tony Almeida's just about to debrief me.

Listen to me very carefully.

Do not turn yourself in.

The man they sent to take you into custody has orders to k*ll you.

- Orders from who? - Someone in Logan's camp.

They think the Chinese will break you.

- Logan authorized this? - Not directly, but he won't stop it.

Now, listen to me.

Get out of there now.

Thank you, sir.

Bill Buchanan, regional director of Division.

Dale Spaulding, Secret Service.

You'll have to sign this before I take Bauer.

- What is it? - Chain of custody authorization.

I'm not signing anything till Bauer's been debriefed.

When that happens, he's all yours.

Fair enough.

We'd be burying a million Americans right now if it wasn't for Jack Bauer.

He's a hero.

I'm sure he is.

I'm just following orders.

I want him treated with the respect he deserves.

Of course.

Tony's on line one.

Says it's urgent.

Something to do with Jack.

- Buchanan.

- Bill, it's Tony.

- Jack escaped.

- Escaped? He took me by surprise.

There was nothing I could do.

He's still inside, somewhere in section C.

I'm the one who ordered the lockdown.

- I'll be right there.

- All right.

Bauer's trying to get away.

Jack disabled the surveillance feed.

- Were you able to make visual contact? - Yes, he's still in section C.

Jack was willing to turn himself over.

What happened? - I can't say for sure, but he got a phone call.

- Who from? I don't know.

I was waiting for him, next thing I know, I'm on the ground.

- Does Bauer have a w*apon? - Yeah.

- How many exits? - Four.

They're all blocked off.

- He'll try to punch through.

- I have two guards at each point.

- I'm not taking chances.

- What are you doing? - Going after him.

- Wait.

I've orders to take Jack Bauer into custody.

I intend to execute those orders.

- This building is my jurisdiction.

- You lost that when you lost Bauer.

If you want me to stand down, call the president, otherwise stay away.

- I'm going with you.

- No.

I'm doing this alone.

Either you take Tony or you're not going anywhere.

Follow me.

Jack, it's Tony.

Are you in here? Come on, let's talk.

It doesn't have to go down like this.


Give it up.

Stay out of my way.

This is over.

I'm gonna go break Jack out.

You wanna stop me, you can sh**t me in the back.


I'm putting my w*apon down.

I'm coming in.



He's dead.

- You k*lled him.

- He was sh**ting at us.

He was aiming wide.

He was laying down cover fire.

If he wanted to, he'd have hit us.

My God, Jack.

You k*lled him, you son of a bitch! Get him outta here! Take him to the situation room.

I'm sorry.

Oh, God, Jack.

Give me the epinephrine.

I hope it's not too late.

He really looks dead.

That was the idea, Chloe.

How fast is it supposed to take effect? Come on, Jack.

Come on, man.

Tony Come on, Jack.

Dammit! Hey.

Hey, can you hear me? - You know where you are? - Yeah.

Chloe, run interference with the local coroner.

Until we can switch bodies.

Sync up their database with Jack's information.

- That won't cover the autopsy.

- There won't be one.

They wanted Jack dead.

Now he's dead.


I just talked to my father.

He said Jack was being handed to the Chinese government.

He was supposed to be.

But he tried to escape.

I don't understand.

Neither do I.


- Audrey.

- No.

Don't say it.


I'm sorry.

All right.

We're clear.

- Are you sure you're OK, Jack? - Yeah, I'm fine.

You both need to get back to CTU before anyone gets suspicious.

- You can drop me off anywhere up there.

- All right.

Your new identity should get you across the border.


Did you get me a clean phone? Yeah.

It has a scramble filter.

You can talk up to one minute undetected.

I can't thank you both enough for everything.

You gotta get going.


Be careful.


You too.

Thank you both for everything.

- Palmer.

- Mr.


It's Jack Bauer.

- You threaded the eye of the needle.

- I had some help, sir.

I wanted to thank you for advising me of the situation.


President, you saved my life.

I'm only sorry it came to this.

Me too, sir.

I just wanted to let you know that I was out.

I'm glad.

This is probably the last time we'll ever speak.

Jack, you do understand, when you hang up, for all intents and purposes, Jack Bauer is dead.

I understand that, sir.


President, it's been an honor.

Same for me, my friend.