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06x08 - Day 6: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:22
by bunniefuu
Call the cabinet in for a session.

We are ramping up.

Congratulations, Tom, it's an excellent plan.

- It's time someone stood up to these people.

- Thank you very much, Mr Vice President.

The American Muslim community is our best line of defence against these t*rrorists.

Your plan would only hinder the efforts of law enforcement to stop Fayed.

I remain convinced that implementing this plan would be a terrible mistake.

a conversation between McCarthy and Fayed.

McCarthy's found another engineer to arm the four nukes.

Oh, my God.

It's Morris.

Morris, it's a setup.

The engineer McCarthy's looking for is you.

Get out of the car.

- We're on our way.

- We'll be waiting.

- With my money.

- You'll get paid when I have what I want.

I'm just delivering him.

You'll have to make him cooperate.

How do I find McCarthy? - Four ccs.

- His vitals are spiking across the line.

- Four ccs! - Jack, don't! This has nothing to do with McCarthy.

- It has to do with Palmer.

- David Palmer? I gave the order for his assassination.

He was responsible for Palmer's assassination.

He directed the conspiracy.

He was trying to protect my father's company.

- You told him about Palmer.

- I had to make him think I cracked.

But I kept you out of it.

Dad, stick to the plan.

Sometimes you have to make adjustments.

My son's had a seizure! If you people k*lled my son, you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life.

I'm en route to the ambush site.

Which direction did they take Morris? I'm bringing it up.

What are they gonna do to him? They have to keep him alive to make the bombs operational.

That means we've got time.

Remain calm and pull up the satellite now.

The server's not responding.

- I know what I'm doing.

- You confirmed this with the field team? - Yes.

Jack's on line one.

It's Bill.

We just got word from the field team at your brother's house.

Graem's dead, Jack.

- What happened? - We'll know more after an autopsy.

All signs point to cardiac arrest.

- Because of the interrogation? - The medic on site believes that was a factor.

- Does my father know? - Yes, he was there.

Your sister-in-law and nephew were en route to CTU when it happened.

I'd appreciate it if you'd break the news to them.

Of course.

- Sir? - Stand by.

Chloe's starting to screw up.

She's worried about Morris.

I think she's losing it.

- Chloe, do we have access to the uplink yet? - Not yet.

I know what you're feeling.

If there's a problem Get away! The only problem is people bothering me when I'm trying to do my job.

- Give up the post to Milo.

- Leave me alone.

I can do this.



Jack, I've relieved Chloe.

She's too distraught.

You're on with Milo.

Jack, just give me a second.

I got McCarthy on satellite 13 minutes ago abducting Morris in a silver Maserati at the corner of Central and 3rd.

I'm tracking them.

Right now McCarthy's at Adams and 13th heading west.

We should have a visual in a few minutes.

How long will it take the TAC teams to intercept McCarthy? I don't know.

We'll get back to you.

Where are we taking him? Fayed will call soon.

Just relax and drive.

I am relaxed.

I just wanna get this over with.

It will never be over.

CTU knows who you are.

They're looking for you.

- Shut up.

- Is that possible? He's bluffing.

So you're not Darren McCarthy, arms dealer, subcontracted by BXJ Technologies? CTU intercepted a transmission about Fayed hiring you to do this.

- I said shut up! - Fine.

We'll hand him over to Fayed as planned.

If I'm already a marked man, - I might as well get paid for it.

- What about me? He didn't say they know about you.

And anyway, I'll take care of you, like always.

A chopper.

That's a chopper.

I got him.

We got a visual.

- Turn left.

- Why? Just do what I say.

Just do it.

Swing back.

They just took off.

They must've spotted us.

All right, I got them turning north onto Anders.

- Go around them.

- No! - Go around them! - I can't! Just do it! - Oh, my God.

- Go left.

- Are they still there? - Yes.

Turn there.

We got a problem.

They're headed to the 110 interchange.

We lost 'em.

Does Caltrans have cameras covering that area? Nothing.

The TAC team is still five minutes away.

Captain, put me down now.

Do you know what this is about? Fayed, who you're taking me to, is the t*rror1st who set off the b*mb in Valencia.

He has four more bombs, but he needs me to make them work so that he can k*ll tens of thousands of innocent people.

And all you have to do to stop that from happening is to uncuff me.

McCarthy's right.

CTU doesn't know you exist.

For the love of God, all of those people's lives are on you.

Let's go.

Come on.

Move it, move it.

- This way.

- Can I get my luggage? Forget about the luggage! Come on.

You did not tell me this was about nuclear bombs.

What this is about is about seven million dollars.

Now get in the truck! - Pressman.

- They must've switched vehicles.

They could've merged onto any of six local roads or highways.

We can't track them without knowing the car.

Dammit, Milo! They could be anywhere.

Just find them and get back to me.

Head south.

I'm sorry.

Hello? I have a new place to meet.

Are you certain you're not being followed? Yeah.

What's the address? - You got my money? - Yes.

OK, turn on the GPS.

- Apartment 621, all right? Don't forget it.

- Mm-hm.

OK, good.

It's not too far.

Yes, yes! Thank God.

A bit excessive, but you did the right thing.

- I've got to contact CTU - Shut up! Shut up! Fayed wants you alive and whatever shape you're in beyond that is up to you.

- Oh, come on.

What are you doing? - I am making seven million dollars.

And I can spend it without having to worry about CTU.

Like you said, they don't know I exist.

Listen, I know you think I'm wrong and that I blindsided you by not backing your proposals.

Correct on both counts, sir.

Tom, I have always valued your counsel.

Ever since you showed up at my home and convinced me to run, spearheaded my campaign I mean, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here.

But I hope I can still count on you to help me implement my policies.

Excuse me, Mr President, the plane carrying Hamri Al-Assad has landed at Andrews Air Force Base.

He'll be here soon.

- Thank you.

- Yes, sir.

We'll talk later? Mr Lennox? Everything's OK.

We're fine in here.

Thank you.

What happened? The presidentjust rejected every one of my proposals right there in front of the cabinet.

Not only has he changed his mind on the internment plan, he is rolling back on the detention facilities already in place.

- I thought he was on board.

- Well, so did I! Now he's putting forth his own agenda to appease the Muslim population.

He's hoping they'll help find the nuclear weapons? That's it! That's it! And all he will succeed in doing is to prove to the t*rrorists that he does not have the stomach to do what is necessary and inevitable! OK, then you need to use your influence to change his mind.

My My influence? You don't get it, do you, Reed? I have no influence! Not here.

Not in this administration.

- No, I'm resigning.

- Sir, that would be a terrible mistake.

My mistake was to believe that Wayne Palmer has the courage and the vision to fill this office.

Clearly, I overestimated him.

He is certainly not his brother.

Which makes it all the more important that you stay.

You have the support of many people here, the least of which is the vice president.

Unfortunately, the vice president is not the one in power.

And this country is being led to slaughter by the man who is.




I cannot in good conscience be party to this.

I can't.

- This is a terrible mistake.

- I can't talk about this any further.

Go now and draft my letter of resignation and bring it back to me now for me to sign.

Yes, sir.

- Yes? - It's Reed.

Palmerjust sh*t down the Lennox plan in a cabinet meeting, rejecting every initiative.

- Did you hear what I said? - I heard.

We have to move ahead with what we talked about.

I realise it's extreme, but I don't see any alternative.

Do you? No, but there's a problem.

Tom Lennox is resigning.

- When? - As soon as I write his letter of resignation.

Carson, if he goes, I lose my job and I lose my access.

Our plan is contingent on your proximity to the president.

We need you in place.

I know.

I am very well aware of that, but Tom Lennox is determined to quit.

He might reconsider if he knew what was coming.

- I suppose I could feel him out.

- Then do it.


We have to protect ourselves.

Anything come up on Caltrans? Without knowing what car he switched into, it'll take hours to go through the frame grabs.

Stay on it.

Right now it's all we've got.

- Mrs Bauer? - Yes? I'm Bill Buchanan, Director of Operations.

You must be Josh.

- May I speak with you a moment, privately? - Um It's OK, Mom.


What is it? I'm very sorry to have to tell you this.

Your husband is dead.

- How? - He appears to have suffered a heart att*ck.

- What did Jack do to him? - There'll be a thorough investigation.

Your father-in-law is accompanying Graem's body for an autopsy.

- Unless you have an objection? - No.

- I have to tell my son.

- Of course.


Your mother wants to speak with you.

What? No.



- It's Jack.

Let me speak to Buchanan.

- Hold on.

Jack's on the line.


We found McCarthy's body less than three blocks from the interchange.

We intercepted a call from LAPD.

The witness said the sh**t was a female.

Left with a male fitting Morris's description in a pickup.

- Did the witness get a license plate? - No.

But McCarthy received a call just about five minutes ago.

The caller ID is blocked.

I need to trace the source of the call.

- You think it came from Fayed? - Yeah.

- I'll give it to Milo when you upload the data.

- It's on its way.

OK, knock.

What do you want? I'm Darren McCarthy's associate.

I have your package.

Who are you? Where's McCarthy? He's waiting to hear from me.

If he doesn't get the money, he gives you up.

- This is the engineer? - Uh-huh.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm just a data analyst.

You have the wrong man.


I brought you what you want.

Just give me the money and I'll go.

You'll get your money when this man completes his task.

You work at CTU? So you know I have four nuclear suitcase bombs in my possession.

These bombs need to be reprogrammed before I can use them.

You are here to create a device that will allow me to do so.

Not bloody likely, mate.

You're going to modify this so that I can use it to reprogram the bombs.

No, I'm not.

- What's happening with the phone trace? - Milo's working on it.

- Why is it taking so long? - Checking into it now.

- Milo, what's your status? - The call was from a land line.

The number was routed through a dozen servers and they keep cycling back on it.

- Come on.

- Are you gonna be able to do this? Milo let me try.

I know I screwed up earlier.

I wasn't thinking clearly.

But let me try this.

I can do it.

The number strains are caught in the loop matrix.

Did you run a Satcom overlay filter? It only works on cell-to-cell communications.

This was from a hard line.

NSA recently started using satellite carrier systems as a backup for all phone traffic.

I just have to reconfigure the embedded decryption program to Got it.

That's it.

The call was from an apartment building - - Copy, Jack? - Yeah.

Do we know which apartment? No way to tell.

They tapped into the building's trunk line.

We're ready.

Have Tactical meet us.

Tell 'em to set up a perimeter.

Stay out of sight.


- Good work, Milo.

- Sir, it wasn't me.

If you think she's ready, bring her back in.

Mr Al-Assad, right this way.

We've checked out your background and despite my understandable scepticism, I do believe you want negotiated peace.

On my own terms, yes.

Let's table your terms for the time being while we discuss mine.

My country, sir, has suffered a nuclear att*ck by the same t*rrorists who used to follow you.

Thousands of innocent Americans are dead or dying as we speak.

I am aware of the tragedy in California, Mr President.

I was there.

Then you understand that if Fayed detonates any more nuclear weapons on US soil, there will be no chance whatsoever for a peace agreement.

The American people are demanding that we strike back.

And notjust at organisations such as yours, but at the governments that support them.

Ifjust one more nuke goes off - one more - we won't have a choice.

You understand me? We're talking about w*r.

You don't have to tell me what is at stake.

But I still don't understand what you want from me.

I'd like you to appear on television and make a public address to the world.

Declare your intentions for peace and appeal to members of Islamic communities to come forward with any information regarding Fayed.

You flatter me if you think I hold sway over all Islam.

No, sir, not all.

Just the extremists who share your hatred of the west.

I certainly can't reach out to them for help.

I know you can.

But perception is everything, Mr President.

So I must present my agenda to own my people in my own time, not by appearing on American TV from the White House! Fayed already called me a traitor.

Many others will follow him if there is a suspicion I am an American puppet! Not a puppet, a partner.

At least when it comes to finding these nuclear weapons.

That is what we have to be for your peace initiative to have a chance to work, so get used to it.

Between you and me, I don't give a damn how and when you wanted to present your agenda.

The time is now.

You wanna lead this peace initiative, then lead.

- Who's in command? - Agent Turner.

- What's the status of your perimeter? - It's in place.

Plain-clothes agents are covering the exits.

Three TAC teams are ready to move in on your command.

Is Fayed in the building? Morris O'Brian entered the building with a woman less than 20 minutes ago.

We assume the woman is the one your witness saw sh**t McCarthy.

We don't know what apartment or floor they're on.

- CTU is patched in and awaiting your word.

- Thank you.

- Bill, it's Jack.

Do you copy? - Yes, go ahead.

I'm in the staging area.

We have confirmation Morris is inside.

We have no confirmation on Fayed.

There are no cameras.

Do you have infrared satellite? We can't get a live feed.

We have a satellite uploading images at five-minute intervals.

Latest scan shows 215 people spread out over six floors and 112 apartments.

It'll take too long to go room by room.

We'll have to find another way to ID them.

Is it on the city's emergency services grid? Yes, Jack.

All buildings over ten units are required to.

It's good to have you back.

Get into their system and trigger a fire alarm.

- We have to get past their login screens.

- Tell me when you're ready.


Please stop.

Please, just stop.

Indicate you will do what I've asked and it will stop.

People are leaving the building.

If there really is a fire, what do we do? There's no fire.

CTU knows we're here.

- I really need to get out of here.

- Shut up! Up against the wall.

Your time is up! I will use this all over your body until you die of shock or blood loss.

Then I will just find someone else to do what I need.

Do you understand? Look, please, I don't care about the money.

I made a mistake.

Just let me get out of here, please.

- So, you'd give up the seven million, huh? - Yes.


Stop! Stop! I'll do it.

Come in.

This memo says Palmer's arranging for Assad to make a televised statement? I heard.

Not only are we providing free air time to a mass m*rder*r and enemy of democracy, we are proving terrorism works.

- Do you have my letter of resignation? - No, sir, I don't.

Why not? You can't resign while this country is being brought to the brink of a nuclear holocaust by a weak, misguided president.

Dammit, Reed, I explained.

I cannot get the president to budge on policy.

There's nothing I can do about this.

What if I told you that the climate could change.

What does that even mean, the climate? I'm just saying that there are people who believe, like you, more aggressive steps need to be taken to cr*ck down on terrorism at home and abroad.

And that a change in leadership is imperative to ensure this nation's security.

Um - Who? - Excuse me, sir? Who are these like-minded people we're talking about? Well, I'm just speaking abstractly.

But you'd have to agree that your plan would have all the support it needed if the vice president were the man occupying the Oval Office.


Now, I may dislike the president's current course of action.

I hardly think it warrants his removal.

I'm not talking about holding hearings.

Something more immediate would have to happen.

Oh, my God.

You can't be intimating what I think you are.

I'm not intimating anything.

I'm just simply musing.


That kind of musing can get you thrown into prison for treason.

Well, I'm sorry, sir, that you've misunderstood me.

Yeah, I certainly hope so, for your sake.

All right, I think you have a letter to draft for me.

You need to keep a safe distance away from the building.

Move across the street for your own safety.

Move away from the building.

Anything from your men on the ground? They've looked at everyone who's exited.

There's no sign of Fayed or O'Brian.

If they were inside when the alarm went off, they still are.


- Jack, it's Bill.

- Go ahead.

We're mirroring the latest infrared to your screen.

Hold on.

I've got it.

I'm looking at it now.

Three people are left on the second, fourth and sixth floors.

Chloe, who's renting those apartments? Cross-referencing building schematics with phone company and police records now.

A woman on the second floor is handicapped.

She probably didn't leave cos she can't.

The other two are occupied by single males.

The man on the fourth has been arrested for distribution of narcotics.

Fayed wouldn't use anyone with a record to set up a safe house.

They're on the sixth floor.

Get your men ready.

Moving in.

Let's go! - How much longer? - I don't know.

This is a few minutes' work for an advanced programmer.

You're stalling.

I am not.

It'll be ready in a minute.

Everybody seems to have evacuated.

Which is how they intend to find us.

At this point, it's only a question of time.


- It's done? - Yes.

Bring it.

- You have the bombs here? - Just one.

Let's see if you did your work correctly.

Arm it.

Arm it! Very good.

k*ll him.

Please, I did what you asked, didn't I? Get up! Put down your weapons! Stay covered.

Stay covered.


All agents sound off! - Clear! - Clear! We took a head count of the bodies.

One hostile is missing.

We haven't found Fayed.

It's clear, sir.

Have your men maintain the search for Fayed and ID every exit.

- Yes, sir.

- What's his status? He's unconscious but alive.

Chloe, it's Jack.

Morris has been injured but he's alive.

Mr Bauer, you need to see this.

CTU, this is Bauer.

We got a problem.

Be careful.

The b*mb has a fail-safe device preventing forced entry.

I have two small metal plates slowly converging on each other.

Those are triggers.

If they touch, an electric charge will detonate.

The nuke will explode.

- How far apart are they? - About three inches.

OK, that gives us only about three minutes.

There's a small metal box to the right of it.

- Carefully unscrew the top of it.

- Copy that.

We know how Fayed got out.

They opened a wall in a closet to get to the ventilation system.

Fayed could get to the basement and the sewer tunnels.

- Did you set up a perimeter? - Yes, but we believe Fayed's already gone.

Witnesses saw a helicopter take off a few minutes ago.

It looked like a medical evac chopper so it got through our net.


The top's off.

We are running out of time.

Under the gears are four wires.

Short-circuit any two.

It'll stop the left gear from rotating.

Access the dipswitches underneath to open the case and manually stop the trigger.

The left gear stopped.

The dipswitches are in the "up" position.

- What's next? - Um Switch three and four to "down".

The case didn't open.

- It didn't? - That's what I said! - Hold on.

- Chloe, we are almost out of time.

OK, I have an updated schematic.

It wasn't switches three and four.

Push four and five to "down" and the cover will open.

Are you sure? I'm about as sure as I'm going to be before this b*mb goes off.

It's done.

The b*mb is disarmed.

Tell your men the b*mb's deactivated.

It's over.

- It's not over.

- What are you talking about? The reprogramming device Fayed had me build for him - if it's not here, it means he took it with him.

And with it, he can activate the other bombs he has any time he wants.

- You gave him something that worked?! - I'm sorry, Jack.

- CTU, did you copy that? - We got it.

Alert the president immediately.

Organise two teams to search the apartment and around the building.

- O'Brian will tell you what you're looking for.

- Yes, sir.

Yes, sir? - You see this flash report in from CTU? - I'm reading it now.

They let Fayed slip through their fingers again.

Apparently he now has the capability to arm his remaining suitcase nukes.

This situation is immeasurably worse.

You know my letter of resignation? Have you got that? Yes, I just finished printing it.

I can bring it over to you right now.

No, no, no.

No, just tear that up.

What? Um That talk we were having in my office - I don't think I misunderstood you.

And I would like to discuss this further.

Not on this phone.

I'll let you know when I have a secure location.