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06x10 - Day 6: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:23
by bunniefuu
I'd like you to appear on television and appeal to members of Islamic communities.

Your cabinet feels you're making a tragic mistake.

The man has m*rder*d countless innocents and you are putting your hopes for this country's safety on him.

They will come after you.

I assure you of that.

We're talking about removing the president.

We are in a national crisis and he is in over his head.

He's brought this on himself.

I need his itinerary, specifically in regards to Assad's televised address.

- Why? - The less you know, the better.

Because of me, Fayed has a device that can arm all the suitcase nukes he wants.

Don't blame yourself.

When the next b*mb goes off and thousands of more people die, everybody will remember I made it possible.

CTU found me.

I needed to preoccupy them with a b*mb to enable my escape.

The delivery system software was programmed for five detonations at five high-priority targets.

Because of your carelessness, we are now down to three.

More than enough for our needs, Gredenko.

Our country lost the Cold w*r because it was afraid to use these weapons against the Americans.

Today we will correct that mistake.

And the Arabs will take all the blame.

Marilyn, it is vital that we find Gredenko.

If we retrace the route you took that night, do you think you'd recognise the house? Maybe.

What's goin' on with you and Jack? He's looking for someone.

He thinks I can help.

You mean Gredenko? What do you know about him? I followed Graem to a house one night.

He met with some Russians.

Jack wants to take me over there to see if it can jog my memory.

You won't take Jack where Graem met the Russians but to a different address.

Now, you do this for me, and I promise you you will see Josh again.

If you don't, he dies.

Marilyn, is any of this familiar? Yes.

That's it - the blue house on the right.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

Go, go! b*mb! Everyone out! Come on, come on.


Go, go.

Don't stop! Buchanan.

- It's Jack.

- What do you got? We've been ambushed.

The house that Marilyn led us to was wired with expl*sives.

Half my team is down.

Send paramedics to 9407 Hindry Place.

- They knew we were coming.

- Gredenko? I think so.

I'm trying to find Milo and Marilyn.

I think they're being pursued by hostiles.

I'll have a team there.

I'll monitor local bandwidth.

Bill, hurry.

We need to find them.

This way.

This way, come on.

- Marilyn? - I can't - We gotta keep moving.

Move, move.

- I can't.

Come on.

Come on, this way.

Over there.

The other way.

within miles of ground zero.

Survivors are being treated at local hospitals and at makeshift medical facilities.

Local authorities continue to urge people to stay in their homes until further notice - Yeah.

- We took out the CTU team.

- So is my son dead? - Yes, sir.

Right, well.

Had to be done.

Do you have Marilyn? - No, sir, not yet.

- Why not yet? She escaped with someone.

We're tracking them now.


We'll find her soon, sir.

The man she's with doesn't look like a trained field agent.

Make sure you take her alive.

I need her to find Gredenko so I can end this mess.

I understand.

I'll call you as soon as I have her.


They know we're here.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

Marilyn, listen to me.

I'm gonna cover you.

When I do, head back towards the alley.

Run as fast and as far away from here as you can.

You understand me? - Yeah.

- OK.

Targets are right behind us, behind those dumpsters.

Remember, we need to take that woman alive.

Just wait.

Wait till I tell you.

Go! Let's go, let's go.

- I told you to go! - I couldn't! Oh! - Let's go.

- Wait, wait! k*ll him.

Drop your w*apon! - Let her go! - Drop your w*apon or I'll k*ll her.

If you wanted to k*ll her, she'd be dead by now.

Drop your w*apon or I will use mine.

Do it! On your knees! Hands on your head, interlace your fingers.

Turn around and face the fence.

Milo, let me see it.

There's no arterial bleeding.

You'll be OK.

CTU will be here in a minute.

Take this g*n, make sure he doesn't move.

That call you took was from Gredenko.

You tipped him off.

Over half my team is dead! - You don't understand! - What, that Gredenko knew we were coming? It wasn't Gredenko on the phone.

Those aren't his men.

If they weren't Gredenko's men, whose were they? Who sent them?! Your father.

- What are you talking about? - It's true, Jack, I swear.

Your father called me in the car.

My father? He told me to lead you to that house.

He said if I didn't, he'd He said that he k*lled Graem and that if he had to, he would k*ll Josh.

I'm sorry.

He has my son! Marilyn.

Do you have the address to Gredenko's safe house? Yes.

- I need you to give it to me now.

- I can't.

Not till I have my son.

I will help you get Josh back, but I need that address now.

Gredenko is our only chance of recovering the nuclear weapons.

You saw what happened in Valencia earlier today? This is going to be worse.

Please, just give me the address.

I recognised the house as we were driving.

It's on Glasgow - 9421.

Don't move.


I've got the correct address for Gredenko's safe house - 9421 Glasgow.

Turner's team will be there.

Run point.

I want you to send me a smaller team to my location.

I'm at an industrial park on Pine, just south of Oxford.

Have the team bring me a vehicle with a full tactical kit.

They have to transfer Milo to CTU.

He's shot.

It's not critical.

Divert the rest of the team to the address on Glasgow to initiate attack.

Get back to me when you've got Gredenko.

- What's going on? - I'll explain later.

- That's not good enough.

- Bill, please.

Just trust me.

This is personal.

Jack! How could I have been so stupid? - Hi.

- Hey.

- Did you finish the vectors? - No.

If you're having trouble, I can help you.

I'm just not finished.

And I don't want this to turn into another conversation about whether or not I'm OK.

I'm sorry, love.

If you can't talk to me, talk to a staff psychologist or your sponsor.

I don't need them.

I'll be fine.

We just heard from Jack.

Marilyn Bauer is safe.

She gave us Gredenko's location.

- Milo was shot but he's gonna be OK.

- What happened? He held off three armed hostiles till Jack got there.

He's up for a commendation.

Debrief him when Medical gives you the OK.

I will.

Thanks for rubbing that salt in the wounds.

- What? - The nukes are armed cos I'm a coward.

And now you want me to listen to Milo talk about what a bloody hero he is.

Coincidence? - It'll be taken care of.


- Taken care of.

We're coordinating the Gredenko operation.

TAC teams are moving in on his location.

I'll be right there.

I pushed you to work too soon.

Someone from District will relieve you.

They'll just make me feel worse.

I need a few minutes.

I'll be fine.

I'm gonna take a walk.

- I'll cover for you.

Be back before we launch.

- Yeah, I will.

Give me the phone.

We need to make the call.

"Scramble caller" has to be enabled.

- Give us a second.

- Does he know where Phillip has Josh? - No.

I'll have to force my father's hand.

- Meaning what? He'll call my father and tell him he's apprehended you, but you won't give him Gredenko's location until he takes you to see your son.

What if Phillip refuses? You have to stay firm.

Say it's not a negotiation, no matter what he threatens.

Jack, you're asking me to put Josh's life at risk.

Josh's life is at risk.

My father won't give away his location unless he thinks he has to.

Is that what this is about, finding Phillip? Josh is secondary? My father will have Josh with him.

Marilyn, I will do everything in my power to make sure your son is safe.

How do you know he won't betray us? He wants to live.

Let's go.

As biohazard and hazmat units make their way to the hot zone You don't want to watch this.

You know, Josh.

Your father was very proud of you.

He'd tell me how blessed he felt knowing everything he was working so hard to build would be left in such good hands.

- Do we have to talk about this now, Grandpa? - No, of course not.

He loved you very much.

Remember, I'll be able to hear both sides of this conversation.

You're set, dial.

- Do you have her? - Yeah.

But we took casualties.

I'm on my own now.

- You're getting a team to take out Gredenko? - Yeah, I am.

She won't say where Gredenko is until she sees her son.

Put her on.

- I did what you asked.

Now, where's Josh? - Marilyn, look.

I know you're frightened.

This doesn't have to end badly.

If you help me find Gredenko, we can all survive this as a family.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I just want my son! I'm just saying, you made your deal with Graem, now make a deal with me.

With enough time, you and I and Josh can rebuild whatever is left of this family.

After all, the legacy I'm trying to preserve will someday be his.

We can do this.

But first you have to tell me where Gredenko is.

Only after this man takes me to see my son.

That will only complicate things.

I need Gredenko now.

Tell me where he is.


You may have misunderstood my offer as a sign of weakness, so let me make it clear.

If you do not help me, I see no future for you or Josh.

I will walk into the next room and I will k*ll him.

Right now.

Tell me or Josh dies.

I will not tell you what you want to know until I have my son! Give him back the phone.


Bring her here to me at the Grandmont Hotel, room 2132.

We're on our way.

We got the address.

You did great.

Cuff him, put him in the back.

- Josh? - Uh I'll go downstairs to get a soda.

You want anything? - No, thanks.

Did you look in the mini bar? - Uh There wasn't anything that I wanted.

Why don't you call room service? Well, I just feel like getting out.


Don't even think about it.

No one's life is worth the destruction of everything I've built.

Now, step away from the door.

I was beginning to worry.

The meeting went long.

Here is the president's itinerary.

Oh, good.

This will work.

- So when does all this happen? - Now.

Authorise clearance for someone to get inside the bunker.

Once he's in, he'll carry the ball.

Carry the ball? You mean k*ll the president.

I like to think we're beyond doubting ourselves.

This president has endangered the lives of millions.

You do not need to tell me what the stakes are here.

- So who are we putting inside? - A security specialist, private sector.

I requested that he advise my group on several response options.

He has level-two clearance.

Upgrade him.

- They will trace this thing right back to me.

- No, you won't even be investigated.

We have a cover.

- A cover? Who? - Assad.

You're trying to make it look like he did this? Just call in your authorisation code.

That's all the information you need.

- Yeah, Dan? - The president's asked to see you.

OK, tell the president I will be with him in a moment.

Sir, our man will be here within the hour.

Call me when you're done with the president.

Oh, Tom, come in.

- You asked to see me? - I'd like to hear your thoughts on something.

- My thoughts? On what, sir? - Assad's speech.

He's going live in less than an hour.

Before I give him my thoughts, I wanted yours.

Is there a problem? - No, sir.

It's just - What? I assumed you were no longer interested in my opinions.

Tom, I still value yourjudgment.

And if I've made you feel otherwise, I apologise.

All right, sir.

How much longer? I'm not sure.

I have to recalculate the profile for two of the target cities.


I don't want to be exposed like this any longer than necessary.

You think the authorities know we're working with Fayed? If they don't, they will soon.

I was in my kitchen when I saw the flash.

I turned to look out my window and it just exploded.

All the windows.

There was glass everywhere.

And then there was this sound.

It was so loud.

- Oh, man.

Hell of a day, huh? - Yeah, you could say that.

- Can I get you anything else? - No.


Whiskey, pint, single malt.

- What kind? - That kind.

- This? - Yeah.

- And these.

- OK.

- Wait, your change? - Keep it.

- I'm on my way.

- From where? I told you, I went out for a walk.

The TAC team is about to move in on Gredenko.

I need you at your station.

- I'm on my way.

- Morris Come with me.

I want you to put this on under your clothes.

It's just a precaution.

- My hands are shaking.

- Here.

I'm gonna do everything I can to get him back.

He's the only reason I stayed with Graem.

He's the only good thing I have left since.

You ready? - Yeah.

- Let's go.

Get out.

You do exactly what I tell you, you understand me? Let's go.

Agent Pressman, I just want to make sure you understand that you need to not exert too much pressure - Hey, Milo.

- Hey.

- How are you holding up? - They say I'm gonna be OK.

It's So, what happened? I was stupid.

They don't pay me to be a field agent.

Maybe they should.

You protected Marilyn Bauer.

That's what I heard.

I had no idea what I was doing.

The thing just happened so fast.

You don't have to downplay it to make me feel better.

You don't have to do that.

- OK.

- Yeah.


You OK? Yeah.

- Well done.

- Thanks.

We'll push Assad to make these changes.

Your suggestions are all excellent, Tom.

- Just doing my job.

- I'd like you to be there when he delivers this.

I will be.

Excuse me, I have a briefing with Senator Benson.

Of course, Tom.

Melinda, I have notes that need to be taken to Assad.

Yes, Mr President.

I'll be right in.

- What did he want? - He asked me to review Assad's speech.

He'll never get the chance to deliver it.

You need to authorise that clearance.

- Our man will be here any minute.

- It's in the works.

It's just taking a while.

- We need it before he's here.

- I will call Security again.

I'll call if there's a problem.

Go meet with him.

All right.


I need to speak to the ranking Secret Service agent on site.

- Yes.

- Agent Hollister.

This is Tom Lennox.

I need to see you immediately.

I can meet you as soon as I get someone to man my position in about 15 minutes.

I've got something to show you.

Where are you right now? - B wing, room 17.

- I'm on my way.

Carson wondered if you were playing us.

He didn't want to bring you into this.

But I said that we could trust you.

I told him that you understood! - Nothing justifies k*lling the president.

- This president is giving us no choice.

- Don't do this.

- It's already done.

- Operations.

- This is Reed Pollock.

I have a message for Agent Hollister from Mr Lennox.

Tell him the issue has been resolved and that Mr Lennox won't need to meet with him.

- I'll tell him.

- OK, thanks.

We confirmed the intel.

The Glasgow house is owned by a Russian shell corporation that Gredenko has an interest in.

- Is Turner's team in place? - They'll say when they're ready.

Chloe, lock the satellite and establish a comm link.


- I told you not to take too long.

- Sorry.

- The backup module needs to be reset.

- Do it.

The operation starts in two minutes.

Come with me.

Do you realise what a betrayal this is? I was a little late.

Morris, I can smell it on your breath.

Yes, I took a drink.

But I spat it out straight away.

- Please.

- I swear.

Chloe, look at me.

Look at me.

I am stone-cold sober.

You're losing control.

You're placing other people's lives in danger.

I'm gonna have to tell Buchanan.

After everything that has happened.

Something had to give.

The important thing is that I realised I didn't want to throw everything away.

Especially you, especially you.

And I stopped myself and that is a little victory.

Right? I swear it will never happen again.

Don't tell Buchanan because you're right.

Me getting back to work is the best medicine.

- I'll be watching you for the rest of the shift.

- Fine.

- Call your sponsor.

- I will.

- t*rror1st team is taking final positions.

- Chloe, open the video link.

Hal, what's your status? No sign of a lookout.

- Windows are covered but we're good to go.

- Commence at your discretion.

- Ryan, is your team ready? - Yes, sir.

OK, we're going in on three, two, one.

Cover, cover.

- Clear.

- Clear.

- Clear! - Clear.

- Clear.

- Clear.

First sweep all clear, sir.

Roger that.

Mr Buchanan, there's no sign of Gredenko or anyone.

Hal, when you complete the sweep, process for evidence.

Yes, sir.

Chloe, text Jack's cellphone and tell him we don't have Gredenko.

Open it.

Hold up here.

- What's wrong? - It's nothing.

Don't think about warning my father.

Once he sees you brought me here, he's more likely to sh**t you than I am.

Understand? Both of you go up to the door.

You knock.

When he lets you in, I'll follow.

Let's go.

Marilyn, get back.

Open the door.

Now, go.

- Where the hell is my father? - I don't know.

I swear.

- Where's Josh? - Marilyn, just stay calm.

Put these on.


Put it on speaker.

- Hello? - Hello, Marilyn.

Jack, even when you were young I learned not to underestimate you.

I didn't want to hurt Josh.

You forced my hand.

Take a look out the window, the adjacent roof.

Oh, Phillip, please don't! Dad, you only have one play left here - that's to try and cut a deal with the government.

Explain your connection to the nuke and that you'll help in exchange for immunity.

That is your only option.

You pull that trigger and that option is gone.

Understand? I'm no fool, Jack.

They're never gonna give me immunity after everything I've done.

You don't know that for sure! Right now, they are desperate.

But either way, for you, this is over.

Dad, it's over! There is no empire to protect, there's no legacy left.

There is Marilyn, Josh and me.

That's it.

Please, Dad.

I know you don't want to hurt Josh.

I'm the one you want.

You let Josh go, I will surrender.

Come alone, unarmed, and I'll let Josh go.

But if you bring anyone else into this, I will k*ll him.

I understand.

Hang up the phone.

- Field Ops.

- This is Jack Bauer.

Send a team to the Grandmont Hotel to pick up a hostile.

He's secured.

He's in room 2132.

Right away.


This is our only chance.

Hey, I need to talk to you.

- About what? - Morris.

- Not here.

- He came and saw me in the infirmary - I know he's been a little shaky.

- Has he been drinking? - You smelled it on his breath? - Yeah.

I did too.

We talked.

He didn't metabolise the alcohol.

"He didn't metabolise the alcohol"? It sounds weird, but it's true.

He spit it out.

- How do you know? - Cos he told me.

- And you believe him? - We were married.

If he was drunk, I'd know.

He's not drunk.

He's been sober for three years.

- I didn't know he was an alcoholic.

- Now you know.

- You don't think Buchanan should know? - No.

If he slips up again, I will personally tell Buchanan.

Let's just leave it for now.


OK, I want you to wait here for Josh.

Do you think your father will keep his word? If I keep mine.

You know how to use this? - No.

- Point, hit, sh**t.

Do you want me to call CTU and tell them to send help? No.

I need to take care of this myself.

Jack thank you.

Everything is gonna be all right.

Just wait here.

I'm unarmed! Dad? I'm unarmed.

- Come out.

I am unarmed! - That's close enough.

Turn around.

Now show me that you're not wearing an ankle holster.

Take one step toward me for every step Josh takes away.



Your mother is waiting in the stairwell.

Go! Go! That's it.

Oh, Josh! Oh, God! Are you OK? Are you OK? Let's go.

Go! I never meant for this to happen, Jack.

I didn't have a choice.

I don't know how, but Gredenko found out about my role in Palmer's assassination.

So he blackmailed me.

Forced me to cooperate.

So Gredenko had you divert the bombs your company was responsible for destroying? He's a radical nationalist.

Told me that he wanted to preserve arsenal for the day when the Soviet Union would be re-established.

I believed him because I had to.

- When did you know he sold them to Fayed? - When the b*mb was detonated in Valencia.

- That's the truth? - Absolutely.

I've been looking for Gredenko ever since so that I could find out what he knew about Fayed and stop this.

I'm a patriot, Jack.

I never wanted any harm to come to this country.

You wanna lie to yourself, you go ahead.

But stop lying to me! You let all of this happen just so you could cover up what you did.

You have all the smarts that Graem never had.

You'd have handled Gredenko before this all got out of control.

You know, none of this would have happened if you hadn't turned your back on me.

So that you could become what? A civil servant? So your people will use Gredenko to find this t*rror1st.

- The truth will come out about all I've done.

- We never got Gredenko.

Then all of this was for nothing.

On your knees.

It didn't have to end like this, Jack.

You could have had it all.

I want you to know I never wanted you to feel like I had turned my back on you.

That I had turned my back on the family.

I just had to go my own way.

Do things for myself.

I I was never good enough for you.

I'm sorry.

Anyway I'm ready.

What are you waiting for? Do it! Damn you.


My name is Jack Bauer.

Who am I talking to? You must have exhausted your options to find Gredenko.

Who is this? It's Charles Logan, Jack.

I might be able to help you but we need to talk face-to-face.

Where are you? - I'm near the airport.

- Good.

You're local.

CTU knows where I am.

Come and see me, Jack.

As soon as possible.

And come alone.

I'm looking forward to it.