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07x04 - Day 7: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:25
by bunniefuu
[Jack Bauer]

Previously on 24.

Tanner, Emerson spoke to his man inside the Bureau.

- He says you're clear.

- Good.

I need to prep my men on the nextjob.

Tell me what we need.

I'll give you the specs when I get there.


I'll engage him.

Cover my flank.

I can handle it.

I don't understand.

Almeida was orchestrating these att*cks.

If he doesn't have the C.



Device, who does? Almeida's working for theJuma regime.

[Over Speaker]

This is Colonel Iké Dubaku.

We demand an immediate withdrawal of the U.


Naval strike force by this time tomorrow.

The American troops are still in position near our country.

President Taylor just received your demands.

Then perhaps it is time for a more forceful demonstration.

- I know about Samantha Roth.

- She's hiding something about my son's m*rder.

- Roger wasn't m*rder*d.

- I wasn't completely honest with you.

- What do you mean? - Roger didn't commit su1c1de, Mr.


He was m*rder*d.

Jack, Tony is not a t*rror1st.

He's working with me.

We're working outside the government.

That's why we have to get Tony back undercover.

Bauer, you're not gonna make it out of here.

Shut up! I said shut up! [Jack]

Get down! We gotta get you out of here and back undercover.

Go! [g*nshots]

[Tires Squealing]

- Tony, let's go! - [Groans]

[Jack Bauer]

The following takes place between 11:00 a.


And 12:00 p.



Security saw Bauer and Almeida getting into a dark-colored panel van.

- What direction were they heading? - West.

What's happening with D.



Cameras? I've been trying.

Traffic images aren't loading.

What do you mean, not loading? Just what I said.

The server's not responding.

- The hacker must be jamming the transmission.

- How the hell can they do that? If I knew, I'd be able to get around it.

Continue checking ancillary security cams- A.



, parking garages.

There has to be something.

Well, keep canvassing the area.

Someone else may have seen the vehicle.

- [Man]

That's what we're doing.

- Fine.

- Let me know.

- No luck on municipal cameras.

- Looks like they have someone running interference for them.

- Damn it.

Bauer must've worked out this escape with Almeida's people.

I'm so sorry, Larry.

That son of a bitch played me.

Had me believing the Bureau was compromised someone on the inside working against us.

I realize now it was him all along.

Don't put this on yourself.

- He played us both.

- No.

I should have seen it.

This is fine.

Take it downstairs, will you? Bauer's facing a federal indictment, years in prison and Almeida must have offered him a way out.

Agent Moss? The White House is on line one.

Yeah, I'll take it in the conference room.

Thanks, Erika.

I'm gonna make this right, Larry.

Whatever it takes, I will find Bauer and Almeida.

Throw in the C.



Device and maybe we'll be off the hook.

Janis, what's the status of that sh**t? He hasn't regained consciousness yet.

But a print match is just coming up now.

His name is Alan Tanner.

He was former Special Forces, discharged after Desert Storm.

- Discharged why? - Medical reasons.

He made claims to having Gulf w*r Syndrome.

Tried to sue the government.

Case was dismissed.

- I wanna be informed the minute he's awake.

- Mm-hmm.


Sir, I'm connecting you now.

Agent Moss, this is Ethan Kanin.

I'm here with the president.

What are you and your folks doing about this situation? We put out an all-agency alert.

Everyone understands apprehending Almeida is our top priority.

How did he escape? He had the help of a former C.



Agent that we mistakenly trusted.

- A man by the name ofJack Bauer.

- Bauer? Thought he was in the middle of a Senate investigative hearing.

Uh, yes, sir.

That is correct.

We issued a subpoena a few hours ago excusing him from the hearings in order to enlist his help in apprehending Almeida.

- Now you're saying that these two men are allied? - It would appear so.

My God.

You and your people have royally screwed up, Agent Moss.

Without Almeida, we have no way of finding Dubaku and no chance of recovering the C.




Ethan, let's stay on point.

Agent Moss, are you working any other leads? Yes, Madam President- a confederate of Almeida's who was wounded earlier today.

Uh, he's just out of surgery.

We're waiting for him to regain consciousness.

Do we have a time frame from the hospital on when that might happen? No, ma'am, not really.

Let me be clear, Agent Moss.

Recapturing Almeida and Bauer isn't just your top priority.

- It's your only priority.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Keep us posted, Agent.

- [Switch Clicks]

Bottom line, the Bureau is not going to be the answer to our prayers here.

I'm afraid not.

How much time does that leave us? Less than two hours.

Dubaku's demand is that our forces retreat behind the 23rd meridian within 24 hours.

Now, in order to meet that timetable the fleet and carrier air wing must start withdrawing by 1:00 at the latest.

Which would effectively end our mission in Africa and condemn another 100,000 Sangalans to a certain and brutal death.

On the other hand, if you authorize the invasion Dubaku will undoubtedly engage the C.




How far has the F.



Gotten with grounding aircraft? Still over a thousand planes in the air across the country, waiting for clearance to land.

Dubaku could bring down any one of them at any moment or use the device for something far worse.

I ran for office on the principle of non-negotiation with t*rrorists.

How can I abandon that now, the very first time I'm tested? And if I do so, won't I be telling Dubaku and the rest of the world that blackmailing America works? Madam President, those are questions for the future.

We have a decision to make now.

What do you call this place? We like to think of it as C.



What's left of it, anyway.

- Jack.

- Chloe.

It's good to see you.

It's good to see you too.

I'm glad you're with us.

I'm not with anyone until someone starts answering some questions.

Might as well start with you.

Why the hell are you not dead? I was dead, Jack.

For almost 10 minutes, or so I was told.

- By who? - By him.


His name's David Emerson.

I don't know who he paid off at C.


U but it was his people who injected my body with a hypothermic compound was able to revive me.

- Who is he, and what does he want? - Independent contractor.

Enlists ex-military and intelligence operatives, jobs 'em out to clients.

- Apparently, I fit the profile.

- What profile? Former employees with grievances against the federal government.

Emerson had been keeping tabs on me ever since I left C.



After Michelle was k*lled, he figured I'd make a good recruit.

And everyone else thinking you're dead, so much the better.


And since then you've been working undercover to expose his operation? - No, Jack.

- What? I was really working for him.

I was angry.

I hated the federal government for what it took from me.

I ran Emerson's crew for more than three years and I did some pretty bad things.

What made you turn against him? The C.




Emerson had my crew stealing components to breach the firewall.

I knew what that meant.

- Innocent Americans would die, and I didn't sign up for that.

- Damn it, Tony.

- Why didn't you call the authorities? - He couldn't, Jack.

- Why not? - He found out Emerson's client was Dubaku.

That's who you believe has agents inside the government.

TheJuma regime controls Sangala's vast diamond wealth.

Dubaku hasn't been shy about throwing it around.

- How widespread is the corruption? - Pervasive.

That's why Tony came to me.

He didn't know how far or high up this thing went.

Dubaku's the key to this thing, Jack.

If we're gonna uncover the conspiracy we have to get to him before he leaves the U.


That's why I have to get back under as soon as possible.

There's a new job in the pipeline for me and my crew.

I don't have all the details but I do know that it'll get me in the same room with Dubaku himself.

Challenge is going to be reinstalling Tony with Emerson.

We have to assume Emerson knew Tony was in F.



Custody and somehow managed to escape.

- Emerson's gonna think Tony made a deal with the U.



- That's right.

- I can help you with this.

- Yes, you can.

Outside of the three of you, who else is involved in this operation? It's just us.

This is it.

Please at least tell me that you've got some proof that this conspiracy exists.

Yes, we do.

But only at the lowest level.

At this point, we've just begun to scratch the surface.


I'll work with you.

But only because right now, you are the only people that I trust.

You give me one reason to question that, and I swear I will turn you in.

You understand? All right.

Chloe, set up the call with Emerson.

I found two freelancers who might work- ex-Rangers.

- Trust 'em? - Yeah.

I've worked with them before.

They're close.

Litvak knows them too.

- Okay.

- They may want to know more about the job before they sign on.

Only thing they need to know is what it pays.

- All right.

- [Cell Phone Rings]


- Yeah? - [Tony]

It's me.


- Where are you? - I'm at a parking garage, getting a car.

- I got away from the F.



- Yeah, I heard.

I also heard it was Jack Bauer who broke you out.

- That's right.

- That doesn't make any sense, Tony.

Bauer's working for them.

He helped capture you.

It's only because he didn't have a choice.

He's on board now.

What do you mean, on board? [Tony]

You heard about the Senate hearings this morning? They're gonna file criminal charges against him.

I told Bauer that if he helped us out with the mission we could get him out of the country.

Look, David.

If it weren't forJack, I'd still be in custody.

We can use him.

I'm tellin' you.

I don't know, Tony.

Morgan's hiring new men now.

Morgan's a thug! He can't run point on something this important.

Let me do it like we planned.

Bauer could take Tanner's place, and we're good to go.

All right, bring Bauer.

We're at 2211 Chesterfield.

- It's right off Nolan.

- Got it.

- He buy it? - We'll see.





I understand you were looking for me.

Yes, Agent Gedge.

I have to go out, and I'm gonna need some transportation.

- Certainly.

Where will we be going? - I'll direct you on the way.

Need a destination for the manifest, sir.

As before, I'd like you to keep this off the manifest.

And no driver this time.

Just you and me.

Thought we were through with all the subterfuge, Mr.


- Please, just do as I ask.

- I'm sorry, sir.

Not without an explanation.

It's Samantha Roth.

- She says she has new information regarding my son's death.

- Mr.

Taylor- I thought I was done with this too.

Believe me.

I didn't initiate this.

She called me.

Brian, I know you felt obligated to report my prior activities and rightly so.

But I would still like to think that I can count on your loyalty when I ask for it.

Could lose my job, sir.

This will be the last time.

I promise.


Henry? Please.

- I'll call you as soon as I secure a vehicle.

- Thank you.

- Who was that? - Staff.


- Here.

Can you help me with this? - Sure.

- It was a gift from my father.

You remember? - Mm-hmm.

The day I won back his seat in the Senate.

Prime Minister Matobo has asked to see me.

He's gonna want to know why I haven't authorized the invasion yet.

- What are you gonna tell him? - I don't know.

The American people elected you because they trust your judgment, Allison.

And they're gonna trust you to make the right call on this too.

I don't know what the right call is.

The right call is whatever you decide it is.

- How many units in the field? - Seventeen.

All available agents are deployed.

Widen the grid.

We have to assume Bauer and Almeida have gotten outside of our perimeter by now.

- On it.

- [Rings]

- Sean Hillinger.

- [Christina]

Sean, it's me.


Where are you? - I'm calling from the plane.

- You haven't landed yet? No.

The-The pilot says we're in a holding pattern, but- but we just keep circling and circling.

And I can see other planes out the window too- eight or nine, at least.

Christina, sweetheart.


But- But the woman sitting next to me says she-she heard something about a-a near miss and a problem with the air traffic control system.

Sean, do you know anything about this? Yeah, it's true.

The F.



Has grounded some planes.

- But it's only a precaution.

- Really? Yeah.

It was an isolated incident.

- You're gonna be fine.

- Okay.

I just- I got worried there for a minute.

- You know how I am.

- I do.

Now, listen.

I want you to call me as soon as you land.

- I will.

- I love you.

I love you too.

[Handset Settles In Cradle]

Was that your wife? Janis told me her plane's still in the air.

- You okay? - Okay? There's a maniac out there with the capability of bringing down planes at will so no, Erika, I'm not okay.

Her flight is number 18 in the queue so it'll be another two hours at least before hers gets clearance.

I'm sorry.

Is there anything I can do? No.


There's nothing anybody can do.

That's the problem.


Yes, she's right here.

I'll let her know.

Thank you.



I just got off the phone with the hospital.

- Tanner's regained consciousness.

- Is he well enough to talk? He's well enough to ask the doctor to make a phone call for him.

- Who did he call? - Gage Whitney Pace, which is a law firm, I think.

Second largest in D.


Go grab your laptop, Janis.

You're coming with me.

- I am? Why? - Because we have to get to Tanner before his lawyers do.

Because if I can get Almeida's location out of him I want you on-site to vet the intelligence to our field teams.

- Go.

- Okay.

Tell me about Emerson.

He's British, former S.



Urban warfare, sniping, close-quarter combat.

Saw action in Beirut and Mogadishu.

- So he's good.

- Extremely.

But he's not some wack job or ideologue.

He's about two things- money and personal loyalty.

Sounds like you still admire him.

Listen, Jack.

He treated me like a brother when I thought I had nobody else.

Is this gonna be a problem? No.

I know he's on the wrong side of this.

I'll do what has to be done.


We're here.

[Doorbell Rings]

- Where's Emerson? - Inside.

Come in.

- David.

- Good to see you.

Take Mr.

Bauer downstairs.

I need to talk to Tony.

- What's going on? - Bringing in Bauer is not worth the risk.

What are you talking about? Have a seat.


Emerson'll be right with you.

I'd still be in F.



Custody if it wasn't for him.

- Tony, you already made your case.

- We can use him.

I considered it.

But I'm going a different way.

I owe him, David.

You understand that? [Emerson On Speaker]

Yeah, I appreciate your sense ofloyalty.

I always have.

But this is business, Tony.

You can't have a- an unknown factor like Jack Bauer comin' in and messing things up.

So what? You're gonna k*ll him? No, you are.

- They're gonna k*ll him.

- He'll get out of it.

What if he can't? Then Jack's death solidifies Tony's position in the crew.

Tony was in F.




If he'd gone back in there by himself, suspicion would have rested on him alone.

So by deflecting it ontoJack- We keep Tony's cover viable.


You knew this might happen the whole time.


So did Jack.


- [Grunts]

- [g*nsh*t]


Put your w*apon down! Put your w*apon down, or I will k*ll him! I came here to do a job, not be double-crossed by you! You're already short-handed.

You need good men-not like these two traffic cops.

Look what I've done to them! I am here because I've got nowhere else to go.

Tony said if I helped you, you could get me out of the country.

Look, if you don't believe me, pull the trigger.

[Man Coughing]

- What are you, crazy? k*ll him.

- No.

[Breathing Heavily]

k*ll him or I'm out of here.


- [Hammer Cocks]

- [g*nsh*t]


[Breathing Heavily]

Keep it.



I need Flight 112 reassigned for immediate landing.

So you're requesting a priority landing for Flight 112 out of Las Vegas? This is not a request.

I'm forwarding an urgent protocol from the White House.


And your name was? Larry Moss, Special Agent in Charge.

This is a matter of national security.

Agent Moss, may I have your Level Five access number? - 6223510.

- Thank you, sir.

Flight 112 is moved to the head of the queue and should be on the ground shortly.

- Thank you.

- [Beeps]

[Over Speaker]

President Taylor, this is Colonel Iké Dubaku.

As you have no doubt confirmed the near collision atJ.



International was no accident.

We have the C.




We have the capability to k*ll tens of thousands of Americans.

- And we are prepared to do so.

- [Beeps]

I wanted you to hear it for yourself, Prime Minister so that you would understand my dilemma.

I see.

You are recalling the invasion force.

Well, that determination has yet to be made.

And this device over which Dubaku has control it poses a significant risk to your people? Yes.

It's a technology that has the potential for mass civilian casualties.

And it puts the infrastructure of my country in grave jeopardy.

What of Sangala? Believe me.

No one is more aware of what's at stake than I.

So you've been informed of the situation in Kasanga Province? Juma's troops are advancing on a refugee camp.

Over 2,000 lives are threatened.

Mostly women and children.

There's also the matter of those soldiers who have, on the promise of American support deserted the regime and joined my freedom fighters on the ground.

Please, provide us the weapons we need in order to defend ourselves.

You've been patient with us before, Mr.


I can only ask that you be patient again.

Now please, if you'll excuse me.

Madam President, I implore you.

- Do not abandon my country.

- Mr.

Matobo, I will do everything that I can.

I count on you.

Thank you.

You didn't think that I would want to know about the refugees in Kasanga? Madam President, you have enough to think about without being burdened with details.

Especially details that might push me toward proceeding with the invasion.

Ma'am, you have to start focusing on alternatives to the invasion.

Give me a good alternative and I'll consider it.

I'm not saying it's a good alternative, but it's the only one.

Comply with Dubaku's demands.

Stand down the task force.

- That's your recommendation- back down? - It is.

Damn it, Ethan.

You heard Matobo.

He has fighters on the ground counting on us.

Do you want me to be responsible for another Bay of Pigs? Kennedy survived the Bay of Pigs, and you'll survive this.

A superpower has to act first and foremost in its own best interests.

- Always? - Always.

No apologies.

What about allowing a third party to dictate its foreign policy? Does a superpower do that? Yes, if there's no other option.

And right now, there's not.

What have we heard from the F.



About the search for Almeida and Bauer? - Nothing, ma'am.

- Check with them anyway.

No hard feelings, Jack.

Forget it.

Have to be careful in our profession.

I'm sure you understand.

- Yeah.

- We all know the drill.

Disagreements are fine, but when a decision's made, fall in or you're gone.

I've heard a lot of guys say that.

Good to know you mean it.

Before you were subpoenaed, you traveled the world, place to place, for more than a year.

Why? - What were you looking for? - Doesn't really matter.

Whatever it was, I didn't find it.

You must have known what was waiting.

Why'd you come back? Wanted to know what it was like to walk into a propeller.

That's funny.

But no, really.

Why? This is my home.

That doesn't explain why you turned yourself in to theJustice Department.

Tony said you were in Beirut and Mogadishu.

And Afghanistan, two tours.

Went back a third time as a private contractor.

Be polite, professional and have a plan to k*ll everyone you meet, right? Pretty much.

That's the question, isn't it- where do the rules of engagement end and the crimes begin? You wanna know why I came back.

That's why.

I'm not sure I follow.

Just got tired of talking to myself.

See, I actually believe everything I did was right.

So I wanted to start a dialogue, come clean, set the record straight.

- First mistake.

- So I found out.

No one who hasn't been to the edge and looked over could ever understand.

- Yeah.

- [Cell Phone Rings]

- It's good to have you on board, Jack.

- [Cell Phone Beeps]

Yeah? Okay, let me check.

What was that about? He's just trying to get a handle on me.

Watch yourself around him, Jack, and do not underestimate him.

I won't.


Okay, I got it.


- Yeah.

All right, listen up.

- [Phone Beeps]

Just got the call.

We're a go.


For what? We don't even know what the hell thejob is.

Picking up a package, delivering it to our client.

Here's the location.

A residence at 167 Foxhall Road? It belongs to the State Department.

Memorize the layout.

We don't know the exact spot of the pickup yet, but probably the master suite.

- Package is a person.

- Yeah, it is.

Former Prime Minister Matobo of Sangala.

Assignment is to grab him, deliver him to Colonel Dubaku.

Colonel wants to ask him some questions.

And, as you can imagine, the colonel can be quite persuasive.

[Over Speaker]

Now, Matobo has tight security, so finish arming up.

Be prepared to engage.

- We'll roll in two minutes.

- They're gonna kidnap Matobo.

- We have to alert somebody and stop this.

- No.

We do nothing.

But you heard them.

They're gonna t*rture him and probably k*ll him.

Unfortunately, yes.

Matobo single-handedly led the fight against genocide in his country.

- He doesn't deserve this.

- I understand that, Chloe.

But if we don't go along with the grab Jack and Tony will not find Colonel Dubaku and we will not get to the bottom of this conspiracy.

Agreed? [Sighs]



[Engine Shuts Off]

- I don't want you to wait for me.

- Sir? Just drive away.

I'll call when I need you.

You know I can't do that, Mr.


We're already off the manifest, Brian.

She won't talk to me unless I'm alone.

All right.

I'll take up a position on the bridge.

She'll never know I'm there.

All right.

[Engine Starts]

- Mr.


- Sam.

- I can't stay long.

- What you told me on the phone- Is it true? - Yes.

They k*lled Roger and made it look like a su1c1de.

- Who? Who did this? The same people who provided false documents to the S.


C to show he'd been trading on inside information.

- Who are they? - I don't know who they are.

- They just said they would k*ll me if I said anything.

- Easy, easy, Sam.


- I loved him.

- I know you did, Sam.

But right now, I really need to know what happened.

Roger was tasked with auditing the brokers in his department.

That's how it started.

- When was this? - January.

Uh, earlyJanuary.

The compliance officer at his firm asked him to flag any undisclosed ownership - in securities positions.

- I don't understand.

Basically, kickbacks.

But what he found was something else.

Two of his portfolio managers had taken on a new client: The Bahamas branch of Switzerland's oldest bank, Bank Lausanne International.

- What was wrong with that? - Bank Lausanne's records revealed that it was actively trading with firms doing business in Sangala.

- Sangala? - It jumped out at Roger too, for obvious reasons.

And digging deeper, he uncovered other blind accounts that were copying the bank's trades.

Which accounts? Accounts that were traced to a senior member of your wife's administration.

- Who? - I don't know.

But whoever it was had a vested interest in the proposed military action.

Somebody who was betting against her who didn't think she'd be able to pull it off politically? Betting heavily, in 10,000-share blocks.

Roger was a day or two away from presenting her with the evidence.

It's all here- account numbers, trading records, everything that he knew.

- I'm sorry that I can't help you out more.

- Samantha.

I've given you all I can.

Do what you have to do, but leave me out of it, please.


Thank you.

[Woman On P.



A nderson, 2924.


A nderson, 2924.

- Tanner in there? - Yes.

His condition is still listed as critical.

- Are his lawyers here yet? - No.

But they will be, any minute.


Get down to the lobby and keep an eye out for them.

- Call me as soon as they enter the hospital.

- Got it.

[Woman On P.


Portable X-ray to E.


Portable X-ray to E.


- [Beeping]

- [Ventilator Hissing]

Hello, Mr.


I'm Agent Walker.

This is Agent Gold.

We're with the F.



I think you remember me.

I know you're in pain, so I'll make this brief.

Tell me where Tony Almeida is.


Does Almeida have another base of operations? Is that where the C.



Device is? - My lawyers- - Cannot help you, Mr.


You're going to spend the rest of your life in prison if you don't cooperate.

But if you do, I give you my word, I will personally vouch for you.

Helping me find the device - can go a long way towards reducing your sentence.

- [Chuckles]

I'm sorry.

Is something funny? They'd never let that happen.

Who is they? Colonel Dubaku? Is that who Tony Almeida takes his orders from? Do you work for him too? Go away.

Open your eyes, Mr.


I said open your eyes.

Look at me! Is Dubaku here in this country? Does he have the device? Renee! Renee.

Renee, please.


- I don't know what you're doing.

What are you doing? - [Cell Phone Rings]

- [Beeps]

- Walker.

- Tanner's lawyers just arrived.

- [Renee]

All right.


His legal team is here.

I need you to stall them.

- Me? How am I supposed to do that? - I don't care.

Make something up.

Just keep them out as long as you can.

- I'm not comfortable with this.

- Comfortable with what? We are breaking about Listen to me, Janis.

This man is our only lead.

That man asked for legal counsel.

I heard him.

Thousands of lives are at stake here.

We either bend the rules a little bit right now or we lose this chance forever.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I just- I can't.


Tony Almeida and Jack Bauer escaped custody on my watch.

I have to make this right.

Now you either help me or you don't.




Excuse me, gentlemen.

- [Beeping Continues]

- [Hissing Continues]

You're out of time, Mr.


Tell me what you know.

You can do what you want to me.

I'm not gonna tell you a damn thing.

- [Groans]

- Who do you work for? You can't do this.


Where is Almeida? How do I find the C.



Device? Tell me now! My lawyers.


[Grunts, Gasps]


[Exhales, Laughs]

You can't do this.

You're F.



This is illegal.

I have rights.

I suggest you use your last breath wisely.

Go to hell.

[Beeping Quickens]

[Choking, Gasping]
