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05x04 - Who Moved My Bone/Clifford Pirate King

Posted: 10/04/22 09:59
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford

My big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford
the big red dog ♪



♪ Dee dee dee ♪

♪ Di dah dah de ♪

I hope clifford and t-bone
are in the mood

To play a giant game
of super t-bone today.

You'’ll never
be a match

For the genius
of fluffy face!

Ha ha ha!

I'’ll use
my magic freezing ray

To keep you away!

Zip! Zi zi zip!

Zi zi zip!

Heh heh heh!

I am so-o-o good.



[Gasps] wow!


Look at this!

I better get you buried

Before you bump
into somebody else.

I'’ll just tuck you
safely in here.

And then
I'’ll be back later

To bury you.

I can'’t wait
to play super t-bone!

I'’m feeling
really "super" today!



I better bury this

Before someone else
finds it.

Ha ha ha!

You'’ll never get me,
super t-bone!

Oh, yes, we will,
fluffy face!

You'’ll never penetrate
the mega-fluff
defense shield.

Ha ha ha!

Come on,
super t-bone,

Let'’s break
through the shield!

Uh, excuse me?

Aren'’t we going to break
through, super t-bone?


Oh, I'’m sorry.

I was just
thinking about
a big, juicy bone.

[Smacks lips]

A big, juicy bone?

That'’s it. I just
can'’t wait any longer.

I'’ve got to go
and get this big,
juicy bone I found!

You found a bone?

Me, too!

I'’m going
to go get mine!

Me, too!

Gotta get my bone,
gotta get my bone

Gotta get my bone,
gotta get my bone,
gotta get my bone.

Uh, guys?

Are we still
playing super t-bone?


I'’m looking
for a bone.

A beautiful bone.

The most beautiful
bone ever.

I found it
this morning

And hid it
in these bushes.


But it'’s not here anymore!

must have taken it!


Maybe whoever
took it didn'’t know

That the bone was yours.

But it ismine!

I found it first!


I found it second!

You found
the bone, too, t-bone?




Finders, keepers.

I guess the bone
is yours now.

But I'’ll
share it with you

And clifford,
of course.

Thanks, t-bone.

Come with me,
and I'’ll get it!

I buried it
right over here.

That'’s funny.

I know
I buried it here,

But it'’s not here.

Well, maybe
somebody else found it

Just the way
cleo found it,

Then you found it,

And they took it now.

Are you sure
this is where you
buried it, t-bone?

I'’m sure.


Hey, guys,

Is this the bone?

That'’s it!uh-huh!

That'’s funny.

I'’m sure
I buried it over there

In the dirt patch.

Oh, really?

Are you sure
you didn'’t just say

That it was buried
in the dirt patch

When you really knew
it was by the tree?

Why would I do that?

Well, that way I would think
someone else took it,

And you could
come back later

And have it all
to yourself!

I didn'’t do that!

Then why was it
buried over here

And not in
the dirt patch? Hmm?

I don'’t know.

Oh, I think
you do know.

And if you don'’t
tell the truth
about it, t-bone,

I'’m not going to be
your friend anymore.

Uh, cleo?

I don'’t think
you really mean that.

did tell the truth.

A-and if you
don'’t believe me,

Then I'’m not going
to be your friend
anymore either.

don'’t say that.

Fine. Don'’t
be my friend.

Fine. Don'’t be



Wait, guys?




T-bone. Wait!

Clifford: hey, t-bone.

Are you ok?

I can'’t believe
cleo said

I wasn'’t
her friend anymore.

Well, you did say
you weren'’t her friend
anymore, too.

I know, but...

I didn'’t mean it!

Why don'’t you
go tell her that?

She can'’t be
too far away.

She'’s over
at hill park.

Let'’s go over there
and talk to her.

I think she'’s
pretty mad at me.

Will you
tell her for me?

Well, I guess I could.

Thanks, clifford.

And tell her
the bone is all hers!


I hate it when
t-bone and I fight.

Why did I have to say
I wasn'’t his friend?

I didn'’t mean that.

Hey, cleo!

Oh, hey, clifford.

I was just, uh,

Having some fun,
you know, heh,

Chasing my tail.

I really love
chasing my tail.


Fun, fun, fun!

T-bone wants me
to tell you
that he'’s sorry

For saying
that you aren'’t
his friend anymore.


So, come on!

Let'’s forget
all about this

And go play
super t-bone again.


So, did t-bone
say he was sorry

For not telling me
the truth

About where
he buried the bone?

Uh, well,

He said the bone
is all yours.

Heh, yeah, but did
he say he was sorry?


N-not exactly.


Then you can just go back

And tell him
he can keep that old bone.

I don'’t even want it!



Hey, clifford!

Did you tell cleo
that the bone
is all hers?


And she said she wants
you to keep the bone.

So she'’s not mad
at me anymore?

Well, she is
a little bit mad.

She is?


She still thinks
you didn'’t tell her

The truth about where
you buried the bone.

Well, you can
just tell cleo

That I'’m never going
to talk to her again

Until she says she'’s sorry
for not believing me!


What did he say,

Is he sorry for
not telling the truth

In the first place?

Well, not exactly.

Well, go back

And tell him
he can'’t be my friend

Until he says
he'’s sorry.



I thought you and t-bone
were good friends,

But if a silly old bone
can make you so mad
at each other,

Then maybe you'’re not
such good friends after all.

I don'’t think
I can help anymore.

I'’m going home.

Oh, no!

[Woof woof woof]

Hey, clifford.

Oh, hi, mac.

Look at this great bone
I found

In a dirt patch
this morning.

You found that
in a dirt patch?


Someone tried
to bury it,

But they did
a terrible job,

So I reburied it
near a tree.

I just went and got it
a few minutes ago.

It'’s cleo'’s bone!

You'’re the one
who dug it up and moved it!

Hey, finders, keepers.

If she can'’t do
a good job
of burying it,

Then this bone is mine.

I don'’t want you
to give it to her,

I just want you
to show it to her.


Hey! Hey!

Clifford: cleo!


Stay back or I'’ll zap you

With my super-fabulous
fluffy face freeze powers!

But, cleo,

Look what mac has.

Don'’t try it,
fluffy face!

Super t-bone is here
to the rescue!


What are you
doing here?

We'’re playing
super t-bone.

But look
what mac has.

It'’s your bone!

He was the one
who buried it
under the tree.

So now you guys
can make up

And be
friends again.

Uh, clifford?

T-bone and I
already did make up.

And we'’re
friends again!

You were right,

If we were going
to stop being friends

Just because
of an old bone,

Then we weren'’t
very good friends.

Cleo told me
she was sorry
for not believing me

And that she knows
I always tell the truth.

And t-bone said
he was sorry

For sending you
to talk to me

Instead of coming
to me himself.

Good friends
should always be able

To talk to each other.

This is fantastic!

Enough talk!

It'’s time to blast you

With my super fluffy face
instant freeze powers!

Take that!
Bew bew bew! Bew bew!

Nothing can defeat
the mighty super t-bone!

And nothing can defeat
the mighty friendship

Of cleo and t-bone!

Cleo and t-bone:
and clifford

The big red dog!

Emily elizabeth:

It'’s storytime.

You want to hear
a speckle story,
don'’t you?

Woof! Woof!

[Laughs] I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Today'’s story is "speckle
and the night at the movies."

"One night, speckle
and his friends got together

"To watch
their favorite movie.

"It was one they'’d seen
many, many times before.

"Speckle and darnell
made popcorn.

"In fact,
they made so much popcorn

"That they couldn'’t
even see over it.

"Luna made a pitcher
of sparkling, tasty fruit punch.

"And ravi and reba brought
big fluffy pillows

"For everyone to sit on.

"They all settled down
in front of the tv

"With their drinks
and popcorn and pillows

"Until they realized
they'’d forgotten one thing...

"The movie!

"But since
they'’d seen it before,

"Speckle and his friends

That they could
act it out themselves."

"So they danced and sang

"And their night
without a movie

"Turned out to be more fun
than they ever imagined.

The end."

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?


Heh heh.

All right, you two,
open your eyes.

What is it, clifford?
What'’s the surprise?

Is it an ocean liner?


Is it a ball?!


Is it
a space shuttle?

Ha ha ha! No!

Is it a bone?

Is it a basketball?


Is it a life-size,
very sturdy, alligator pool toy?


Great guess, t-bone!



Hee hee hee hee!
What a great toy,



[Cleo babbles]


I'’m bringing it over
to charley'’s houseboat.

Emily elizabeth needs it
for a party today.

What kind of party?

A "treasure island"

"treasure island"?

It'’s a really great book
that all the kids read
at school.

It'’s about pirates
and treasures

And big ships
that sail the seas.

That sounds great!

Everyone loved the book
so much,

They decided to have
a "treasure island"
pirate party,

And I get to help.

we wanna help, too.




Come on.

Let'’s go!

Aye, aye, mates!

This piñata
is starting to look
just like the chest

In "treasure island,"vaz.

I can'’t wait till it'’s dry
and we can fill it
with treasure!

Chocolate gold
and bubble gum jewels!

Look! Here comes clifford.

Maybe clifford can help us
hang the piñat--aah!

What is this for,
emily elizabeth?

It'’s for the game
we'’re going to play.

Thanks for bringing
it over, guys.


Woof woof woof woof!

Everyone takes turns
trying to walk
across the plank.

If they slip--whoa!

Ha ha ha!
The '’gator gets '’em!

Ha ha ha!


[Laughs] fun!


Whoa! What was that?!

The flag!
Somebody grab it!

Woof woof woof!

[All cheer]


[All cheer]


Thanks, clifford.


Good job, boy,

But we'’d better
go home and change
for the party now.

Would you mind helping me
hang the piñata first,


You'’re the best.

Woof woof woof!

Kids chanting:
plank! Plank!
Plank! Plank!

Plank! Plank!
Plank! Plank!



[Kids laughing]

Argh! The '’gator claims
its first victim.

Who be next?!

Captain charley,
thar be swabbies


Ahoy there!

It'’s pirate emily
and her shipmate
big red clifford.

to come aboard, sir!

Permission granted.

Everyone'’s here,
now, dad.

Aye, aye, captain!

Come on aboard,
shipmate clifford.


I don'’t think
he'’s gonna fit.

Sure, he will.

Double time,
now, mateys.

Make room for
big red clifford.


Ok, big red clifford,
come ahead.

Whee! Hee hee!

This is the best
party game ever!



Move up a little,
ok, clifford?

[All laugh]



[Chomp] huh?

[All cheer]

That was great!

Let'’s get clifford
to do it again!

No way!
I almost got seasick.

If we'’re
all settled in, then,

Let the party begin.

[Ship'’s horn blares]

[All cheer]

Ok, charley,
break the treasure chest,

And let'’s share the booty!


Try again, charley!



Uh-oh. Clifford'’s
gonna sneeze!







I knew having
clifford on board
wasn'’t such a good idea.

I'’m sure that was
his last sneeze.

Wasn'’t it, clifford?



Clifford is just
too big for this boat.

I'’m afraid
jetta is right,
emily elizabeth.

Our houseboat is
a little too small

For a pirate
the size
of big red clifford.

Gosh, my being here
is kind of ruining
the pirate party.

I think
I should just go.

We'’ll come with you,
big guy.


We can have
our own party on the beach.

Great idea, t-bone!

I say we
politely ask clifford
to leave the party.


That just isn'’t fair!

He helped us
get the party ready
and everything.

Look, kids.

I think
clifford has decided
to leave on his own.

I'’m sorry, guys.

You didn'’t have
to leave the party
because I did.

That'’s ok.

It was fun
while we were there.

Especially when
you made the boat rock
like a roller coaster ride.

Emily elizabeth:

That'’s emily elizabeth!

Avast there,
big red clifford.

Come be a pirate with us
and bring your shipmates.

[All bark]

There'’s only one place
a pirate would rather be
than on his ship,

And that'’s on land
digging up a buried treasure.

Like they did in
"treasure island."

And nobody digs better
than big red clifford.

[All bark]

even I have to admit

A party just isn'’t a party
without you, clifford.

Woof woof woof!

"X" marks the spot
for buried treasure!


[Growling and barking]

[Kids laugh]

[All cheer]


Well, mateys,
looks like we found
treasures today--

The chest
full of goodies

And clifford
the pirate king!

[All cheer]

I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!

I can do it!t-bone?

T-bone, where are you going?

Oh, hi, clifford.

Today I'’m going to go
down the big slide.

But you'’ve never
done that before, t-bone.

I know.

I'’ve always been
a little afraid
to try it,

But today I'’m ready!

Great! Let'’s go!

Emily elizabeth:
trying something new
can be a little scary,

But sometimes
you just know deep inside

That you'’re ready to try.

Wow! Is he
really gonna do it?!

He said he'’s ready.

Both: you can do it!
You can do it!

I can do it!


Whoo-hoo! I did it!

I knew I could,
and I did!

Now I'’m gonna
do it again!

Emily elizabeth:
trying new things
can be lots of fun,

Especially when you believe
you can do it.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today is...


Believe in yourself.