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05x12 - Doghouse Rock/Guess Who's Coming to Birdwell

Posted: 10/04/22 10:04
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,

My big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



Emily elizabeth:
"dog house rock."

[Birds twittering]


I think that'’s
enough tv for today.

Hey, let'’s get started
on that new book

I got at
the library today.



[Dance music on tv]

so you like the music
channel, huh, t-bone?


Okay, t,
we can watch this
for a few minutes.

Then we'’ll go
read our book.
Eh, boy?




[Dance music]

[Applause and cheering]

[Dog howls]


You should'’ve seen it!
They were so good!

Emily elizabeth watches
that music channel

I really like
the b*at of that music.

I really like
the way they move.

I think we could be
a really great
music group, too.

I already started
writing a song.


I'’d like to play drums
for the band.


Oh, that was
great, clifford.

You'’re a natural.

Follow me, t.
If we work together,

We'’ll get the moves.

[Clifford drumming]

All right!

Okay! I'’m cool.

I'’m a na-tu-ral.





All right, t-bone!
Now you'’re looking good.

T-bone'’s the name,
and I'’m a rock dog!

♪ Go, t-bone! Uh-huh! ♪

♪ Go, t-bone! Uh-huh! ♪

♪ Go, t-bone!
Uh-huh! ♪

Clifford: woof!
Mac: [laughs]

Not bad.
Not bad at all.

Thanks, mac.

We'’re going to be
a great music group,

Just like
the bands on tv.

I love those bands!

I love their moves
and their songs,

And what they wear,

Would you like to be
in our band, mac?

Your band?

a great idea!

Oh, gee.
I don'’t know.

Aw, come on!

After all,
the only thing better
than pop stars...

All: is pop stars!

Okay! I'’ll be
in your band.

Clifford: great!
T-bone: terrific!
Cleo: all right!

And I have
the perfect name for us.

You do?what?

The pack street dogs!


Let'’s hit it,
pack street dogs!


Come on, mac.
You can help me sing.

♪ Go, t-bone! ♪

♪ Go, mackie! ♪

♪ Go, t-bone! ♪

♪ Go, mackie! ♪

Hello, everybody!

the pack street dogs!

Right now we'’re
going to hear

From our good
friend mac.

[Clears throat]

♪ ma--ma--ma--ma-- ♪

♪ Mac is my name ♪

♪ And I'’m a dog ♪

♪ Who really appreciates
great rock '’n'’ roll a lot ♪


♪ Singing in this
wonderful style ♪

♪With its roots
in rhyme and blues ♪

♪ Is better than falling ♪

♪ off a log ♪

Uh, you know, uh...

[Clears throat]

I'’m just
a little uncomfortable

this kind of song.

You'’re not the only one
who'’s uncomfortable.

Uh, I could use some help
in the rhythm section, mac.

I'’d be great
at that, clifford.

Together, we could
really rock this town.

Great! So let'’s
do this number!

One more time!


Take it, mac.

[Drumming out of rhythm]

Uh, that
was really...


Oh, thanks.
But, you know...

I'’m not sure drumming
is really my thing,


You probably have
some more other talent

That'’s an even
more talented...


Maybe you could try
dancing with cleo.


Oh, uh...

Yeah. Sure.

Oh. Yeah, great.
Uh, I'’ll think about it.

But right now,
I better get home.

It'’s almost

Me, too.

I have to write
some more words
to our song.

I can'’t think
of anything else

To rhyme with "dog"
and "log"...

Just write about
what'’s important to you.

Okay, then.
Let'’s meet back here

Bright and early
tomorrow morning.

Ready to
rock '’n'’ roll!

Right on!yes!


Follow me, mac.

Ki-ki-ki-kick it!

Nice moves, mac.

out of rhythm]

Hey, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Stay with us, mac.

Mac, we'’re supposed
to stay together.

Oh, I'’m sorry,

I guess I'’m
really more of
a solo artist.

What do you mean?

I just don'’t think
I fit into this band.

My dancing style
is different from yours,

And my drumming borders
on the avant-garde,

And my voice is...

Well, it'’s
really more suited
for musical comedy.

Uh, mac,

Do you want to fit
into this band?


I do.

Then we'’ll find a way
to fit you in.

Good friends
don'’t leave anyone out
who wants to be in.

Hey! T-bone!

That sounds
like it would
make a good song!

Yeah, it would!

[Clears throat]

We'’ll never leave you out.

We'’ll always
let you in.

We'’re the pack street dogs,
and we'’ll greet you...

With a grin!

We'’ll make you
feel at home.

You'’ll never be
left out.

Because spending
time together

Is what it'’s all about.

Bow wow.

♪ The pack street dogs
are cool ♪

♪ And on this
you can depend ♪

♪ We all count
upon each other ♪

♪ We'’re together
till the end ♪

Bow wow.

Wow, mac,

That was so cool!

Those are the best words
I'’ve ever heard
for a song.

Hey! That'’s where you
fit into this band, mac.

You can write the words
to our songs.



well, of course.

Why didn'’t I
think of that before?

I am great
at writing lyrics,
you know.

Uh-huh, and
you'’re really good

At writing words
to songs, too.


Thank you, t-bone.

So, come on, everyone.
Let'’s rehearse.

We'’ve got a show
to do this weekend.



♪ We'’re the pack street dogs ♪

♪ From the island of birdwell ♪

♪ Listen very closely ♪

♪ We'’ve got a tale to tell ♪

♪ Go, t-bone
uh-huh ♪

♪ Go, t-bone
uh-huh ♪

♪ go, t-bone uh-huh ♪

♪ Go, t-bone ♪

♪ It'’s all about
our friendship ♪

♪ It'’s as good
as any other ♪

♪ We'’re all very close ♪

♪ Like a sister
and brothers ♪

♪ Clifford is
our drummer ♪

♪ He'’s the biggest
of us all ♪

♪ His heart'’s
as big and friendly ♪

♪ As he is red and tall ♪

♪ Then there'’s
little cleo ♪

♪ She really
loves to dance ♪

♪ She'’d love to have
you join her ♪

♪ Come on, now,
take a chance ♪

♪ Over there
is mackie ♪

♪ The one who
writes our songs ♪

♪ Once you know
the words ♪

♪ We hope you'’ll sing along ♪


♪ Did I tell you
that I'’m t-bone? ♪

♪ And I'’m the singing dog ♪

♪ Rocking with my friends ♪

♪ Sure beats
falling off a log ♪

♪ We are the pack street dogs ♪

♪ And we count
upon each other ♪

♪ We are friends
to the end ♪

♪ And we depend
on one another ♪

♪ Our loyalty
and friendship ♪

♪ Have brought us very far ♪

♪ When you care
about your friends ♪

♪ Then you
are a superstar ♪

say "bow."

Say "bow."Bow!

Say, "wow."Wow!

♪ When you care
about your friends ♪

♪ Then you
are a superstar ♪

[Applause and cheering]

Emily elizabeth: clifford!

It'’s story time!

You want to hear
a speckle story,
don'’t you?

Woof woof!

I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Emily: today'’s story is "speckle
and the beautiful boat."

"It was a gorgeous,
blue-skied afternoon,

"And speckle and his friends
decided to spend it

"Sailing their toy boats.

"Everyone had made their own,
and they were very proud

"Of how wonderful
their boats looked.

"But suddenly,
ravi'’s boat started sinking.

"And then it disappeared
under the water.

"Without a boat,
ravi couldn'’t play,

"And that wouldn'’t be fun
for anyone.

speckle had an idea.

"They could each take
a piece from their own boat

"And put them together
to make a brand-new boat
for ravi...

"Which they did.

"Soon, ravi'’s new boat

"Was sailing skillfully
next to the others.

"Watching it glide
across the water,

"Everyone agreed that
the boat they made together

"Was an especially
beautiful boat.

"The end."

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?



Emily elizabeth: "guess
who'’s coming to birdwell."

Go, clifford!

Watch what happens
when I run with it, cleo.

Clifford, stop!

Sorry, t-bone.

[Inhales deeply]

Is your sand castle


It'’s a great
sand castle, t.

Thanks. I'’ve been
working on it all morning.



You won'’t believe it,

I have the most
amazing news!

Mac, you almost
ran into t-bone'’s
very cool sand castle.

Cool? I'’ll tell you
what'’s cool, cleo.

Guess who'’s coming
to birdwell island

Who?! Who?!

Champion oscar owens
bright like the sun.

Never heard of him.

Sorry, mac.
Me, neither.

Never heard of him?

His name does sound
kind of familiar.

it should sound

To anyone who knows
anything about
dog show champions.

Oscar owen
bright like the sun

Is only the most
famous champion

In the entire world.

Oh! Oh, that oscar owen
bright like the sun!

Well, why didn'’t
you say so?

Isn'’t it exciting,

I'’m finally
going to meet a dog

That'’s actually
won more medals
than I have.

It'’s almost
too much to believe.

Right, right, right!
He'’s won, uh,
best, uh, best...

In show.

Uh, right, in show,

For, uh, ......


Years in a row!

Wow! And he'’s
actually coming

To birdwell
island today?

I can'’t wait
to meet him!

Think he'’ll want to play
at the beach with us?


Oh, please, t-bone.

You don'’t play
at the beach with
someone like oscar.

He'’s much too, uh...

Special for that.

He is?

Gosh! If he'’s so special,

Maybe we all need to be
as special as we can
possibly be, too!

You'’re absolutely
right, cleo.

If we even hope
to be friends
with oscar,

We have to show him
that we'’re not

Just plain old
regular dogs.

Gee, I think I'’d like
to be his friend.

Well, then what
are we waiting for?

Let'’s go make
ourselves special.

Let'’s go!


Gosh. I think
we'’re pretty special

Just the way we are.

Oh! Ah!

Ow, ow, ow, ow,
ow, ow, ow, ow!





I may not have won
best in show times,

But I am definitely
the most fluff-uffy-docious
dog around!


what am I going to do?

I know I'’m special,
but--but oscar
is so very special.

He'’s won a million medals
and a trillion trophies.

He'’s won best in show,
best in class, best form,
best snout...

But I don'’t believe
he'’s ever won best smile,

And I have, times.

now that'’s special.

No one smiles like mac.

I don'’t know, t-bone.

I can'’t think of anything
special about me

That might impress
champion oscar.

everything about you
is special, clifford.

You'’re one-of-a-kind,
just like me.


Ahem. Speaking
of special...

Wow, look at
your fluff, cleo!

It'’s the fluffiest.

So what do you think?
Pretty cool, huh?

Whoa! Ooh!

Are you okay,

Oh, no, my fluff!

Oh, phew! Thank goodness
it'’s just a dent.

Unh! There.

You look really
special, cleo.

I wish I could
think of something
special to do.

Well, eh...

You are the only dog
I know who'’s almost
two stories tall.




I guess that is
kind of special.

Of course it is.
You'’re really big
and really red.

All you have to do
is find a way

To look your biggest
and your reddest.

Whoa! Ow!

[Ship horn]

No one is bigger
and redder
than clifford.

Hi, mac. Gosh,

What'’s wrong
with your face?

This is my best
smile smile.

Isn'’t it special?

Uh, sure. Special.


And what are you
going to do

To impress
champion oscar, t-bone?

Uh, I don'’t know.

Why can'’t I just be myself?

oh, you.

Because it'’s
just not enough,

[Crowd muttering]

Woof, woof!

that must be him!

But I can'’t see him.

Me, either.
Clifford, is he coming?

There he is.

Unh. Uh...



Wow, wasn'’t he

I think he looked at me.

He was great.

He'’s the most fabulous dog
I have ever seen.

Gee, he looked just like
a regular dog to me,

And he seemed
really nice.

He'’s definitely
not regular.

He'’s--he'’s a star,
and I found out

He'’s staying
at dr. Dihn'’s house
while he'’s here.

Wow, let'’s go over
and see if we can meet him.

Come on, let'’s go!



to birdwell island.

Hi, my name'’s

Oh, well, uh, hello.

I'’m mac.

Would you like
to come over to my house

And see all my medals?

I don'’t have as many
as you, of course,

But we could, you know,
compare and talk about
our experiences,

The challenges
of competition,

The thrill of triumph,
the agony of fleas,

That sort of thing.

Um...well, no.

No, thank you.

Oh, wait. Unh, unh!

[Clears throat]

I'’m cleo.

I could take you over
to meet monsieur kibble,
if you would like.

He'’s my personal

I'’m sure he'’d just love
to give you a free bath
and brushing.

Oh, that'’s nice,
but, uh,

I don'’t think
I really need
a bath right now.

[Deep voice]
I'’m clifford.

Just climb aboard,
and I'’ll show you around

All the really big places
on the island.

No. I--i mean,
it'’s nice of you
to offer...

But I think
I'’ll just stay here.

Is that a new ball?
It'’s really cool.

We love
to play ball.

Maybe we could all
go down to the beach
and play together.

[All gasp]

Uh, that sounds
like fun, t-bone,

But, well, are you
sure your friends
would want to?

I mean,
it seems like

They would rather
do other things.

Oh, they just got
a little carried away

Trying to impress you today,

But they'’re really just
plain old regular dogs.


Okay. I guess
it'’s not fair

To judge anyone
until you get
to know them.

Come on, everyone.
Let'’s go play
at the beach.

Here it comes, clifford.

Get it, oscar.

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Great sh*t, clifford.

Thanks, oscar.

You know,
you'’re nothing like

What we thought
you'’d be, oscar.

You'’re just
a normal dog.

Well, you guys
are nothing like

I thought
you'’d be, either.

I guess we must have
seemed a little
strange to you, huh?

Well, a little.

We wanted you
to like us so much

That we were
really trying
to impress you.

You did impress me.

All: we did?

Yep, the minute
you started just
being yourselves.

Now let'’s play ball.

[Barking and chattering]

whoa, ho ho ho!

Hey, look, guys,

There'’s k.c.

He'’s helping
mrs. Young.

Emily elizabeth:
everyone can use
a helping hand now and then,

And helping someone out can
sometimes turn out to be fun.

It looks like
k.c. Really likes
helping mrs. Young.

I always feel good
when I help someone.

Hey, why don'’t we
all go and see

If we can find someone
to help right now?


Emily elizabeth:
the best part
of helping others

Is how good it feels.

The person you'’re helping
feels good, and so do you.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is help others.