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02x17 - Hide And Can't Seek / The Art of Patience

Posted: 10/04/22 10:55
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪


What'’s wrong, Max?

It'’s weird.

I can'’t find
my dinosaur socks anywhere.

The ones abuelitagave you?


And I promised
I'’d wear them for her

when she visits today.

I'’ll help you look.


Wait, Emmy.

We can find them later.

Someone'’s calling us
from Dragon Land.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart




Max and Emmy are here!

We were afraid
you wouldn'’t make it in time.

In time for what, Ord?

Only the best day
of the year.

Doodle Fairy
Hide and Seek Day.

Love it!

Everyone has
all played before.

But this is my first time.

Just like you two.Cool.

But I don'’t think that
I'’m very good at hide and seek.

That'’s where the Doodle Fairies
come in, Ord.

They'’ll help us hide and seek
by drawing doodle clues.

And we each have our own
Doodle Fairy to play along with.


Ooh, ooh, ooh!
Can we go first this year?

Can we?

Sure, Wheezie.

Aw, Wheezie,
we go first every year.

Can'’t we sit back for once
and let someone else...





Three, four, five, six.

Hurry up and hide.

Good idea, thanks.

Great idea,
let'’s hide there.

Ready or not,

here we come!Whoa.

Oh! Oh!

They'’re coming.
Where should we hide?

Ooh, ooh, cave.
Good idea.

Oh, where'’s a cave?

Tag. Found you.

Wow, that was fast.

Now what do I do?

Well, first-- Whoa!

You and your fairy are supposed
to help us find everyone else.


Sorry I wasn'’t
very good at hiding.

But I'’ll be real good
at seeking, you'’ll see.

Where should we look first?

A pile of leaves.



Tag. Found you.

Now you get to help us
find the others.


I'’ll do better
with the next hider.



Got you.

How come everyone else
keeps finding and I don'’t?



Five bushes, got it.



I found them.


I pick this bush.

Nope, nobody there.

Maybe somebody'’s
behind this one.


This one?


Uh, I'’m not sure.

Did I look behind
this bush already?

Well, I'’m pretty sure I looked
behind all of these bushes.

But I didn'’t find anybody.

This looks like
a good place to hide.

We better look
behind every bush,

but I want to make sure
I remember

which ones we'’ve checked.

Good idea.

We'’ll pick a berry
from each bush as we go.

No one hiding
behind the first bush.

Here'’s an orange berry
to help us remember

that we'’ve already looked
at the orange berry bush.

No one hiding here either.


Let'’s look over here.

Let'’s look over here.

Can'’t we look slowly
like everybody else?



I forget which bushes
we'’ve already checked.

Right, let'’s see.

We have an orange berry,

which means we already
checked out the orange bush.

And the yellow.

And the blue.

But you'’re not holding
a red berry.

And this is such a nice
big bush to hide behind.

I wonder if...

Got you, Lorca.

Good job, Emmy.

Lorca, let'’s see
if we can all find Cassie.


Using the berries was a
smart way for Emmy to remember

which bushes
she had already looked at.


Why didn'’t I
think of that?

I can'’t believe
I missed another hider.

Excuse us.

Found you, Cassie.Huh?

Not again.

Okay, everyone.

Because I was
the last hider to be found,

I'’ll be the seeker
in the next game.

Next game?

Oh, no.


...eight, nine, ten.

Ready or not,
here we come.

Ord, is something wrong?

I'’m not good at this game,

I don'’t want to play anymore.

Don'’t give up, Ord.

Come on, you can
help me search.

I don'’t know. Maybe.

If you want me too...



Okay, where should we look now,
Doodle Fairies?

You know, Emmy was hiding
in a pretty good place.

Maybe I should check it again.


No one else is in there.

No one here either.

Just checking.

You got me.


Still no one here.



It'’s a good idea to check
a spot very carefully

in case you
missed something.

But after you'’re sure
you haven'’t,

it'’s better to look
somewhere new.

Oh, I see.

Well, then,
let'’s go check out

new hiding places,
Doodle Fairy.

Show me the way.


Where can I find rocks?


There are some.

No one'’s here, Cassie.

Are you sure?

Do you think
these little rocks

would be the best place
to hide?

Uh, not really.

They'’re too small
to hide behind.

That'’s right.

And so a hiding place has to be
big enough to hide the hider?


Now, where is there
something around here

that'’s big enough
to hide behind?

Hm, I wonder
if it'’s this big rock?

[GIGGLES]Ha! I gotcha.

Thank you, Cassie.

Now I know
how to play.

Come on, partner.

This time we'’re going to find
someone all by ourselves.

Nope, these pumpkins are
too small to hide behind.

Even for Max.

But these are big enough.


Nobody there.

Nobody in this one either.

It'’s hard to remember

which pumpkins
I already looked inside.

Wait a minute.

This is just like when Emmy
was looking in the berry bushes.

I need a way
to help me remember

which pumpkins
I'’ve already checked.

But pumpkins
don'’t have berries.

That'’s it.

I'’ll take the top off
after I look inside one.

Let'’s start again.



Gotcha!You found me, Ord.

You did it.

Everyone, Ord found me.


You did it.

Thanks for your help,

Especially, thanks to you,
Doodle Fairy.

After all this hiding
and seeking,

I'’m starving!

Let'’s eat.I'’m starved.

Me too.

Aw, can'’t we play
just one more game first.

[ALL GASP]We can eat later.

Did Ord just ask
if we could eat later?




I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home Until next time

If Ord can find me,

I can find
my dinosaur socks.

Let'’s see. I'’ve looked once
in every place in the house.

I'’ve only looked in places
big enough to hide my socks.

And I remember
everywhere I looked.

Except one.




Look, Max.

I finished my card
for Quetzal'’s birthday.

Check out mine.



You'’re supposed
to put the glue on first.

But it takes too long to dry.

I don'’t want to miss
any of Quetzal'’s party.

Me neither.

Come on.



I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Max. Emmy.

I'’m so glad to see you.

What are you doing?

We just finished making
Color Clay sculptures

for Quetzal'’s birthday.

What'’s Color Clay?

It'’s special clay
from Rainbow Canyon.

And it comes in every
color of the rainbow.

I made a rocket ship.

And I made a moon.

I made a tulip.And I made a boat.

Can we see?

The clay has to dry and harden

in a Color Clay Contraption.

And all our sculptures
are in there right now.

When all the sand runs
to the bottom of the timer,

then our sculptures
will be ready to take out.

What do these do?

Those are drying speeds.

The green knob is for slow,
the yellow one is for medium,

and the blue is for fast.

Fast sounds better to me.

Uh, I don'’t think
that'’s a good idea.


Hooray. It'’s ready.


What have you done?

Quetzal set it on slow
so the clay would harden.

You ruined all our work.

I'’m sorry.

Really, really sorry.

Maybe I can help you
make new sculptures?

I promise I'’ll wait for
everything to dry this time.

Well, maybe I could make
an even bigger boat.

And I could make my rocket
ship out of this world.

You could land it
on my giant moon.

And I could plant
my beautiful tulip on your moon.

And the moon could shine
down on my cool castle.

And I can make an alien
who lives on the moon.

Love it!

Then it'’s settled.

We'’ll all make new sculptures
for Quetzal.

All we need
is Color Clay.

Quetzal keeps
the clay over here.

Yellow for me.

Blue for me.

I love pink.

Green is keen.

I prefer purple.

Red is my favorite color.

Hello, Color Clay.

Huh. Come out, come out,
where ever you are.

What'’s wrong?
No clay.


She'’s right.

We must have used up
all the clay.

Maybe Quetzal has more clay
someplace else.

I think he'’s outside.


Un momento,Max.

But Quetzal, I need
to ask you something.

I'’m a little busy right now,

but I'’ll be with you
very soon.

But... Paciencia,Maxito.

What does "paciencia" mean?


He'’s hanging a birdhouse
and said we have to wait.


But waiting'’s too hard.

Max, you can'’t always get
what you want when you want it.

Sometimes you have to wait.

But I can'’t wait.

I really want to get
more clay now.

Singing always helps me
pass the time.

Maybe we could sing a song to
take your mind off the waiting.

I don'’t know.

Come on, give it a try.

♪ Wait, wait, wait your turn♪

♪ Waiting can be fun♪

♪ Patience, patience
Patience, everyone♪

Hit it, pal.


♪ Wait, wait, wait your turn♪

♪ Waiting can be fun♪

♪ Patience, patience♪

♪ Patience, everyone♪

Thank you all for waiting.

Now what can I do
for you?

We need to get some more
Color Clay right away

so we can make...Uh, something, uh,

special for someone.

Did you check the art Closet?

We looked there.

But the cupboard
was bare.

I'’m sorry, niños,
but I must not have any more.

The Color Clay comes
from a secret section

of Rainbow Canyon,

and the only one who knows
the exact location

is the Doodle Fairy.

Then we better talk to her.

Don'’t forget these.

You'’ll need to put each color
of clay into a different sack,

so that the colors
don'’t blend together.

Thank you, Quetzal.Come on.


Oh, Doodle Fairy.

Where are you?

We'’ll never find her.

Oh, Miss Doodle!

We could really
use your noodle.

This is taking
a long time.

Can'’t we just look for the clay
without the Doodle Fairy?

She'’s the only one who knows
exactly where it is.

We need her help.

Just be patient, Max.



What'’s so funny, Ord?

Something'’s tickling
my shoulder.

Look. Right there.

Look where?MAX: It'’s the Doodle Fairy.


Hi there, Doodle Fairy.

We could really
use your help.

Could you tell us
where to find some Color Clay?


She'’s drawing
some mountains.

With lots of
pretty colors.

It must be
Rainbow Canyon.

And near the canyon is...

a flower?

A crying flower?

I know.
A Weepy Wildflower.

My abuelitahas them
in her backyard.

And behind the Weepy Wildflower
is a door.

And the door leads
to a room full of Color Clay.

Thanks, Doodle Fairy.


Come on.

We don'’t want to be late
for Quetzal'’s party.

Rainbow Canyon
straight ahead.

Now all we have to do
is find that flower.

Here you go, Max.Thanks.

Over there.
I think I see it.

Come on.

Wait, Max, we can'’t
go through there yet.

We'’ll get all wet.

No problem, Zaky.

I'’ve been saving
this for a rainy day.



It'’s easy
with Wheezie.

Look, it'’s a door.

Just like the
Doodle Fairy said.

I mean, drew.

Let'’s open it.

It'’s beautiful.

And squishy.

There'’s enough here

so that everyone can pick
their favorite color.

Let'’s grab a whole
big mess of it.

All done.
Time to make sculptures.

Wait, Max, we haven'’t all
collected our clay yet.

Besides, you need to put your
clay in a sack, remember?

Oh. Sorry.

Here you go, Max.

Thanks. Hey.
What happened to my clay?

Remember what Quetzal said?

Each different color of clay

needs to go
into a separate bag

so they don'’t
blend together.

That'’ll take forever.

Not if we all pick
our favorite color

and sing a song
while we'’re doing it.

♪ Pick, pick, pick the clay♪

♪ Put it in your sack♪

♪ Just one color in the bag♪

♪ Then you can go back♪

Now you'’re getting
the hang of it.

There'’s so much yellow clay
in here.

And look at all the blue.

All done.

Me too. Let'’s go.Huh?



What'’s taking so long,

The red clay is kind of hard
to pull off.

But that'’s the color
I need for my sculpture.

The pink'’s
a little stuck too.


The purple clay
is hard to reach.

Does anyone see green?

Uh, over there.

Behind that rock.

Do you guys need any help
with your clay?

No, thanks, Max.
We'’re almost finished.


Well, I guess we need
to wait a little longer.

What should we do?

We could sing a song?Okay.

Or play a game.

I love games.

Do you have anything
to play in your pouch?

How about a game
of catch?


♪ Wait, wait, wait your turn♪

♪ Waiting can be fun♪

♪ Patience, patience
Patience, everyone♪

We'’re all done.

Everyone'’s finished picking
their favorite color.


I thought you were
in a hurry?

I guess I was having
such a good time, I forgot.

We'’d better fly.

We still have to make
our sculptures,

and we don'’t want
to miss Quetzal'’s party.


It won'’t be long now.


Feliz cumpleaños,Quetzal.

Happy birthday.

Oh, gracias, niños.

What a wonderful
birthday surprise.

And who made these
beautiful sculptures?

We did.

Thank you very, very much.

Is it time
for cake yet?

Be patient, Ord.


I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Max. Emmy.

I'’m making pan dulce.

It will be ready in minutes.

Sweet rolls.
My favorite.

Yum. I can'’t wait.


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪