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02x05 - Climb, Ignatz, Climb

Posted: 10/04/22 13:17
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's me,
sid. I want to know if my bug

Club will find any bugs today.

So my friends and I are going to
discover that there's lots of

Science to explore in the
backyard. Come explore with me,

"Sid the science kid," coming
up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What's you want to learn today?

]] I want to know why things
happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did? Hmm

What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world's spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪

Hi, I'm sid. You know what I'm
pretending to be? A bug.

[Sid snickers]
because today is a really

Exciting day at school. Me and
my friends have a club that we

Call the bug club! It's a
really fun club, because we go

All around school looking
for--yeah, bugs! When we find

Them, we'll observe them
doing--um--well, bug stuff.

Yeah. They crawl around,
and--um--they go into small

Spaces. And, ooh, some of them
can even fly.

[Imitates buzzing]

Yeah, the bug club will look
for bugs that have wings, or

Ones that have lots of legs, or
really teeny tiny bugs. Today

Is going to be a buggy

]] Sid, time to leave for

]] Oh, ok. Hmm. Oh, mom!

]] Yes, honey?

]] Guess what?

]] Hmm?

]] We're doing the bug club at
school today!

]] Ooh, what fun. Oh, I hope
the bug club finds a bug.

]] Yeah, me, too.

]] Ok, sid, let's get moving.

It's school time.

]] Ok. Hmm. I can't wait to be
with the bug club. But I just

Want to know--will the bug club
find a bug?

bug club, here I come!

♪ I love my mom
]] uh-huh

]] My mom is cool
]] uh-huh

]] But now it's time
for having fun in school

Yeah ♪

]] Hi!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriella ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Uh-huh! Yeah!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha-ha! I'm a rock star! Yeah
]] cool!

]] Go!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

♪ Uh-huh

Uh-huh ♪
]] groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] ♪ You got me ♪

]] Yeah!

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪


[Gerald laughs]
]] oh!

]] Oh!

]] And I got it. Hey, who's
ready for the bug club?

]] Oh, I am!

]] I am! Oh, hey, let's do our
bug club cheer.

]] Yeah!

]] Ok.

]] One, two, three--bugs are
here, bugs are there, we look

For bugs everywhere. I hope we
don't find them in our hair.

Bug club, bug club, bzzzz. Bug

]] Good morning, my scientists.

Today's a special day. We're
having class outside!

]] Yay!

]] Yeah, I love having class

]] Teacher susie's the best.

]] Uh-huh, there you go.

]] Susie--
]] uh-huh?

]] It's our bug club day. We're
looking for bugs.

]] What bugs do you think you'll
find today?

]] Hmm.

]] I don't know.

]] Well, watch out, bugs!

Because the bug club is coming
to find you.

]] Let's think. Where should
you look for bugs?

]] Hey, I think that there
could be bugs on those leaves.

Oh, oh! I remember that we did
that leaf investigation, and a

Bug ate one of the leaves I

]] Ooh, yeah. I remember. We
found a bunch of different

Kinds of leaves.

]] Yeah, that's right.

]] Ok, scientists, we're going
to become leaf investigators.

]] Cool!

]] Yeah!

]] Great!

]] First, we're all going
outside to gather as many

Different kinds of leaves as
you can find.

]] Ooh, like tree leaves?

]] Or plant leaves?

]] You got it. And then, we'll
bring all the leaves back

Inside and compare and contrast

]] Ooh, like what color they

]] Yeah, and what shape they

]] Exactly. And you can use
these magnifying glasses to

Look really closely at the

]] Oh, I love using magnifying

]] Maybe you'll find something
interesting on a leaf you've

Never seen before.

]] I wonder what we'll see.

]] Ok, scientists, let's go
find some leaves.

]] Yay! Hey, you're a
scientist. You can try this,


]] Ok, leaf investigators, it's
time to explore outside. How

Many different kinds of leaves
can you find? The back side of

This leaf has lines on it. Go
ahead and feel the bumpy

Texture of the leaf. This leaf
has a white stripe down the

Middle. And these purple
flowers have lots of small

Leaves. You can use the
magnifying glass so you can see

The tiny leaves. Now let's
collect some leaves so we can

Observe them up close. A
grownup will cut off a leaf for

You. Ooh, you found thin red
leaves. There are lots of

Leaves on this fern plant. Way
up in this tree, there are

Leaves that are red on one side
and green on the other side.

You found a really big green
leaf. Now it's time to compare

And contrast all the leaves
you found. Try sorting them

Into two piles. One pile with
big leaves, and one with little


Hmm? How else can you sort
the leaves you collected? Oh,

You're making one pile of leaves
with different colors and one

Pile of leaves that are just
green. Good job, scientists.

Now choose your favorite leaves
and tape them into your

Journal. That way, you'll
always remember that leaves

Come in different colors
shapes, and sizes.

]] Wow, you all collected lots
of leaves.

]] Yeah!

]] Yeah!

]] I can't wait to see what
kind of observations you made.

Gerald, would you like to go

]] Yeah. Ok. Um--so, check this
out. I found this leaf, but

It's not a very good one.

'Cause it has a bunch of holes
in it.

]] Oh. Actually, gerald, you
made an interesting discovery.

Those holes were made by a bug
that was eating that leaf.

]] Wow. Well--oh. I hope that
the bug was done eating when I

Picked up the leaf.

]] Oh, he probably was, but
that's very thoughtful of you.

]] Thank you.

]] Ok, sid, would you like to
go next?

]] Oh--um--yeah, sure. Let's
see. I found this big leaf

Under the picnic table.

]] Oh, it looks like you found
a leaf from the maple tree.

]] Cool. Huh. So, I turned the
leaf over, and I found lots of

Lines. I touched them, and they
were kind of bumpy.

]] Hey, another nice discovery.

Those bumpy lines you found are
called the veins.

]] Veins?

]] Yeah. They're kind of like
pipes that carry water

Throughout your house. The
veins bring nutrients from the

Leaves to the branches, then to
the rest of the tree.

]] And that's why bugs eat

[Gabriella makes munching sound]

Because they have all those

]] Very good, gabriella.

]] Hey, we eat leaves, too.

Spinach leaves.

]] You're right, may. And
spinach has lots of nutrients.

Wow, I'm very impressed with
all my leaf experts.

]] Hey--hey, guys, do you see
any bugs walking around on any


]] Ooh, look! I see some ants
heading for some leaves right


]] Oh!

]] All right!

]] Look at that!

]] Hey, look what we found.

Ants. A whole line of ants!

]] Oh, very good. The bug club
found ants.

]] Let's do a big bug club

]] Yeah!

]] Ok!

]] One, two, three--bug club,
bug club! Bzzzzz--bug club!

]] yay!

]] Ooh, I wonder if the ants are
going to look for food on the


]] Yeah, or--or maybe they're
walking to where they live, to

Their ant home.

]] Ooh. Susie, do ants live in

]] Well, ants do live in homes,
but they don't look like our

Homes. Lots and lots of ants
live together on a big anthill.


]] ♪ What a busy day
we're working on the big anthill

This is where we live
so if there's a way to help

I will
this anthill is our home

And so up and down I roam
here's itty-bitty me

Lots of friends you see
we're all working for the

and everybody's up and at 'em

Got a lot to do today
hustle and a bustle

And a bustle and a hustle, too
and everybody works together

Keeping up a happy home
this little ant's got a

Lot of little things to do
some are digging roads

And some are fixing up a nest
some are guarding gates

All doing what they do best
for a shelter from the storm

'Cause it keeps us safe and warm
so we work another shift

Ooh, we got to lift
and I'll take the queen another

and everybody's up and at 'em

Got a lot to do today
hustle and a bustle

And a bustle and a hustle, too
and everybody works together

Keeping up a happy home
this little ant's got a

Lot of little things to do
well, I'm just a little ant

And an ant won't say "I can't"
'cause there's food I got to get

I got to get that table set
and everybody's up and at 'em

Working for the colony
this little ant's got a lot of

those little ants got a lot of

this little ant's got a

Lot of little things to do
bah-pah! ♪

]] yeah!

]] So, I guess we should look
for an anthill to find more


]] Ok. But where are we going
to find an anthill.

]] I don't know.

]] Oh! Oh, I know! Um--the bug
club can look in one of my

Favorite places! Dirt!

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, guys, remember we did a
dirt investigation? I have it

In my journal!

]] That's right.

]] All right. Hmm.

]] Here it is. See? We explored
in the dirt.

]] Today, you're going to find
out what's in soil. And you're

All going to be dirt detectives.

]] Oh, boy! I love being a
detective. Hello, I am dirt

Detective sid.

]] Hello, dirt detective sid.

]] Hi.

]] Ok, dirt detectives. Your
job is to go outside, scoop up

Some dirt, and put it on your

]] Cool.

]] Wow!

]] And then you're going to
bring your tray of dirt back

Into the classroom and
investigate what's in the soil.

]] Ooh! Hey--um--can we use
these magnifying glasses?

]] Ooh, that's a great idea.

You can really get a close look
at what's in the soil. You can

Also use these wooden sticks to
move the dirt around. You never

Know what you might find. Ok,
dirt detectives, are you ready?

]] We're ready!

]] Hey, you're a scientist. You
can try this, too.

]] Today, you're going to be
dirt detectives, and

Investigate what's in the dirt
that you collect from outside.

Make sure you fill up your
buckets with plenty of dirt.

Go ahead, really dig in.

And when your bucket are
filled to the top, bring them

Over to the table so we can
investigate what's in the dirt.

Pour your dirt onto a tray.

Then use a magnifying glass
to observe all the little

Things you find. Hey, you found
an old leaf. And a small twig.

Keep exploring. What else is in
your dirt? Wow. You found a

Worm. And here's a piece
of a tiny plant

With small roots. Look, you
found a vegetable. Take a close

Look. Do you know what it is?

Go ahead and smell it. It's
an onion. Oh, no, you found

Some trash. You also found a
piece of plastic from a cup.

Trash is really bad
for the soil.

If you find any trash
in your soil, throw

It away. Now it's time to draw
some observations in your

Journals. What kinds of things
did you find in the dirt? Were

You surprised to find things
like leaves, twigs,

And the worm?

]] How's it going in the dirt
over there?

Did you find any bugs?

]] Uh--well--
]] oh, what's that? Look, look!

]] What?

]] Where?

]] Look right there! I think I
see a caterpillar!

]] Oh!

]] Yes! We found another bug!

]] Yay!

]] Yeah, yeah!

]] Bug club cheer!

]] Yeah. One, two, three--bugs
are here, bugs are there, we

Look for bugs everywhere. And
we hope we don't find them in

Our hair. Bug club, bug club!

Bzzzzzz--bug club!

[Susie laughs]
]] well, the bug club's finding

Lots of bugs. I wonder what
you'll find next.

]] I really wish we could just
talk to bugs and ask them,

"Hey, bugs, where are you?"

[Susie chuckles]
]] well, some bugs do

Communicate. Bees actually talk
to each other by dancing.

[Music plays]
bzzz, bzzz.

]] Bzzz, bzzz.

]] Bzzz, bzzz.

]] Bzzz, bzzz.

]] ♪ This sweet honeycomb is
home sweet home

But to find the food
the worker bees have got to roam

How do they tell us
where the food will be?

They communicate by dancing
it's a sight to see

They're busy, busy, busy, busy

'Cause we're in the honey biz
they do the waggle dance

Or do the round dance
to tell every bee

Where the pollen is
they're busy, busy, busy, busy

they really put on a show

The worker bees communicate by

That's how they tell us
where to go

If the flowers are close
they do the round dance

It's like dancing like
they got ants in their pants

And if it's farther away
they do the waggle dance

They waggle and they wiggle
till it makes you want to giggle

Busy, busy, busy, busy buzzing
'cause we're in the honey biz

They do the waggle dance
or do the round dance

To tell every bee
where the pollen is

They're busy, busy, busy, busy

They really put on a show
the worker bees communicate by

that's how they tell us

Where to go
they're busy

Busy, busy buzzing
they really put on a show

The worker bees communicate by

That's how they tell us
where to go ♪

[All imitate bees buzzing]

]] Ok, bug club, let's keep
exploring. Where else can we

Look for bugs?

]] Well, some bugs are really
teeny teeny tiny. So how can we

Find those?

]] Well, I know that a
magnifying glass helps make

Things look bigger.

]] Great idea! While I get some
magnifying glasses, you

Scientists can have fun playing
with all your new ideas. So go

Have a buggy adventure!

]] Yeah!

]] Buggy adventure!

]] Come on, let's go play!

[Imitating bees buzzing]
]] bug, bug, bug!

]] It's time for--
]] good laughternoon!

]] hey, sid--

]] Yes, gerald?

]] What kind of tree fits in
your hand?

]] I don't know. What kind of
tree fits in your hand?

]] A maple tree. You get it?

Maple, because your hand has--
]] no. Actually, gerald, i--i

Don't get it.

]] Oh. Um--wait, I think i--i
told the joke wrong.

]] Oh.

]] Let's--let's--let me try

]] Ok.

]] Ok.

]] All right, close your door.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] You ready?

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, sid!

]] Yes, gerald?

]] Um--ok, what kind of tree
fits in your hand?

]] I don't know. What kind of
tree fits in your hand?

]] A palm tree.

]] Oh. I get that one.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, gerald--
]] a palm tree! Oh. Sorry, that

Was my other joke. Um--your

]] What did the leaf say to the
bunny rabbit who was eating it?

]] I don't know. What?

]] Hey, mr. Bunny rabbit,
you're eating me. Please leaf

Me alone.

]] Knock, knock.

]] Who's there?

]] I am a tree. Listen to the
sound of my leaves making

Nutrients. Chew, laka-laka,
looh, ooh, laka-looh. That's it.

]] Yay!

]] Yeah, may! Yay!

]] Now, that's leafy.

[Automated applause]

]] Hello! I am gabriella, the
answer girl!

I can answer any question.

]] Ooh, ooh! I like your hat!

]] Thank you, but that is not a
question. Next.

]] Um--what is your favorite

]] A leaf on a sunflower.

]] Oh.

]] Next question.

]] Oh--do any animals eat

]] Yes, caterpillars eat
leaves. Next question?

]] Oh--i like your hat!

]] That's still not a question.


]] What's more fun, jumping
into a pile of leaves, or

Sliding into a pile of leaves?

]] Both are fun! Next question.

]] I am a caterpillar, and I'm
hungry. Mmm, you are a leaf.

And I'm going to eat you.


]] Don't let her get you, girl!

]] You better get out of here!

]] Slide! Great!

]] I am now answer caterpillar!

[Imitates echoing effect]
]] I like your hat!

]] and now more...

]] Good laughternoon!

]] hey, gerald--

]] I don't know, why?

]] Uh--
]] oh--i mean, hey, sid.

]] Oh--hey. Why do birds fly

]] I don't know, why?

]] Because it's faster than

]] Hey, gabriella--
]] yes?

]] What did the mommy bird say
to her bird kids before they

Walked into the house?

]] Hmm. I don't know.

]] Wipe your tweet. Get it.

Like feet.

]] Oh. Yeah.

]] Hey, gerald.

]] Hey, sid.

]] What do birds use to fly?

]] Uh--wings?

]] Yeah, now say "wing" three
times fast.

]] Ok. Wing, wing, wing.

]] Ok, do it again.

]] Wing, wing, wing.

]] Once more.

]] Wing, wing, wing!

]] Hewwo? Who wis it?

]] Now, that's funny. Wing,
wing, wing!

]] No, that's funny.

[Automated laughter]

]] Hey, bug club, are the
magnifying glasses working?

]] Ooh, yes. They make little
things look much bigger.

]] Well, hey, look, look, I
found something!

[May gasps]
]] ooh! What?

]] Hey, look what we found.

]] What?

]] Oh.

[May gasps]
]] roly-polies!

]] Yeah!

]] Bug club cheer!

]] Yeah!

]] One, two, three--bugs are
here, bugs are there, we look

For bugs everywhere! I hope you
don't find them in our hair.

Bug club, bug club--bzzzz. Bug

]] boy, bug club, we found ants.

]] Yeah, and the cute

]] And teeny tiny roly-polies.

]] Wow, way to go, bug club!

I'm so impressed!

]] Thank you, susie!

]] Ok, let's go inside and get
your backpacks. It's time to go


]] Oh, yeah! Time to go home!

]] It's time to go!

]] Let's go this way.

[Sid chuckles]
]] wow! Today, we had a great

Time in our bug club.

]] Bug club? Hey, did you find
some bugs?

]] Yeah! We found ants on a
wall, and a caterpillar. And

Even some roly-polies.

]] Whoa.

]] Wow. Sounds great, sid.

]] Oh, yeah!

]] Bug club cheer time!

]] Oh, yeah!

]] Bug club, bug club!

Bzzzz--bug club! Yay!

]] Well, it's bedtime for our
little bugsy here. Then I'll be

Back to tuck you in, sid.

]] Ok. Good night, zeke. See
you later, little bug.

[Zeke babbles]
]] bzz. Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz.

]] Bye, dad. So, the bug club
learned some bugs talk to each

Other by dancing. And some bugs
live on leaves or in dirt. And

Some bugs even live in homes
that they build. Huh. That

Makes me think. Hmm. Wouldn't
it be great if bugs and bigger

Animals could build other
things besides homes? Ok, I've

Got it. Here's my superduper
uper schmooper big idea! Since

Birds and other animals are
such amazing builders, they

Should have their own building
company. And they could call it

The animal building team. And
ants will be in charge, because

They really know how to work
together as a team. Beavers can

Cut the wood.

[Makes gnawing sound]
birds can make twig

Skyscrapers. Tweet-tweet.

Gophers can dig big tunnels--
dig, dig, dig, dig.

Squirrels can gather nuts to
make walls.

[Imitates squirrel]
spiders can weave the curtains.

[Sid hums]
and woodpeckers can hammer in

All the nails. Blam, blam, blam!

All the animals will use
their amazing beaks, legs,

Claws, and backs to carry
everything they need to get the

Job done. The animal building
team will be the best bunch of

Builders, ever! And that's my
superduper uper schmooper

Big idea!

[Automated applause]

]] Hey, you can be in a bug
club, too. All you got to do is

The special bug club handshake.

Bug club, bug club! Bzzzzz--
bug club! Yay! Now you're

In the bug club with me,
sid the science kid!

and remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions. See you
later, scientists.

[Imitates buzzing]


♪ ♪