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02x07 - Home Tweet Home

Posted: 10/04/22 13:18
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists! It's me
sid! I want to know why birds

Won't move into my birdhouse,
so my friends and I are going

To discover that there's lots
of science to explore in the

Backyard. Come explore with me,
sid the science kid, coming up


]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? ♪
]] ♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Hi, there! I'm sid. Hey. Come
here for a second. I want to

Show you something. Ok. Look at
that. Isn't that the coolest?

Dad and I built that birdhouse
together. Hmm. It's really

Great, even though it doesn't
have a tv or a bathroom or

Stuff like that, but there's a
problem. Where are the birds?

Guess maybe they're sleeping.

Hey. Hey, birds! Wake up!

You're gonna be late for
school! Hmm. Nothing. Not one

Bird. Hmm. How could a bird not
want to live in such a

Super-fantastic-amazing place
like that?

I just got to know now that we

Built a birdhouse, where are
the birds?

]] sid, breakfast time.

]] Oh, boy! Breakfast. I'm so
hungry. Ha ha! Breakfast


Ahh. Morning, mom. Morning, dad
and zeke.

]] Morning, sid.

]] Hey, dad.

]] Yeah?

]] I was checking out our
birdhouse, and it looks great,

But there's one big problem.

]] Sid, I told you yesterday
there's no way to put a tv and

A bathroom in there.

]] Ha ha ha! No, not that. It's
the birds. There aren't any.

Not a single bird is living in
the birdhouse.

]] Oh. Well, just give them
more time. I'm sure they'll


]] Oh, I guess, but I don't
even know what kind of bird to

Look for.

]] Hmm. Well, maybe I can help
with that. Come on over to the

Computer. I'll see if I can
find pictures of birds that

Live in our area.

]] Great.

]] Hmm. Here. Take a look at
this. Here are some different

Birds you should look for.

]] He's pretty and blue.

]] Mm-hmm. That's a scrub jay.

Here's a hummingbird.

]] Huh.

]] This one's a sparrow.

]] Cool.

]] All these birds live around

]] Oh, ok. Well, thanks, mom.

I'll look for those if they
ever show up.

]] Ok, sid. You can think about
the birds after breakfast.

]] Hey. That gives me an idea.

Breakfast, food. Hey! What if
we give the birds some food,

And maybe then they'll come to
our birdhouse.

]] Smart thinking, sid.

]] Thanks, mom.

]] Good idea, sid. I know I
always come running when I see

Food. Mm.

] Um mum um um.

]] Ok. Well, I'll get the bird
food, and today after school,

Our special project can be
putting the food in the


]] Really? Well, that's great,
dad. Thanks.

]] You bet, buddy.

]] Ooh! And gabriela's coming
over after school for a

Playdate. She can help us feed
the birds. Yes!

]] ♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school

Yeah ♪
]] ha ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Yeah, ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

]] ♪ Wow!

I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] ♪ yeah, check out my moves ♪

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. I'm a rock star! Gerald
in the house!

]] ♪ Cool
I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
hey, there's may ♪

]] ♪ May I show you
how I groove?

All right ♪
ha ha ha!

So cool!

]] Groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] You got me.

]] ♪ La la la la ♪
]] yeah!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends ♪
[all laughing]

]] And now it's time for the
sid survey. Hello. I am sid,

Roving reporter, with today's
survey. Ah. The question--where

Do birds live? And you can
think about where birds live,

Too. Let's go get some answers.

]] Giddyup!

]] Yay!

]] Well, hi, there, may. Hey,

]] Hi, sid!

]] Hey. I have a question.

]] Whoa!

]] Pbbbb.

]] What is it?

]] Um, where do you think birds

]] Well, um, penguins are
birds, and they live where it's

Icy and cold.

]] Wow! That's cool. Thanks,

]] You're welcome.

]] So, gerald, where do you
think birds live?

]] Oh, um, I think they're way
up high on telephone poles

Because that's where I've seen
them. Hey, sid. I never saw a

Bird use a telephone, though.

]] Yeah. You know, me neither.

Heh heh. Thanks, gerald.

]] Ok. Ha! Giddyup, horsy! Ha

]] Hee hee hee!

]] Oh. Hey, there, gabriela.

]] Hi, sid.

]] Um, I have a question. Where
do birds live?

]] Oh, that's easy. They live
in nests way up high in trees.

]] Ha ha! Wow! Well, thanks a
lot, gabriela.

]] You're welcome a lot, sid.

]] Heh heh heh. And now the
results of my survey. May says

That penguins, which are birds,
live where it's icy and cold,

And gerald says birds sometimes
live on telephone poles, and

Gabriela says birds live in a
nest. Maybe you thought about

Where birds live, too. Well,
there you have it. I am sid,

Roving reporter and bird expert.

]] Everybody! Rug time!

]] Ooh! That's teacher susie!

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in

Rug time
take a seat

Rug time ♪
]] ♪ we're ready ♪

]] ♪ Everybody move your feet
rug time ♪

]] ♪ Teacher susie ♪
]] ♪ good time is on the way

Rug time
come on in

We've got a lot to learn today ♪
]] tweet tweet! Tweet tweet! Ha

Ha ha! I'm flying up in the sky!

]] Fly over here, gerald bird!

]] Ok! Flap, flap, flap, flap,
flap. Flap, flap, flap. And I'm

Coming in. Birdie landing.

Tweet tweet.

]] That was awesome!

]] Thanks.

]] Ok. Who has something they'd
like to share with the class?

]] Oh, oh. On the playground,
we were talking about where

Birds live.

]] Oh, yeah. Because yesterday,
my dad and I built a birdhouse


]] Oh, that's so cool!

]] Yeah.

]] How many birds live in it,

]] Uh, none, and I don't know

]] Oh, no.

]] Maybe they're in their nests.

]] Ooh. You might be right,
gabriela. Let me show you

Something that might help all
of you. Let's see. Um...

Ah. Here we go. A bird's nest
is an animal home for birds.

]] Hey. We live in homes, too.

]] That's right, gabriela. So
let's talk about what makes

Your home special.

]] Well, I have a comfy bed in
my home.

]] My mom and dad make yummy
food in my home.

]] Oh! And also because, you
know, if it rains or if it's

Too hot outside, then you can
go inside your home.

]] Great answers, everyone!

Well, a nest is kind of like
your home. It's a warm, safe

Place to eat food, take care of
babies, and it provides shelter

From the weather. Now let's
look at some other animal

Homes. Who lives here?

]] Um...

]] Oh! Bees!

]] Right. In a bee hive. And
who lives here? Now look

Carefully. They're really
small. See crawling around.

]] Ants!

]] Right again. An ant's home
is called an ant hill.

]] Hmm. So the hive and the ant
hill are homes like a bird's


]] Yeah, but, um, where do the
birds get those nests from?

]] Hmm.

]] I think they build their own

]] You know, I think it's time
to investigate how to build a

Bird's nest. So let's go to...

]] The super fab lab!

]] Right! Come on!

]] Yeah!

]] Heh heh heh.

]] Ok.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Super fab lab! Investigate,
explore, discover! Ahh.

]] It's time for our bird's
nest investigation. Today,

We're going to build one big
bird's nest together?

]] Yay!

]] Now take a closer look at
this nest. Tell me what you

See. What did the bird use to
make the nest?

]] Ooh! Sticks and twigs.

]] Leaves.

]] Ooh! I see little feathers.

]] Paper. Oh, and is that

]] Yes, it is. You see, birds
will use anything they can find

To build their nest, even old

]] Oh. But how do they build
anything? Birds don't have


]] Oh. Uh, they can use their

]] Ooh! And feet!

]] Very good thinking. Birds do
use their feet and beaks to

Grab things they need to make
their nest.

]] Uh-oh! I don't have a beak.

]] Well, we can use our hands
like a beak. See, go like this.

]] Tweet tweet.

]] I think everyone's ready to
build a nest. So let's all

Become birds. You can pretend
to fly around and collect

Things from all around the room
and the playground. Then fly

Back here with what you
collected, and we'll build our


]] Cool!

]] Ok?

]] Hey. You're a scientist. You
can try this, too.

]] Tweet tweet tweet.

]] Chirp chirp chirp.

]] It's time for our bird's
nest investigation. First, fly

Around like a bird and find
things you can use to build

Your nest. You can use all
kinds of twigs and leaves, and

When you've found enough items
for your nest, bring them back

To the classroom. Come on,
birds. Let's fly back.

Ooh. It looks like you found
plenty of twigs and leaves.

What else can you use to build
your nest? Ice pop sticks, pipe

Cleaners, tissue paper, and
shredded paper. Now let's make

A nest. First, put down some
glue and then carefully build

Your nest. You're using your
fingers to make a nest, but

Birds don't have fingers like
you do. They use their beaks.

Could you imagine trying to
build this nest without using

Your hands? Ok. Your nest is
almost ready. It just needs a

Few more feathers and pieces of
paper, and it's done. Do you

Think this nest could be a home
for a bird? Hey. Let's put a

Pretend bird into the nest and
see if he likes it.

You know what? I think he likes
your nest. Good job. Now draw

Some pictures in your journals.

Think about the many different
things you used to build your


Wow! Look at this great nest
you built! Great job, everyone.

]] Thank you!

]] Oh, if I were a bird, I
would move into that nest in a


]] Yeah!

]] Ok. Let's take a look at
your journals and see what

Observations you made. Gerald,
would you like to go first?

]] Oh, ok. Um, well, I drew my
hand holding all the stuff that

We used to build our nest, and,
ok, look. I taped in one of

These twigs and a pipe cleaner
thingy into my journal, and,

Ok, over here, I drew a bird
holding even more stuff with

Their beak. Wow! Those--those
birds have really amazing

Beaks. Ha ha!

]] Ha ha! I agree, and birds
are also amazing nest builders.

Ok. Let's see what you drew in
your journal, sid.

]] Huh? Ok. Um, sure. Here's
the nest we made and then all

The different stuff we used to
make it like sticks and paper,

Leaves, and feathers, and then
I had an idea. I should put

Some leaves and twigs and other
nest things in the birdhouse I

Made with my dad because maybe
the birds would like that.

]] Oh, good idea, sid. I'm sure
the birds will love it. Ha ha!

Ok, scientists. It is time to
go and play with all your new


]] Yay!

]] Whoo-hoo!

]] Ok!

]] Come on!

]] Ok. It's time to play

]] Yay!

]] Sid and may and I will be
baby birds in our nest here,

And, gerald...

]] Yeah?

]] You will be the mommy bird.

]] Oh, ok. Wha? Uh, mommy bird?


]] That's right.

]] That's right.

]] Well, ok. Sure. Um, tweet
tweet. Tweet tweet. Tweet

Tweet. Ok, little baby birds,
tell me what you want today.

]] Well, I'm tired.

]] Yeah. Flying is hard work.

]] I'm hungry, and I want a

]] Oh, ok. Everybody stop
complaining, or I'll put you in


]] Waaaaah! I'm hungry, and I
want to play video games and

Watch tv!

]] I'm hungry, and I want to
watch a movie and stuff.

]] I'm hungry and thirsty.


]] Ohh. Well, ok, ok. Um,
little birds, if you're hungry,

I know exactly what birds eat.

]] What?

]] Big, juicy worms! Ha ha ha!

]] Blech!

]] Yeah, but birds love to eat

]] I got to go.

]] Bye-bye.

]] Bye.

]] See you later.

]] And now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing!

]] Go, susie!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Ok. Everybody remember what
this is?

]] An ant hill!

]] Right. Well, let's imagine
that we're all teeny, tiny ants

And we live inside this ant
hill with lots of other teeny,

Tiny ants. Now inside, it's
really, really crowded, and

It's our job to find the queen
ant and bring her some food.


♪ What a busy day
we're working on the big

Ant hill
this is where we live

So if there's a way to help
I will

This ant hill is our home
and so up and down I roam

Here's itty-bitty me
lots of friends, you see

We're all working for the colony
and everybody's up and at 'em

Got a lot to do today
hustle and a-bustle

And a-bustle and a-hustle, too
and everybody works together

Keeping up our happy home
this little ant's got

A lot of little things to do ♪

♪ Some are digging roads
and some are fixing up a nest

Some are guarding gates
all doing what they do best

For a shelter from the storm
because it keeps us safe

And warm
so we work another shift

Food we got to lift
and I'll take the queen

Another gift
and everybody's up and at 'em

Got a lot to do today
hustle and a-bustle

And a-bustle and a-hustle, too
and everybody works together

Keeping up our happy home
this little ant's got

A lot of little things to do
well, I'm just a little ant

And ant won't say, "I can't"
because there's food

I got to get
I got to get the table set

And everybody's up and at 'em
working for the colony

This little ant's got
a lot of things

Those little ants
got a lot of things

This little ant's got
a lot of little things to do ♪

]] Yay!

]] Thank you!

]] I wish I was an ant living
in a big ant hill. That would

Be a really, really fun home.

]] Yeah. I wish I was a bird,
and then I'd live in a home

That I built for my family.

]] Oh, yeah. Your birdhouse!

]] Hey, on our playdate today,
gabriela, you can help me put

Food in the birdhouse.

]] Ok. Ha ha ha!

]] Oh, I can't wait to hear if
birds show up in your birdhouse.

]] Well, I'll let you know.

]] Ok. All right, animal home
experts. It's time to go home.

Follow me.

]] Yay!

]] Tweet tweet!

]] We're going to sid's house.

]] Tweet tweet!

]] Oh, ho. There's my sid.

]] It's my grandma!

]] Oh. Ha ha ha! And there's

]] Hi.

]] Hello. Here we go, kids.

[Rock music playing]
ha ha ha! Whoo!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Whoo ♪
]] ♪ backseat driving

Ba na na na na
with grandma ♪

]] Whoo! Ha!

So, kids. How was your day?

]] It was great. Um, we built a
bird's nest.

]] Yeah. Birds build houses out
of sticks and leaves and paper

And stuff.

]] Ooh, yeah. Those birdies are
good builders. Say, did you

Know some people build their
own homes, too?

]] Really?

]] Oh, yeah. When we were
younger, your grandfather and I

Built our own home. First, we
found a nice spot of land, and

Then we got the supplies we
needed--wood and nails. Then we

Dug a foundation in the ground
to make sure the house was

Solid, and we put up a frame
and a roof and walls and

Plaster and shingles and
siding, and, ooh-whee, before

You knew it, we had our own
house. We even called it our

Little nest. Ahh. Seems like
only yesterday.

]] Wow, grandma! You built a

]] Sid, your grandma is cool.

]] I think so, too. My grandma
is the best.

]] ♪ We learned something cool
something cool today

We know it upside down
and inside out

We learned all about ♪
]] whoo-hoo!

]] ♪ Animal homes ♪

Two scientists in the house!

]] Ha ha ha!


]] whoo-hoo!

]] And that just about does it.

Ah. How about that? I built the
birdhouse so the roof can come

Off. Makes it easy to add

]] Good job, dad.

]] I hope the birds like their

]] Well, me, too. Well, we put
enough in there for breakfast,

Lunch, and dinner.

]] Yeah, and I like that we
even put some twigs and leaves

In there so that it's more like
a real nest.

]] Oh, I bet they'll like that,

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Hey. Let's go find some

]] Oh, great idea. Hey, birds.

]] Birds!

]] Yoo-hoo!

]] Birdies!

]] Birdies, free food!

]] Hey, birdie, birdie, birdie.

]] Don't pass it up.

]] Oh, hey! Hey! I know what
will help get the birds here.

]] What?

]] Bird calls!

]] Bird calls?

]] Yeah, yeah. Here. Like this.

Try it. Caw! Caw! Brrra caw caw
caw! Come on, guys. Give it a

Shot. Caw caw caw caw!

]] Caw caw caw caw!

]] Caw!

]] Caw!

]] Brreg ga ga!

]] Caw caw caw caw!

]] Caw caw caw!

]] Caw!

]] Tweet!

]] Hey. Um, ooh. Gabriela, I've
got an idea. Let's climb up in

The tree house and look for

]] Oh. Good idea.

]] Ladies first.

]] Thank you.

]] Brrra caw caw caw. Caw! Caw
caw caw! Caw caw! Caw caw caw

Caw! Brrra caw caw caw caw!

]] Um, hey, dad.

]] Caw caw caw--huh? What?

]] Um, dad. Do you think maybe
you're scaring away the birds

With that call? It's pretty

]] Oh. Hmm. Good point, sid.

Ok. New bird call coming up.

]] Whoop whoop whoop whoop
whoo! I learned that one at

Summer camp. Whoo whoo whoo
whoop! Whoop ooh! Whoo!

]] Ohh! Everyone, look! Look! A
nest. And a bird!

]] Wow! That's why she's not in
our birdhouse. She has her own

Nest. Hey. That's ok, bird. You
can use our birdhouse later, ok?


hey. Do you hear that chirping?

The bird's still in her nest.

Heh heh heh. Today, I learned
that birds are really good at

Building nests. That's their
home, and get this. Lots of

Animals are really good at
building their own homes, and

That gives me an idea. Hmm. Ok.

I've got it. Here's my
super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea! Since birds and other
animals are such amazing

Builders, they should have
their own building company, and

They could call it the animal
building team, and ants will be

In charge because they really
know how to work together as a

Team. Beavers can cut the wood.

Enn nnn nnn. Birds can make
twig skyscrapers. Tweet tweet.

Gophers can dig big tunnels.

Dig, dig, dig, dig. Squirrels
can gather nuts to make walls.

Spiders can weave the curtains.

and woodpeckers can hammer in

All the nails. Blam, blam,
blam! All the animals would use

Their amazing beaks, legs,
claws, and backs to carry

Everything they need to get the
job done. The animal building

Team will be the best bunch of
builders ever! And that's my

Super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

well, I'm pretty tired. I'm

Sure glad I have a home where I
can be safe and warm. Hmm. Heh

Heh heh.

wha? Ohh! Oh, boy! Guess what!

There's a little bird visiting
our new birdhouse! Yay! Ahh. I

Love helping birds because I am
sid the science kid.

and remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions. Ahh. See
you later, scientists. Boing,

Boing, boing, boing, boi...ahh.


Investigate! Explore!

Discover! Ahh!

]] Hey, I know how to
investigate, explore,

And discover.

And I bet you do, too. Ha ha.

Investigate--that's when
you want to find stuff out.

Explore--that's when you look
at things in the world

Around you.

Discover--that's when you
investigate and explore,

And you find out something new.

♪ ♪