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02x08 - The Dirt on Dirt

Posted: 10/04/22 13:19
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists.

It's me, sid. I want to know
what makes dirt dirty.

So my friends and I are going
to discover that there's

Lots of science to explore
in the backyard. Come explore

With me, "sid the science kid,
coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you wanna learn today?

]] I wanna know why things
happen and how

And I wanna know everything now
oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did?

Hmm. What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world's spinning
and I wanna know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm "sid the science kid" ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company and
friends of nci]

Oh, hi. Hey, you know what I
really like? Dirt!

I was playing and digging
and exploring in the dirt

Yesterday, and I loved it!

Whoo-hoo! But you know
what my mom really doesn't like?

Dirt. Especially when I play
in it outside and get covered

And then run inside. Yeah.

My mom makes me help
clean it up. Yuck.

But it's not the dirt's fault
my shoes and pants got dirty.

I mean, that's what dirt does,
right? It gets things dirty.

It's right there in the name:
dirt. Hmm. But if dirt makes

Things dirty, then what's in
dirt? I just gotta know.

What makes dirt dirty?

]] Sid, breakfast.

]] Yay! I'm super hungry.

Yay! Whoo-hoo! Breakfast time!

Good morning, mom. Hi, zekie.

]] [Babbling]
]] good morning, sid.

]] Um, mom, I have a question.

Why don't you like dirt?

]] Oh, I like dirt just fine--
outside. Now, it's when it's

Inside that I have to wash
everything--the floor, the

Walls, all your clothes.

]] Hmm.

]] [Whistling melody]
]] what? Hey! Dirt alert.

Dirt alert.

]] Whoa. Call off the alert,
buddy. This is a special dirt

Called potting soil.

It helps plants and trees grow.

I'm just bringing it out back
so I can plant a new baby tree

After work.

]] Oh, a baby tree. Can I help
plant it?

]] Oh. Wow. Sid, that's a really
great idea. It can be a special

After school project for you
and me.

]] That sounds great, dad.

Ok. I'm in.

]] All right. See you then,

]] Thanks, dad. Bye.

]] Bye-bye.

]] So, wait. There are special
kinds of dirt? I thought dirt

Was just, you know, brown stuff,
just dirt.

]] Well, actually, there are
a lot of different kinds of

Dirt. Here, I can show you.

Let's investigate on the

]] Great.

]] Hmm. Ok. That one is dirt
like you'll find in our yard.

This one is potting soil,
like your dad brought in,

Which is much darker.

And this one's desert dirt
which has lots of little rocks

And sand.

]] Well, rocks and sand.

That's cool. Does all dirt
have stuff in it like that?

]] Now, that's a really good
dirt question, sid. I think

You should dig into it
at school. Get it? Dig into it?

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Whoo! I'm wild. Ha ha ha ha!

]] That's pretty funny, mom.

]] Dig into it.

]] [Laughter]
]] I'll be here all week. Whoo!

]] ♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school ♪


]] Ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] watch what I can do.

Yeah! Ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Gerald in the house!

]] Cool.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?


Wahoo. Ha ha!

]] Groovy.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid! ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] Ha ha! You got me.

]] [All laughing and humming]
♪ we're looking for

Our friends
and look what we found

We found each other
friends ♪

]] and now it's time for

The sid survey.

Hello. I am sid, roving
reporter with today's survey.

The question: what's in dirt?

And you can think about what's
in dirt, too. Let's go get

Some answers.

Hey, gabriela.

]] Hello.

]] What is in dirt?

]] Um...uh, well, plants and
trees grow in dirt.

]] Yeah.

]] So maybe dirt has "good for
plants and trees stuff" in it.

]] Ooh, that's a good answer.

]] Thank you.

]] Thank you.

]] Bye-bye.

]] Bye. Ooh, hey, may.

]] Hi, sid.

]] What do you think is in dirt?

]] Well, ooh. I was once
digging in the garden with

My grandpa, and we saw the
cutest little worm crawl around

And around, then dig right back
down into the dirt.

]] Oh, that's really cool.

You saw a worm.

]] Yeah. I named him mortimer.

]] Hee hee hee. Thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

]] I heard you were talking
about dirt!

]] Yeah, hi, gerald.

]] Hi.

]] Do you know what's in dirt?

]] Oh. That's easy. Dirt is
full of stuff, like little

Rocks and stuff. And I know
all about it 'cause I play in

Dirt piles a lot. Hey, sid,
you want to see what I do?

]] Sure.

]] Ok. I go, "here I come,
dirt!" Wah! Dirt! Dirt!

]] Hello, gerald.

Welcome to the sandbox.

]] Oh, thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

]] [Laughs] wow, gerald.

You really know how to play
in dirt.

]] I know! Ha ha!

]] And now the results of
my survey. Gabriela says dirt

Is full of "good for plants and
trees stuff" to help them grow.

And may knows that worms live
in dirt, 'cause she's seen one.

And gerald says that dirt has
little rocks and stuff in it.

And maybe you know what's
in dirt, too.

Well, there you have it.

I am sid, roving reporter,
and dirt expert.

]] Everybody, rug time!

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in! Rug time

Take a seat
rug time ♪

]] We're ready!

]] ♪ Everybody move your feet
rug time ♪

]] Teacher susie!

]] ♪ Good times on the way
rug time, come on in

We've got a lot to learn today ♪
]] [trumpeting like an elephant]

I am an elephant, and I need
a peanut.

Do you have a peanut?

]] No, mr. Elephant.

]] Oh. [Trumpets]
may, how about you?

Do you have a peanut?

]] No.

]] Oh. [Trumpets]
]] I'll give you a peanut

If you have a seat,
mr. Elephant.

]] Ok. I got it! Yum yum!

Elephant. Hey, the elephant
sees a picture of the earth.

]] Oh. That's because it's
earth day.

]] That's right, may, it is
earth day. Earth day is

A celebration of the earth.

And the best way to celebrate
the earth is to take care of it.

]] Oh! Like taking care of
the trees and the ocean.

]] Yeah, and the animals.

]] And the dirt!

]] Yes. Excellent answers.

]] But how do you take care of
dirt? I mean, dirt's just dirt.

]] Oh, actually, dirt's very
important. Or, as scientists

Call it, soil.

]] Ooh, soil.

]] Mm-hmm. Does anyone know
what grows in soil?

]] Oh! Um, trees grow in soil.

My dad and I are gonna plant
a tree in soil today.

]] Very good. Anyone else?

]] Flowers grow in soil.

]] And vegetables.

]] Yeah! Like spinach.

]] Yeah. Those are all great

]] Um, ok. So soil is really
important, but I've got

Another question.

What's in soil, like really
in it?

]] Well, that is an excellent
earth day question, sid.

So, where can we go to
investigate soil?

]] To the super-fab lab!

]] Grab your journals. Let's go!

]] Ok!

]] Ok.

]] Super-fab lab!

Investigate. Explore. Discover.


]] Today, you're going to find
out what's in soil. And you're

All going to be dirt detectives.

]] Oh, boy! I love being
a detective.

Hello, I am dirt detective sid.

]] Hello, dirt detective sid!

]] Ok, dirt detectives.

Your job is to go outside,
scoop up some dirt, and put it

On your tray.

]] Cool.

]] Wow.

]] And then you are going to
bring your tray of dirt back

Into the classroom and
investigate what's in the soil.

]] Oh! Hey, um, can we use
these magnifying glasses?

]] Ooh, that's a great idea.

You can really get a close look
at what's in the soil. You can

Also use these wooden sticks
to move the dirt around.

You never know what you might
find. Ok, dirt detectives,

Are you ready?

]] We're ready!

]] Hey, you're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] A tray for you.

]] Today, you are going to
be dirt detectives

And investigate what's in
the dirt that you collect

From outside.

Make sure you fill up your
buckets with plenty of dirt.

Go ahead. Really dig in.

And when your buckets are filled
to the top, bring them over

To the table so we can
investigate what's in the dirt.

Pour your dirt onto a tray.

Then use the magnifying glass
to observe all the little

Things you find. Hey, you found
an old leaf and a small twig.

Keep exploring.

What else is in your dirt?

Wow. You've found a worm.

And here's a piece of a tiny
plant with small roots.

Look. You've found a vegetable.

Take a close look. Do you know
what it is?

Go ahead and smell it.

It's an onion. Oh, no.

You found some trash.

You also found a piece of
plastic from a cup.

Trash is really bad for the

If you find any trash in your
soil, throw it away.

Now it's time to draw some
observations in your journals.

What kinds of things did you
find in the dirt?

Were you surprised to find
things like leaves, twigs, and

A worm?

]] Ok, dirt detectives.

I can't wait to see what you
found in the soil.

Gabriela, may we see your
journal first?

]] Sure. When I looked through
the magnifying glass,

I could see my soil was all
different colors: red, brown,

Black, and white. Oh, and I
also found a bug. I didn't

Bring him inside; I left him
outside in the soil.

]] Oh, you made a really good
discovery, gabriela. Soil also

Has living things in it.

]] Oh! Oh! But guess what else
I found in the soil? Something

That shouldn't be there.

A plastic straw from
somebody's juice box!

]] Oh.

]] Don't worry. I put it in
the recycling can.

]] Oh, good job, gabriela.

Those straws are easy to drop
on the ground, so recycling

Them is really good for our
earth. Ok. Sid, may we look

At your journal?

]] Ok, sure. My soil had all
kinds of twigs and old leaves

And brown stuff in it.

And check this out: I also
found a worm! Whoo-hoo!

]] Yay! I love worms.

What did you name him?

]] Gilbert.

]] Ooh. That's a great name.

]] Yeah, and he was really
cool-looking. But I put him

Back in the soil outside, since
that's his home.

]] Oh, I'm glad you put him
back, too, sid. Worms are

Really good for the soil.

]] Oh, I'm so proud of all
my scientists. Look how much

You know about soil and keeping
the earth healthy. I think

It's time to play with all
your new ideas.

]] Yeah!

]] Let's go outside.

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughternoon!

]] hey, gabriela. I'm a worm,

And you pretend to be a bug.

]] Ok. Bug, bug, bug, bug.

]] Ok, what did the worm--
that's me--say when he met

The bug? You're the bug.

]] I don't know. What did the
worm say when he met the bug?

]] He said, "hello, buggie.

How's it going?"

]] Pretty good, worm.

How are you?

]] I'm wormy!

]] [Laughing]
]] hey, sid.

]] Hey, may.

]] What do you get when you take
all the trees and all the

Oceans and all the animals
and all the soil?

]] Hmm. I don't know.

What do you get?

]] The earth. Happy earth day!

]] Happy earth day!

]] Hey, gabriela.

]] Yes.

]] What do you get when you wear
a purple cowboy hat, pink

Pants, and orange shoes, and
then jump in a mud puddle?

]] I don't know. What do you get
when you're wearing all that

Stuff and you jump in a mud

]] You get dirty!

]] [Laughing]
]] now, that's funny.

]] [laughing]

]] Ok. Let's play pretend.

We'll have a surprise party
for the earth.

]] Who should be the earth?

]] Oh! I will! I will!

]] Ok. Gerald's the earth.

]] Ok. Ooh! I'll be right back.

]] Ok, what should we do
to surprise the earth?

]] Well, we can hide and yell
"surprise" when he comes in.

]] Yeah. And I'll bet the earth
likes cake.

]] I do like cake, sid. Ha!

Ok, I'm the earth. So, now
what do I do?

]] Why don't you walk over there
and then come in?

]] Ok. Ha ha!

]] Ok, now let's hide. Come on.

]] Ok.

]] [Giggling]
]] ok, earth. Come on in.

]] Here I come!

]] Surprise! Happy earth day,

]] I am so surprised.

A party for me?

]] Yeah. And here's your
awesome earth cake for earth


]] Cool! [Chewing noises]
]] wait, earth! That cake has

Candles in it. Blow them out,
but make a wish first.

]] Oh, ok. Well, I wish that
my oceans will always be clean.

]] Ooh, I'll help. I'll clean
up the garbage from the

Beaches and in the oceans.

]] Good idea. Um, oh! I wish
that the air around me will

Always be nice and clear.

]] I'll ask smoky factories
and cars to stop putting smoke

In the air.

]] Yeah! Um, and I also wish
that all animals will always be

Safe and happy.

]] Oh. I will help the animals.

Rrr! [Purring, barking]
and make sure no one ever

Hurts them.

]] Thanks, may. You guys are
great. I sure hope all those

Wishes come true. Oh! Hey, I
got one more wish.

]] Ooh, yes, earth?

]] I wish that we could all eat
cake and dance!

]] Yay!

]] Hey, let's blow out the

]] Ok.

]] Ok.

]] [Blowing]
]] hey, let's eat!

]] [Making chewing noises]
]] ok, let's go dance. Ha!

♪ Duh, duh, da-da-da

Duh, duh, da-da-da

Duh, duh, da-da-da

Duh, duh, da-da-da

Duh, duh, da-da-da

Duh, duh, da-da-da... ♪
]] And now...

]] ♪ Yuh, duh, da-da-da ♪
]] it's time...

]] ♪ Yuh, duh, da-da-da ♪
]] for susie!

]] ♪ Yuh, duh, da-da-da ♪
to sing!

]] ♪ Yuh, duh, da-da-da
go, susie! ♪

]] ♪ Yuh, duh, da-da-da
thank you! ♪

]] ♪ Yuh, duh, da-da-da
you're welcome ♪

]] So, today, sid found a worm
in the soil he collected, right?

]] Oh, yeah.

]] And I started thinking.

What would it be like to
actually be a little worm

Living in the soil?

The dirt, the roots,
the pebbles, the twigs!

♪ I dig
this town

This worm knows her way around
I love living where the sun

Doesn't shine
I dig

This town
and I get around

Under the ground
it's a crazy world of dirt

And baby, it's mine
where the beetles and bugs

Are all in the loop
where a worm can eat

Where a worm can poop
I love each root

And pebble in the city
doesn't that dirt

Look mighty pretty?

I dig
this town

This worm, she knows
her way around

And every soldier beetle
and earwig knows me, too

How you doing?

Protect your earth
it's worth a lot

It's the only earth you got
so you ought to dig this town

The way that I do
let me live in the dirt all day

There's no place I'd rather stay
'cause I dig this town ♪

You dig?

]] [Cheering]
]] ♪ I'm a whoo-whoo-wiggly

Worm, and you know I like
to squirm ♪

]] Ok, my dirt detectives
and soil scientists.

]] And wormy wizards.

]] And wormy wizards.

It's time to go home.

Let's all be wiggly worms
and squirm on out of here.

]] Ooh, yeah.

]] ♪ Squirming, squirming
wiggly, wiggly, wiggle, wiggle ♪

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Ooh, right here, grandma.

]] Ooh. [Chuckling]

Now, okey doke. Let's roll.

]] Let's roll.

[Music playing on radio]
]] ♪ la dee dah! [Hums] ♪

]] ♪ Backseat driving with
grandma ♪

]] Ooh, let me turn this off.

[Turns radio off]
]] hey, grandma.

]] What?

]] Happy earth day.

]] Oh, and happy earth day
to you, too, sid.

]] Hey, guess what?

Today, we learned all about

]] Oh! Well, did you know
that soil is so important

That they brought some into
outer space?

]] Really?

]] Yes! One time, some
astronauts took some good old

Soil from a garden, climbed
into their rocket, and blasted

Off into space. Yeah. They
brought some good old dirt.

They also brought some seeds,
and they popped those seeds

Into the soil. And do you know

]] What?

]] The seeds grew into plants
while they floated in outer

Space! Ooh! [Chuckles]
so now we know that soil helps

Plants grow on earth and in
outer space. Oh, maybe one day,

There could be a whole giant
farm up in outer space.

Ooh, that'd be something,
wouldn't it?

]] Yeah. Well, then we'd
celebrate earth day way up above

The earth.

]] Good one, sid.

]] wow! My grandma knows


♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about...

Soil! ♪
]] Whoo-hoo!

]] Ha ha! Scientist in the
house. Yeah.


I think this will make the
earth really happy.

]] And it's really healthy
for the earth, too.

Well, I think our job here is

]] Yep.

]] Sure is beautiful.

]] Yeah. Hello, baby tree.

Welcome to our backyard.

Ok, soil, now it's time for
you to do your job. Help this

Tree grow really big.

]] That's right! Grow big, tree!

You know, one day, sid,
you'll be all grown up and

You'll stand at this spot
under a big, grown-up tree.

]] Cool. I'll be all grown up.

Hmm. Maybe I'll be a scientist
who helps the soil and the whole

Earth! Ha ha! Hello, I am
scientist sid. This soil

Looks good to me. And, ooh,
what a nice, healthy tree.

]] Ok, grown-up scientist sid,
let's go inside and get some


]] Ok. Bye, tree.

Hey! When I'm grown up,
you'll be really old, dad.

]] Well, hmm, that's right,
grown-up sid. Hmm...

]] Happy earth day, old dad.

]] Happy earth day, grown-up
sid. Hmm. I sure am glad

You grew up to be a scientist.

You are taking wonderful care
of the earth.

]] Yeah. I'll always help
take care of the earth.

Happy earth day!

Earth, earth, earth...


And earth spins around,
dr. Beaks. Isn't that cool?

What a great day! I woke up
thinking about dirt, and then

I learned that dirt is also
called soil. And soil is really

Important. So, that got me
thinking about a great way

To make sure no soil is ever
wasted. Ok. Here's my

big idea! My new invention is

The super soil recycler.

It's a giant vacuum that sucks
up only dirt that's gonna be

Cleaned up and thrown away
or washed away. It sucks

The dirt off socks, floors,
walls, furniture, everything!

Then you just flip a switch,
and the super soil recycler

Blows the dirt to places
that really need it for

Things to grow, like in the
middle of big cities,

On giant highways,
and even on super-huge bridges.

Wow! The super soil recycler
is working great.

And that's my super-duper-ooper-
schmooper big idea!

bye, everybody. Thanks for

Getting the dirt on dirt
with me.

Ooh! And remember, you don't
have to wait until earth day

To take care of our earth.

We gotta take care of our
planet because it's the only one

We've got. I know I will,
because I am sid the science

and remember, keep asking

Lots and lots of questions.

Happy earth day, scientists.

See you later.

♪ ♪