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02x09 - Don't Forget the Leaves

Posted: 10/04/22 13:20
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's me,
sid. I want to know if flowers

Really need leaves, so my
friends and I are going to

Discover that there's lots of
science to explore in the

Backyard. Come explore with me,
"sid the science kid," coming

Up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on? Heh,

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What's you want to learn today?

]] I want to know why things
happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what it just
did? Hmm

What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world's spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪

Mm-hmm. Yeow. Hi, I'm sid.

Welcome to my room. So, last
night, my dad gave my mom some

Flowers. It was very nice. "Go,
dad, go!" But I'm wondering why

Did dad cut these off the

The leaves! Dad was going to
throw them away, but I kept

Them, because I think leaves
are cool. See, everyone loves

Flowers, but I think dad should
have given mom a bunch of

Leaves. Hmm.

"I love you, dear. Here, have
some leaves!" "Oh, mort, they

Are beautiful and green. I love
you, too."

[Makes kissing sounds]
"oh, yeah. Ahem." Leaves must

Do something, or flowers
wouldn't even have them, right?

Hmm. Well, now I just got to
know. Why do flowers have


]] sid, breakfast time!

]] Oh, boy, I can't wait for--ha
ha!--Breakfast time!

Ha ha! Hey, good morning,

]] Morning, sid.

]] Hey, morning, sid. So, what
do you think? I made a little

Flower arrangement for mom in
my homemade flower vase.

]] Yeah, they look really nice.

But I was wondering, why did
you cut off these from the


]] Oh, the leaves. Well, I just
thought the flowers were

Prettier, and I wanted to give
mom something pretty to show

Her how special she is.

]] Oh, boy. Here they go.

]] The flowers are so

]] Um--you know, I think leaves
would make a nice gift, too.

]] Huh? Oh. Leaves as a gift?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Hmm. You know, you might be
onto something, sid. I'm going

To think about that at work
today. Yeah.

]] Great.

]] Ok, see you later.

]] Bye, dad.

]] Bye.

]] Well, I guess flowers are
really pretty because they do

Come in lots of colors, and
these leaves are just sort of

Green and small.

]] Actually, sid, there are all
kinds of leaves, and they come

In lots of different colors and
shapes and sizes.

]] Yeah?

]] Let's take a look here.

]] Ok.

]] See, here is a picture of
big, round lily pad leaves.

]] Hmm.

]] And these are skinny pine
needle leaves.

]] Ha! Wow, those don't even
look like leaves.

]] Well, check out this one.

These are pointy agave leaves.

]] Gosh. I've never seen leaves
that look like that. Hmm. Ok,

That does it. I am on a
mission. After breakfast, I'm

Going to go to school and
investigate what these leaves

Do. So don't worry, leaves, I
won't let you down.


♪ I love my mom
]] uh-huh

]] My mom is cool
]] uh-huh

]] But now it's time
for having fun in school

Yeah! ♪
]] Hi.

]] Mwah!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriella
]] watch what I can do


Ha, ha! Ready, set, go!

]] Wow!

I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald
]] yeah! Check out my moves!

Yeah! I'm a rock star!

Gerald in the house!

]] Cool!

I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may
]] may I show you how I

Groove? ♪

So cool!

]] Groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid! ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] You got me.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

]] And look who we found
we found each other

Friends! ♪

]] And now it's time for the
sid survey! Blam! Hello, I am

Sid, roving reporter with
today's survey. The

Question--why do flowers have
leaves? Maybe you can think

About why flowers have leaves,
too. Ok, let's go get some


[Sid hums]
]] oh, I got it.

]] Hey, may, do you know why
flowers have leaves?

]] Hmm. Well, maybe if flowers
didn't have leaves, they'd fall

Back into the ground and become
seeds again.

]] Wow. That's a good answer.

Thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

[May sings]
]]! Hey, gerald.

]] Oh, hey, sid!

]] Hi. Hey, do you know why
flowers have leaves?

]] Oh, yeah! Ok. You're going
to like this answer. Yeah. One

Time, it was raining.

[Imitates rainfall]
and then--ok, I saw drops of

Water on some leaves. So maybe
the leaves were helping the

Flower to drink the water. What
do you think? Good

Answer, right?

]] Yeah, that was a very good
answer, gerald, and a very good

Elephant picture.

]] Oh, thank you.

[Imitates elephant]
]] bye, elephant gerald.

]] Bye, sid, regular.

]] Hey, gabriella.

]] Hello.

]] Do you know why flowers have

]] Um--well, I once saw a
caterpillar eating a leaf, like


[Makes munching sounds]
so, maybe leaves are food.

]] Hmm. That's really
interesting. Thanks, gabriella.

]] Sure thing.

]] Ha ha! Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

Wow, and now, the results of my
survey. May says that without

Leaves, flowers might fall down
and become seeds again. Gerald

Says leaves help a flower to
drink, and gabriella says

Leaves might be food. Hmm, and
maybe you've thought about why

Flowers have leaves, too. There
you have it. I am sid, roving

Reporter and leaf expert.

]] Everybody, rug time.

]] That's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time
]] we're ready

]] Everybody move your feet
rug time

]] Teacher susie
]] good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot to learn today ♪

]] ♪ Boom, bah-bah, do-bah
boom, bah-bah

Yeah, I'm looking for my teacher
I'm looking for you!

Hey, there's susie! ♪
]] Watch out. I can boogie! Da,


]] Yeah!

]] Go, susie!

]] Go, susie!

Go, susie!

]] Yay!

]] That's cool!

]] Yay, susie!

]] So, did you guys have fun on
the playground?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Yeah!

]] Oh, yeah! We were talking
about leaves. I once saw a

Caterpillar eating a leaf.

]] I wonder if leaves taste
yummy to caterpillars.

]] Oh, I think they do, and
caterpillars also eat leaves

Because they're a healthy food.

]] What makes the leaves so

]] Well, leaves are filled with
lots of nutrients, which is

What caterpillars need to grow.

]] I knew it! Leaves are
special. They have nutrients in

Them. I'm not sure what
nutrients are, but still,

Leaves have them.

]] Tell you what. Let's find
out what nutrients are.

]] Ok.

]] Let's see. Ah, here we go.

Ok. What do you all see in this

]] Oh.

]] Um--the sun! And it's
shining down on that pretty


]] That's right. The leaves use
the light from the sun to make

Their own nutrients, and
nutrients help flowers and

Trees to grow.

]] Oh.

]] Ah.

]] So nutrients are kind of
like food?

]] Well, nutrients are in the
foods that animals and people

Eat, but plants don't eat food,
so they make their own


]] Hey, my mom showed me
pictures of leaves on her

Computer. There's a lot of
different kinds of leaves.

]] You're right, sid. Now, you
know, I think it's time we

Investigate leaves in the--
]] super fab lab!

]] That's right. Let's go.

]] Ok.

]] Yay!

]] Ok, let's go!

]] Come on, sid!

]] Ok.

]] Ok.

]] Super fab lab! Investigate,
explore, discover!


]] Ok, scientists, we are going
to become leaf investigators.

]] Cool!

]] Yeah!

]] First, we're all going
outside to gather as many

Different kinds of leaves as
you can find.

]] Ooh, like tree leaves?

]] Or plant leaves?

]] You got it, and then we'll
bring all the leaves back

Inside and compare and contrast

]] Ooh! Like what color they

]] Yeah, and what shape they

]] Exactly, and you can use
these magnifying glasses to

Look really closely at the

]] Ooh.

]] Oh, I love using magnifying

]] Maybe you'll find something
interesting on a leaf you've

Never seen before.

]] Ooh.

]] Ok, scientists, let's go
find some leaves.

]] Yay!

]] Ok!

]] Hey, you're a scientist. You
can try this, too.

]] Ok, leaf investigators, it's
time to explore outside. How

Many different kinds of leaves
can you find? The back side of

This leaf has lines on it. Go
ahead and feel the bumpy

Texture of the leaf. This leaf
has a white stripe down the

Middle, and these purple
flowers have lots of small

Leaves. You can use a
magnifying glass so you can see

The tiny leaves. Now let's
collect some leaves so we can

Observe them up close. A
grownup will cut off a leaf for

You. Ooh, thin red
leaves. There are lots of

Leaves on this fern plant. Way
up in this tree, there are

Leaves that are red on one side
and green on the other side.

You found a really big green
leaf. Now it's time to compare

And contrast all the leaves
you've found. Try sorting them

Into two piles--one pile with
big leaves and one with little


Hmm, how else can you sort
the leaves you collected? Oh,

You're making one pile of leaves
with different colors and one

Pile of leaves that are just
green. Good job, scientists.

Now choose your favorite leaves
and tape them into your

Journal. That way, you'll
always remember that leaves

Come in different
colors, shapes, and sizes.

]] Wow, you all collected
lots of leaves.

]] Yeah!

]] Yeah!

]] I can't wait to see what
kind of observations you made.

Gerald, would you like to go

]] Yeah. Ok. Um--so, check this
out. I found this leaf, but

It's not a very good one
'cause it has a bunch of holes

In it.

]] Oh. Actually, gerald, you
made an interesting discovery.

Those holes were made by a bug
that was eating that leaf.

]] Wow. Well--oh. I hope that
the bug was done eating when I

Picked up the leaf.

]] Oh, he probably was, but
that's very thoughtful of you.

]] Thank you.

]] Ok, sid, would you like to
go next?

]] Oh--um--yeah, sure. Let's
see. I found this big leaf

Under the picnic table.

]] Oh, it looks like you found
a leaf from the maple tree.

]] Cool. Huh. So, I turned the
leaf over, and I found lots of

Lines. I touched them, and they
were kind of bumpy.

]] Hey, another nice discovery.

Those bumpy lines you found are
called the veins.

]] Veins?

]] Yeah. They're kind of like
pipes that carry water

Throughout your house. The
veins bring nutrients from the

Leaves to the branches, then to
the rest of the tree.

]] And that's why bugs eat

[Gabriella makes munching sound]

Because they have all those

]] Very good, gabriella.

]] Hey, we eat leaves, too.

Spinach leaves.

]] You're right, may, and
spinach has lots of nutrients.

Wow, I'm very impressed with
all my leaf experts. I think

It's time to go and play with
all your leafy new ideas.

]] Yay!

]] Let's go play with leafy
ideas, gabriella.

]] It's time for--
]] good laughternoon!

]] hey, sid--

]] Yes, gerald?

]] What kind of tree fits in
your hand?

]] I don't know. What kind of
tree fits in your hand?

]] A maple tree. You get it?

Maple, because your hand has--
]] no. Actually, gerald, i--i

Don't get it.

]] Oh. Um--wait, I think i--i
told the joke wrong.

]] Oh.

]] Let's--let's--let me try

]] Ok.

]] Ok.

]] All right, close your door.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] You ready?

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, sid!

]] Yes, gerald?

]] Um--ok, what kind of tree
fits in your hand?

]] I don't know. What kind of
tree fits in your hand?

]] A palm tree.

]] Oh. I get that one.

]] Yeah. Makes more sense.

]] Hey, gerald--
]] a palm tree! Oh. Sorry, that

Was my other joke. Um--your

]] What did the leaf say to the
bunny rabbit who was eating it?

]] I don't know. What?

]] Hey, mr. Bunny rabbit,
you're eating me. Please leaf

Me alone.

]] knock, knock.

]] Who's there?

]] I am a tree. Listen to the
sound of my leaves making


♪ Looh laka-laka,
looh, ooh, laka-looh ♪

That's it.

]] Yay!

]] Yeah, may! Yay!

]] Now, that's leafy.

[Canned applause]

]] Hello! I am gabriella, the
answer girl!

I can answer any question.

]] Ooh, ooh! I like your hat!

]] Thank you, but that is not a
question. Next.

]] Um--what is your favorite

]] A leaf on a sunflower.

]] Oh.

]] Next question.

]] Oh--do any animals eat

]] Yes, caterpillars eat
leaves. Next question?

]] Oh--i like your hat!

]] That's still not a question.


]] What's more fun, jumping
into a pile of leaves, or

Sliding into a pile of leaves?

]] Both are fun! Next question.

]] I am a caterpillar, and I'm
hungry. Mmm, you are a leaf.

And I'm going to eat you.


]] Don't let her get you, girl!

]] You better get out of here!

Slide! Great!

]] I am now answer caterpillar!

[Imitates echo effect]
]] I like your hat!

]] and now--

]] It's time--
]] for susie--

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie!

]] Oh, thank you, thank you.

So, we know that bugs eat
leaves, and we eat leaves like

Spinach, but did you know that
lots of animals all over the

World only eat leaves?

]] Cool.

]] Really?

]] Yeah. Imagine if there was a
special restaurant that only

Served leaves.

♪ Bonjour, here's a tray
of our specials today

Come and feast at the bistro
la leaf

For our pandas from china
there is nothing finer

Than bamboo leaf
hold the beef

Mr. Giraffe
we have half a carafe

Of a cassia leaf ice cream

Koala come swallow
a nice eucalyptus soufflé

Madame silkworm, for you
and exclusively, too

An exquisite mulberry leaf pie
our ingenious chef made a

Milkweed crepe
for marie monarch butterfly

They are feathery, leathery
papery, tapery

Brown, yellow, silver
or green

At bistro la leaf
we belief in our leafy

every meal is a treat

So bon appetit
now everyone eat

At the bistro la leaf
bistro la leaf

Bistro la leaf
bistro la leaf ♪

]] Yay!

]] Wow, that was so pretty.

]] I'm a koala bear
eating my favorite leaves.

Munch, munch, munch, munch,
munch, munch. Munch, munch,


]] hmm. Would you like a bite

Of my leaf?

]] Uh--no, thank you. I am a
panda. I don't eat the same

Leaves as you. Munch, munch,
munch, munch, munch, munch,

Munch, munch.

]] well--um--i am sid, and I

Think big leaves and small
leaves, green leaves, and funny

Shaped leaves are all really

]] Yeah! Leaves give plants
nutrients so they can grow!

]] Yeah, grow!

]] Yeah, grow!

]] Wow, I'm impressed with all
my leaf scientists. Ah. Ok,

It's time to go home. Follow me.

]] Yay!

]] I am a giraffe.

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Ooh, right here, grandma.

]] Oh.


Now, okey-doke, let's roll.

]] Let's roll!

[Grandmother hums]
]] ah, yeah! Whoo!

]] ♪ Backseat driving with
grandma ah, ah ♪

]] Mm-hmm.

[Turns off radio]
so, what's new with you, kiddo?

]] Oh. Well, today, grandma, we
learned all about leaves, and

Did you know that leaves can be
all different colors and shapes?

And some are teeny and some are
really big!

]] Oh. You want to hear about a
really big leaf?

]] Yeah.

]] I'm talking really, really

]] Wow. How big?

]] Well, in a country called
madagascar, there's a tree

Called a raffia palm. Its leaves
can grow over feet long!

That's about as long as two
school buses. Wow, that's big!

It's one of the biggest leaves
in the whole world. Now, the

Leaf is so big, it provides
shade for lots of animals

Underneath it. Oh, and listen
to this. The people who live in

The rainforest in madagascar
use the giant leaves to weave

Mats and clothes and baskets,
and even hats. In fact, I took

A vacation in madagascar and
bought my very own hat made out

Of a raffia palm leaf. Oh, yeah,
I love that leaf hat.

]] Wow! You have a hat made out
of a leaf? That's awesome!

]] Oh, you betcha.

]] I have the coolest grandma
in the whole world.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down and
inside out

I learned all about
[grandmother laughs]

Leaves ♪
]] whoo-hoo!

[Sid chuckles]
]] scientist in the house! Yeah.

[Canned applause]

Hey--hey, dad! Dad!

]] I'm over here, sid!

[Sid chuckles]
]] hey, guess what I learned


]] What?

]] Well, with a little help
from the sun, leaves make

Nutrients, and flowers and
trees need nutrients to grow.

]] Wow. You learned a lot.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Well, it's a good thing
trees and flowers have leaves.

]] Yeah. Go, leaves!

[Sid's father chuckles]
]] you know, I've been thinking

About what you said this
morning. You know, that leaves

Might make a nice gift.

]] Yeah.

]] So, what do you think?

[Sid gasps]
wouldn't this make a nice gift

For mom?

]] Oh, yeah! Wow. Look at all
those different kinds of

Leaves. Oh, mom's going to love

]] Yeah. Hey, and check this
out. I left a space for one

More leaf. You want to go find
a special leaf for mom?

]] Yeah. I'm going to find a
really big one.

]] Ok.

]] Ooh. Hey, look at this. It's

]] Oh, nice one. All righty,
I'm just going to put a little

Glue here.

]] Ok.

]] And you can pop it right on

]] Right in the middle. Plop.

]] Ah, perfect.

]] Ta-da! All done!

]] Ah, great.

]] Hey, how's it going out here?

]] Oh.

]] Oh. Um--
]] hi.

]] Dad, dad?

]] Yeah?

]] Let's give mom her gift.

]] Oh, right. Um--here you go,
honey. Blammo!

]] Oh.

]] Huh? Have some leaves.

]] Wow!

I love it. Oh, you two are
very sweet. Oh, this is even

Nicer than the flowers.

]] No, you are nicer than the

]] Oh, boy. Here we go again.

[Sid hums]
hey, you know, this morning, I

Was thinking that leaves were
really cool, and now, I know

Why, because leaves do
something amazing! With the

Help of the sun, they make
nutrients for plants. Wow, and

You know, I had fun collecting
leaves at school, and dad and I

Had fun collecting leaves at
home, which got me thinking.

Hmm. Ok, I've got it. Here's my
superduper uper schmooper

Big idea! I'm going to invent
an amazing new invention called

The jumbo leaf-o collector. It's
a special rake that collects

Leaves from all over the world.

And then it makes jumbo piles
of all the different kinds of

Leaves--one pile for little
leaves, one pile for medium

Sized leaves, and one pile for
super huge leaves like the

Raffia palm leaf that grandma
told me about, and after the

Jumbo leaf-o collector makes you
a big pile of leaves, you can

Jump into the pile, and the
jumbo leaf-o collector will rake

The leaves back up into another
jumbo pile! That's right, you

Can jump into the leaves over
and over and over. Ooh, there's

A big pile of leaves. I'm going
to jump in! Here I go! Ah!

Ump! Ah.

So comfy. Yay! The jumbo
leaf-o collector is awesome! And

That's my superduper uper
schmooper big idea! Whoo!

[Canned applause]
]] thank you, thank you. Hey,

You've got to be-leaf me that I
love leaves. Wah-cha! Get it?

Get it, dr. Beaks? "Be-leaf" me?

It's a leaf joke. Eh, scientists
are funny. Hmm. That's why I am

Sid the science kid.

remember, keep asking lots and

Lots of questions. See you
later, scientists. Oh, hey, got

Another one. Don't mean to leaf
you alone. Ooh, hey, now it's

Time for me to make like a tree
and leaf. Hey, two carrots

Walk into a--a shop and
leaf--ok, good night.

♪ ♪