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02x11 - Sid's Rainy Play Date

Posted: 10/04/22 13:21
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's me,
sid. I want to know how the rain

Knows when I want to play
outside, so my friends and I are

Gonna investigate all kinds of

Come explore with me,
"sid the science kid," coming

Up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What's you want to learn today?

]] I want to know why things
happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did? Hmm

What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Oh, hi. I'm sid, and I'm really,
really excited because today

After school, I'm gonna have a
playdate with my friend


Whoo bam! Ha ha ha!

Hey, you'll never guess where
the playdate is. It's in the

Tree house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A
playdate in the tree house.

Tree house, tree house,
tree house.

]] Come on, sid. Let's get a
move on before it starts to


]] What? Rain? What about my
tree house party with gabriella?

Oh, it's like the rain knew what
my plan was. Why is it always

That way? Boy, you make a plan
for a party outside, and it

Rains every time! Well, now I
just really, really got to know.

Why does the rain always know
when I want to go outside and

Play? [Echoing] play, play,

]] Sid! Breakfast time!

]] Oh, ok. Yeah, I'm kind of
hungry. Oh, boy. Breakfast time!

Hey, mom. Hey, dad. Hey, zeke.

]] Hey, sid.

]] Hey, mom, are you sure it's
gonna rain? I mean, look

Outside. There are some little
sunny parts out there.

]] Oh, rain would be a good
thing, sid. It waters trees and

Plants and vegetables. We always
need some rain.

]] Yeah, but what about my
special tree house playdate with

Gabriella after school?

]] Oh, you're worried that your
playdate will be rained out.

Well, come on over to the
computer, and we'll check

Today's weather report.

]] Ok. Mom's really good at
computer stuff.

]] All right, sid. Let's look at
the pictures here. See?

Yesterday was sunny, but can you
tell what today's weather will


]] Well, I see the sun and some
clouds. Oh, I got it. It's gonna

Be sunny or cloudy or both.

]] You know, sid, you would be a
really good weatherman.

Sometimes they look at the
clouds, and then they make

Predictions about what the
weather will be. Predictions are

When you guess what you think
will happen.

]] Really?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Well, if I could talk to a
weather guy, I'd ask about the

Rain. I mean, how come the rain
always knows when I have plans

To do a special playdate
outside, and then it rains on


]] Well, the rain doesn't rain
on your playdate on purpose,


]] It doesn't?

]] No. Rain just rains because
that's what rain clouds do.

]] Hmm. So it's all about rain
clouds. Hmm. I better learn more

About clouds today, so after
breakfast, I'm gonna investigate

At school.

]] Good idea.

♪ I love my mom
]] uh-huh

]] My mom is cool
]] uh-huh

]] But now it's time
for having fun in school

Yeah ♪
]] hi!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriella ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Uh-huh! Yeah!

Here we go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha-ha! Yeah! Uh!

I'm a dancing machine!

]] Cool!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

♪ Uh-huh

]] groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] ♪ You got me ♪
]] yeah!

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪

]] and now it's time for the sid

Survey. Hello. I'm sid, roving
reporter with today's question.

What do you think clouds are
made of? Maybe you can think

About what clouds are made of,
too. Let's go get some answers.

Ooh, there's may. Hello, may!

]] Hello, sid.

]] Hey, what do you think clouds
are made of?

]] Well, I flew through clouds
when I was on an airplane once,

And it was like flying through
dandelions when they turn all

White and fluffy. Maybe clouds
are made up of a whole lot of

Dandelion fluff.

]] Hmm. That's interesting.

Thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

]] Hey, gabriella.

]] Hello.

]] Hi. What do you think clouds
are made of?

]] Oh, uh, I think clouds look
like they're made of something

Really soft like cotton balls.

Ooh, it would be fun to sit on a
soft cloud made of cotton.

]] Cotton?

]] Oh, thanks, gabriella.

]] Sure.

]] Sid, sid, sid.

]] Hi.

]] Hey.

]] Hi.

]] Hey.

Ok, maybe clouds are made of
cotton candy. That would be so

Awesome because we could eat the

]] Yeah, we could. Boy, I like
that idea. Thanks, gerald.

]] Ok, bye.

]] Bye.

And now the results of my
survey. May thinks that clouds

Could be made of dandelion
fluff. Gabriella thinks they

Could be made of cotton balls.

And gerald hopes that they're
made of cotton candy. Maybe

You've thought about what clouds
are made of, too. And there you

Have it. I am sid, roving
reporter and cloud expert.

]] Everybody, rug time.

]] That's teacher susie.

]] Rug time! Rug time!

]] All right, we're coming!

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in!

Rug time
take a seat

Rug time
]] we're ready

]] Everybody move your feet
rug time

]] Teacher susie
]] good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot to learn today ♪

]] Yee haw! Ha ha!

Howdy, partners. This here's my
horsie. Come on, giddy up,


]] All right, partner, trot on
over to your seat and sit a


]] Okey-dokey, partner. Whoa,
horsie. Oh, easy, critter. Whoa!

]] ooh! Thunder. I love thunder.

That means rain.

]] Oh. That's what I was afraid
of--rain clouds.

]] You're right, sid. Rain does
come from clouds.

]] Susie, on the playground, we
were talking about what clouds

Are made of. Do you know?

]] Oh, that's a good question.

Have any of you ever flown
through a cloud on an airplane


]] I have. It looked like we
were flying through dandelion

Fluff. Wait. If we flew through
them, I would have seen the

Dandelions. Hmm. What are clouds
made of?

]] All right, my scientists.

Let's figure this out together.

]] Ok.

]] Why don't we take a look at
some pictures of clouds?

]] Cool.

]] All right. Here's a picture
of a cloud. Can any of you

Describe it?

]] Uh, it's big and white.

]] Yeah, and puffy.

]] Yeah, and sometimes you see
those clouds on sunny days, so

It's probably not a rain cloud.

]] Right, but it could become a
rain cloud.

]] What?

]] Really?

]] It could?

]] Well, clouds are actually
made out of teeny, tiny bits of

Water. We call it water vapor.

And when the bits of water vapor
come together, they make a

White, puffy cloud.

]] What?

]] Clouds are really just a
bunch of water?

]] Right. But let's see what
happens when more and more water

Vapor comes together. Can you
guess what happens? The cloud

Gets heavier and heavier, and
when that heavy water falls out

Of a cloud, what do you think
it's called?

]] Rain!

]] Very good. And do you know
what that rain becomes when it's

Really cold?

]] Snow!

]] Ice!

]] Right! And we call rain,
snow, and ice "precipitation."

]] Precipitation.

]] oh, oh, oh! Let's go to the

Window. Let's see how the rain
clouds are doing.

]] Oh, cool. The clouds are
really dark now.

]] Mom was right. It's raining.

There goes our playdate.

]] Oh. I really wanted to play
in your tree house.

]] Oh, don't worry. Rain showers
come and go. Maybe by this

Afternoon, it'll be sunny again.

]] Really? That would be great.

]] Oh, you know, this rain
shower gives me an idea for a

Rain investigation. Ok,
scientists. You know where

We're going.

]] The super fab lab!

]] That's right. Grab your
journals and let's go!

]] Ok!

]] Super fab lab!


Explore! Discover!


]] You know the best way to
investigate rain? To go and get

Right into it.

]] We're going out in the rain?

]] Yes, we are.

]] Yeah!

]] All right.

]] We're gonna take our
umbrellas and all go outside and

Try collecting some rain in
these buckets.

]] Neato.

]] We're also going to observe
what happens when the rain hits

The ground.

]] Oh, yeah. It makes mud and,
um, puddles.

]] Right, gerald. This
investigation will be like a

Rain puddle scavenger hunt.

]] Ooh, a rain puddle scavenger
hunt? Maybe this rain isn't such

A bad thing after all.

]] Yeah. The rain is great. Wow.

There are so many observations
to make. Let's grab your

Buckets, get your umbrellas, and
go outside.

]] Yeah.

]] Yeah!

]] Cool.

Hey, you're scientists. You can
try this, too.

]] Look in the sky. What color
are the clouds? Ooh, dark gray

Clouds might bring rainy
weather, and here comes the

Rain. Let's make some
observations. Where does rain

Collect on the ground? How does
the rain feel on your skin? What

Happens when it rains on dirt?

Right. It makes mud puddles.

Go ahead and touch the mud. How
does it feel? Is it cold? Is it

Wet? Do any little creatures
like to come out in the rain?

Yes! You found a worm. Let's
make some more observations.

Look at the way rain droplets
collect on this tall leaf. Now

Look how rainwater collects at
the bottom of this slide.

Let's use our buckets to collect
some rain.

It's not raining too hard, so it
takes a while to collect lots of


Let's compare how much rainwater
everyone collected in their

Bucket. Hey, there's something
else you can do in the rain with

Your bucket--you can play! Ok,
scientists, let's draw some

Pictures in your journals.

Think about the observations you
made today. Rain comes from gray

Clouds, and when rain falls to
the ground, it makes puddles and


What a fun investigation. Our
umbrellas kept the rain off of

Us, and we're back inside, nice
and dry. I can't wait to see the

Observations you made. Let's
start with you, sid.

]] Ok. Well, here is my plastic
bucket. While I ran around in

The rain, I left it in the
sandbox. When I came back, I

Found a little bit of water in
the bottom. Then I found this

Leaf. It had its own little
puddle inside. It was like, um,

A little leaf bucket.

]] Great observation, sid.

Rainwater collects in lots of

Ok, gerald. Can we see your

]] Oh, yeah. Ok. Well, I drew a
picture of the sky, and there

Were lots of dark, wet, rainy
clouds up there. Um, ok, but

Then I saw one little puffy
cloud all by himself. I named

Him puffy. Ha ha! And it looked
like he was floating toward the

Playground. Hey, you know, if he
ever gets here, then I predict

It'll stop raining because he's
not a dark rain cloud.

]] Wow, gerald! You made an
excellent prediction. You saw a

White cloud, and you predicted
the rain will stop.

]] Yeah, and I hope you're
right, gerald, because then

We'll observe rain and sun

]] Maybe we will. Let's take a
peek outside and see. Oh, hey,

Look, the rain stopped. Now you
can play outside with all your

New ideas without your

]] Oh, boy!

]] Yay!

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughternoon!

]] Hey, sid.

]] Hey, gabriella.

]] What goes up when the rain
comes down?

]] Hmm. I don't know. What?

]] An umbrella.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Knock knock, gerald.

]] Who's there, may?

]] Weather.

]] Weather who?

]] I don't know whether it's
going to be raining or sunny


]] I hope it's gonna be sunny.

]] Me, too.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hey, sid!

]] Hey, gerald!

]] What kind of underwear do
rain clouds wear?

]] I don't know. What kind of
underwear do rain clouds wear?

]] Thunderwear!

Ha ha ha! Wait, wait, wait. I
have another one.

]] Oh.

]] Ok, what kind of underwear
does the rain wear?

]] I don't know. What kind of
underwear does the rain wear?

]] Rainderwear!

oh, um, now laugh.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Now, that's funny.

[Recorded laughter]
]] hello. I'm sid the weatherman

With the weather report. Today
we've got the craziest weather

Ever! Let's take a look at our
weather map. Ok, first we are

Gonna have lots of snow.

]] La la la la! I'm a snowstorm.

Brrr. Put on your sweaters and

]] Then we're gonna have a crazy

]] Shhh! I am the windstorm.

Look out!

]] Yikes! And finally, don't
make any special plans for a

Playdate in the tree house
because here comes a huge rainy


]] Thunder, thunder, thunder!

Rain, rain, rain, rain! Thunder,

]] Well, that's today's weather,

]] That's ok, mr. Weatherman
because after the rain comes the


♪ Ta da ♪
I am the sun. I'm shining my

Sunny rays on you. Shine, shine,

]] Shine.

]] Thanks. I feel much better.

Well, this is sid with the best
weather report ever!

]] Shine.

]] Shine. Shine. Shine.

]] And now, snow, snow, snow,
snow, snow.

]] It's time--shhh! Wind, wind,
wind, wind!

]] For susie. Thunder, thunder,

]] To sing--shine, shine, shine.

]] Go, susie!

]] Shine, shine, shine, shine,

]] Thank you, thank you, thank
you. You know, this morning,

There were white, puffy clouds
in the sky, and then came dark

Rain clouds, and it makes me
wonder--what if there was a cute

Little puffy cloud and it
dreamed of becoming a big rain

Cloud so it could rain all over
the world?

]] Wow.

]] ♪ Little clouds
were hanging around

Floating above the land
one little cloud was

Dreaming out loud
and this was her plan

She said, "I've got big dreams
I'm gonna make you proud

I'm gonna grow and grow and grow
till I'm a big rain cloud

Oh, yes, I am"
so the little white cloud

Floated over the plain
'cause she read once in the

that all a cloud needs

To make some rain
is a whole lot of water vapor

And she said, "I got big dreams
I'm gonna say it loud

I'm gonna grow and grow
and grow

Till I'm a big rain cloud"
that little cloud

She grew into
the biggest cloud in the nation

And then her thunder rolled
and down it came


Well, her raindrops fell
and watered the ground

They fed all the plants
and the flowers

And the birds and the bees
and the mango trees

They all got a lovely shower
and she said

"I got big dreams
and I'm awfully proud

I'm putting on a show
with a bright rainbow

'Cause I'm a big rain cloud ♪

]] Yay!

]] Hey, I'm a rain cloud
raining on plants and flowers.

]] I'm a rain cloud, raining so
all the animals can have a big


]] Well, thank you, rain clouds.

Your rain is such a wonderful
thing. Oh, hey, come on. Let's

Go take a look outside and see
if we can predict what the

Weather will be like for the
rest of the day.

]] Yeah!

]] Oh.

]] Oh, I see white, fluffy

]] That means no more rain!

]] I predict that the weather
for the rest of the day will be


]] Me, too.

]] Me, three.

]] Yay!

]] Ok, rain experts. It's time
to go home.

]] Yeah!

]] Yay!

]] Hey, gabriella, that means we
can still have our tree house


]] Cool.

]] Oh ho! There's my sid.

]] It's my grandma!

]] And there's gabriella.

]] Hi!

]] Hello! Here we go, kids.

♪ Da da da da
hmm ♪

]] ♪ Back seat driving with
grandma ♪

]] Ok, kids. Tell me about your

]] Oh. Well, sid's grandma, we
were pretty worried that it was

Gonna rain on our playdate, but
now it's sunny.

]] Yeah, and we learned that
rain is important and we really

Need it.

]] Oh, yes, indeedy do. Rain is
really important. Oh, I remember

When I was a girl, I used to
spend time at my aunt joelle's

Farm. All the people that lived
on farms out in the country

Really depended on the rain
because it made the crops grow.

Oh, yes, rain is really
important. The whole farm

Couldn't live without it. But
they couldn't just turn on the

Water in the kitchen. They had
to collect it from the well or

From the rain barrel on their
roof. Yeah. A big rain barrel.

You could keep lots of water up
there, and the water that the

Rain barrel collected came down
to the kitchen through a long

Pipe, and guess what. We used to
drink that water from the rain

Barrel, and, boy, was it good!

Ha ha ha!

]] Wow.

]] Well, I know rain is really
important, but I'm glad it's not

Raining now because that means
we get to have our playdate in

My tree house.

]] I'm so excited. I can't wait
to go in your tree house again.

]] I've never been up to your
tree house, sid.

]] Well, grandma, why don't you
come up to the tree house and

Have a playdate with us?

]] Oh, I'd love to. That sounds
like a blast!

]] Ha ha ha!

I'm gonna have a playdate with
gabriella and my grandma.

♪ We learned something cool
something cool today

We know it upside-down
and inside-out

We learned all about
]] whoo hoo!

]] Rain ♪
two scientists in the house!

]] Smack.

[Recorded applause]
]] welcome to my tree house!

I brought juice boxes for

]] Oh, thank you, sid.

]] This is the best playdate

]] And here you go.

]] Thank you.

]] Oh, oh, and look at this
view. The clouds are extra

Beautiful today.

]] Oh, that one looks like a
soccer ball.

]] Hey, that one looks like my
stuffed dinosaur arnie.

]] Oh, oh, and that one looks
like a moose wearing a cowboy

Hat, eating an ice-cream sundae.

]] Really?

]] Oh, sure, if you squint and
tilt your head a little bit and

Close your left eye, then your
right eye, and then stand on one

Foot and then face the other way
and crow like a rooster.

]] Cock-a-doodle-doo!

]] Wait a minute. Grandma,
you're silly.

]] I got you.

]] Ha ha ha!

My grandma's funny.

What a great day today. I
learned a bunch of stuff about

Clouds. They're not made of
cotton or dandelion fluff or

Cotton candy. Nope. They're made
of water. And if there's too

Much water in them, then they
rain on you. Yay, rain! Whoo

Hoo. So I guess rain is a good
thing, but I still wish I had an

Invention that would let me have
any party outside any time I

Wanted to, even if it did rain.

Hmm. Ok, I've got it. Here's my
super dooper ooper schmooper big

Idea. I'm gonna make an
invention called the

Unbelievable umbrella! Whenever
it rains, the unbelievable

Umbrella opens up to any
size--so big it can open up over

The whole neighborhood. I can
have all my friends over for a

Picnic, and no one will get wet,
even if they're outside. And

Here's the best part. All the
rain that lands on my

Unbelievable umbrella will roll
off into big rain barrels, just

Like the rain barrels grandma
told me about, and all the

Water that's collected in the
rain barrels will then pour down

A bunch of pipes and fill a
whole swimming pool with rain

Water, and we'll all swim in it.

It'll be so cool. A picnic and a
swimming pool party while it

Rains. Awesome. And that's my
super dooper ooper schmooper big


[Recorded applause]

Ha! Cool.

All right, it's raining again!

Go, rain, go! Rain makes water
for the plants and the animals

And everything. Rain is awesome.

Hey. You know, the next time it
rains, ask a grownup to go out

And explore with you outside.

That's what I like to do because
I am sid the science kid.

[Echoing] science kid, science

Remember, keep asking lots and
lots of questions. See you

Later, scientists.

whoo! Wow, it's really coming


♪ ♪