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02x15 - Sid the Weatherman

Posted: 10/04/22 13:24
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's me,
sid. I want to know how I can be

A weather man. So my friends and
I are gonna investigate all

Kinds of weather. Come explore
with me, sid the science kid,

Coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

]] I want to know why things
happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did? Hmm

What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Hi. I'm sid. You know what could
be the coolest job ever? To be a

Weatherman. Do you know what
weathermen get to do? They get

To decide what the weather will
be every day. Ha ha!

Hello. I'm sid the weatherman,
and I think today it should be

Sunny, but tomorrow I'm going to
make it snow, and then it should

Be really hot so we can go to
the beach, and that's the

Weather report.

]] Time for school, sid. Let's
get a move on.

]] Oh, hey, mom. I was thinking
that it would be really fun to

Be a weatherman when I'm grown
up. See, then I'll be able to

Decide what the weather will be
every day.

]] Well, sid, I think you'd be a
great weatherman.

]] Yeah.

]] But one thing. See,
weathermen don't decide what the

Weather is going to be.

]] What? They don't?

]] No. They predict what the
weather will be. That's kind of

Like making a really smart
guess. And before they do that,

Weathermen have to know a lot
about the weather.

]] A lot? Hmm. Well, then today,
I will investigate weather at


]] That's a good idea, sid. And
speaking of school, let's get

Going, sweetie.

]] Ok.

Hmm. So a weatherman doesn't
decide what the weather is going

To be, so now I really want to
know, how can I be a

Weatherman? [Echoing]
watch out, weather. Here I come.

Hoo hoo!


♪ I love my mom
]] uh-huh

]] My mom is cool
]] uh-huh

]] But now it's time
for having fun in school

Yeah ♪
]] ha ha!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriella ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Uh-huh! Yeah!

Here we go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha-ha! Yeah.

Ha ha! I'm a dancing machine!

]] Cool!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

♪ Uh-huh

Woo ♪
]] groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] ♪ You got me ♪
]] yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪

]] hey, guys. When I grow up, I

Want to be a weatherman.

]] Oh, yeah, good idea. I want
to be a weatherman, too.

]] I want to be a weatherwoman.

]] Me, too.

]] Ok, good morning, my

]] Good morning.

]] Hi, susie.

]] Today is a special day. We're
having class outside!

]] Yay!

]] Woo-hoo!

]] Yay!

]] Teacher susie's the greatest.

]] There you go.

]] Hey, um, susie.

]] Uh-huh?

]] We were talking about being

]] And weatherwomen.

]] Oh, you know,here's a name
for scientists who are

Weathermen and weatherwomen.

It's called a meteorologist.

]] Oh, a metamagobbermist. I
mean, meteorologist.

]] Very good, gerald. That's a
hard word.

]] Thank you.

]] A meteorologist's main job is
to make a prediction--that's a

Smart guess--about what the
weather is going to be. So can

Anyone name a type of weather?

]] Cloudy weather.

]] Oh, and sunny weather. Look.

The weather today is sunny. That
means it's going to be nice and


]] Right. The sun does warm us
up, and it can do some other

Amazing things, too. The sun is
almost like a superhero!

]] Wow.

]] ♪ Supersun
supersun, supersun

The super guy
he gets the job done

When it comes to energy
he's number one

Our superhero, supersun
he turns on the heat

He turns on the light
he shines all day

Never sleeps at night
he does so many powerful things

It would take all day to list

He's the hotshot who puts the

In the solar system
supersun, supersun

The super guy
he gets the job done

When it comes to energy
he's number one

Our superhero, supersun
his power is hot

He can melt the snow
he gives the energy

That helps the plants grow
he sends his rays

For days and days
to soak up on the beaches

You can feel his heat and energy
everywhere he reaches

He's part of a beautiful sunrise
that happens every dawn

He's so powerful
you'd better put your sun block

supersun, supersun

The super guy
he gets the job done

When it comes to energy
he's number one

Our superhero, supersun
our superhero, supersun

Our superhero, supersun ♪
]] yeah!

]] Yay!

]] Wow! Susie, you're right. The
sun is amazing!

]] Yeah, and if you want to be a
meteorologist, you got to be

Able to tell when it's gonna be
really sunny and hot.

]] You also need to know when
it's going to be cold. Hey, how

Do you know how hot or cold
things are?

]] Good question, gabriela. Does
anyone remember how we measure

Hot and cold?

]] You measure the temperature.

I remember. We did an
investigation all about


]] Oh, yeah. Yeah, we used those
thermometers. I remember that,

Too, sid.

]] Yup. And see? I drew them in
my journal.

]] I remember. That was fun.

]] Today we're going to do the
temperature investigation.

]] Yeah!

]] We're going to learn how to
measure things that are hot


]] Cold like minnesota.

]] Exactly. Now, this is a
thermometer. It looks different

Than the kind your parents use
to take your temperature. I'll

Show you how it works.

]] Ok.

]] See this red line? Right now,
it's measuring the temperature

In the room. But when we put the
thermometer in something warm,

The red line will go up, and
when we put the thermometer in

Something cold, the red line

]] Go down!

]] Right!

]] Why are there numbers on the

]] Ooh, good question, may.

These numbers are called

]] Ohh.

]] Right now, it's degrees
here in the classroom.

]] Feels good to me.

]] Sure does. Now look here. The
numbers get higher as the

Temperature gets warmer, and
when the temperature gets

Cooler, the numbers go...

]] Oh! Oh, oh, I know. Lower.

]] Very good, gabriela! Now, I'm
going to put some ice cubes in

One bowl and warm oatmeal in
this bowl. Then we'll use a

Thermometer to see what
temperature it is in each bowl.

]] Cool.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, you're a scientist. You
can try this, too.

]] The red line on this
thermometer tells us that the

Room is about degrees. Now
let's put some cold ice into a

Bowl and place the thermometer
inside it. Observe what happens

To the red line on the

Yes, it's going down. That means
the temperature of the ice is

Colder than the room.

Now let's try something
different. Pour some warm water

Into this instant oatmeal and
stir it up.

When we place the thermometer
into the warm oatmeal, do you

Think the red line will go up or

You're right. The red line goes
up because the temperature of

The oatmeal is warmer than the

Now for something really fun,
let's put some cold ice into the

Warm oatmeal. It's time to make
a prediction. Do you think the

Red line on the thermometer will
go up or down? Draw pictures in

Your journals of what you think
will happen.

Oh, you think the red line will
go down because the temperature

Will go down? Let's find out
what happens.

Hey, you made a great
prediction. The red line on the

Thermometer is going down
because the ice made the

Temperature of the oatmeal
colder. So ice makes the

Temperature colder.

Warm oatmeal makes the
temperature warmer, and adding

Ice to the oatmeal made the
temperature colder again.

]] Hey, you know, if we didn't
know what the temperature was,

Then we might walk around in our
bathing suit on a snowy day!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] You're right, gerald. So,
what else besides temperature

And sunny weather do
meteorologists need to know


]] Oh, I know! Try to guess.

Whoo! Whoo!

]] Oh. It's the wind.

]] It's the wind!

]] You're right.

]] Pshhoo.

]] And not only is wind a kind
of weather, but it can also be

Really helpful to us.

♪ I am the wind
I'm in the air

My gentle breeze
blows here and there

Through every corner
of the sky

I am the wind
you hear my song

I bend the trees' leaves
sing along

I lift up kites
that's how they fly

I push the waves
up on the shore

Carve mountains
from the valley floor

Feel my power when I'm strong
the weather calls me

Many names
I am the storm and driving rain

A cyclone, typhoon, hurricane
I turn the windmill

For all to see
turn to electricity

You can use my energy
capture me, I'll still be free

And I will shake
and drum and ring

Howl and moan
and hum and sing

Through summer, autumn
winter, spring

I am the wind
I am the wind ♪

]] I am a windmill that uses the

]] Me, too. I'm making
electricity for all my friends.

]] So, my future
meteorologists, what other kind

Of weather do we need to know

]] Oh, I know. Ok, watch this.

You're getting wet and wet.

And here comes thunder.


]] Whoa.

]] Boom!

]] Whoa!

]] You're the rain.

]] Right.

]] I love the rain. Hey,
remember? We did a rain

Investigation. I drew pictures
in my journal.

]] Oh, yeah! Yeah, we jumped in
puddles and then got wet. Oh,

And we saw a worm.

]] That's right.

]] Here he is. See?

]] Oh, yeah. I remember that.

]] You know the best way to
investigate rain? To go and get

Right into it.

]] We're going out in the rain?

]] Yes, we are.

]] Yeah!

]] All right!

]] We're gonna take our
umbrellas and all go outside and

Try collecting some rain in
these buckets.

]] Neato.

]] We're also going to observe
what happens when the rain hits

The ground.

]] Oh, yeah. It makes mud and

]] Right, gerald. This
investigation will be like a

Rain puddle scavenger hunt.

]] Ooh. Rain puddle scavenger
hunt? Maybe this rain isn't such

A bad thing after all.

]] Yeah, the rain is great. Wow.

There are so many observations
to make. Let's grab your

Buckets, get your umbrellas, and
go outside.

]] Yeah!

]] Cool. Hey, you're a
scientist. You can try this,


]] Look in the sky. What color
are the clouds? Ooh, dark gray

Clouds might bring rainy
weather. And here comes the

Rain. Let's make some
observations. Where does rain

Collect on the ground? How does
the rain feel on your skin? What

Happens when it rains on dirt?

Right. It makes mud puddles. Go
ahead and touch the wet mud. How

Does it feel? Is it cold? Is it
wet? Do any little creatures

Like to come out in the rain?

Yes. You found a worm!

Let's make some more

Look at the way rain droplets
collect on this tall leaf. Now

Look how rainwater collects at
the bottom of this slide.

Let's use our buckets to collect
some rain. It's not raining too

Hard, so it takes a while to
collect lots of water.

Let's compare how much rainwater
everyone collected in their

Bucket. Hey, there's something
else you can do in the rain with

Your bucket. You can play. Ok,
scientists, let's draw some

Pictures in your journals. Think
about the observations you

Made today. Rain comes from gray
clouds, and when rain falls to

The ground, it makes puddles
and mud.

]] Wow. Rainy weather is the

]] I like it when it's really

]] I like it when the
temperature is c-c-c-cold.

]] I love it when it's windy.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

]] I'm impressed. My future
meteorologists will be able to

Predict all kinds of weather.

Ok, I think it's time to go and
play with all your new ideas.

]] Yeah!

]] Ok, let's play pretend.

]] Ok.

]] We are all sailors.

]] Ahoy.

]] Ok.

]] And we're on this big
sailboat on the ocean, and I am

The captain.

]] Aye aye, captain gabriela.

]] Ooh, what a nice day. The
water is nice and calm because

There is no wind.

]] Ah.

]] Ok, now it's windy!

]] Whoa!

]] Ok, now the wind stopped.

]] Ah. Now it's windy again!

]] Whoa!

]] No, it stopped.

]] Whoo.

]] Ok, more wind.

]] Whoa!

]] It's making super-huge waves.

]] Oh, no! I'm falling

]] Oh, no! May!

Too much wind! Ah, woosh!

]] I can't hold on! Abandon


]] Yes! The sailboat is all
mine! Ha ha. Ah, I love the


]] More wind!

]] Whoa! Ha ha ha!

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughternoon!

Ha ha ha!

]] Hey, sid.

]] Hey, gabriela.

]] What goes up when the rain
comes down?

]] Hmm. I don't know. What?

]] An umbrella.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Yeah, that's good.

]] Knock knock, gerald.

]] Who's there, may?

]] Weather.

]] Weather who?

]] I don't know whether it's
going to be rainy or sunny


]] Ha ha ha!

]] I hope it's gonna be sunny.

]] Me, too.

]] Yeah!

]] Hey, sid!

]] Hey, gerald.

]] What kind of underwear do
rain clouds wear?

]] I don't know. What kind of
underwear do rain clouds wear?

]] Thunderwear!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Wait, wait, wait. I have
another one.

]] Oh.

]] Ok, what kind of underwear
does the rain wear.

]] I don't know. What kind of
underwear does the rain wear?

]] Rainderwear!

oh, um, now laugh.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Now, that's funny.

[Recorded laughter]

Hello. I'm sid the weatherman
with the weather report. Today

We've got the craziest weather
ever! Let's take a look at our

Weather map. Ok, first we're
gonna have lots of snow.

]] Bla bla bla bla bla. I'm a
snowstorm. Brrr. Put on your

Sweaters and coats.

]] Then we're gonna have a crazy

]] Whoosh! I am the windstorm.

Look out!

]] Then finally, don't make any
special plans for a play date in

The tree house because
here comes a huge,

Rainy thunderstorm.

]] Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!

Rain, rain, rain, rain.

Thunder! Thunder!

]] Well, that's today's weather,

]] Oh, that's ok, mr.

Weatherman, because after the
rain comes the sun.

♪ Ta da ♪
I am the sun. I'm shining my

Sunny rays on you. Shine, shine,
]] shine, shine...

]] Thanks.

I feel much better. Well,
this is sid with the best

Weather report ever.

]] Shine, shine, shine.

]] Shine, shine, shine, shine.

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughternoon!

Ha ha ha!

]] Hey, gerald.

]] Yes, gabriela?

]] What does the wind do on its

]] I don't know. What?

]] It blows out the candles.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hey, gabriela.

]] Yes?

]] How do you make sure your hat
doesn't blow away on a windy


]] I don't know. How?

]] You don't wear a hat.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Sid!

]] Gerald!

]] Hey, what do you call a cow
that cuts the grass?

]] Hmm, I don't know. What?

]] A lawn-moo-er.

]] Ha ha! That was really funny,
but we're kind of telling jokes

About the wind.

]] Oh. Right. Well, ok, let me
try again. What do you call a

Cow that cuts the grass on a
windy day?

]] I don't know. What?

]] A windy lawn-moo-er.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Now, that's mooey.

]] Moo!

]] Ok, I think we're ready to be

]] Yeah!

]] Now we just have to make
predictions about the weather,

So how do we do that?

]] Well, one way meteorologists
predict the weather is by

Observing the wind and clouds in
the sky.

]] Oh.

]] I see white, fluffy clouds
right over there.

]] Me, too.

]] I usually see white, puffy
clouds on sunny days. So I

Predict the rest of the day will
be sunny.

]] Oh, that's a good prediction,

]] Thank you.

]] Does anyone else see
different clouds in the sky?

]] Ooh, ooh, hey, look way over
there. I see some dark rain

Clouds, and it looks like the
wind is blowing them this way.

]] Yeah. Yeah, I see them too.

]] Those are big, gray clouds.

Well, weather experts, what do
you predict those dark, gray

Clouds will bring?

]] Rain!

]] Good prediction. We'll have
to wait and see if it rains

Tonight. Ok, my future
meteorologists, let's go inside

And get your backpacks. It's
time to go home.

]] Yay!

]] Ok. Let's go get backpacks.

]] What a day. I know so much
about all kinds of weather.

]] Time to say good night to
your big brother.

]] Hi, dad. Hi, zeke. Hey, guess
what. I want to be a


]] Oh.

]] That's a weatherman, zeke.

]] Hey, I think you'd make a
great meteorologist. So, do you

Have a weather report for us?

]] Yes, I do. I, sid the
meteorologist, have my first

Weather prediction--rain! That's
because I saw dark, gray clouds

In the sky when I was on the
playground. Back to you, dad.

]] Well, thank you, sid. Your
prediction sounds right. Gray

Clouds and rain. I'll keep an
eye on it.

]] Ga.

]] But first it's time for
little zekey to catch some zs.

]] Ok. Hey, zeke, night night.

]] Night.

]] Come on, zekey.

]] So I've been thinking. I like
all kinds of weather, but it's

Not really cold where I live,
and there's never any snow, and

That made me wonder if there's a
way I could play in the snow

Whenever I want to.

Ok, I've got it. Here's my super
dooper ooper shmooper big idea.

I'm gonna invent a winter room.

It'll be a room you can change
from a normal room to a snowy,

Wintry place any day of the
year, even when it's the hottest

Summer day outside. In the
winter room, if you want to make

A snowman, just push a button.

Swoosh! It'll snow the right
amount. And if you and your

Friends want to build a snow
fort, push another button.

Foosh! And there will be even
more snow. And push one more

Button, whoosh! And you'll have
a snowy mountain! Now you can

Even go sledding. Whee!

Thoomp. The winter room is
snowy, awesome and c-c-cold. And

That's my super duper ooper
shmooper big idea!

[Recorded applause]

Wow. I was right. The gray
clouds did mean rain.

]] Sid. Sid, did you see? Your
prediction was right! It's


]] Yeah, thanks, dad.

]] Great job, my little

]] Good night, dad.

]] Night, buddy.

]] Whoo hoo! I love predicting
what the weather will be,

Because I am sid the science
kid! [Echoing] and remember,

Keep asking lots and lots of
questions. See you later,



♪ Dih dih dih dih ♪
hello. I am meteorologist sid,

And I predict more rain.

♪ ♪