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02x16 - Special Mom Day Meal

Posted: 10/04/22 13:24
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists.

It's me, sid. I want to find out
what my stomach's telling me

When it makes noise.

So my friends and I are going
to investigate our bodies

And discover how they work.

Come explore with me,
"sid the science kid,"

Coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you wanna learn today?

]] I wanna know why things
happen and how

And I wanna know everything now
oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did?

Hmm. What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world's spinning
and I wanna know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm "sid the science kid" ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company and
friends of nci]

[Humming] oh, hi. I'm sid,
and I'm really, really excited!

Whoo-hoo! You know why?

Because I'm gonna help dad
make breakfast for mom today

Because it's our special mom day
celebration. Whoo! Ha ha!

And you know what we're making
for breakfast, dr. Beaks?

No? Ok. French toast. Why?

Because it's my mom's favorite
breakfast. Just thinking about

It makes me hungry. Hmm.

[Stomach grumbling]
whoa. I just said french toast,

And my stomach sounds like
it's really trying to tell me

Something. But what? Hmm.

I just gotta know. What's my
stomach trying to tell me?

]] Sid, breakfast time.

]] Oh, boy. Breakfast!

Breakfast time!

Vroom! Err-psht!

Morning, dad.

]] Hey, siddo. Ok. Let's get
this french toast ready for mom.

]] Yeah.

]] You mix, and I'll cook up
some more pieces.

]] Cool! I love mixing,
and I really love french toast.

Mix, mix, mix. Stir, stir, stir.

]] Ooh! I smell something good!

]] Mom's coming.

]] Quick, sid. Come on.

]] Mmm-mmm. What is that smell?

]] Surprise! Happy special
mom day!

]] Oh! Thank you, guys.

Oh, look at the flowers.

]] Have a seat, mom. You don't
have to do anything today.

And we are making you french

]] That's right.

]] Well, I feel very special.

]] All righty. The french toast
is ready. Blammo!

]] Yay! Oh, no, mom. No, no.

Don't get up. You don't have
to do anything today

Because today is your special
mom day.

]] Oh, thank you, sweetie.

I could get used to this.

]] Uh, sid, why don't you help
me find that mixing bowl.

You know...mixing.

]] Hmm? Oh! Right!

]] So what are we gonna make
mom for dinner tonight?

]] Um, I don't know. Ooh!

But I can find out. And don't
worry, she'll have no idea

I'm asking.

Um, keep looking for that
bowl, dad

]] Ahem. I'm on it.

]] [Humming] hey there, mom.

So, let's just say that you
could eat any meal in the world

For dinner. What would that be?

]] Well, I do love pasta
and vegetables.

]] Oh, interesting information.

Thank you. Ha ha!

Ok, I got it.

]] What did you find out?

]] Tonight we can make her my
super surprise spaghetti.

]] Oh, yeah. And I can make
my broccoli bonanza!

]] Yeah!

]] Yeah.

]] Mmm. This is good.

]] Found the bowl. Thank you,

]] Oh, uh, anytime, dad.

I'm sure glad you like the
french toast, mom.

]] I sure do.

]] Hey. That smells really good.

[Stomach growling]
whoa! My stomach is so noisy.

I guess it's saying, "hey, sid.

I'm hungry."

]] Your stomach doesn't really
talk to you. It's just making

Noises because it's getting
ready to eat.

]] What? My stomach's not
talking to me?

Ok! I'm on a mission.

Today at school, I will
investigate what happens to

Food in my stomach.

]] ♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school ♪


]] Ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] watch what I can do.

Yeah! Ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Gerald in the house!

]] Cool.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

All right. Whoo!

So cool.

]] Groovy.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid! ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] Ha ha! You got me.

]] [All laughing and humming]
♪ we're looking for

Our friends
and look what we found

We found each other
friends ♪

]] and now it's time for

The sid survey.

Hello. I am sid, roving
reporter with today's question.

What happens to the food
in your stomach? Maybe you can

Think about what happens to
the food in your stomach, too.

Let's go get some answers.

Hello there, may.

]] Hi, sid.

]] Hey, what do you think
happens to the food in your


]] Hmm. I think the pieces of
food in my stomach get

Together and play. Hee hee!

You know, pretzels play with
little bits of grapefruit.

]] Wow. Thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

]] Bye.

]] Bye.

]] Whoa! Hi, gabriela.

]] Hi.

]] Yikes. Hey, let me ask you
a question. What do you think

Happens to the food in your

]] Oh. I think my stomach
mixes everything around and

Turns it all into soup.

]] Wow. Soup.

]] Uh-huh.

]] Thanks, gabriela.

]] Sure thing.

]] You're making me dizzy.

]] [Humming]
]] hey there, gerald.

]] Hey, sid, survey guy.

Hey, you know what I think
happens to food?

]] What?

]] Well, ok, first, we eat
the food. And then, um, your

Stomach eats it again.

Chomp, chomp, chomp.

]] Wow. Ok. Thanks, gerald.

]] Bye!

]] Bye.

And now the results of
my survey. Gabriela thinks

That the food in your stomach
turns into soup. May thinks

That pieces of food get
together and play.

And gerald thinks that your
stomach eats your food again.

Hmm. Maybe you've thought about
what happens to the food

In your stomach, too. And there
you have it. I am sid, roving

Reporter and stomach expert.

]] Everybody, rug time!

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in! Rug time

Take a seat
rug time ♪

]] We're ready!

]] ♪ Everybody move your feet
rug time ♪

]] Teacher susie!

]] ♪ Good times on the way
rug time, come on in

We've got a lot to learn today ♪
]] [humming circus tune]

Ha ha! I'm in the circus, sid.

I'm on a tightrope and I'm
juggling stuff.

]] Ok, mr. Circus juggler.

Time to take a seat.

]] Ok. Here I come. Whoa!

Uh-oh. I'm starting to lose
control. Watch out, everybody.

Oh, no! Wow! I dropped

]] [All laughing]
]] ok. Anyone want to share

Something with the class?

]] Oh. We were talking about
our stomachs. We want to know

What happens to food inside

]] Yeah. My stomach made some
noise this morning, and I

Thought it was talking to me.

But now I'm not so sure.

]] Well, your stomachs do make
noise. And to help us find out

Why, I have something to show
you. Here is a big picture

Of the inside of our body.

]] Ew!

]] That's gross!

]] Wow. That's the inside of
our body? Cool.

]] It is cool, may. Now, let's
all trace the journey our food

Makes as it travels through
our body. First, it goes

In the mouth. Our teeth chew
the food up and break it into

Smaller pieces. And then those
pieces travel down, down, down

Your throat. And then they go
down all the way into

Your stomach.

]] Wow. Susie, is that when
our stomachs make noise?

]] Yes, it is. The noise we hear
is the sound of our stomachs

Getting ready for food to
arrive. Or it's the sound of

Our stomach moving food around
while really strong juices

Break it down into even
smaller and smaller pieces.

]] Juices? Ew!

]] Juices? Ew!

]] I know. It sounds a little
yucky, but that's how our bodies

Break down food. So we can take
the good stuff from food,

The nutrients, and use them.

And that's called digestion.

]] So, if there's good stuff
that the body uses, then where

Does the other stuff go?

]] Well, that is a very good
question, gerald. The answer is

That when you eat, your body
gets rid of the other stuff

It doesn't need. That other
stuff leaves your body,

And that's called poop.

]] [Gasps] you said poop.

]] Susie, that's a bathroom

]] I know, but we're talking
about science. And it's what

Really happens. It's all part
of digestion. Hey, let's go

Investigate more about how
digestion happens in our

Stomach. Let's all go to the...

]] Super-fab lab!

]] Grab your journals. Let's go!

]] Let's go!

]] Ok.

]] Come on.

]] Ok.

]] Super-fab lab!

Investigate. Explore. Discover.


]] We're going to do a digestion

]] [All cheering]
]] and here's the best part:

We're going to make a stomach.

]] Cool.

]] A stomach?

]] Oh. It's just a pretend

]] Oh. Just pretend. Ok. Whoa.

]] First, we'll take a plastic
sandwich bag that seals tight.

Then we'll take our lemon
and squeeze some lemon juice

Into the bag. Now we'll pretend
this cr*cker was just eaten.

So we'll break up the cr*cker
into pieces, put it in the bag,

And then gently squeeze the bag.

]] Oh, boy. Squeeze, squeeze.

]] Hey, you're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] In our digestion
investigation, we'll pretend

This plastic sandwich bag is
a stomach.

First, we'll squeeze lemons
to make lemon juice. This juice

Will be the strong liquid
that helps break down food

In our stomach. Ok. Add the
juice to our bag.

Now that our pretend stomach
has plenty of strong juice,

It's time to add some food.

Break up a cr*cker into pieces
and add it to the bag.

Now let's start digestion.

Gently squeeze the bag with
your hands. When you squeeze

The bag, your hands are like
the muscles in your stomach

Helping to mix and turn
the food.

Wow. The cr*cker's really
breaking down into smaller

Pieces. Let's see what happens
when we add more food to the

Pretend stomach. Put in a few
banana slices and close

The bag. Just like before,
gently squeeze the bag and

Shake it so all the food breaks
down into smaller pieces.

Ok. Let's clean up and make
some observations in your


You can draw pictures of how
we made our pretend stomachs.

We added lemon juice and
crackers and bananas. Then we

Squeezed and mixed it all

And, now that we're done,
let's drink some juice and eat

Bananas and crackers so our
real stomachs can digest food,


Ok. I can't wait to see
your observations of the

Digestion investigation.

]] Yeah!

]] Sid, can we start with you?

]] Ok. I drew a bag--that's
the stomach--and a cr*cker.

That's the food. And then
the cr*cker went into the

Stomach and got broken up
by the juices. Digestion worked.

]] Good explanation, sid.

]] Thanks.

]] Gerald, may we see your

]] Ok. Yeah. Um, well, ok, look.

First, I have a person's body.

And then over here, ok, this
guy, he ate a lot of food,

So his stomach has a lot of
food in it.

]] Oh, and he's probably
digesting it all right now.

Good job, gerald.

]] Thanks.

]] Well, after this
investigation, you all must be


]] Yes.

]] I am.

]] Let's have lunch. Then you
can go play with all your new


]] [All cheering]
]] ok. Come on.

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughternoon!

]] gabriela.

]] Yes?

]] What did one belly use
to call another belly?

]] Hmm. I don't know. What?

]] A belly phone.

[All laughing]
]] hey, sid!

]] Hey, gerald.

]] Hey, what does a giant lion

]] I don't know. What does
a giant lion eat?

]] Anything it wants.

Ruff! Ruff! I mean, tweet,

]] What?

]] Ribbit, ribbit. Oh! I know!


[All laughing]
that's a lion.

]] Knock knock.

]] Who's there?

]] Gus.

]] Gus who?

]] Guess what we're having for

]] I "gus" we're having turkey.

]] And I "gus" we're having
tuna fish and potatoes and gravy

And carrots and string beans
and bread.

]] And I "gus" if you ate all
that, you'd have a bellyache.

[All laughing]
]] now, that's funny.

]] we just ate lunch.

So it's time to play the game:
I can hear what you [echoing]

Ate, ate, ate. Starring
the amazing may.

]] Thank you! Thank you.

Thank you. That's right.

I can listen to the noises
your stomach is making and guess

What you ate. Step right up.

]] I'll go first.

You'll never guess what I ate.

]] All right. Let's see here.

[Stomach rumbling]
aha. Hmm. Let's see.

For lunch, you ate a cheese
sandwich and carrots and

Some apple juice.

]] Wow. She's right!

You are amazing.

]] Thank you.

]] I'll go next.

]] Ok. Let's have a listen.

oh, whoa. Oh. You ate a peanut

Butter and jelly sandwich,
some water, and is that celery?

yes! That is celery.

]] Ha ha! Wow.

]] Ok. Ok, my turn. Let's see
how amazing you are. I have

A lot of food in my stomach.

]] Let's have a listen.

uh-huh. Oh! Ok. I hear cereal

And toast and orange juice
and some more orange juice

And a pickle.

]] Yup.

]] And some grapes and pizza
and carrots and crackers

And milk and...

]] There's more?!

]] There's more.

]] Uh-huh. Oh. Cookies, roast
beef, salad, oatmeal, and um...

Oh, a potato.

]] Oh! I forgot I ate that
potato. Ha ha! You are amazing.

]] Thank you.

]] Yay.

]] And now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie!

]] To sing!

]] Go, susie!

]] Oh, why, thank you.

Well, now that we know how
digestion works, let's take

A closer look at what happens
when we eat a great big

Sandwich. Get ready for your
stomach to break it down.

]] Yeah!

]] Break it down.

]] ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
break it down, break it down

Your body knows how to break it

When the question is digestion
your body knows how to break

It down
you take a bite

Of something yummy
and the destination of that food

Is your tummy
your teeth and mouth

Begin to chew
then the enzymes and amino acids

Do what they do
they start to

Break it down, break it down
your body knows how to break

It down
when the question is digestion

The answer is easily found
break it down, break it down

Your body knows how to break
it down

When the question is digestion
your body knows how to break

It down
from the esophagus ♪

]] What's next?

]] ♪ The small intestine ♪
]] then what?

]] ♪ Mixed up is the large

Food is running through
your body like a train

But breaking down all your food
is helped by your brain

Break it down, break it down
your body knows how to break

It down
when the question is digestion

The answer is easily found
break it down, break it down

Your body knows how to break
it down

When the question is digestion
your body knows how to break

It down
when the question is digestion

Your body knows how to break
it down ♪

]] Yeah!

]] Yay!

]] Thank you.

]] I think all the stuff that
happens in our bodies

Is amazing.

Susie, when I grow up, I want
to be a stomach doctor.

]] May, that's wonderful.

You would make a fantastic

]] Thank you.

]] Ok, my digestion experts,
and future doctors, it's time

To go home. Follow me.

]] Yay!

]] Break it down, break it down.


]] Stomach doctor.

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Ooh, right here, grandma.

]] Ooh. [Chuckling]

Now, okey doke. Let's roll.

]] Let's roll.

[Music playing on radio]
]] ♪ doo doo doo ♪


]] ♪ Backseat driving with
grandma ♪

]] Oh, yeah!

[Turns radio off]
ok, kiddo. Tell me about your


]] Oh. Today I learned
that when our stomachs make

Noise, it's the sound of food

]] Oh, yeah. Digestion is
the best. Let me tell you, sid.

My stomach has been making
noise for years.

When I was a young girl, I went
to a family party where there

Was a long table with more food
on it than I'd ever seen.

My stomach was gurgling, I was
so hungry. I piled so much

Food on my plate that my mom
walked up and said, "young

Lady, your eyes are bigger
than your stomach." And I said,

"What? No." So I ate as much
as I could. And I felt full,

Really full. You see, I wanted
all the food I saw, but

I couldn't fit it all in
my stomach. So I finally got it.

My eyes were bigger than
my stomach. Ha ha!

]] Ha ha! Well, that story
makes me feel hungry and full,


]] Oh, I know that feeling,
all right. Ha ha.

]] My grandma tells the best

]] Mm.

]] ♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about...

Digestion! ♪
]] Whoo-hoo!

]] Ha ha! Scientist in the
house. Yeah.


Ooh. They're here. Ok.

Hey, dad, mom and grandma
are coming. How's it going?

]] Huh? Uh, everything's good.

Zekie's tucked into bed.

The spaghetti you made is done.

And the broccoli, oh, needs
a little more time.

]] Ok.

Well, hello, madams.

Welcome to sid's fancy

]] Oh.

]] Do you have reservations

]] [Chuckles] we're here for
our special mom day dinner.

]] Oh, yes, of course.

Of course. Follow me to your
special table.

]] Ooh. How polite.

]] Why, thank you, sir.

]] Grandma over there, and mom,
right over here.

]] I go right here?

]] Yep.

]] Ok.

]] Great. Enjoy the lovely view
of the tree house while I go

Check on the food.

]] Oh. It is lovely.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Ok. Um, dad, is dinner
ready yet?

]] Uh, well, I just need
a few more seconds, and, oh,

Then I'll be right out with
the food. I hope.

]] A few more seconds. Ok.

]] Ooh, flowers.

]] Um, how about some nice
fancy music with your special


]] Oh, music would be nice.

]] Music, please, ignatz.

[Soft jazz playing]
]] ok, sid. All ready.

]] Oh!


]] Tada!

]] Oh, yay!

]] We cooked a special meal.

It's called sid's super special

]] And dad's delicious broccoli

]] Yum!

]] Wow.

]] Amazing.

]] This is the best special mom
day present ever. I'm surrounded

By my favorite people, and i--
[stomach growling]

Oh, ooh, my belly is rumbling.

I'm hungry.

]] Well, today I learned that
your belly isn't really talking.

It's just getting ready for
the food to arrive, so it can

Start digestion.

]] Very good, sid.

]] Oh, well, I say let the
digestion begin. Yay!

]] Ha ha! What a great day!

We learned all about why
stomachs make noises.

It's because the stomach is
working to break down food.

That's called digestion. Hmm.

That makes me think about
all the noises everyone's

Stomachs make.

Hmm. Ok. I've got it!

Here's my super-duper-
ooper-schmooper big idea!

I want to get all my friends
together and have a super

Stomach symphony. Since
everyone's stomach makes noise,

We can play different sounds
all with the noises

Our bellies make. And I can
be one of the conductors,

Like it's a big stomach
orchestra. And the best part

Of all: we'll record all the
songs, and I can give it

To all my friends. We'll make
stomach music like:

[Rumbling to the tune of
"twinkle, twinkle little star"]

And...["Row, row, row your

But wait, there's more!

[Opening to beethoven's fifth

Yes, the super stomach symphony
will be awesome.

And that's my super-duper-ooper-
schmooper big idea!

well, I know my stomach can't

Really talk, but if it could,
I bet it would say, "I am sid

The science kid!" [Echoing]
and remember, keep asking

Lots and lots of questions.

See you later, scientists.

♪ ♪