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02x17 - I Have Muscles Where?

Posted: 10/04/22 13:25
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's

I want to know why my face hurts
when I laugh a lot, so my

Friends and I are gonna
investigate our bodies and

Discover how they work.

Come explore with me.

"Sid the science kid" coming up

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? ♪
]] ♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Oh, hi. I'm sid. I--ha ha ha!

Hang on. Hang on. Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry.

I can't stop laughing. Oh...

My dad told me the funniest joke

Seriously, it's the funniest
joke ever.

I can't even think about it
without laughing.

Ok. Here it is.

Ask me--ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Ow! Ow. My face hurts.

Ooh, that happened to me
yesterday, too.

Dad told me the joke, and I
laughed and laughed and laughed,

And then afterwards, my face

Well, why?

Is my face trying to tell me it
doesn't like the joke?

But it's a really good joke, so
why does my face hurt like this?

Hmm, I just got to know.

When I laugh a lot, why does my
face hurt? [Echoing]

]] Sid, breakfast time.

]] Ooh, breakfast. Ha ha!

Breakfast time!

Hello. Good morning, everybody.

]] Morning, sid. Ok.

Come on, zekey.

Open wide for funny face, huh?

Shoo shoo shoo shoo.

Bsh shoo shoo shoo shoo.

]] Hey, dad, I know how you can
get him to laugh--the best joke

In the world.

Watch this, zeke.

Ok, dad. Go ahead.

Tell me the joke you told me
yesterday, and then I bet zeke

Will laugh when I laugh.

]] Ha ha! Oh, ok.

Can I borrow your mike, sid?

]] Sure.

]] Ok. Hey, it's great to see
you all here today.

Let's do some comedy.

]] Whoo hoo! Yay!

]] Ok. Here goes the world's
funniest joke.

Ask me if I'm a truck.

]] Are you a truck?

]] No. Huh?

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Dada, ha ha ha!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Ah, yeah. Oh.

And...blammo. Aha.

]] Oh, mort, that joke is still
funny, even though I've heard it

A hundred times.

]] Ah, thanks, alice.

]] Ah, hey, my face hurts again.

Why does it hurt when I laugh
a lot?

My face should be happy it just
got to hear the best joke ever.

]] Oh, I think your face likes
that joke just fine.

It's the muscles in your face
that get sore when you use them

To laugh really hard.

]] What? Muscles in my face?

I thought my muscles were right

Mm, look at those arms, super

Yeah! Mm! Flexing.

]] They are, sid, but you have
muscles all over your body.

Every time you move, you're
using some muscles.

]] Oh, wow.

]] That's right.

Without muscles in your face,
you could never do this...

Ha ha ha!

Or this...

♪ Wah ah ♪
or this.

Mwah, mwah, mwah,
mwah, mwah, mwah.

]] Oh, mom. Ha ha ha!

Hmm, so I have muscles all over
my body.

Hmm, I think I'm gonna have to
investigate this more at school.

♪ I love my mom
my mom is cool

But now it's time
for having fun at school, yeah ♪

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] Mwah!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Yeah! Ha ha! Ready, set go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha! Yeah.

I'm a rock star.

Gerald in the house.

]] Cool.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

All right. Whoo hoo! So cool.

]] Groovy.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you.

]] You got me.

]] ♪ da da da da da ♪

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends ♪

]] And now it's time for the sid

]] Hello, I am sid, roving
reporter, with today's survey,

The question--where do you have
muscles in your body?

And you can think about
where you have muscles in your

Body, too.

Let's go get some answers.

]] Sid, I know.

I have muscles in my legs.

That's how I pedal my tricycle.

See? Whee! Bye.

]] Huh, cool. Bye.

]] Look out below!

]] Whoa! Hey, gabriela, where do
you think you have muscles in

Your body?

]] Oh, well, I must have muscles
in my feet because they help me

Stop when I come down the slide.

]] Oh, that's a good point.

]] Did someone say muscles?

]] Yep.

]] Hey, I think I have a lot of

]] Oh.

]] In my eyebrows. Ha!

Watch this. Up, down, up, down.

Mm, mm, mm, mm. Ha ha!

Boy, when I do that a lot, it
kind of hurts my eyebrows.

]] Oh, yeah.

I know what you mean.

Boy, if you think that hurts,
you should try laughing a lot.

]] Ok. I will. Ha ha ha!

[Both laughing]
]] hmm, and now the results of

My survey.

May says she has muscles in her

Gabriela thinks she has muscles
in her feet, and gerald says he

Has muscles in his eyebrows.

]] Ha ha ha!

Sid, sid, you're right.

Now my face hurts from laughing.

Ha ha ha! Ok. Bye.

]] Bye. Ha ha ha!

Ah, well, there you have it.

I am sid, roving reporter and
muscles expert.

Maybe you thought about where
you have muscles, too.

]] Everybody! Rug time!

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie!

Ha ha ha!

]] Rug time. Whoo hoo hoo!

]] ♪ It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time ♪
]] ♪ we're ready ♪

]] ♪ Everybody move your feet
rug time ♪

]] ♪ Teacher susie ♪
]] ♪ good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot to learn today ♪

]] Oh! I'm carrying a really
heavy box full of chickens and

A zebra.

Ha ha! Oh! Ooh! Ooh!

I almost dropped it there.

]] Well, have a seat, but don't
drop it, gerald.

]] Ok. I'll try not to. Oh, no!

There go all the chickens.

Oh, bye, zebra. Ha ha ha!

]] Ha ha ha!

So, how's everyone doing today?

]] Great. On the playground, we
were all talking about muscles.

]] Yeah, because when I was at
home, I laughed so hard at a

Joke my dad told me, the muscles
in my face hurt.

]] Wait a minute.

We have muscles in our face?

I thought we had muscles in our

I thought we had muscles in our
feet and our arms.

]] Well, you're both right.

We do have muscles in our legs,
feet, and arms, but they're not

The only muscles in our body.

Every time you move, you use

That means you have muscles
everywhere, even places you

Can't see.

]] Oh, like your eyebrows.

]] Absolutely. You're actually
using muscles that are just

Under your eyebrows.

In fact, we all have over

]] ?

]] Here. Look at this.

[All gasp]
]] oh, my goodness.

]] Looks like a muscle monster.

]] Wow, muscles look like a
bunch of ropes.

Cool. Hee hee hee!

]] Hey, you're right, may.

They do kind of look like ropes.

Muscles are right here under
our skin.

They're part of our body, and
they help us move.

]] Wow, I can't believe those
muscles are right under my skin.

]] And in our face. Look.

There they are, just like
sid said.

]] Exactly, and when you use
muscles over and over and over

And over, they can get tired,
and they could get sore.

]] Oh, hey, that's why my face
hurt before.

]] I think you're right, sid.

Hey, you know, I think it's time
to investigate muscles in the...

]] Super fab lab!

]] Right. Grab your journals
and let's go.

]] Ok! Yes! Let's go.

]] Heh heh.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Ok.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Super fab lab!

Investigate, explore, discover!


]] Ok, scientists.

Today we're going to put our
muscles to work.

First, you'll use your muscles
to carry one of these chairs to

The table, and then--
]] we eat?

]] Yes. You eat one of these
apple slices.

]] Ha! Yes!

I love science! Ha ha!

]] And while you're picking up
the chair and then eating,

Really think about how you're
using the different parts of

Your body.

]] Yay! Cool.

]] Hey, you're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] Take this one.

We have muscles all over
the body.

We have muscles in our belly,
in our chest, and in our arms...

And we use our muscles to
help us move in lots of

Different ways.

We also have muscles in places
we don't even think about, like

In our neck. Our neck muscles
help us move our head up and

Down and all over the place.

We have muscles in our eyelids
that let us blink, muscles that

Help us open our mouth, and even
muscles in our tongue. You're

Using big arm, leg, and back
muscles to carry this heavy


To move this chair, you also
need muscles in your arms, legs,

And back. Wow! To lift the chair
over your head, you really have

To use your arm muscles. Now,
think about the muscles you use

To do other things, like
drinking. Muscles let you open

Your mouth. Your arm muscles
help you pick up the cup, and

Your tongue helps you swallow.

Now try eating. Look. You're
using small muscles in your

Hand to pick up a grape. And
you're using muscles in your

Mouth to help you chew the

You also use muscles to do
something really fun. Laugh!

Ok, scientists. It's time to
make some observations in your

Journals. You can draw pictures
of the many different muscles

You used in our investigation.

Now let's see what you observed
in the muscles investigation.

Gerald, may we look at your
journal first?

]] Yeah, sure. Well, ok, I drew
a big arm because I used the

Muscles in my arms to lift the
chair. And then I drew a tongue

Because I use my tongue a lot
to eat the apple and chew.

Oh, wait a minute. Susie, is the
tongue a muscle?

]] Actually, the tongue is
little muscles that work

Together. So you asked a very
smart question, gerald.

]] Ha, thanks, susie.

]] Ok, sid, let's look at your

]] Um, ok. Let's see. I drew
some legs because I use them to

Walk when I carried my chair.

Then I drew a picture of my
face with lots of little arrows

Pointing to all of the muscles I
used. I used a lot of face

Muscles to eat and laugh.

]] I'm using my face muscles

Right now to talk about using my
muscles. Ha ha!

]] We all are, may. Well,
scientists, you've discovered a

Lot about muscles. And now it's
time to play with all your new


]] Yay!

]] Play time!

]] It's time for good
laughternoon! Ha ha!

]] Hey, sid.

]] Hmm?

]] What's stronger than a
-pound gorilla?

]] Ooh, I don't know. What?

]] A -pound gorilla!

]] Ha ha!

]] Doctor? Doctor?

]] Yes?

]] My muscles hurt when I do

]] Then don't do this.

]] Oh, thanks.

]] Ha ha!

]] Hey, guys. Want to hear the
super funny joke my dad told me?

]] Yes!

]] Ok, here it goes. Ask me if
I'm a truck.

]] Are you a truck?

]] No!

]] Ha ha!

]] Wait a minute. Sid, sid, I
don't get it.

]] You said, "are you a truck?"

And I said no because I'm not
a truck.

]] Oh, yeah. I get it now.

You're not a truck, sid. Ha ha!

]] Now that's...funny! Funny!

[Canned laughter playing]
]] let's play pretend. We can

All be super muscle super
heroes with big muscles!

]] We're super muscle super

]] Boppity bop ba!

]] Ok, today's mission is to
rescue may's cat mooshu. She's

On top of the tallest mountain.

]] Oh, no!

]] Let's go do it!

]] Yeah!

]] Oh, no! A huge tree is
blocking our way!

]] That's ok. I can use my super
arm muscles to push the tree to

The side.

]] Boppity bop ba!

]] Push!

]] Wow! Yay!

Let's keep going.

]] Let's go.

]] All right!

]] Whoa! A huge, giant rock.

How can we ever move it?

]] Don't worry. I'll move it.

I'll use my super leg muscles to
kick it.

]] Boppity bop ba!

]] And...kaboom!

]] Yay!

]] Yeah, I did it. The giant
rock is gone.

]] Ok, now we're at the tallest
mountain. And mooshu is on top.

But never fear because I have
super hand muscles, and I can

Pull us all the way up the
mountain. Yeah!

Oh, wait. Wait a minute.

]] Huh?

]] Boppity bop ba!

I almost forgot.

]] Oh, yeah.

]] Ok, come on. Yeah!

]] Almost there.


]] Yay!



]] oh, me, oh, my, oh, may!


]] I got you.

]] Oh, look. We made it to the

]] Yay!

]] But where's mooshu?

]] Look, mooshu's at the bottom
of the mountain. Meow!

]] Sid. Ha ha!

]] Hey, let's use our sliding
muscles and slide down. We're

Super muscle super heroes.

]] Boppity bop ba!

]] Yeah, super sliding muscles,
here we come.

]] All right.

]] And now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing...

]] Go...susie!

]] Well, thank you.

So, we know all about muscles in
our arms and legs and our faces.

]] Yeah!

]] But what about the many
little muscles we use to curl

Our toes, twitch our nose, or
wiggle our ears?

]] Yeah.

]] Let's find out about the
muscles we never knew we had.

]] Yeah!

]] ♪ You've got muscles in your
arms, legs, and mouth

Muscles in the north and muscles
in the south

Got 'em in your ears, eyes, and

Got 'em in your feet, but not in
your toes

You've got muscles in your
hands, throat, and lips

Muscles in your calves, thighs
and hips

Birds use muscles when they fly
and chirp

You use muscles when you yawn
and burp

Muscles, muscles
top to bottom

You might not see 'em
but you still got 'em

Itty-bitty muscles in itty-bitty

Little muscles that put big
smiles on your faces

I could make an incredible list
of the muscles in your neck and

The muscles in your wrist
under your arms and behind your

some that you use every time you

you've got muscles in your

Back, tummy, and tongue
muscles to sing when your song

Is sung
muscles that help you when you

Walk and jump
your heart is a muscle

Feel it pump
muscles, muscles

Top to bottom
you might not see 'em

But you still got 'em
itty-bitty muscles in itty-bitty

little muscles that put big

Smiles on your faces
every muscle has a purpose

No matter the size
you even have muscles

To open your eyes
muscles, muscles

Top to bottom
you might not see 'em

But you still got 'em
itty-bitty muscles in itty-bitty

little muscles that put big

Smiles on your faces
yee-ha! ♪

]] Yee-ha!

]] Hey, gerald, look at you.

You're keeping perfectly still.

]] Yeah, I'm trying not to move
any muscles. Oh, wait. I just

Moved my eyes.

Now I'm talking. I can't do it.

Ha ha!

]] That's ok, gerald. It's
really hard not to move any


]] Yeah.

]] That's because we use our
muscles all the time, even for

The teeniest little move.

]] That's right, may.

Wow! My scientists have become
muscles experts.

]] Yay!

]] Ok, it's time to go home. So,
let's use our leg muscles and

Head to the door.

]] Ok.

]] Here come my giant leg

]] Now where's my sid?

]] Oh, right here, grandma.

]] Ooh!


Now, okey-doke, let's roll.

]] Let's roll.

]] ♪ Doo da doo da ♪
]] ♪ back seat driving with

Grandma ♪
]] whoo! Ha ha!

Ok, kiddo, how was your day?

]] It was great. I learned all
about muscles today. They're

Everywhere, all over our bodies.

]] Oh, yes, they are.

Hey, and that reminds me of one
of my favorite sports to play--

Bowling! Talk about using
muscles. Bowling uses lots of

Them--your arms, legs, your
back. Sometimes my back or leg

Muscles ache after I bowl.

But once, the strangest thing
happened when I bowled my best

Game ever. I was getting strike
after strike, knocking down all

The pins. I was on a roll. But
then I got a terrible muscle

Cramp in my hand from holding
that heavy bowling ball. I

Didn't even know I had muscles
there. Ow! My hand hurt!

]] Did you have to stop bowling?

]] Nope. I just did some hand
exercises, went back to bowling,

And--boom! Perfect game.

]] Way to go, grandma!

]] Yeah.

]] My grandma can do anything.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside-down
and inside-out

I learned all about

Grrr! ♪
]] Whoo hoo!

]] Scientist in the house!


[Canned applause playing]

Oh, hey, dad, I have a challenge
for you.

]] Ah, ok, sid. Let's hear it.

]] Well, today I learned that
we do have muscles all over

Our bodies and even in our
faces, just like you and mom


]] Wow, I'm impressed. So,
what's this challenge?

]] Ok, you try and make me
laugh, and I won't move one

Muscle in my face, not one.

]] A-ha!

]] Uh-huh.

]] Microphone, please!

]] Ok. Blammo!

]] Prepare to laugh.

]] Great.

]] Sid, ask me if I'm a truck.

]] Ok, are you a truck?

]] No!

]] Ok, what else you got?

]] Oh, not laughing. Ok, how
about this? What's the best day

Of the week when you're hungry?

]] What?

]] Sunday!

Get it? Like an ice-cream

]] Ok. Still not laughing.

]] Oh, you are good. Ok, this
one always works. What's big and

Red and eats rocks?

]] What?

]] A big red rock eater!

]] Hey, I did it! No laughing.


]] Excuse me. I gotta get my

]] Huh? What's a potfer?

]] A pot's fer cooking!

That's what a pot's fer!

Ha ha ha!


]] Now that's funny!

]] Potfer. Good one, alice.

[Canned applause playing]
]] thank you. Thank you.

]] Yay for mom.

Ha! What a great day.

I learned that we have muscles
all over our bodies, even in our


Arr. Ooh. Wah. Bah.

And muscles work every time our
bodies move. That got me

Thinking. Hmm...

Ok, I've got it. Here's my
super-dooper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea. My newest invention is
muscles in a box. You can just

Slip them on over your regular
muscles to make yourself even

Stronger. If you don't like
squeezing oranges for juice, put

Muscles in a box on your hand,
and you can squeeze them without

Even trying. And if you don't
want to clean up your toys one

At a time, muscles in a box will
make you strong enough to carry

Them all at once. And muscles in
a box can help you move a huge

Moose, if there is one, that's
on your bed when you're trying

To lie down and sleep. Just get
muscles in a box, then put them

On your arms and legs and back,
and you can lift a huge moose

And carry him to your yard.

]] Thanks for the ride.

]] You're welcome.

]] Muscles in a box will be
awesome. And that's my

big idea!

[Canned applause playing]
bye, everybody.

Whoo, hey, look. I'm waving to
you with my muscles. Ha ha!

And if you wave back, you'll be
using your muscles, too. So,

Keep using your muscles. I know
I will because I am...

Sid the science kid! [Echoing]
and remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions. See you
later, scientists. Ha ha!

♪ ♪