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02x20 - Now That's Using Your Brain!

Posted: 10/04/22 13:39
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists. It's me--
sid. I want to know what it

Means when my mom says, "that's
using your brain." So my friends

And I are gonna investigate our
bodies and discover how they

Work. Come explore with me. "Sid
the science kid," coming up


]] Hey, is this thing on?

Heh heh.

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? ♪
]] ♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Ok, I'll just hop down and
blammo, my shoes'll be on. Ha!

Oh, hi. I'm sid. Welcome to my
room. I'm about to go to school

And I thought of a new way to
get ready really, really fast.

Ha! See, my shoes are down there
and I'm just gonna hop right

Into them. And then I'll twirl
around and scoop up my backpack

Onto my shoulders. And then I'll
step on my sit-o-matic toy

Put-awayer, and my microphone
will fly up into the air and

I'll catch it!

]] Come on, sid. Time for

]] Ok, mom. I'm almost ready.

Watch this. Uhh, spork! Ta-da!

[Singing indistinctly]
]] wow!

]] Sploop! Ta-da!

It's my new, super-fast way to
get ready.

]] Whoo! Now that's using your
brain! Ok, sweetie. Let's go.

]] Wha? That's using my brain?

Hmm. I thought your brain was
just for thinking about stuff.

I was jumping and twirling
all over the place. Well, I

Don't get it. I just gotta
know--what did mom mean when she

Said, "that's using your brain"?

["Brain" echoes]
ok, it's time to investigate

At school. Ha ha!

♪ I love my mom
my mom is cool

But now it's time
for having fun at school, yeah ♪

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Yeah! Ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. I'm a rock star.

Gerald in the house.

]] Cool.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

Whoo hoo! Wahoo!

]] Groovy.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you.

]] You got me.

]] ♪ da da da da da ♪

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends ♪

]] Green light. Red light.

Green light. Red light.

Sid light.

]] Hi, guys!

]] Hi, sid!

]] Hey, guess what?

]] What?

]] This morning I showed my mom
my new way of getting ready

For school really fast, and she
said, "now that's using your


]] Wow. Hey, wait,
what does that mean?

]] I don't know.

]] Good morning, scientists.

We're having class
outside today.

]] Yay!

]] I love it outside.

]] Oh, I love when teacher susie
lets us have class outside.

]] Susie, what does it mean when
someone says, "now that's

Using your brain"?

]] Well, it's a compliment.

That means you're being smart.

But it could mean that you're
using your whole body because

The brain tells almost
everything in your body what to


]] Your whole body? Ooh.

Does the brain tell our eyes
what to see?

]] It sure does.

]] Does the brain tell my
fingers how to pick up a crayon

And draw a picture?

]] Yes, it does.

]] Hey, and does it tell my
stomach what to do with all the

Food that I eat? Ha!

]] Actually, it does.

]] Really?

]] Really. Your brain tells your
stomach that you just ate

Something, and that means it
better get ready for digestion.

]] Oh.

]] Digestion. So the brain helps
your stomach break down all the

Food so your body can use it.

]] Exactly, sid. That is

]] Ha!

]] Ha!


]] ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah
break it down, break it down

Your body knows how to break it
down when the question is

Digestion, your body knows
how to break it down

You take a bite
of something yummy

And the destination of that food
is your tummy

Your teeth and mouth
begin to chew

Then the enzymes and amino acids
do what they do

They start to break it down
break it down

Your body knows
how to break it down

When the question is digestion
the answer is easily found

Break it down, break it down
your body knows

How to break it down
when the question is digestion

Your body knows
how to break it down

From the esophagus
the small intestine

Next up is the large intestine
food is riding through your body

Like a train
the breaking down of your food

Is helped by your brain
break it down, break it down

Your body knows
how to break it down

When the question is digestion
the answer is easily found

Break it down, break it down
your body knows

How to break it down
when the question is digestion

Your body knows
how to break it down

When the question is digestion
your body knows how to

Break it down ♪

]] Hey, let's try something.

Everybody dance.

]] Ok.

]] Now freeze.

]] Ooh.

]] And dance again.

and freeze. Guess what?

Every time you stop and start
dancing. Your brain is telling

Your muscles to stop and start

]] [All talking at once]
]] that's right. We have muscles

Everywhere, and they help our
bodies move.

]] Oh, oh, susie. I remember
we did an investigation where

We used lots of muscles we
didn't even know we had.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Oh, here it is. See, we used
our brains to think about what

Muscles we use to move a chair
and--and to eat an apple.

]] Ok, scientists. Today, we're
going to put our muscles to

Work. First you'll use your
muscles to carry one of these

Chairs to the table, and then...

]] We eat?

]] Yes. You eat one of these
apple slices.

]] Ha! Yes. I love science!

]] And while you're picking up
the chair and then eating,

Really think about how you're
using the different parts of

Your body.

]] hey, you're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] [All talking at once]
]] we have muscles all over our

Body. We have muscles in our
belly, in our chest, and in our


And we use our muscles to help
us move in lots of different

Ways. We also have muscles in
places we don't think about,

Like in our neck. Our neck
muscles help us move our head

Up and down and all over
the place. We have muscles in

Our eyelids, muscles that help
us open our mouth, and even

Muscles in our tongue. You're
using big arm, leg, and back

Muscles to carry this heavy
table. To move this chair, you

Also need muscles in your arms,
legs, and back. Well, to lift a

Chair over year head, you really
have to use your arm muscles.

Now think about the muscles you
use to do other things, like

Drinking. Muscles let you open
your mouth. Your arm muscles

Help you pick up the cup and
your tongue helps you swallow.

Now try eating. Look--you're
using small muscles in your hand

To pick up a grape, and you're
using muscles in your mouth to

Help you chew the grape.

You use muscles in your face to
do something really fun--

Laugh. Ok, scientists, it's time
to make some observations in

Your journals. You can draw
pictures of the many different

Muscles you used in our

]] Now let's see what you
observed in the muscles

Investigation. Gerald, may we
look at your journal first?

]] Yeah. Sure. Whoa. Ok, I drew
a big arm because I used the

Muscles in my arms to lift a
chair. And then I drew a tongue

Because I use my tongue a lot
to eat the apple and chew. Ha!

Oh. Hey, wait a minute. Susie,
is the tongue a muscle?

Actually, the tongue is
little muscles that work

Together, so you asked a very
smart question, gerald.

]] Ha! Thanks, susie.

]] Ok, sid, let's look at
your journal.

]] Um, ok. Let's see. I drew
some legs because I used them

To walk when I carried my chair.

Then I drew a picture of my face
with lots of little arrows

Pointing to all of the muscles
I used. I used a lot of face

Muscles to eat and laugh.

]] Fantastic observation, sid.

]] Wow. Our brains must work
really hard to tell our muscles

What to do.

]] Hey, your brain just told
your arm muscles to close

Your journal.

]] Yeah, that's right! And--oh,
my brain is telling my leg

Muscles to hop and down! And
now my brain is telling my arm

Muscles to flap like a bird!

and my brain likes it when I

Run around really fast!

]] whoa. You know, our brains

Tell our bodies to do things
besides jump around. You can

Also use your brain to tell your
body to inhale [inhales] and

Relax, and then exhale.

]] Yeah.

]] Then calm down.

]] Inhale.

[All inhale]
and relax and exhale.

]] And calm down.

]] Very good, and right now,
your brain is telling your lungs

To breathe in and breathe out.

]] Hmm. Our brains tell our
lungs to breathe?

]] Mm-hmm. They sure do.

When you run around or sit
quietly, or even while you

Sleep, your brain is telling
your lungs to breathe in

[Inhales] and breathe out.

]] [Exhales]
]] ♪ breathe in, breathe out

It's a natural thing
that's always happening

Breathe in, breathe out
in peaceful rhythm now

Inhale, exhale
let the oxygen come on in

Breathe in, breathe out
in peaceful rhythm now

Your body needs oxygen
to operate

Breathe in, breathe out
it happens naturally, well, I

Think that's great
giraffes and whales fill up

Their lungs
people and animals old and young

Breathe in, breathe out
steady as the rain, it's

Controlled by your brain
breathe in, breathe out

In peaceful rhythm now ♪
]] ah, my brain is telling me

To sway from side to side.

]] Well, my brain is telling me
that I have a bunch of very

Smart scientists in front of me.

]] Tnk you.

]] You're welcome. And since the
brain controls almost everything

In your body, I think you should
use your brains and go play

With all your new ideas.

]] play time.

]] [All talking at once]
]] it's time for...

]] Good laughternoon.

]] gabriella.

]] Yes?

]] What did one belly use
to call another belly?

]] Hmm. I don't know. What?

]] A bellyphone.

]] hey, sid.

]] Hey, gerald.

]] Hey, what does a giant
lion eat?

]] I don't know. What does a
giant lion eat?

]] Anything it wants.

Ruff-ruff--i mean,
tweet-tweet, uh, ribbit--oh,

I know. Rawr.

]] knock knock.

]] Who's there?

]] Gus.

]] Gus who?

]] Gus what we're having
for lunch.

]] I gus we're having turkey.

]] And I gus we're having tuna
fish and potatoes and gravy and

Carrots and string beans
and bread.

]] And I guess if you ate all
that, you'd have a bellyache.

]] now that's funny.

[Canned laughter playing]
]] let's play pretend. We can

All be super muscle superheroes
with big muscles.

]] We're super muscle

]] ♪ Ba-be-de-ba-ba ♪
]] ok. Today's mission is to

Rescue may's cat moo shu. She's
on top of the tallest mountain.

]] Oh, no!

]] Let's go do it.

]] Yeah.

]] [Gasp] oh, no. A huge tree
is blocking our way.

]] That's ok. I can use my super
arm muscles to push the tree

To the side.

]] ♪ Boppity-ba-ba ♪
]] ah! Swoosh!

]] let's keep going!

]] Let's go!

]] All right!

]] Whoa! A huge, giant rock.

How can we ever move it?

]] Don't worry. I'll move it.

I'll use my super leg muscles
to kick it.

]] ♪ Boppity-ba-ba ♪
]] ka-boof!

]] I did it.

The giant rock is gone.

]] Ok, um, now, now we're at the
tallest mountain and moo shu

Is on top. But never fear
because I have super hand

Muscles and I can pull us
all the way up the mountain.

Yeah. Oh, wait--wait a minute.

♪ Boppity-ba-ba ♪ ha!

I almost forgot.

]] Oh, yeah.

]] Ok. Come on. Uhh. Yeah.

]] All right.

]] [Grunting]
]] whoo. Yay!

]] Uhh.

]] Uhh. [Laughs]
oh, me! Oh, my! Oh, me! [Laughs]

Oh, look, we made it
to the top!

]] Yay!

]] But where's moo shu?

]] Look--moo shu is at the
bottom of the mountain.


]] Sid!

]] Hey, let's use our sliding
muscles and slide down.

]] We're super muscle

]] ♪ Boppity-ba-ba ♪ ha!

]] [All talking at once]
]] it's time for...

]] Good laughternoon!

]] knock knock.

]] Who's there?

]] Lung.

]] Lung who?

]] It's been a lung time
since I've seen you.

]] hey, sid.

]] Yes, gerald.

]] What did one lung say to
the other lung.

]] I don't know. What?

]] Breathe you later.

]] wait. Hey, wait. I have

Another one.

]] Ok.

]] Ok, what--what do lungs wear
under their pants?

]] Mm. I don't know. What?

]] Lungderwear.

]] hey, may.

]] Yep, gabriella?

]] Why did the ox
like to breathe?

]] I don't know. Why?

]] Because he liked ox-ygen.

]] why did the fox

Like to breathe?

]] I don't know. Why?

]] Because he liked fox-ygen.

]] now that's funny.

[Canned laughter playing]
]] it's time to play

Pretend fairy tales.

Once upon a time there were
little pigs.

We'll be the pigs, all right?

And gerald, you'll be the wolf.

]] Oh. Does the wolf
wear a chef's hat?

]] He does now.

]] Oh, no, it's the big, bad
wolf. Let's run to our houses.

]] [Screaming]
]] ok. Now I'm in my

Straw house.

]] And I'm in my stick house.

]] And I'm in my brick house.

]] ♪ Ding dong ♪
]] hmm?

]] Hello. I am the wolf.

Oh, no, wait a second. Hi. I'm a
guy who's selling toys.

]] No, you're the wolf.

Sorry, you can't come in.

]] Well, then I'm gonna use my
lungs to inhale and exhale

And blow your house down.

]] Oh, no!

]] [Inhales and blows]
]] yikes! There goes

My straw house!

]] Come into my stick house.

Come on, come on, come on!

]] Thanks. Ah, safe.

]] ♪ Ding dong ♪
plumber here to fix the sink.

]] Nuh-uh. We know
it's you, wolf.

]] Yeah.

]] Ok, well, I'm gonna use my
lungs to inhale and exhale

And blow your house down.

]] Uh-oh.

]] [Inhales and blows]
]] [screaming]

]] Oh! Oh, no, my stick house.

]] come on, quick, quick.

I have an idea.

]] What?

]] Let's use our lungs
to blow the wolf away.

]] Yeah!

]] Inhale!

]] [Inhaling]
]] ♪ ding dong ♪ uh, mailman?

]] Exhale!

]] [Exhaling]
]] whoa! You pigs have

Big lungs!

]] ahem. Um, now can I come in?

I'm a little princess.

]] No.

]] Oh. Well, can I come in now?

I'm a baby. Gotta love me!

]] No. You're still the wolf.

]] Ha ha! Let's get him!

]] I'm gonna get you! Aah!

]] Come on over, everybody.

]] [All talking at once]
]] wow. Susie, it's amazing.

The brain helps us do
almost everything.

]] You're right, gabriella.

It does.

]] Ooh. I sure don't want
anything to happen to my brain.

]] Well, may, you'll be glad to
know that our brain is actually

Protected by a group of bones
called the skull that covers

Our brain.

]] Oh.

]] Oh, you mean like how a
bicycle helmet protects your


]] Exactly, gerald.

You know what? Bones can do
some amazing things.

♪ Look at that monkey
hanging by his tail

Looky there, he swings so free
how does he do that?

I wish I could do that
I wish that could be me

He's got funky joints
making his monkey bones

So he can swing by his tail
does what he does with his

Skeleton, does he not?

I do what I do with my skeleton
skeleton I got

Look at those animals
jump and fly so high

Bones are light, they fly
so free

How do they do that?

I wish I could do that
I wish that could be me

They've got bones connected
by their joints

I could try what they do
but what's the point?

He does what he does
with his skeleton

Does he not?

I do what I do with my skeleton
skeleton I got

Look at me, I can dance
on my head

In the sun or the rain
I've got a collection of bones

Called a skull
that protects my brain

He does what he does
with his skeleton

Does he not?

I do what I do with my skeleton
skeleton I got

He does what he does with his
skeleton, does he not?

I do what I do
with what I've got ♪

]] yay!

]] Thank you, bones,
for protecting my brain.

]] And thank you, brain,
for helping me jump around

And breathe.

]] Yeah, yeah, and digest
our food.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, you all really know how
to use your brain because

You're all really smart

]] Thank you, susie.

]] Ok. Let's use our brains to
find our way inside and get your

Backpacks. It's time to go home.

]] Yay!

]] Wow. I had a great day today.

I learned that my brain tells
the rest of my body what to do.

Ha! That's right. It tells my
nose that it's smelling

Chocolate cake, and it tells my
eyes that they're looking at

Arnie. Ha! And it tells my
muscles to pick up arnie.

[Grunting] here he goes.

[Grunting] ok. Or not. Ha ha!

Hey, arnie, you're kinda heavy.

Hmm. You know, the brain tells
our muscles to pick up stuff,

But what if the stuff you want
your muscles to pick up is too

Heavy to lift? Hmm. Ok, I've
got it. Here's my super-duper-

Ooper-schmooper big idea.

My newest invention is muscles
in a box. You can just slip them

On over your regular muscles
to make yourself even stronger!

If you don't like squeezing
oranges for juice, put muscles

In a box on your hand and you
can squeeze them without even

Trying. And if you don't want
to clean up your toys one at a

Time, muscles in a box will make
you strong enough to carry

Them all at once. And muscles in
a box can help you move a huge

Moose, if there is one, that's
on your bed when you're trying

To lie down and sleep. Just get
muscles in a box, then put them

On your arms and legs and back
and you can lift a huge moose

And carry him to your yard!

Ha ha!

"Thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome."

Muscles in a box will be
awesome! And that's my

big idea!

[Canned applause playing]
]] hey, sid. We're putting

Zeke to bed.

]] And then we'll be back
to give you a kiss goodnight.

]] Ok. Ooh, hey, I just thought
of a really, really fast way to

Say good night to everyone
at once.

Come on in here.

]] Ok.

]] Ok, just line up against
the bed. Dad, you go there.

]] All right.

]] And then mom, you go there.

]] Right here?

]] Yeah. Then keep facing
the bed.

]] Ok.

]] Ok? And then--all right.

And then lean in a little bit
and get close to each other.

]] Uh-huh.

]] Ready? , , , Go!

Mwah. Mwah. Mwah.

Ta-da! Ha ha! I call it the
family instant kiss good night.

]] Sid, now, that's also
using your brain.

]] Yeah. You bet, siddo.

Wow. You could invent
just about anything.

]] Why, thanks, dad.

Thanks, mom.

Hey, night-night, zekey.

]] Na-na zekeh.

]] be right back, buddy.

]] Ok. Hmm.

Maybe I can invent anything.

And you know what? You can use
your brain to invent anything,

Too. Just like me--sid the...

[Echoing] science kid.

And remember, use your brain
to keep asking lots and lots of

Questions. See you later,
scientists. Ha ha!

♪ ♪